Modifying Inkscape source code in order to modify context menu
Hello, I am modifying Inkscape source code, in order to add a new option in context menu, but I have a problem because there are many classes and it's difficult to understand the whole functionality from all of them.... To the point: I've developed several extensions in python (.inx and .py files) to draw custom elements. But I would like to add the functionality to modify these elements in a easy way. Then whenever someone selects one of them and clicks the right button, shows up the contex menu with an option to modify the properties of the curernt element. So I don't know wheter there is any function to show the same dialog of the extensions with the elements properties I have selected or I must code new dialogs in c++ through gtk.
Furthermore, I wonder how to get the element's attributes when I have it selected:
if (sp_destop_selection(desktop)->isEmpty()) { sp_desktop_selection(desktop)->set(item); }
Thanks for your help,
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