Re: [Inkscape-user] Snap to nodes in groups

Thank you for your answer.
bulia byak wrote:
On 3/5/07, Jochen Deibele <jmdeibele@...26...> wrote:
What I want to do: I have an irregular (so non rectangular) shaped object, which has points which should snap to the grid, when I move the group (so I can easily lay another object of another shape but same kind next to it and the points meet). These points are not on one of the center-lines and are also not the edges. Is there a way to do this?
You cannot do this in Selector tool because it only snaps the outer nodes of a shape (in the "snap nodes" mode), not all nodes. But you can do this with Node tool. Just select all nodes of a shape and drag any of them - all the shape will move, snapping by all its nodes.
That works fine if I only have one shape. If I for example try to have a group of one rectangle and one line it doesn't work. I can't select all nodes if the objects were grouped, so I tried to combine them. Then I can select all nodes, but still I'm not able to make them snap to the grid. If I combine them and select all the nodes of only one shape (either the line or the rectangle) I can move the shape while snapping works, but not if both are selected.

In a related issue, I would like to offer an inkscape enhancemet to the developers: this is something I've been running into for a long time.
I'm using snap a lot, but sometimes it just gets in the way. Inkscape really needs a quick way - a keyboard shortcut, that is - to turn all snap on or off. Currently there is a toggle for turning both guides and snap to guides, or grids and snap to grids. But in my workflow, it happens a lot that I'd like to still see the grid but not have a node snap to it. I sometimes keep the document settings open just for that, but it takes up a lot of screen space.
I think a universal snap on/off switch would be very handy, both as keyboard shortcut and a menu item.
I already submitted a feature suggestion months ago, but I just think it was worth bringing that subject up again.

On 3/12/07, Michael Grosberg <preacher_public@...9...> wrote:
I think a universal snap on/off switch would be very handy, both as keyboard shortcut and a menu item.
That shortcut is intended to be Shift - press Shift while dragging to avoid snapping. Unfortunately it does not currently work in most cases, because it's already used for other purposes (Selector: symmetric transform around center, Node: drag out the handle if it's retracted). I think we need to change it so that these modes are only enabled if you press Shift _before_ starting to drag; if you start dragging and then press Shift it must disable snapping instead. What do you think?

bulia byak wrote:
On 3/12/07, Michael Grosberg <preacher_public@...9...> wrote:
I think a universal snap on/off switch would be very handy, both as keyboard shortcut and a menu item.
That shortcut is intended to be Shift - press Shift while dragging to avoid snapping. Unfortunately it does not currently work in most cases, because it's already used for other purposes (Selector: symmetric transform around center, Node: drag out the handle if it's retracted). I think we need to change it so that these modes are only enabled if you press Shift _before_ starting to drag; if you start dragging and then press Shift it must disable snapping instead. What do you think?
As far as I'm concerned it, sounds totally reasonable to do it that way. :)

bulia byak <buliabyak@...125...> writes:
On 3/12/07, Michael Grosberg <preacher_public@...125...> wrote:
I think a universal snap on/off switch would be very handy, both as keyboard shortcut and a menu item.
That shortcut is intended to be Shift - press Shift while dragging to avoid snapping. Unfortunately it does not currently work in most cases, because it's already used for other purposes (Selector: symmetric transform around center, Node: drag out the handle if it's retracted). I think we need to change it so that these modes are only enabled if you press Shift _before_ starting to drag; if you start dragging and then press Shift it must disable snapping instead. What do you think?
So after I hit shift and do whatever I do, snap goes back on? what about the opposite case, where I usualy want it turned off, but just want to turn it on for just one instance, will that work as well? You know, I don't know what to think. This is something I have zero experience with. I work with Photoshop and 3D Studio max a lot, and used to work with Autocad extensively. They all have a global snap shortcut but it's not a modifier key, it's a normal keyboard combo - SHIFT+CTRL+; on photoshop, "S" for 3DSmax, and I don't remember what autocad had but there were two snap toggle buttons below the canvas. So I'm used to hitting a combo or key that turns all snap off or on not just for a single edit action but also makes it stay that way until I hit the same combo again. I realize I'm just used to the way things are, and your suggestion might be better, but still, it may be wise to just stick to the way this is usually done.
participants (4)
bulia byak
Jochen Deibele
Joshua A. Andler
Michael Grosberg