There was a post a while back (in May) about about inkscape and exports to EPS for use with latex+psfrag. A response said that this was fixed in the CVS.
1) Exactly what version is this fixed in? In gentoo (unmasked version) I am running .41-r1.
2) Could someone explain a little more about the kerning and how it relates to the drawings? Specifically, what do I need to do (and what should I not do) to get my drawings usable with psfrag.

On 7/31/05, Christopher Ellison <chris_ellison@...9...> wrote:
There was a post a while back (in May) about about inkscape and exports to EPS for use with latex+psfrag. A response said that this was fixed in the CVS.
- Exactly what version is this fixed in? In gentoo (unmasked version) I
am running .41-r1.
The 0.41 was published in February, so obviously this is available only in 0.42 which was released just days ago.
- Could someone explain a little more about the kerning and how it relates
to the drawings? Specifically, what do I need to do (and what should I not do) to get my drawings usable with psfrag.
Looking at that thread, the issue was that Inkscape breaks exported strings into pieces when they use manual kerning. So all you need to do is to never use manual kerning (i.e. never press Alt+arrows when editing text).
participants (2)
bulia byak
Christopher Ellison