PDF support in Inkscape - users needed!

Hi all,
If you're an Inkscape user who has run into issues with poor PDF capabilities in the past, we need YOU!
Over the past year we've gotten *so* many reports about various troubles with PDF (and Postscript) support in Inkscape. For some people it just works, for others it works after a lot of fiddling, and for many it fails to meet expectations.
We want to change this! :-)
In fact, by this time next year, I think we could completely reverse the situation, to where Inkscape has the *best* PDF and Postscript export and import of all drawing tools out there.
In the past, users have said they'd like to contribute to help make Inkscape better in one way or another, but often we've been able to meet those requests just for free. Unfortunately, PDF support has proven to not been one of those cases; it's not an area that generally attracts developers to work on it voluntarily.
So what we'd like to try is to set things up so the community can contribute towards sponsoring this work. If we can get enough pledges, and a concensus on a plan of what to do, then we'll collect the funds and contract someone to perform the work.
What we need *right now* though, is to know what the issues are that we need to solve. This is where you come in. Tell us what problems you've had with Inkscape PDF/PS or features you think are critical. Put them into the 'What Users Need from Inkscape PDF/PS Support' section here:
Also, add yourself to the Yes/No Poll, with a yes or no vote and explanation of what condition needs to be met for you to be willing to make a contribution.
From MAILER-DAEMON@...1382... Mon Dec 12 05:19:01 2005
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participants (1)
Bryce Harrington