I was how is it possible in inkscape to change the modes of gradients and layers like in this tutorial. http://www.ndesign-studio.com/resources/tutorials/abstract-background/
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On 2007-May-02 , at 14:50 , D. Jones wrote:
I was how is it possible in inkscape to change the modes of gradients and layers like in this tutorial. http://www.ndesign-studio.com/resources/tutorials/abstract-background/
I think you could easily achieve the same effect that in the first part of this tutorial with gradients from a solid color to full transparency (the default mode in Inkscape by the way). The screen blending mode essentially make the black transparent from what I can see there. As with the blend function presented in the second part of the tutorial, try playing with Effect > Generate from Path > Interpolate.
JiHO --- http://jo.irisson.free.fr/

D. Jones wrote the following on 5/2/2007 8:50 AM:
I was how is it possible in inkscape to change the modes of gradients and layers like in this tutorial. http://www.ndesign-studio.com/resources/tutorials/abstract-background/
use the "interpolate" effect to get the same result as the blend effect.
participants (3)
D. Jones