2020-05-07 01-29-30 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>No, I think a ux issue
2020-11-24 06-31-52 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>I was hoping to get a draft done today to ask tav for intergration help
2020-08-11 15-10-07 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Lol, I have been doing lots of different things.
2020-05-07 01-38-04 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Thanks for pushing at this. I've been super busy.
2020-08-11 15-26-07 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Me too! Thanks for your help!
2020-11-08 05-18-06 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>https://digimedia1.r2.enst.fr/b/vec-grt-cyu
2020-11-24 09-24-54 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Great!
2020-11-24 13-14-03 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Keeps the style and pushes it forwards
2020-08-26 14-19-42 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Pango format is what I meant above.
2020-08-11 15-26-12 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Good night!
2020-11-24 13-13-56 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Yes, love it!!!!
2020-11-24 14-47-57 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>You posted a new thing and then deleted it?
2020-11-24 14-49-31 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>The backgrounds can be dark and light, so imagine it on the dark mode and light modes
2020-11-24 14-48-50 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Looking good
2020-08-11 15-09-42 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>I want to go with "$100 per month, I will work a minimum 5 hours on Inkscape" etc.
2020-11-24 06-31-57 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>How much time do you need?
2020-08-26 14-19-27 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>You caught me just as I was going to bed :-)
2020-08-11 15-10-22 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>But your advice, what would you do for tiers?
2020-05-04 03-44-23 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>If you attach the glade file, I'll be able to continue development from there (because it'll need a small amount of code)
2020-05-07 01-37-41 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Yep, sound good!
2020-08-11 15-14-04 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Yes, I think this will have to be done properly with reports etc.
2020-08-11 14-48-39 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>What do you think of my new page? https://www.patreon.com/doctormo
2020-11-24 14-48-58 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Yes, use a quick group clip
2020-11-22 14-35-49 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Thanks!
2020-11-08 05-05-44 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Great, I've had my breakfest and tea, so I'm ready and waiting.
2020-11-24 15-58-00 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Love them! I'm going to add them now (svg) and have a very good night!
2020-08-11 15-14-19 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Goals is what I'll be after
2020-08-11 15-20-01 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>No, that is a wise assessment
2020-08-11 15-08-58 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>I'm trying to work out how to work the patreon system
2020-11-24 14-49-44 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>(I don't mind if they shine out on the dark mode)
2020-11-08 03-22-51 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Timing is key. I'm awake now, so let me know
2020-08-19 15-04-08 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>The text would have to be in gnome format if you want it to have formatting.
2020-11-06 18-53-47 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Erm, I'm not sure if I've messed up. Let me know. (and sorry proactively)
2020-05-03 08-38-11 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Hi! Thanks so much, this is super exciting. So once complete the issue gets assigned to me, glade file attached to issue, and I find the to put it all together.
2020-05-07 01-29-51 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>We can probably get this iteration in now though.
2020-08-11 15-09-10 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>I'd also add a link to your activity on Gitlab or something like that. People would be blown away about everything you are doing.
2020-11-22 14-34-13 PSTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>Not sure if the conversation was of any help :sweat_smile:
2020-08-11 15-07-26 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>Huh, doesn't Patreon allow to follow someone without becoming a Patron?
2020-11-24 15-10-17 PSTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>start-screen-graphics.svg (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/P2mBdxCy2GLutTASP/start-screen-graphics.svg)
2020-11-24 13-22-10 PSTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>Great! I'll continue in this direction
2020-11-08 10-53-44 PSTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>https://twitter.com/eldelacajita/status/1325499761043140610
2020-05-07 01-52-47 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>Thanks to you for the guidance and patience :grin:
2020-11-22 14-30-40 PSTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>https://inkscape.org/~Lutik-drawing/%E2%98%85artfriends
2020-11-07 14-38-35 PSTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>If you really feel like doing the live coding thing, let me know that time is best for you!
2020-05-07 01-10-19 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>I guess that with your last proposal for including a whole tab for "debug" info, the debate has expanded a bit :grin: We can either propose a simple iteration (which would be already an improvement) and then work on the next one, or directly work towards the full scope of it.
2020-11-24 15-02-21 PSTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>That's what I was testing
2020-11-24 15-02-11 PSTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>start-screen-graphics-c-b.png (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/YowGyA42DbNnMfpRW/start-screen-graphics-c-b.png)
2020-08-19 11-33-31 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>I have attached a modified glade file and text file, but I only got so far.
2020-11-07 14-39-28 PSTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>I think it can be a win-win-win: I learn, you generate content, we get this thing done :smile:
2020-05-04 01-18-37 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>You mean the issue I created (https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inbox/-/issues/2388)? Should I attach the glade file there? Or to the merge request where we were having the discussion?
2020-08-11 15-17-42 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>Like, two or three goals
2020-08-11 15-16-38 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>Regarding goals, I think you could go for something more general
2020-08-11 15-08-00 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>You talk about tiers in the text. Are you going to define some contribution tiers or some donation goals?
2020-11-22 14-30-39 PSTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>I'll put this here, just to keep it somewhere
2020-08-11 15-19-41 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>Aaaand that was a TOTAL BLIND GUESS by me because I dont't know how you make a living :grin:
2020-05-03 04-57-38 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>I'm cleaning "test 6" of the About screen, removing redundant boxes and stuff, addig tooltips, etc. I'm not sure how I can help from here.
2020-11-07 12-21-47 PSTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>Oh, it DOES work, actually :grinning:
2020-08-11 15-12-59 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>An interesting reference could be Yorik van Havre, Freecad Arch workbench developer
2020-11-24 13-11-39 PSTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>Clipboard - November 24, 2020 10:11 PM (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/3YBGk4MpKRwpWG4Rg/Clipboard%20-%20November%2024,%202020%2010:11%20PM)
2020-08-11 15-25-35 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>Time to go to bed for me! I see there's already an interesting debate on your issue about Patreon. I have a very busy week but I'll try to catch up later on everything.
