2020-01-11 11-37-01 PSTpdurbin <philipdurbin@gmail.com>I'm really enjoying https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NI6Y3qBtUAA&t=496
2020-02-04 14-54-14 PSTpdurbin <philipdurbin@gmail.com>Thanks!
2020-01-04 08-33-02 PSTpdurbin <philipdurbin@gmail.com>No worries! And thanks for keeping the meeting moving! :)
2020-01-11 13-51-52 PSTpdurbin <philipdurbin@gmail.com>Are your slides available?
2020-01-04 08-34-26 PSTpdurbin <philipdurbin@gmail.com>Not if this one goes for 3 hours! ;)
2020-02-12 15-29-18 PSTpdurbin <philipdurbin@gmail.com>I just got back from FOSDEM and heard good things about SCALE.
2020-01-04 08-32-43 PSTRyan Gorley <ryan@freehive.com>It's nice seeing you here. Sorry none of us can meet up with you at FOSDEM
2020-01-31 13-07-17 PSTRyan Gorley <ryan@freehive.com>Hey, sorry I let this slip. Yes! https://freehive.com/extras/ryan-gorley-scale-presentation-d2.pdf
2020-01-11 12-48-55 PSTRyan Gorley <ryan@freehive.com>Ah thanks! :)
2020-02-14 11-30-06 PSTRyan Gorley <ryan@freehive.com>Yeah, I like SCALE. I unfortunately won't make it this year, but Pat David and Mica Semrick put on a good Libre Graphics day of presentations.
2020-01-04 08-34-47 PSTRyan Gorley <ryan@freehive.com>Finally someone that gets it!
2020-01-04 08-33-29 PSTRyan Gorley <ryan@freehive.com>We've had meetings go 3 hours, so I have to be a jerk about it. Sorry! :)
2020-01-04 08-33-57 PSTRyan Gorley <ryan@freehive.com>I hope you'll come back!