I need inkscape.pot to update my sr.po and finish translation to Serbian.
How to make inkscape.pot from CVS tree?
Why in inkscape/po/Makefile not exist one pot-update for creating fresh inkscape.pot from current source?

The inkscape.pot file should be created when you do a make on the full codebase. For more info on PO files see:
On Mon, 24 May 2004, Urke MMI wrote:

Autor: Bryce Harrington <bryce@...69...> [BH] MsgID: Pine.LNX.4.50.0405241457201.16840-100000@...70... Datum: Mon, 24 May 2004 14:58:04 -0700 (PDT)
The inkscape.pot file should be created when you do a make on the full codebase. For more info on PO files see:
Great. 10x. Only, in CVS 23-05-2004 in POTFILES.in included file src/libnrtype/nr-type-gnome.cpp that not exist. I delete it an I get inkscape.pot.
I'll finish Serbian localisation in couple days.

On Tue, 25 May 2004, Urke MMI wrote:
Great. 10x. Only, in CVS 23-05-2004 in POTFILES.in included file src/libnrtype/nr-type-gnome.cpp that not exist. I delete it an I get inkscape.pot.
I'll finish Serbian localisation in couple days.
Okay, thanks for the report. I've updated POTFILES.in with this in CVS. Part of the Pango conversion includes removing some of the nr-type code, it sounds like someone just overlooked removing it from POTFILES.in. Let us know if you notice this happening again, since there's likely to be more files like this removed in the near term.
participants (2)
Bryce Harrington
Urke MMI