Re: [Inkscape-user] New extension for seamless pattern and tesselations

Oh, I see. I didn't realize it was a template. I thought that was just an example.
Would it be possible to have Guides around the yellow square inside the gray square? It would make something to snap to, for a good alignment.
I guess the user can unlock those, and add guides themselves. But since it's a template, it would be convenient if the guides were already in place.....if it's possible. Maybe not possible, since the guides would have to know where they belong, depending on the size they choose. But just a thought :-)
Thanks for making this, and thanks for your help :-)
By the way, maybe you want to answer this: ? Or if you don't mind, I could post a link to the template, if you don't have time.
Thanks again :-)
-------------------------------------------------- From: "Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz" <jabier.arraiza@...2982...> Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2014 11:56 AM To: "Brynn" <brynn@...3089...> Subject: Re: [Inkscape-user] New extension for seamless pattern and tesselations

Would it be possible to have Guides around the yellow square inside the gray square? It would make something to snap to, for a good alignment.
Great Idea!
By the way, maybe you want to answer this: ? Or if you don't mind, I could post a link to the template, if you don't have time.
I anwer and suscrive to it. Thanks very much for the test. Regards, Jabier.

Would it be possible to have Guides around the yellow square inside the gray square? It would make something to snap to, for a good alignment.
I try it but finaly not necesary, you can snap to the gray border, you dont need guider to it.
Regards, Jabier.

Ok, I'll try that.
Thanks again :-)
-------------------------------------------------- From: "Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz" <jabier.arraiza@...2982...> Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2014 4:49 PM To: "Brynn" <brynn@...3089...> Cc: "Inkscape User Community" Subject: Re: [Inkscape-user] New extension for seamless pattern and tesselations
participants (2)
Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz