There is a forum interface to this mailing list.

Not to discourage all the Inkscape forums people have been starting, but since it seems to get missed a lot, there's a forum interface to this very mailing list:
(I posted this message using it.)

MenTaLguY wrote:
Not to discourage all the Inkscape forums people have been starting, but since it seems to get missed a lot, there's a forum interface to this very mailing list:
(I posted this message using it.)
ahh, nice tip.

I already use this forum-like site but it's very inaccurate. Messages don't always get grouped correctly. I see replies for one question in another message thread and you can't upload images or other files.
Ruby is not a forum. It's a web-based mailing list. It might as well be a guestbook.
heathenx wrote:
MenTaLguY wrote:
Not to discourage all the Inkscape forums people have been starting, but since it seems to get missed a lot, there's a forum interface to this very mailing list:
(I posted this message using it.)
ahh, nice tip.
This email is sponsored by DB2 Express Download DB2 Express C - the FREE version of DB2 express and take control of your XML. No limits. Just data. Click to get it now. _______________________________________________ Inkscape-user mailing list

On Thu, 31 May 2007 22:34:14 +0200, MenTaLguY wrote:
Not to discourage all the Inkscape forums people have been starting, but since it seems to get missed a lot, there's a forum interface to this very mailing list: provides both web-based and NNTP interfaces; I use this for a lot of mailing-list type interaction.
Personally, I think a lot of fragmentation of a community by everyone and their dog starting an online forum is a bad thing - makes it hard for newbies to come in and find what they're looking for. Consolidation is a much better option, IMHO.

On Thursday 31 May 2007 17:49, Jim Henderson wrote:
On Thu, 31 May 2007 22:34:14 +0200, MenTaLguY wrote:
Not to discourage all the Inkscape forums people have been starting, but since it seems to get missed a lot, there's a forum interface to this very mailing list: provides both web-based and NNTP interfaces; I use this for a lot of mailing-list type interaction.
Personally, I think a lot of fragmentation of a community by everyone and their dog starting an online forum is a bad thing - makes it hard for newbies to come in and find what they're looking for. Consolidation is a much better option, IMHO.
I go to Google forums to ask questions outside of my usual interests and to review old posts in lists I don't receive. For inkscape, Scribus etc. I will continue to read the mail in in thier respective folders.
It would be a shame indeed if important threads bypassed the regular mailing list. And not all ISPs subscribe to all forums.

On Thu, 31 May 2007 18:01:51 -0400, John R. Culleton wrote:
I go to Google forums to ask questions outside of my usual interests and to review old posts in lists I don't receive. For inkscape, Scribus etc. I will continue to read the mail in in thier respective folders.
It would be a shame indeed if important threads bypassed the regular mailing list. And not all ISPs subscribe to all forums.
Your ISP doesn't have to subscribe to - you can point a newsreader directly at it. I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to say here, in fact....for web-based "forums" (which I personally consider to be something of an oxymoron) your ISP isn't involved other than providing a pipe to the 'net so you can access it.

On Thursday 31 May 2007 19:26, Jim Henderson wrote:
On Thu, 31 May 2007 18:01:51 -0400, John R. Culleton wrote:
I go to Google forums to ask questions outside of my usual interests and to review old posts in lists I don't receive. For inkscape, Scribus etc. I will continue to read the mail in in thier respective folders.
It would be a shame indeed if important threads bypassed the regular mailing list. And not all ISPs subscribe to all forums.
Your ISP doesn't have to subscribe to - you can point a newsreader directly at it. I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to say here, in fact....for web-based "forums" (which I personally consider to be something of an oxymoron) your ISP isn't involved other than providing a pipe to the 'net so you can access it.
I checked into and found about 5 inkscape newsgrooups already. But I find Google more convenient than any local newsreader. I'll check there.
John Culleton Able Indexing and Typesetting Precision typesetting (tm) at reasonable cost. Satisfaction guaranteed.

MenTaLguY wrote:
Not to discourage all the Inkscape forums people have been starting, but since it seems to get missed a lot, there's a forum interface to this very mailing list:
I use which is also quite nice.

Two things...
First, it sounds that there are some strong feelings on both sides here - for having more forums as well as for keeping things unified. While passion can be good, please let's try to ensure discussions remain civil and polite. I'm sure with friendly discussion, good compromises can be found on this topic.
Second, regarding forums, this topic comes up from time to time. Our official position has been if someone wishes to set up and maintain an independent forum, it's cool by us. However, we've been down this road a few times and there's been some good observations made in this and past threads:
* It's better for the community as a whole to have just a few forums, since it consolidates the knowledge to one place.
* As a project, Inkscape is open to setting up an official site, but we'd need volunteers to be committed to setting up and maintaining it on an ongoing basis. We'd also be open to hosting it on the same machine as, PROVIDED that the selected forum software is a) available in Gentoo, and b) is reasonably free from security issues.
* Some people prefer mailing lists, others prefer forums. There are some mailing-list-to-forum gateways that some people find adequate, but others don't. There are a lot of different opinions on which is the best forum software to use. Thus, obviously our choices are to either have a lot of different forums, none of which are very heavily used, or a small number of forums (perhaps just one) that are heavily used but that some proportion of people dislike.
* While open to having forums, most of the currently active Inkscape contributors are okay with mailing lists. Thus, if we as a community are to have an Inkscape forum beyond the mailing lists, and if we want it to be an official central unified forum, the effort is going to need to be driven by the larger Inkscape community. In other words, what we need are some new folks to join in on this challenge, get it all organized, and help maintain it going forward.

