Re: [Inkscape-user] Photo retouching in Inkscape

Donn wrote:
I couldn't agree more. I wish the lines between bitmap and vector (and 3D) would just blur already:
- Draw in vectors - render to bitmaps (shadows, textures, etc.)
- Natural painting tools - watercolour, charcoal, oil, markers -- all
vectors, all node-editable, all scaleable, all groupable and joinable. All the time! 3. 1 and 2 on any face of a 3D object!
Go code now. You have your orders! :D
You forgot this: 4. It has to be fast :-)
Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that vectors should never mix with bitmaps. I'm saying that, considering the current state of the tools, maybe it's not the best idea to replace a good bitmap manipulation program with a vector illustration program. In the future this distinction may be more subjective.

On Monday 14 December 2009 18:51:46 Guillermo Espertino (gez) wrote:
I'm saying that, considering the current state of the tools, maybe it's not the best idea to replace a good bitmap manipulation program with a vector illustration program.
Well, I don't think any 'replacing' is going to happen, but thinking and coding should. There will always be a need for Gimp and co.
Speed-wise, I am amazed by the sheer magnificence of what Blender can do, the Game Engine as well as the renderer. Imho, it is not be impossible to imagine an app that uses OpenGL to produce a vector/bitmap live-render kind of environment which will be snappy as hell and can be done with today's technology.
participants (2)
Guillermo Espertino (gez)