Hi everyone, I'm new to the list.
I'm an origamist (what? yes thats right). Hopefully one of you does origami as a hobby and so is familiar with names like Robert J. Lang, John Montroll, Satoshi Kamiya etc. and so also are familliar with origami diagrams.
Attached is a page from one of my first full diagrams. In total its 12 pages long. It takes quite a bit of time and effort to make these with a high standard of quality, but it would certainly take less time if I was able to customize my documents, just to make things a little more convenient.
I'm just gonna throw out a bunch of items. One or two of them may have been addressed already on this mailing list.
Rotation snap. Inkscape seems to give many options for this. 7.5, 15, 30, 45 etc. It seems it wouldn't be too much trouble to be able to input a custom value. For me its usually 22.5.
*Something like "styles" Its annoying to constantly have to input different values into the fill and stroke window. I should be able to just chose a preset style, that would for example, make the line .8 pt with a dot dash stroke. Then another style that is 1 pt, and has an arrow end marker and a solid stroke pattern etc.
*Different arrow heads. I tried to find this out on the wikipage, but couldn't. How do I customize arrow heads? Different size maybe (I think they're too small) and also a different shape that I have in mind.
*Something like an image palette. How can I draw little images (you can see the kind that I mean in between step 5 and 6 on the attached doc) and have them easily accessible, so I don't have to go through old documents and copy and paste, each time I re-use them (which is often).
I'm sure you know the feeling that you can never remember all the problems you have, but once you encounter them you remember again. Well these are the things that I remember now. Hopefully you'all can help me out.
Best, Seth Friedman

On 7/20/07, seth friedman <inq314@...155...> wrote:
*Different arrow heads. I tried to find this out on the wikipage, but couldn't. How do I customize arrow heads? Different size maybe (I think they're too small) and also a different shape that I have in mind.
Not sure about the other stuff, but in regards to markers(arrowheads). There is a file in inkscape/share/markers/ dir called markers.svg the def's in that define the default markers. (there is a tutorial in inkscape/share/tutorials)
also, i believe there is a feature that has been implemented to set the current selection to a marker, but i am not sure... (Simarilius did it (i think))

On 7/20/07, ryan lerch <ryanlerch@...155...> wrote:
On 7/20/07, seth friedman <inq314@...155...> wrote:
*Different arrow heads. I tried to find this out on the wikipage, but couldn't. How do I customize arrow heads? Different size maybe (I think they're too small) and also a different shape that I have in mind.
Not sure about the other stuff, but in regards to markers(arrowheads). There is a file in inkscape/share/markers/ dir called markers.svg the def's in that define the default markers. (there is a tutorial in inkscape/share/tutorials)
also, i believe there is a feature that has been implemented to set the current selection to a marker, but i am not sure... (Simarilius did it (i think))
Yeah, theres a patch in the tracker to convert selection to marker, as my SVN is broke and so I cant commit.

seth friedman wrote:
I'm an origamist (what? yes thats right). Hopefully one of you does origami as a hobby and so is familiar with names like Robert J. Lang, John Montroll, Satoshi Kamiya etc. and so also are familliar with origami diagrams.
I've got a few books by those authors on my shelf. :-)
*Something like "styles" Its annoying to constantly have to input different values into the fill and stroke window. I should be able to just chose a preset style, that would for example, make the line .8 pt with a dot dash stroke. Then another style that is 1 pt, and has an arrow end marker and a solid stroke pattern etc.
A long while ago on IRC I helped someone implement an extension to quickly style lines for mountain and valley folds. It would be rather simple to create a small palette of styles for your work (after learning some python, of course).
Aaron Spike

Quoting Aaron Spike <aaron@...476...>:
*Something like "styles" Its annoying to constantly have to input different values into the fill and stroke window. I should be able to just chose a preset style, that would for example, make the line .8 pt with a dot dash stroke. Then another style that is 1 pt, and has an arrow end marker and a solid stroke pattern etc.
A long while ago on IRC I helped someone implement an extension to quickly style lines for mountain and valley folds. It would be rather simple to create a small palette of styles for your work (after learning some python, of course).
I would be interested in this, also. How do I create a palette from python and fill it with a list of items to select from?

On 7/20/07, seth friedman <inq314@...155...> wrote:
Rotation snap. Inkscape seems to give many options for this. 7.5, 15, 30, 45 etc. It seems it wouldn't be too much trouble to be able to input a custom value. For me its usually 22.5.
Which is 1/16 of the full circle - no problem, we can add that.
*Something like "styles" Its annoying to constantly have to input different values into the fill and stroke window. I should be able to just chose a preset style, that would for example, make the line .8 pt with a dot dash stroke. Then another style that is 1 pt, and has an arrow end marker and a solid stroke pattern etc.
Just create several objects with styles you want to reuse, place them on canvas near your drawing, and use Ctrl+C/Ctrl+Shift+V to copy/paste style from them to objects in your drawing.
*Something like an image palette. How can I draw little images (you can see the kind that I mean in between step 5 and 6 on the attached doc) and have them easily accessible, so I don't have to go through old documents and copy and paste, each time I re-use them (which is often).
There was some discussion about this recently. Basically we just need a universal list/table/palette widget that would be used for all markers, gradients, patterns, and just any reusable stuff that the user may want to store or share.

Hi Seth,
happy to see another origamist trying to use inkscape for diagramming.
*Something like "styles" Its annoying to constantly have to input different values into the fill and stroke window. I should be able to just chose a preset style, that would for example, make the line .8 pt with a dot dash stroke. Then another style that is 1 pt, and has an arrow end marker and a solid stroke pattern etc.
I tried to solve this before with my OriSVG using the CSS way, defining stylesheet and using the "class" attribute to define styles of each symbols with keywords, something like that:
<!-- Mountain fold --> <path d="..." class="valley fold" /> <!-- Valley fold --> <path d="..." class="valley fold" /> <!-- X-ray --> <path d="..." class="xray fold" /> <!-- Fold in front / unfold arrow --> <path d="..." class="front unfold arrow" />
With som CSS stuff like that: .fold {stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1pt; } .valley {stroke-dasharray:6 3; } .mountain {stroke-dasharray:6 2 4 2 4; } .x-ray { stroke-dasharray: 2 4; } .arrow { stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2pt; } .front {marker-end:#front;} .behind {marker-end:#behind;} .unfold {marker-begin:#unfold;}
Unfortunately, CSS in inkscape are read-only and every changes of classe attr in the tree during editing as no effect. You need to reopen the document to see the changes. So with the current behaviour of inkscape the way I want to improve the use of an origamic stylesheet is inconsistent. I filled some requested features last year asking to improve the treatement of style attr in inkscape, suggesting firstly that only values different from the SVG default should be written in this attribute to avoid the interferences between CSS stylesheet changes and style attribute automatic update.
*Different arrow heads. I tried to find this out on the wikipage, but couldn't. How do I customize arrow heads? Different size maybe (I think they're too small) and also a different shape that I have in mind.
in markers.svg. You can too define some new arrows in a template file, placing it in the <defs /> element of the tree. and use your template file to edit your new origamic documents.
*Something like an image palette. How can I draw little images (you can see the kind that I mean in between step 5 and 6 on the attached doc) and have them easily accessible, so I don't have to go through old documents and copy and paste, each time I re-use them (which is often).
should be a really good feature. Currently, I use a template file with my symbols outside the physical page, and using their by the copy/paste or the clone mecanism. For style, I use copy/paste the style.
participants (7)
Aaron Digulla
Aaron Spike
Aurèle Duda
bulia byak
john cliff
ryan lerch
seth friedman