Inkscape mini-conference?
I'm a long-time Inkscape user, and we use it in the production of many of our books.
The UKUUG (the UK's Unix and open systems User Group) runs two technical conferences a year. This summer, the group wants to get as many different free software projects involved as possible. The venue is already booked and most of the arrangements are made, so adding extra tracks or mini-confs is easy.
Possible Inkscape-related ideas: - an Inkscape developers summit. We can provide a dedicated meeting room. - a separate "mini-conf" running alongside the UKUUG conference. - an InkScape track within the main conference. - a "Getting started with Inkscape" tutorial for newbies, or an advanced tutorial? If you've any ideas, or would just like to bounce ideas around, give me a shout.
More info: Conference wiki: (very basic so far) A5-sized call for participation:
Venue: The Conservatoire, Birmingham City University, B3 3HG Dates: Friday-Sunday 7-9 August 2009
If you're interested, subscribe to the Summer Conference mailing list:
participants (1)
Niall Mansfield