New branch SprayTool Improvements

Hi to all.
I Just finish my new branch focus on Spray Tool. The feature I added is optionaly no overlap with offsets for spray tool.
There is a video here:
Also in the video show at the end a option in roughen LPE to work with spray tool to give always diferent shapes on each spray item.
The code for the Spray tool is here: The code to the roughen LPE is now on trunk.
Cheers, Jabier.

Love that! Now don't have to manually move sprayed objects that are overlapping :-)
Thanks, as always!
-------------------------------------------------- From: "Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz" <jabier.arraiza@...2982...> Sent: Sunday, October 25, 2015 12:14 PM To: "inkscape-devel" <inkscape-devel@...84...> Cc: "inkscape-user" Subject: [Inkscape-user] New branch SprayTool Improvements
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Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz