I use Inkscape to get the values of the path-nodes for an animation. My problem is, that the rulers never show the same values as they are shown in the XML-editor.
The file I'm speaking of you can find here: http://www.hagoschaos.de/h/freunde/hand.svg
The basic paths are imported from the Gimp, so perhaps that's the reason, why some values don't fit to the inkscape system.
I achieved that 0/0 is in the upper left corner.
If I draw a rectangle using the rulers: 20/20, upper left angle at 100/100, in the XML-editor I get: 17.725904/17.725904, upper left angle at 88.629517/57.578304
I don't achieve to set the preferences in a way, that the units on the rulers are the same as in the editor. I also want 0/0 in the upper left corner as standard. Give me some help, please.

Hago Ziegler wrote:
I use Inkscape to get the values of the path-nodes for an animation. My problem is, that the rulers never show the same values as they are shown in the XML-editor.
This question is pretty standard for any new user who has the inclination to look at the units in the XML editor.
First, you must be aware of the transform attribute, which can alter the shape, size and position of an without changing the units or the path data. You have some control over Inkscape's use of the transform attribute on the transform tab of the global preferences dialog (Shift+Ctrl+P).
Second, the units used internally by Inkscape are SVG user units, not points or pixels. The conversion factor is 90 SVG user units to the inch. (Often people expect 72 units to the inch.)
If your desire is to copy the path data out of Inkscape and use it in another application, I might have a tool to help. A while back I made and online tool to flip and properly scale path data for use in PDFs. If it looks like what you want, I'd be happy to explain how to use it.
Aaron Spike

aaron@...476... wrote:
Second, the units used internally by Inkscape are SVG user units, not points or pixels. The conversion factor is 90 SVG user units to the inch. (Often people expect 72 units to the inch.)
1. If these are "user units", where can I change them?
2. Why 90? What's bad with PostScript points? (Apart from the fact that they are 72.27pt/inch in TeX and 1/72 inch in PostScript).

On 5/24/05, Aaron Digulla <digulla@...310...> wrote:
- If these are "user units", where can I change them?
It's the term used by the SVG spec. You are not supposed to redefine these units. In all SVG renderers, a user unit is equal to 1 screen pixel at 100% zoom. In latest Inkscape (don't know which version you use) they are the default everywhere unless you change that.
- Why 90? What's bad with PostScript points? (Apart from the fact that
they are 72.27pt/inch in TeX and 1/72 inch in PostScript).
This follows from the above. We assume the screen resolution to be 90dpi and therefore there are 90 user units to the inch. See
for why it is so.
participants (4)
Aaron Digulla
bulia byak
Hago Ziegler