Dear readers,
I was wondering, is it possible to make bar charts like this one?
So far have I only tried to make simple 2D drawings in Inkscape. So does anyone know, if it at all is possible to make 3D stuff and transparency like this in Inkscape?
Lots of love, Louise

2005-12-04, v keltezéssel 15.47-kor Louise Hoffman ezt írta:
Dear readers,
I was wondering, is it possible to make bar charts like this one?
So far have I only tried to make simple 2D drawings in Inkscape. So does anyone know, if it at all is possible to make 3D stuff and transparency like this in Inkscape?
Manually its already possible to draw simple 3D draws like the above example (its basically just duplicate and move).
There is an extension (dropshadow),which can be used to program a new extension to build basic 3D primitives. I think it would be more cool, to have a cube/cone/etc tool like the existing rectangle tool. So I would prefer the interactive way (not via extensions).
Best regards, Khiraly
Lots of love, Louise
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Manually its already possible to draw simple 3D draws like the above example (its basically just duplicate and move).
I have now read this manual
on how to make 3D boxes, but how do I apply transparency to e.g. a red box?
I mean; If I just have a red box, can Inkscape then figure out what the colour of the others sides should be, if I want transparency?
There is an extension (dropshadow),which can be used to program a new extension to build basic 3D primitives. I think it would be more cool, to have a cube/cone/etc tool like the existing rectangle tool. So I would prefer the interactive way (not via extensions).
Cool! I got to try dropshadow =)
Love, Louise

Louise Hoffman wrote:
Manually its already possible to draw simple 3D draws like the above example (its basically just duplicate and move).
I have now read this manual
on how to make 3D boxes, but how do I apply transparency to e.g. a red box?
I mean; If I just have a red box, can Inkscape then figure out what the colour of the others sides should be, if I want transparency?
Group the 3 shapes composing the box and adjust the 'Master opacity' of the group (from the 'Fill and Stroke' dialog)

On Sun, 4 Dec 2005, Laszlo wrote:
Date: Sun, 04 Dec 2005 16:10:19 +0100 From: Laszlo <khiraly123@...961...> Reply-To: inkscape-user@lists.sourceforge.net To: inkscape-user@lists.sourceforge.net Subject: Re: [Inkscape-user] Howto make 3D and transparency
There is an extension (dropshadow),which can be used to program a new extension to build basic 3D primitives. I think it would be more cool, to have a cube/cone/etc tool like the existing rectangle tool. So I would prefer the interactive way (not via extensions).
Another approach to Pseudo 3D would be to have an Extrude tool. like Macromedia Freehand.
- Alan

On Dec 5, 2005, at 3:51 AM, Alan Horkan wrote:
Another approach to Pseudo 3D would be to have an Extrude tool. like Macromedia Freehand.
Cool. Sounds good.
When you going to have that extension done?
Seriously, though, if you can write up a spec on this it might be a good task for me to use in working up the improved extensions interface including extension-specified UI.
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I mean; If I just have a red box, can Inkscape then figure out what the colour of the others sides should be, if I want transparency?
Group the 3 shapes composing the box and adjust the 'Master opacity' of the group (from the 'Fill and Stroke' dialog)
Thanks! I'll try that right away=)
Love, Louise

On Mon, 5 Dec 2005, Jon A. Cruz wrote:
Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2005 18:04:51 -0800 From: Jon A. Cruz <jon@...204...> Reply-To: inkscape-user@lists.sourceforge.net To: inkscape-user@lists.sourceforge.net Subject: Re: [Inkscape-user] Howto make 3D and transparency
On Dec 5, 2005, at 3:51 AM, Alan Horkan wrote:
Another approach to Pseudo 3D would be to have an Extrude tool. like Macromedia Freehand.
Cool. Sounds good.
When you going to have that extension done?
har har, very funny.
Seriously though is it already possible to implement a tool as an extension? I thought extensions were only availble for input and output and the Effects menu, but not tools. (In Macromedia Fireworks the odd unusual shape tools like donut/torus were all extensions. Would be nice to have that kind of infrastructure eventually.)
Seriously, though, if you can write up a spec on this it might be a good task for me to use in working up the improved extensions interface including extension-specified UI.
I thought implementing one extrude tool might be easier than implementing several seprate tools to draw 3D shapes like OpenOffice.org Draw does but in the long run it probably wouldn't hurt to have a bit of both. I'll try and provide more information soon. I'm vaguely aware Adobe Illustrator has some other way of doing pseudo 3D but I haven't had time to read up on it yet.
there is an existing request for extrude line http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1339978&gro... and I'm pretty sure there was a request about 3D drawing where I also mentioned the extrude tool.
these tutorials on the extrude tool might be of interest http://www.macromedia.com/cfusion/knowledgebase/index.cfm?id=tn_16779 http://www.macromedia.com/support/freehand/learning/3_extrude/
Alan Horkan
Inkscape http://inkscape.org Abiword http://www.abisource.com Dia http://gnome.org/projects/dia/ Open Clip Art http://OpenClipArt.org
Alan's Diary http://advogato.org/person/AlanHorkan/

Alan Horkan wrote:
On Mon, 5 Dec 2005, Jon A. Cruz wrote:
Cool. Sounds good.
When you going to have that extension done?
har har, very funny.
Seriously though is it already possible to implement a tool as an extension? I thought extensions were only availble for input and output and the Effects menu, but not tools. (In Macromedia Fireworks the odd unusual shape tools like donut/torus were all extensions. Would be nice to have that kind of infrastructure eventually.)
Well, tools are in the plan... but I think we should get Effects working better first :)

On Dec 7, 2005, at 11:53 AM, Alan Horkan wrote:
Seriously though is it already possible to implement a tool as an extension? I thought extensions were only availble for input and output and the Effects menu, but not tools. (In Macromedia Fireworks the odd unusual shape tools like donut/torus were all extensions. Would be nice to have that kind of infrastructure eventually.)
Well, that is the long-term plan. We also have some good ideas on how to get there.
I'm getting set for some more work on that, so I'll see about the 3D thing as the feature I target as I expand the infrastructure.
participants (6)
Alan Horkan
Jon A. Cruz
Louise Hoffman
Nicu Buculei
Ted Gould