12 Hours Left in the Open Font Library Logo Competition!
That's right, there is only 12 hours left in the Open Font Library logo competition. Make sure to get your submissions in before the end of server time at 11:59 PST today on March 14.
No entries are allowed after that time, so now is the time.
When the deadline is hit, there will be 5 days for the 3 judges to come to a decision, so it is a great time for us all to comment/review what has been submitted, rate it, and let the judges hear loud and clear what we all think :) Note, you can still judge after the deadline...
On the heels of this competition, which I want to have us launch tomorrow, is the Create Project Logo Competition. This will be on Open Clip Art Library:
One other note, it would be great to think up font competition to lead into after the OFL.o logo is selected, to help build up the community :)
participants (1)
Jon Phillips