A shame?!
For the specific use that I have, which is comparing the properties of two nodes on different objects, the snap makes the feature unusable. I can see that in the majority of cases it is useful, but in my case it breaks what I am trying to do. I know you can't please everybody, and I am particularly hard to please >:-> (the corollary to this is that I have become accustomed to disappointment :-)
In a proprietary drawing package i used in a previous life, removing a single node from a path would do a "simplify" in a small sense: it would automagically change the control points of the surrounding (one or two) nodes so that the path maintained as close a fit to the original path as possible.
I think that would be excellent. In addition, if this does get implemented, I can't see the value in retaining the current behaviour as an option. Maybe a check-box, but the behaviour you describe should be the default. IMO.
__________________________________________________ Phil Hibbs | Capgemini | Rotherham Technical Consultant __________________________________________________
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On 9/23/05, Hibbs, Phil <phil.hibbs@...926...> wrote:
For the specific use that I have, which is comparing the properties of two nodes on different objects, the snap makes the feature unusable.
Not at all. Just zoom out enough for both objects to be visible. It won't scroll the view then.
Moreover, if the two objects are almost the same and only differ by a few nodes, then on the contrary, it's much easier to zoom in and use Tab to switch view between these two objects. Then the objects will precisely replace each other in your view, each becoming centered, and you'll see at once exactly which nodes are misplaced and by how much. Pretty convenient.
So, I still don't see how turning off centering-view-on-selection would benefit you. (Not to mention its being a "shame".)
-- bulia byak Inkscape. Draw Freely. http://www.inkscape.org
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participants (2)
bulia byak
Hibbs, Phil