Hi Friends, I just stumbled on this and find it surprising. I just want to make sure there's not some reason for this, before I at least consider reporting it (one way or another). If you combine 2 text objects (Path menu > Combine) they become paths! I realize that Combine is a command(?) for paths. (Or at least it's supposed to work on paths, if "command" isn't the correct word.) When I tried it, out of curiosity, I expected to get an error message in the status bar that one or both objects is not a path. So I was surprised that the text was converted to paths. Actually I was hoping it might combine 2 or more text objects into 1 text object. Yes, I know the proper way to do it is cut/paste. But that can be tedious, and I was hoping combine might just do that quickly. (And yes, I thought about grouping, but I didn't want a group. I wanted a text object. Hhmm, after further testing, this must be intentional, because combining 2 or more shapes converts them to path as well. Wow, and using combine on just 1 shape object converts it to a path too. Let's see....yes, using combine on a Group of shapes converts them to a single compound path! I can see where this can be convenient, especially it saves a couple of steps for a group -- if one knows about it. But is it really appropriate? Hhmm, well this is inconsistent then. When combine is used on a group of 2 text objects, it's changed to a compound path, but it's still ID'd as a group of 2. Shouldn't it throw an error in these situations, rather than convert to path? And for the group of text, the "Group of 2" seems incorrect....assuming this whole 'combine converts to path' is intentional in the first place.
Thanks for any comments, brynn
participants (2)
Maren Hachmann