Re: [Inkscape-user] how to "envelope" or "paste into" a picture

Sorry, I'm really dazed !!
Hi people,
thanks to your helps I tried again the steps Phil noticed me.
I saw that after the assigning of a new Pattern to fill the shape, Inkscape shows three powerfull handsets to manage the picture. There is an handset to move the picture into the shape, one to rotate it and one to scale it.
Powerfull, really powerfull, better than in many other editors (es. the heavy macromedia freehand)
At 16.54 28/09/2005, you wrote:
Quoting RoSourceforge <rosae@...16...>:
Hi people,
I'm just trying using Inkscape.
I need to paste a picture into a round object, a circle.
Is it possible ?
Yes. Probably the easiest way is to import the picture, then make it into a tiled pattern with Alt+I.
Then you can use the picture as the fill for a shape. You might need to use the node or gradient tool to move/scale the pattern to fit the way you need.
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