Based on multiple recommendations to use Inkscape simple items to be cut on a Glowforge Aura, am at my wits end trying to get even the most basic operations to work. All I am trying to do is design some very simple 2D parts to import to the laser cutter. From what I have surmised from research, the SVG format is the best option. Downloaded version 1.3.0 of Inkscape to my computer, running Windows 8.1, 64 bit machine. With a wireless mouse can make any selection desired, but the dragging of objects onto the workspace is erratic and the shapes will not stay. For example, if I move a circle to the workspace, it shows as dotted then disappears as soon as I release the left button. Tried all kinds of maneuvers with the mouse and combinations of buttons and keys. Watched the tutorial videos and carefully doing exactly what it demonstrates, but cannot get objects to stay. Even reinstalled mouse twice. Even reinstalled Inkscape, trying versions 1.3.0 and 1.2 with same results. Have loaded Inkscape onto my MicroSoft Surface, running Windows 10. Same things happens. Obviously I must be doing something wrong. