Hello everyone,
I would need someone with a 'virgin' system on an Intel machine to test the latest dev build. By 'virgin' I mean: - without Fink or MacPorts or a custom installed python - without modifications to ~/.macosx/environment.plist (- without modifications to ~/.bashrc -- this one should not be a problem but who knows) - without the python modules that were distributed previously alongside Inkscape or in the dev builds repository Basically this means that if you just install regular mac applications by drag and drop and never bothered to install Python for Inkscape, you are the one I need ;)
I made some modifications to Inkscape so that the python modules that Inkscape uses for the "Effects" are directly integrated inside the application and work out of the proverbial box. So I need you to download and install (drag-and-drop, as usual) this: http://inkscape.modevia.com/macosx-snap/Inkscape-16250-i386.dmg Run it, draw something with the calligraphy tool for instance and apply two effects to it: - Color > any color effect - Generate From Path > Intrude Extrude Halo Both should work with no additional work.
If your system is not as virgin as I described but that you still want to help, it is possible. You only need to remove the python packages you could have installed previously, to be sure these do not come into play here. You need to remove the folders _xmlplus, lxml and numpy from /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/ 2.3/lib/python2.3/site-packages and then follow the steps described above.
If you have Fink/MacPorts with python or a custom python install from MacPython however, this change won't affect you since Inkscape will use your newer python install and discard the pre-compiled python modules which are made for the system install of Python. You still need to install lxml and numpy via Fink/MacPorts or by compiling them from source.
Please report here your success or failure. If someone could forward this to Inkscape-testers to which I am not subscribed it would be nice.
JiHO --- http://jo.irisson.free.fr/
participants (1)