Font size change not working properly

Hi all,
I open with Inkscape a SVG document created with another app. Most things look fine, but I would like to change the font size of text objects. After I select a few or all characters using the text tool, the Tool Control Font Size tells me the size is 15.023. Therefore choosing 18 in the pop-up menu should make the text slightly bigger. On the contrary, my text becomes tiny (totally unreadable). If I do the same thing, but using the Text and Font dialog, I enter 18 as the Font size, but when I click on Apply this is changed to "1.6199" and my text is tiny.
On the other hand, if I select all the text using the Selection tool then switching to the text tool, the size change works fine, both through the Tool Control and through the Text and Font dialog.
Is this a (known) bug?
Thanks in advance,
participants (1)