I have just installed and am learning inkscape 0.42. I can see a rectangle snapping to guide lines, however I cannot see it snapping to grid lines. I have set snap distance from the default 0.4 to several hundred with no noticible difference in snapping to grid lines. What am I missing?

On Fri, Dec 02, 2005 at 03:35:39PM -0600, Albert wrote:
I have just installed and am learning inkscape 0.42. I can see a rectangle snapping to guide lines, however I cannot see it snapping to grid lines. I have set snap distance from the default 0.4 to several hundred with no noticible difference in snapping to grid lines. What am I missing?
Go to Document Properties and look at the Grid page. Make sure Show Grid as well as Snap Points to Grid are selected. I find a snap distance of around 20 to be useful when my grid spacing is in the 5, 10, 20, 100 range.
participants (2)
Bryce Harrington