2020-11-07 12-07-18 PSTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>Something there has to be linked between the button and the code, but the way I did it doesn't seem to be it :joy:
2020-08-26 14-19-07 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>Thanks, @doctormo! I've been away from the computer for some days, I'll let you know once I get back to it.
2020-05-04 04-07-23 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>Sure, I'll do that.
2020-11-06 15-03-19 PSTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>Clipboard - November 7, 2020 12:03 AM (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/kBXdCSNvwWK2tBysS/Clipboard%20-%20November%207,%202020%2012:03%20AM)
2020-11-24 14-48-21 PSTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>start-screen-graphics-c.png (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/Hkr6auKACfLCKsimS/start-screen-graphics-c.png)
2020-08-19 11-34-48 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>I'm also not sure if I can add some kind of (HTML?) formatting to the text to make it nicer and easier to read. I still want to look into that but it's not a crucial issue.
2020-05-07 01-31-59 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>I agree. Getting this finished with the basics (no extra debug info, I'd say), and starting a new UX issue for "debug info"?
2020-11-06 15-03-43 PSTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>Sorry, I missed your last message on ux#36. I'll take it where I had left it.
2020-11-22 14-35-42 PSTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>But ping me if you want to have another look at it together
2020-08-11 15-16-00 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>https://www.patreon.com/prokoudine
2020-11-07 13-00-49 PSTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>https://gitlab.com/inkscape/ux/-/issues/36#note_443615667
2020-05-03 05-01-03 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>How should I send this to you? Should I try to push this to your branch? Start a new merge request? Or just send you the Glade file?
2020-11-07 13-00-48 PSTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>New status report:
2020-11-06 15-03-17 PSTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>Hey, Martin!
2020-08-11 15-19-06 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>The thing with counting hours is that you are actually devoting a lot of hours to this, so you may not be able to devote more time just by getting some money. You would probably need some significant amount to change your lifestyle enough to make a difference in dedication.
2020-11-07 12-05-42 PSTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>Clipboard - November 7, 2020 9:05 PM (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/T9juGJYcnCpjPoy6L/Clipboard%20-%20November%207,%202020%209:05%20PM)
2020-05-07 01-14-30 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>What do you think?
2020-08-19 11-35-27 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>Can you have a look at it?
2020-11-24 13-12-23 PSTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>Concept, general style...
2020-08-19 11-33-59 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>I tried compiling the code to test the changes, but didn't manage to build it.
2020-08-26 14-20-21 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>Ah, great! That's a better clue, heh
2020-05-03 04-56-31 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>Hi, @doctormo!
2020-11-24 13-11-58 PSTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>General direction seems good?
2020-11-24 14-48-26 PSTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>Yeah, by mistake
2020-08-26 14-20-23 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>https://developer.gnome.org/pango/stable/pango-Markup.html
2020-08-26 14-20-58 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>That's great, I'll look into it.
2020-05-03 04-59-02 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>Not sure what handlers and stuff I should add for you to link it with the code, so maybe I'll leave that up to you.
2020-11-08 05-17-03 PSTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>I'm ready too
2020-08-19 11-32-57 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>Hi, @doctormo! I'm trying to make some light changes to license section of the about screen.
2020-08-11 15-08-14 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>Not sure how that would work out in your case, just wondering
2020-08-19 11-32-59 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>https://gitlab.com/inkscape/ux/-/issues/36#note_399000055
2020-08-11 15-17-29 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>And a goal that would allow you to work PART TIME and then FULL TIME on Inkscape
2020-11-24 15-10-40 PSTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>Do you need it in a specific format? In two separate files of certain size?
2020-05-07 01-52-20 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>No problem!
2020-11-08 10-53-42 PSTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>You'll probably get the notifications, but here it is
2020-08-11 15-52-47 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>Thanks!
2020-08-11 15-05-52 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>I think it's great!
2020-11-22 14-33-11 PSTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>BTW, I suggested moving the canvas background options to the first tab, but that's not a good idea. That's a document-related setting, not a general one.
2020-08-11 15-13-01 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>https://www.patreon.com/yorikvanhavre
2020-11-24 07-44-24 PSTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>One or two hours, probably. I'll try to organize other things to make some place for this.
2020-11-08 05-17-53 PSTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>How do you prefer to connect?
2020-08-11 15-13-57 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>But I think he doesn't offer patron tiers like in "more money, you get to see more content"
2020-08-11 15-17-02 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>Like a goal that would allow you to devote EXTRA time to Inkscape and leave some other paid job aside
2020-11-08 03-35-26 PSTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>I think in an hour or so I'll be free of interruptions. I'll let you know. From there on, I'll be available anytime.
2020-08-11 15-09-28 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>Like, you are literally everywhere :grin:
2020-08-11 15-06-04 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>Love how the header already highlights a lot of different roles
2020-11-08 10-53-21 PSTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>I wanted to post a tweet about this and ended up doing a whole thread
2020-11-24 14-48-48 PSTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>Uh, I have to test this against different backgrounds
2020-08-11 15-13-23 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>He mays very (VERY) thorough monthly reports on what he's been doing.
2020-08-11 15-07-30 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>That's strange
2020-05-07 01-19-10 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>Also, is the merge request the right place to continue this debate? Just checking, I'm still not sure about which channels to use.
2020-08-11 15-15-59 PDTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>Alexandre form LGW also has some patronage tiers (but he's a content creator, a different thing)
2020-11-24 06-29-16 PSTJorge Toledo <jortogar@gmail.com>Hi, Martin. What's your timeline for the welcome screen? When would you need the graphics done?