[Manual]: Beginners' Guide Status

Hi to all of you who are interested in the Beginners' Guide!
I'd like to give you another status update about our progress on the book:
What happened since the last status update? -------------------------------------------
- JP read over the first section, from a user perspective (and found no grave issues with it! :D)
- Sergio joined the team, by commenting on an issue at gitlab. He will help in checking for hurdles for beginning Inkscape users, from a non-native speaker point-of-view, and (I hope) also with consistency checking. He has already made a good start, finding some inconsistencies and bugs within the second section of the book.
- brynn proofread the largest part of the second section, to make sure it's using proper English!
- Elisa, while in Paris at the Inkscape Hackfest that is currently going on (see also: https://inkscape.org/en/news/2017/06/06/hackfest-2017-paris/), had a go at separating single images and adding lots of new ones!
- Jabier brushed up the CSS a bit, and tested export options :) See below for a link to the latest pdf, with some splashes of color!
- I have updated screenshots and uploaded images with translated file names for section 1 and 2, and am currently working my way through the pictures in section 3 of the book.
What can you help with at this stage? -------------------------------------
We need proof-readers, the more the merrier! The only requirements are that you need to be a native speaker of English and need to have a basic knowledge in Inkscape usage.
We also need someone who can help with the book layouting, if possible with some experience in preparing books for print and/or screen and some knowledge of CSS. There's a lot of room for creativity here :)
And last but not least, the book needs consistency checkers, who make sure that things fit together throughout the book, and that the terms used match those in the Inkscape glossary. This is really important, so the book will look like 'one piece', even though it's being worked on by different people.
If you want to join the team, comment on the issue that you'd like to help with here: https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape-docs/manuals/issues or just reply to this email.
All book chapters are short, and work is shared - you can opt to take on just one or two chapters! If we have more people who can help with that, we'll have the book ready in a breeze!
Alpha Version -------------
The current draft of the manual is available for reading at: http://write.flossmanuals.net/start-with-inkscape/_draft/
Jabier's latest pdf version of the manual is available for download at: http://objavi.booktype.pro/data/books/startwithinkscape-en-2017.06.27-23.32....
See you on flossmanuals :), Kind Regards, Maren
participants (1)
Maren Hachmann