A horrible tragedy has befallen us! We suffer from a dearth of halloween imagery in the Open Clip Art Library, and only two weeks remain before the holiday arrives.
Send in your ghosts, goblins, bats and witches. Skeletons and Jack-o-lanterns too! They must be your authentic work, placed in the Public Domain so they can be easily used for no end of evilness. Attach the keyword 'halloween' and send them to our site here:
Bring out your dead!
P.S., please pass word to all communities that can assist us in this undertaking.

inkscape-user-admin@lists.sourceforge.net wrote on 17/10/2005 04:56:44 PM:
A horrible tragedy has befallen us! We suffer from a dearth of halloween imagery in the Open Clip Art Library, and only two weeks remain before the holiday arrives.
What is halloween for exactly? Is it a religion thing?
I was under the impression it was an Irish tradition, but we don't really have it down here (AU) significantly.
curious, -kt
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On Tue, Oct 18, 2005 at 10:47:28AM +1000, Kinsley Turner wrote:
inkscape-user-admin@lists.sourceforge.net wrote on 17/10/2005 04:56:44 PM:
A horrible tragedy has befallen us! We suffer from a dearth of halloween imagery in the Open Clip Art Library, and only two weeks remain before the holiday arrives.
What is halloween for exactly? Is it a religion thing?
I was under the impression it was an Irish tradition, but we don't really have it down here (AU) significantly.
Yes. It is similar to 'Day of the Dead' in some cultures.

Bryce Harrington wrote:
On Tue, Oct 18, 2005 at 10:47:28AM +1000, Kinsley Turner wrote:
What is halloween for exactly? Is it a religion thing?
I was under the impression it was an Irish tradition, but we don't really have it down here (AU) significantly.
Yes. It is similar to 'Day of the Dead' in some cultures.
Speaking as someone who grew up in Ireland in the 1970s, Halloween is largely an American invention. It was not an adult holiday. Children would go house to house, getting nuts, fruit, and candy, and we never said "trick or treat". It's taken much more seriously in the US than it was there. I suspect that may no longer be true, as Ireland has imported a lot of American culture since then. I moved to the US in '89, so I'm not up on current trends.
participants (3)
Bryce Harrington
George V. Reilly
Kinsley Turner