I'm very interested in contributing to the project. I have intermediate programing experience, but need someone to mentor me. I pick this stuff up pretty fast so I just need to get in touch with someone who knows about developing on os x and can tell me what to work on.

On 2008-January-31 , at 00:45 , carl olsen wrote:
I'm very interested in contributing to the project. I have intermediate programing experience, but need someone to mentor me. I pick this stuff up pretty fast so I just need to get in touch with someone who knows about developing on os x and can tell me what to work on.
That's great news!
If you are looking into developing the OS X side of Inkscape (integration with the OS, appearance, building with native GTK), it has been my area of focus for a while. I don't have much time right now but know what needs to be done and where to look.
If you are interested in developing Inkscape in more general sense and that OS X just happens to be your platform of choice, there are at least two people you can contact: Jon Cruz (jon at joncruz.org) and Michael Wybrow (michael.wybrow at infotech.monash.edu.au). They have been silent for a little while though, so you may need to be patient to get an answer. However, developing on OS X is quite straightforward and very similar to the process on Linux (we don't use XCode or any other OS X specific environment, so you only need a text editor, a terminal, gcc and make). Once you get Inkscape to compile as per these instructions: http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/CompilingMacOsX you're ready to go (I advise you to remove the option --enable-osxapp at configure time and just keep Inkscape as a plain command line app, which is easier to debug and run with special options).
Then, to know more about Inkscape internals, development practices or what's on the wish list, subscribe to the devel mailing list and hang out on the IRC channel, you'll find plenty of clever people there. It's release time right now so focus is on bug fixes and major development has to happen in branches. You can use a SVN branch or use git locally (via git-svn) and prepare your patches with it. The "rule" is that, once you get two solid patches accepted, you are given direct SVN access.
Thanks for offering your help!
PS: I'm ccing you and the devel list so that people hav your address if they want to reply directly. However you should really subscribe to the devel list afterwards.
JiHO --- http://jo.irisson.free.fr/

On Jan 30, 2008, at 4:25 PM, jiho wrote:
If you are interested in developing Inkscape in more general sense and that OS X just happens to be your platform of choice, there are at least two people you can contact: Jon Cruz (jon at joncruz.org) and Michael Wybrow (michael.wybrow at infotech.monash.edu.au). They have been silent for a little while though, so you may need to be patient to get an answer.
Aside from work, holidays, etc. I had a bad round of everyone here getting a tough cold, with it keeping me off my computer for about a week solid.
bleah! :-P
The good news is that we're all recovered and I'm catching up on email now. (I was able to attend SCALE too, but details will be in other mail)
So, yes, in general I can give a hand getting up to speed.
participants (3)
carl olsen
Jon A. Cruz