Playing with .40cvs from a couple of days ago. Brought in an SVG, from .39, with some rectangle gradiant fills and now they are partial opacity. Noticed in the XML editor that fillopacity was set for .75. Could only find the setting in the XML editor and changing to 1.0 fixed that object.
Robert Davis
From MAILER-DAEMON Fri Oct 29 08:16:20 2004
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Huh. Well looks like it's correct. Viewing the file from .39 it is set for 0.75 so now .40 shows it correctly. Wonder why .39 did them all as 0.75? The Tutorials also have .75 fill opacity now.
Another problem(?) I found in .39 and .40. When you import a bitmap (.png or .jpg) it says the correct image size but the selection size is smaller. I have to change the selection size to be the same as the image size.
Robert Davis
On Fri, 2004-10-29 at 09:44 -0500, Robert Davis wrote:
Playing with .40cvs from a couple of days ago. Brought in an SVG, from .39, with some rectangle gradiant fills and now they are partial opacity. Noticed in the XML editor that fillopacity was set for .75. Could only find the setting in the XML editor and changing to 1.0 fixed that object.
Robert Davis

On Fri, 29 Oct 2004 11:14:40 -0500, Robert Davis <rdavis@...282...> wrote:
Huh. Well looks like it's correct. Viewing the file from .39 it is set for 0.75 so now .40 shows it correctly. Wonder why .39 did them all as 0.75? The Tutorials also have .75 fill opacity now.
Known issues
* If an object has a gradient fill and a fill-opacity property less than 1.0 in its style=, previously Inkscape ignored the fill-opacity. This was wrong. Now it combines them together, i.e. makes the gradient (more) transparent if the object using it has a fill-opacity less than 1.0. If you find out that 0.40 renders your gradients more transparent than before, simply remove fill-opacity from the style= of the objects that use semi-transparent gradients to fix them. In new files, fill-opacity is removed automatically when you apply a gradient.
Another problem(?) I found in .39 and .40. When you import a bitmap (.png or .jpg) it says the correct image size but the selection size is smaller. I have to change the selection size to be the same as the image size.
Where does it "say the correct size" and where do you read the selection size? Most likely these two readings use different length units.

On Fri, 2004-10-29 at 13:40 -0300, bulia byak wrote:
Known issues
* If an object has a gradient fill and a fill-opacity property
less than 1.0 in its style=, previously Inkscape ignored the fill-opacity. This was wrong. Now it combines them together, i.e. makes the gradient (more) transparent if the object using it has a fill-opacity less than 1.0. If you find out that 0.40 renders your gradients more transparent than before, simply remove fill-opacity from the style= of the objects that use semi-transparent gradients to fix them. In new files, fill-opacity is removed automatically when you apply a gradient.
Noticed this. When you say "fill-opacity is removed" is assume you mean set to 1.0, because new files still have it but set to 1.0.
Also found something new from the gradiant color inherit. Everytime I click on solid color and back to gradiant it assigns a new linear gradiant. Do it a few time and have a bunch. Should it carry over but not add to the gradiant list?
Where does it "say the correct size" and where do you read the selection size? Most likely these two readings use different length units.
Image Properties and the status line are correct. The selection width and height on the second button bar shows smaller. It seems to be bringing it in too small, resize the selection width and height and it will look fine. Image and inkscape setting is for 72dpi.
Robert Davis

Noticed this. When you say "fill-opacity is removed" is assume you mean set to 1.0, because new files still have it but set to 1.0.
No fill-opacity is the same as 1.0. New files have it set explicitly but it's a temporary workaround until I add fill-opacity slider to gradient and pattern tabs.
Also found something new from the gradiant color inherit. Everytime I click on solid color and back to gradiant it assigns a new linear gradiant. Do it a few time and have a bunch. Should it carry over but not add to the gradiant list?
Yes it's a known problem. Unused gradients should be removed automatically.
Where does it "say the correct size" and where do you read the selection size? Most likely these two readings use different length units.
Image Properties and the status line are correct.
They use SVG pixels, 1 SVG pixel = 0.8 pt
The selection width and height on the second button bar shows smaller.
This by default uses pt

On Fri, 2004-10-29 at 14:07 -0300, bulia byak wrote:
Where does it "say the correct size" and where do you read the selection size? Most likely these two readings use different length units.
Image Properties and the status line are correct.
They use SVG pixels, 1 SVG pixel = 0.8 pt
The selection width and height on the second button bar shows smaller.
This by default uses pt
I have a 638x501px image from gimp at 72dpi. Import into Inkscape and Image properties is correct at 638x501 but selection is w:510.40 h:x400.80. Zoom to actual size and compare to gimp window at actual and it is smaller in Inkscape. Resize the selection w/h to the image and it now looks the same as the gimp window. Image properties does get bigger at 797.5x626.25 but the status bar still is correct 'Image 638x501: ...'. Shouldn't it import at 1:1 size?
Robert Davis
participants (2)
bulia byak
Robert Davis