After I create a multiple page document how do I create and/or get to the master page so I can insert the page numbering?

On 17/9/11 21:45, john Culleton wrote:
After I create a multiple page document how do I create and/or get to the master page so I can insert the page numbering?
Please do note that you are asking a question about an externally developed and hosted extension [1] without providing links to its home page and download site. You probably sent several of those trying to help you on a Google trip ;) (Inkscape itself does _not_ support multi-page documents).
[1] The extension in question 'inkscape-pages' (mimicking a feature not supported in SVG 1.1 - multi-page documents) and can be downloaded from http://sourceforge.net/projects/inkscape-pages/ The readme file (as documentation) is available here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/inkscape-pages/files/
Some features of the extension had been discussed with the author of the extension in these two forum topics: http://www.inkscapeforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=453#p35435 http://www.inkscapeforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=878#p35182
I don't know whether the author of the extension is subscribed the 'inkscape-user' mailing list.

On Sat, 17 Sep 2011 22:12:59 +0200 ~suv <suv-sf@...16...> wrote:
On 17/9/11 21:45, john Culleton wrote:
After I create a multiple page document how do I create and/or get to the master page so I can insert the page numbering?
Please do note that you are asking a question about an externally developed and hosted extension [1] without providing links to its home page and download site. You probably sent several of those trying to help you on a Google trip ;) (Inkscape itself does _not_ support multi-page documents).
I downloaded it from the Inkscape download page.

On 18/09/11 13:29, john Culleton wrote:
On Sat, 17 Sep 2011 22:12:59 +0200 ~suv<suv-sf@...16...> wrote:
On 17/9/11 21:45, john Culleton wrote:
After I create a multiple page document how do I create and/or get to the master page so I can insert the page numbering?
Please do note that you are asking a question about an externally developed and hosted extension [1] without providing links to its home page and download site. You probably sent several of those trying to help you on a Google trip ;) (Inkscape itself does _not_ support multi-page documents).
I downloaded it from the Inkscape download page.
Hi John:
I can't help you with the Inkscape page extension, but if you want to try to use JessyInk to achieve what you are trying to do, I would be happy to assist you. Just note that you JessyInk was not primarily written to produce multi-page documents.
Cheers, Hannes

On 18/9/11 13:29, john Culleton wrote:
On Sat, 17 Sep 2011 22:12:59 +0200 ~suv <suv-sf@...16...> wrote:
On 17/9/11 21:45, john Culleton wrote:
After I create a multiple page document how do I create and/or get to the master page so I can insert the page numbering?
Please do note that you are asking a question about an externally developed and hosted extension [1] without providing links to its home page and download site. You probably sent several of those trying to help you on a Google trip ;) (Inkscape itself does _not_ support multi-page documents).
I downloaded it from the Inkscape download page.
Oh, that clarifies everything ;)
(I'm confused and obviously do not understand your initial question properly: are you talking about creating a presentation with JessyInk (an extension which is bundled with Inkscape 0.48, and documented in the inkscape manual [1] and on its home page [2]), or - what I assumed initially (based on your earlier message on the developers mailing list) - about the 'inskcape-pages' extension [3], externally developed and hosted on sf.net?)
a) If your question is about JessyInk:
how do I create and/or get to the master page so I can insert the page numbering?
(quoting the manual): «Master Slide
To create a master slide, first create a layer with all the objects you wish to appear on all slides. Give the slide a name using the Layer dialog (“Master Slide” is a good choice). Then call up the Master Slide dialog via the Master Slide... menu entry. Enter the slide name and click the Apply button. It is a good idea to lock the slide by clicking on the icon icon in the Layers dialog next to the slide name.
You can add a few special Auto-texts to the Master Slide. The most useful is the Slide number which will automatically display the correct slide number on each slide. You can also display the total number of slides (excluding the Master Slide and the title (Layer) name of each slide.
To add Auto-text, put dummy text on the Master Slide where you want the Auto-text to be located. The Auto-text will be displayed with the style of the dummy text. Select the dummy text and then on the Auto-texts dialog select the desired type and hit the Apply button. You will not see any change to the text in Inkscape but when viewing the presentation in a Web browser, the correct Auto-text will be displayed. » http://tavmjong.free.fr/INKSCAPE/MANUAL/html/Extensions-JessyInk.html#Extensions-JessyInk-Master
b) If your question is about 'inkscape-pages':
how do I create and/or get to the master page so I can insert the page numbering?
(quoting the README file): «Master page
The master page is used to display elements in all pages. To edit it, just navigate to it (Extensions -> Pages -> Go to -> Master page). Everything you insert here, will be visible on all pages. If you want to insert page numbers, create a new text area using the text tool in which you have to type the text "#page#". Of course you could also type anything next to the page text. Only the page text will be transformed according to each page, while everything else will be untouched.
For example, if you type "This is page #page#", on the first page this will appear as "This is page 1", on the second page this will appear as 'This is page 2" and so on.
If you want different master pages for left and right pages (odd and even pages), while editing the master page, select the objects that you want to appear only on left pages or only on right pages and then click Extensions -> Pages -> Master Page -> Display selected objects in...
While editing, if you want to see which objects appear on which pages, just use the filtering option (Extension -> Pages -> Master page -> Filter). » http://sourceforge.net/projects/inkscape-pages/forums/forum/1802502/topic/4585688
hth, ~suv
[1] http://tavmjong.free.fr/INKSCAPE/MANUAL/html/Extensions-JessyInk.html

On Sun, 18 Sep 2011 14:17:36 +0200 ~suv <suv-sf@...16...> wrote:
b) If your question is about 'inkscape-pages':
how do I create and/or get to the master page so I can insert the page numbering?
(quoting the README file): «Master page
The master page is used to display elements in all pages. To edit it, just navigate to it (Extensions -> Pages -> Go to -> Master page). Everything you insert here, will be visible on all pages. If you want to insert page numbers, create a new text area using the text tool in which you have to type the text "#page#". Of course you could also type anything next to the page text. Only the page text will be transformed according to each page, while everything else will be untouched.
For example, if you type "This is page #page#", on the first page this will appear as "This is page 1", on the second page this will appear as 'This is page 2" and so on.
If you want different master pages for left and right pages (odd and even pages), while editing the master page, select the objects that you want to appear only on left pages or only on right pages and then click Extensions -> Pages -> Master Page -> Display selected objects in...
While editing, if you want to see which objects appear on which pages, just use the filtering option (Extension -> Pages -> Master page -> Filter). » http://sourceforge.net/projects/inkscape-pages/forums/forum/1802502/topic/4585688
hth, ~suv
- The above looks promising. Thanks for your help. Initially after following the above it was not clear that in fact I was editing a master page. I expected to chose from a list of master pages like in Scribus.
Also to actually create multiple pages in a multi-page document one must hit <ctl><alt><shift><insert> and the select the number of pages to be added.
Jessylink was suggested by another listmate and I responded to him. But my question was about Inkscape-pages.

Hi John,
If you have any problems using the extension, you can write me at cosminadrianpopescu at gmail dot com. I will be happy to help you.
@suv: I've just subscribed to the inkscape-user mail list.
Cosmin Popesuc
participants (4)
Cosmin Popescu
Hannes Hochreiner
john Culleton