Re: [Inkscape-devel] Re: v0.43 win32 small fonts

Quoting bulia byak <buliabyak@...155...>:
On 11/22/05, Bob Jamison <rwjj@...99...> wrote:
Yes. I'm uploading -another- lib bundle, with all of the libs update, especially the pertinent ones like gdk-cairo and pangocairo. Ouch.
Thanks! Adib (if that was you) can you please recreate the 0.43 windows builds with those?
Also, please alert the inkscape-user list when the new builds are available, as many people there appear to have been bitten by the small fonts issue and are awaiting resolution.

mental@...32... wrote:
Also, please alert the inkscape-user list when the new builds are available, as many people there appear to have been bitten by the small fonts issue and are awaiting resolution.
Good idea. Until someone makes an 'official' build, here is a CVS build that people can test in the meantime. I checked out the problem areas, and they seem to be fixed.

I have been trying to download the latest Win versions for the last few days but cannot get more than about 10M before I get kicked out. I am on broadband and don't have any trouble with other non-inkscape related downloads. Are any other Win users having this problem? Conversely has any other Win user managed to download a complete copy?
Good idea. Until someone makes an 'official' build, here is a CVS build that people can test in the meantime. I checked out the problem areas, and they seem to be fixed.

Erik wrote:
I have been trying to download the latest Win versions for the last few days but cannot get more than about 10M before I get kicked out. I am on broadband and don't have any trouble with other non-inkscape related downloads. Are any other Win users having this problem? Conversely has any other Win user managed to download a complete copy?
I have this problem all the time on windows. But I have no problem downloading with wget on linux. You might try finding a wget for win32. Or even more fun, you might just try compiling from CVS. It is easy, and there are a bunch of guys around to help you get going. (First order of business would be to get TortoiseCVS installed. :) )
Bob, when you have the time, could we look again at mirroring those builds at
Aaron Spike

Erik wrote:
I have been trying to download the latest Win versions for the last few days but cannot get more than about 10M before I get kicked out. I am on
... I have this problem all the time on windows. But I have no problem downloading with wget on linux. You might try finding a wget for win32. ... Aaron Spike
Hello I also have this problems getting files from .
I used to manage this with wget for win from My collegue used a downloadmanager on win32 that continues aborted downloads.
BTW the latest official one you find on SF:

aaron@...476... wrote:
Erik wrote:
I have been trying to download the latest Win versions for the last few days but cannot get more than about 10M before I get kicked out. I am on broadband and don't have any trouble with other non-inkscape related downloads. Are any other Win users having this problem? Conversely has any other Win user managed to download a complete copy?
I have this problem all the time on windows. But I have no problem downloading with wget on linux. You might try finding a wget for win32. Or even more fun, you might just try compiling from CVS. It is easy, and there are a bunch of guys around to help you get going. (First order of business would be to get TortoiseCVS installed. :) )
I don't think that this is a Windows problem per se. I use Fresh Download as my download manager and the symptoms presented are a severe throttling of the download after about 14 Mbytes. As I regularly use the same environment and tools to fetch complete ISO CDs, it would seem that the problem, whatever it is, is upstream of the end user system.
As I write, Fresh Download has just struggled to complete the download so maybe it would be worth a try by others with this problem? It takes a long time, but it gets there!!
Peter HB

I have just brought down the latest win package with Fresh Download. There were no problems at all. Thanks for the suggestions to use a download manager. Now to see if this win version works . :-)
I have this problem all the time on windows. But I have no problem downloading with wget on linux. You might try finding a wget for win32. Or even more fun, you might just try compiling from CVS. It is easy, and there are a bunch of guys around to help you get going. (First order of business would be to get TortoiseCVS installed. :) )
I don't think that this is a Windows problem per se. I use Fresh Download as my download manager and the symptoms presented are a severe throttling of the download after about 14 Mbytes. As I regularly use the same environment and tools to fetch complete ISO CDs, it would seem that the problem, whatever it is, is upstream of the end user system.
As I write, Fresh Download has just struggled to complete the download so maybe it would be worth a try by others with this problem? It takes a long time, but it gets there!!
Peter HB
participants (5)
Bob Jamison
Peter Hillier-Brook
Taraben, Adib