Developer Meeting Notes, April 21 2024

Hi All, Here are the meeting notes for today's dev meeting:
Attending: Martin, Adam, Ishaan, Marc, Michèle, Rafael, René, skippr, pbs, Vaibhav # Beta Release
Marc asked about when to release a Beta since there's not that many changes. Martin thinks an Alpha might still be useful, especially considering how much refactoring has happened in the meantime. But is unsure. Michèle thinks users will expect there be an Alpha and that if.
Multiple betas are possible and considering the lack of critical issues in the bug accelerator milestone indicates that we could jump directly to beta. Martin says we should be ready in case the release has serious issues to pull it. But this is a very unlikely senario.
Marc has time this week to put together the Beta and René says he should become available on wednesday. We are not going to do an alpha. (alpha/beta is semantics / communication only)
We'll tag the 1.4-beta tonight
# Contest
Website isn't working so well, we're pointing people to vote. Some contest entries are fantastic, we're not openly sharing who we're voting for for fairness, but it's not a secret.
# GSoc
To be discussed in another place : gsoc selections and status of eligibility
# Other Items
[Marc] Minor packaging stuff, MR reviews
[Rafael] Some work on PDF export - differences in output with rsvg. Make a progress bar for slow exports ?
[René] still ongoing work from last week & update to appimage creation (with go-appimage)
[skippr] I worked on some UX features suggested by Adam but they required further discussion among the UX team, so they were marked as drafts for now, other than that I did not get much work done due to my practicals. I have exams till 4th of may I will try to help in issues and testing but it is highly unlikely
[ishaan] Fixing fill patterns in selection modes
[Philip] spellcheck almost ready, boolean operations ok
[Martin] Refactoring color and split out the more agressive UX/signals changes into a future merge request. It's close to being able to be tested.
[vaibhav] This week, I spent most of the time working with gradients and meshes. Proposed some minor fixes for the objects dialog, icon preview dialog and an issue related to the node toolbar.
Thanks to those who were able to make today!
Best Ishaan Arora
A man’s not dead while his name is still spoken.
participants (1)