Open Colour Systems Collection 2.0 released

Open Colour Systems 2.0 Released ================================
freieFarbe e.V. / freeColour is pleased to announce the release of Open Colour Systems Collection (OCSC) 2.0.
Following the release of OCSC 1.0, freieFarbe / freeColour has been been recognised by German authorities as a non-profit organisation. The release of OCSC is the first one after the official recognition.
OCSC 2.0 comprises ten additional colour palettes. More importantly, it is now also available in Adobe's Swatch Exchange Format (ASE), as well as a Plain Text Format version with the file extension CLF.
All colours have been measured from vendor-supplied colour references with a spectrophotometer.
Since freieFarbe e.V. / freeColour is an advocate of the use of the CIE LAB/HLC colour model as a free and reasonable alternative to proprietary colour collections, colour values in the palette files are in CIE LAB.
Download ========
SBZ: SHA1 checksum: 6b2bab7dde9e5fe9e8778ee9f79f31edcaa8cef8
ASE: SHA1 checksum: fea350149e2b95af55f36e283fe597f279d3f79c
CLF: SHA1 checksum: e65fd94db7f0d6484df9ce0cf0288ecd328ec655
In addition, OCSC 2.0 has been released in three RGB versions for use in LibreGraphics programmes that don't support the LAB colour model and/or one of the formats listed above (yet). The formats are: GPL (GIMP, Inkscape, Calligra Office, Krita, MyPaint), SOC (Apache OpenOffice, LibreOffice,, and XML (Scribus 1.4.x).
Download ========
GPL: SHA1 checksum: c0eefb3a74f658c9c201d5671b4af6a085650cbb
SOC: SHA1 checksum: 318d8fbaf391b0ec39fa433e807e3ec658381376
XML: SHA1 checksum: da456792dc89445022ab4ae1af3f5ccedc722cd6
A complete package with all supported formats is available here: SHA1 checksum: e65fd94db7f0d6484df9ce0cf0288ecd328ec655
In addition, freieFarbe / freeColour provides other colour-related software for free here:
Colour Software Release Planned ===============================
freieFarbe e.V. / freeColour also intends to release a previously closed-source colour software product written in RealBasic as Open Source under a GPL 2+ licence. fF / fC hopes to find contributors who are interested in porting the code from RealBasic to C++ and Qt, as well as merging the features of Swatchbooker and the original product. The majority of the code is UI-related, but the essential algorithms (the core of the product) are well-commented. Any assistance with respect to the organisation of the release of the source code would be welcome.
About freieFarbe e.V. / freeColour: ===================================
freieFarbe e.V. / freeColour is a non-profit organisation that was founded in 2016 by German and Swiss colour professionals after having worked as an informal initiative without legal status for several years. our motto is "We want to unchain colours". The organisation is looking for cooperation with colour experts, software developers and users around the globe who share our goals. You are invited to become a member and/or contribute your own project.
freieFarbe e.V. / freeColour is convinced that the design world will benefit from truly free colours and better colour software.
December 2016
Holger Everding Christoph Schäfer
participants (1)
"Christoph Schäfer"