OSS Research Help needed -- enter drawing for tablet computer ($500.00 gift certificate) as a thank you for participating

We are asking you for some help from the Open Source communities.
As researchers at the University of Tennessee we are interested in discovering more about learning and interactions of members of the open source forums. This research is conducted through the University of Tennessee and is in no way associated with any forum organization. To further our research we would like input from forum members. The responses are very important to us so we can better understand what tools help forum members learn and have a productive experience in participation.
To help: Take a survey about the tools you use in the forum.
We are requesting approximately 15 minutes of your time to participate in our survey. Survey link: http://survey.utk.edu/mrIWeb/mrIWeb.dll?I.Project=FORUMLEARN
*As a thank you, upon exiting the survey you will be given an opportunity to submit information to be entered in a drawing for a tablet computer ($500.00 Gift Card). *
Please be assured that your answers will be confidential. No individual’s answers will ever be identified in any report. Should you have any questions about the project or our interest in using the results, we encourage you to contact Lila Holt, at lholt@...2911...) or Vandana Singh at vandana@...2916......
Contact information you provide for the drawing is completely separate from your survey answers and there will be no way to identify participants in the actual survey responses. Nor will contact information be used for any other purpose. The odds of being selected will depend on the number of respondents to this survey.
participants (1)
Lila Holt