[Fwd: SourceForge.net mailing list service upgrade (Mailman)]

Good news is we're finally seeing an upgrade to the mailing list software. Bad news is that they're not supporting the customized templates, which may impact the language-specific inkscape user lists, unless they include non-English versions of the mailman pages. Would someone mind checking into this? We should raise this issue with SourceForge if it's the case.
----- Forwarded message from "SourceForge.net Team" <noreply@...1910...> -----
Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 05:50:37 -0700 (PDT) From: "SourceForge.net Team" <noreply@...1910...> To: bryce@...69... Subject: SourceForge.net mailing list service upgrade (Mailman)
You are receiving this mail because you are listed as an administrator of a SourceForge.net project that has active mailing lists. As a continued measure to improve our service offering, we are migrating all existing mailing lists to Mailman 2.1.8 (latest stable release). This is the first major upgrade to the Mailman software used for mailing list service in more than four years. We expect this upgrade to both improve security and performance, and to provide a number of features not available in our existing Mailman service offering.
We have been testing the new mailing list infrastructure for several weeks with the assistance of a few select projects. Our general migration of all mailing lists to this new infrastructure will begin 2006-05-23. Migration is being handled in several one-day segments and minimal downtime for list service is expected.
Before the migration begins in earnest, we wanted to provide you this notice of some specific service changes:
1. Our new Mailman install will no longer permit the editing of HTML page templates and existing customizations to these templates will not be migrated. We made this decision to ensure consistency of the UI among all projects, allow future upgrades without worry about the compatibility of customized templates, eliminate issues related to broken or corrupt templates.
In lieu of template modification, we encourage projects to provide list details and instructions via the "introductory description" list configuration option. This option supports basic HTML, so should be powerful enough for conveying intended information, while adhering to common look and feel.
2. List archival is implicitly enabled. It is not possible to opt-out of mailing list archival.
As per our Mailing List site documentation (http://sf.net/docman/display_doc.php?docid=12983&group_id=1#mlarchives), list archival is mandatory. In reviewing data to be migrated, we have discovered a small number of older lists which had archiving turned off. The ability to disable archival is no longer supported, and archives will be maintained for all lists. If you currently run lists without archival, we encourage you to revisit the perceived need for unarchived lists (for example, we have found unarchived lists that were used for the distribution of centralized team passwords, and upon review by the project, it was clear that this was a practice which should be changed).
Control over access to your mailing list archives is established on a per-list basis from the mailing list administration page for your project on the SourceForge.net site. Lists in a 'deleted' status will not have web-visible archives. Individual mailing list posts may be excluded from view by project administrators from the mailing list archive pages. Additional details on data visibility may be found at: http://sf.net/docs/G03#mailing_lists
Questions or concerns regarding the mailing list service upgrade may be raised at: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=add&group_id=1&atid=200001
Thank you,
The SourceForge.net team
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participants (1)
Bryce Harrington