On Fri, Jun 01, 2007 at 05:57:38AM +0000, Jim Henderson wrote:
On Thu, 31 May 2007 22:45:03 -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
While passion can be good, please let's try to ensure discussions remain civil and polite.
Bryce, my apologies if I stepped over the line - that was certainly not my intention. :-)
Nope, no one stepped over the line. Just wanted to give a little preventative medicine for everyone. :-)

I haven't really looked at any forums for Inkscape, so perhaps take this with a grain of salt.
I subscribed to this mailing list once before and ended up cancelling the subscription becasue there wasn't really all that much discussion of Inkscape with regard to Art or technique. What there was was a lot of technical and/or developer related stuff, such as why can't I export eps/pdf or whatever.
The list is still pretty much the same, tho I have picked up a few useful things. I can see the need for one or two centralized forums (and yes, I think more could be divisive), something along the lines of what GimpTalk is for Gimp, a place with multiple areas, some technically related and some that are more for the artistic side of things, and, of course, a tutorial area. I haven't really seen a good centralized source of Inkscape tutorials, but maybe I haven't looked in the right place.
I like to use Inkscape in conjunction with both Gimp and Blender. Inkscapes interface for dealing with paths is much superior to that of Gimp, so often I make a path in Inkscape and then import it into Gimp for further manipulation...perhaps some of the stuff I do could be done all in Inkscape (but I lack the knowlege/skill to do it)
The above link is to something that was done with the approach mentioned.
Inkscape into Blender is also very intersting. I was able to make a 3D nautilus shell in Blender by importing a spiral made in Inkscape into Blender and then applying a bevel object and a taper object to it.
To me, this mailing list isn't as good as a forum would can't post in-line images, and there doesn't seem to be as much discussion about "how-to" type stuff, except as it relates to the more technical aspects of the program from a development standpoint, and I think that is why there is so much talk of people wanting to start a forum, there is a lack of, for want of a better term..."artistic fellowship".
Again, perhaps there already exists such a community somewhere for Inkscape, but I haven't run across it yet.
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On Fri, Jun 01, 2007 at 05:17:26AM -0700, Elwin Estle wrote:
To me, this mailing list isn't as good as a forum would can't post in-line images, and there doesn't seem to be as much discussion about "how-to" type stuff, except as it relates to the more technical aspects of the program from a development standpoint, and I think that is why there is so much talk of people wanting to start a forum, there is a lack of, for want of a better term..."artistic fellowship".
Again, perhaps there already exists such a community somewhere for Inkscape, but I haven't run across it yet.
There is a more art-focused inkscape forum on DeviantArt, although I haven't looked at it in a while so don't know how active it is.
Of course, I'd wonder aside from the inline pictures, if there's any reasons why this list couldn't be used for more artist-oriented discussions? Presumably it'd just be a matter of folks starting up some discussions?
I suspect the main reason why this has been more technical usage oriented, is because we needed a place where users could ask these kinds of questions separate from the inkscape-devel@ list, but still be able to get answers from developers where needed.
In any case, thanks for the insights, Bryce

On Jun 1, 2007, at 5:17 AM, Elwin Estle wrote:
To me, this mailing list isn't as good as a forum would can't post in-line images, and there doesn't seem to be as much discussion about "how- to" type stuff, except as it relates to the more technical aspects of the program from a development standpoint, and I think that is why there is so much talk of people wanting to start a forum, there is a lack of, for want of a better term..."artistic fellowship".
In essence, a forum is nothing but an alternate interface for threadded messages. It can easily be using a mailing list as the main back-end data store. Or a newsgroup could be used. Technically there is very little difference, and the format of the contents is identical. Only the access methods differ for mail vs. newsgroup.
What problems you are calling out here are just what people are sending to the list, rather than limitations of the list itself. I've seen in-line images, and "how-to" stuff is really up to those on the list to post.
If users want to discuss "how-to" stuff and such, the inkscape-user list is a very good place to do so. The group over on DeviantArt seems to be a little more of a showcase place/gallery that people display work on. And, of course, the hard-core tech style discussions are welcome on the inkscape-devel list.
(And for real-word example of a functional and robust artistic community "forum" based on standard messaging, take a peek at http:// )
participants (9)
Bryce Harrington
Dave Niezabitowski
Elwin Estle
Jim Henderson
John R. Culleton
Jon A. Cruz