thanks for the information and the link :)

Le mar. 11 juin 2019 à 14:46, Maren Hachmann <> a écrit :
It is already released, and currently available at:  (6.6.2019) - despite the German
title, it's in French.

The LGM part starts at 10:00 and is 4min long.


Am 11.06.19 um 13:35 schrieb Maren Hachmann:
> Hi everyone,
> I just got a reply from Agnès from K8, about the press coverage.
> Starting at ~ 24:00 of
> , there's a TV
> report about the mapathon before LGM, which ends with pictures of some
> charitable open source graphics software developers (aka Mc, @jnweiger
> and @mgmax ) around minute 27.
> She wrote that a team from the French TV was there, too, but that their
> report isn't available yet. When it will be released, that will be at
> Regards
>  Maren
> ------------
>> Hallo Maren,
>> hier den Link zum SR-Bericht:
>> Aus Frankreich war der lokale Sender TV8 Moselle Est da aber der
>> Bericht ist noch nicht online. Er wird Teil der Sendung "Grenzenlos"
>> sein. Hier den Link zur Sendung, man soll halt etwas Geduld haben...
>>  Liebe Grüße Agnès
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