Re: [Inkscape-user] Saving .SVG Files As PDFs

Please let me knonw, ASAP, as I need to need someone 3 PDFs soon.
You may get better results of you play with ps or eps from Inkscape and then use Scribus (if you are on Gnu/Linux) to open and save to PDF.
Or, if the artwork is too complex with lots of gradients, blurs and mask/clipping paths, export a high resolution PNG (300 dpi or more), then open it in Gimp and use the Separate+ plugin for creating a CMYK Tiff file and create the PDF using Scribus. I send my files to the print shop regularly using that method and the results are very good. You can always use a mixed method: rasterize and separate the part that has effects, and save the pure vectors in other file, then put them together using Scribus (additionally you can assign CMYK values and spot colors to imported SVG elements, wich is useful if you need pure black or grays on the K channel only, or spot colors like Pantone inks).
Of couse these methods will require some planning and work of your part, and they aren't precisely straight-forward. Unfortunately there isn't a better solution for complex artwork with effects (yet). It would be nice that print shops accept SVG files but it's not very likely to happen. You can always send a RGB PNG file to the print shop, but it's not a good idea in most of the cases. It depends on how good/new is the print shop equipment and how much the guy that makes the pre-press work knows. A new CtP wouldn't have too much problems managing RGB files. In my country is always a bad idea to send RGB files because they use old technology and pre-press operators aren't too qualified.
hth, Gez.
participants (1)
Guillermo Espertino