Bad cursor movement while dragging

Hi all,
I am facing an issue while trying to drag an element to move an object or change an object dimensions. The cursor jumps to a random position after dragging a couple of seconds. This makes the objet to suddenly change its dimensions or its position, preventing me from making my drawing.
I am using Arch Linux + XFCE. I have searched on the bug database but could not find anything referring to this behavior. Does anyone facing the same (or a similar) issue that knows a workaround to solve it?
Thanks a lot
Carlos Alegria

I sometimes get this when trying to modify complex images on an underpowered machine (assuming we're talking about the same problem). It's basically due to the system being overloaded, so it doesn't redraw fast enough to keep up with the mouse position, and you're seeing a misrepresented view of what you'll get when you release the button.
I've found the following will help to work around the problem:
1) Be patient. Stop moving the mouse and wait for the system to catch up and redraw _before_ you release the mouse button.
2) Switch to "No Filters" view - there's less for Inkscape to calculate and draw in this mode. This seems to have an effect even if there are no obvious filters in use - perhaps Inkscape goes through an optimised code path, or perhaps filters (such as blurs) outside the visible area have an effect (they need to be "drawn" in case they encroach on the visible area).
3) Zoom out a bit. Inkscape takes longer to draw things the closer you're zoomed into them, so if you are just moving something approximately, do it while zoomed out rather than in.
4) See if your hard drive is thrashing during this issue. If so, it may indicate that the OS is swapping, in which case increasing the RAM in your machine (if possible) may help.
On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 11:32 PM, Carlos Alegría <ccristoo@...155...> wrote:
I am facing an issue while trying to drag an element to move an object or change an object dimensions. The cursor jumps to a random position after dragging a couple of seconds. This makes the objet to suddenly change its dimensions or its position, preventing me from making my drawing.
participants (2)
Carlos Alegría
Mark Crutch