I have an exported illustrator 11 svg (Generator: Adobe Illustrator 11.0, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 6.0.0 Build 78) and inkscape 0.46 (downloaded today) on Mac OS 10.4.11 (intel)
This svg contains lines such as:
<text id="XMLID_11_" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 78.3657 15.3501)"><tspan x="0" y="0" style="font-family:'MFCom-Cn'; font-size: 8;">XHIV</tspan>
But inkscape does not recognize the font-family style information, the font gets rendered in bitstream vera, 12pt. When I edit and save the file, the style gets written as
<svg:text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 78.3657 15.3501)" style="-inkscape-font-specification:MF Com Cn;font-family:MF Com Cn;font-weight:normal;font-style:normal;font-stretch:normal;font- variant:normal;font-size:8.00000017px;text-anchor:start;text- align:start;writing-mode:lr;line-height:125%" sodipodi:linespacing="125%"><svg:tspan style="font-family:MF Com Cn;font-size:8.00000017px;-inkscape- font-specification:MF Com Cn;font-weight:normal;font- style:normal;font-stretch:normal;font-variant:normal;text- anchor:start;text-align:start;writing-mode:lr;line-height:125%" id="tspan2328">XHIV</svg:tspan>
(the output looks ok)
So there is a different font-family name. But when I understand fc- match correctly, I have set up an alias for that:
$ fc-match 'MFCom-Cn' mfcomcn_.pfb: "MF Com Cn" "Regular"
What can I do to get the correct font? The main application is the automatic transformation to pdf (--export-pdf ..., -z) with inkscape.
participants (1)
Patrick Gundlach