Re: [Inkscape-user] Clone Tool and Feature Discussions

As to a 'realistic' use...maybe it doesn't exist. The only nice reason for it that I had thought of was that I could rotate or do operations on any of clones rather than restricting my operations to the original (really my comment came from noticing how Geometer's Sketchpad handled clones). Granted, this isn't much of an 'advantage' especially since you can always find the original. However, if you are dealing with many clones, it might be easier just to work with whatever clone you wanted.
Again, if the original and the clone are indistinguishable (meaning operations on either affect both), I think that this is more true to the idea of what a 'clone' is thought to be by most users. However, as mentioned earlier, 'clone' is the name that was given to it, and the users will adapt.
----Original Message Follows---- From: Bryce Harrington <bryce@...69...> Reply-To: To: CC: Michael Wybrow <mjwybrow@...901...> Subject: Re: [Inkscape-user] Clone Tool and Feature Discussions Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2005 12:34:40 -0700
On Wed, Jul 27, 2005 at 04:39:00AM -0300, bulia byak wrote:
It seems the the current clone implementation is more like a
"copycat" or
"leader/follower" type relationship. It would be nice if Inkscape
for BOTH mechanisms: copycat and clone.
"Two-way" cloning is not in SVG, and I doubt it will be. Frankly I don't see much advantage in it. Can you describe a realistic use case?
In a way, this is what defs are for. You establish a single definition for an item and then editing it changes all referenced instances of it. So if a realistic use case is established, I think it could be done with the functionality already in inkscape.
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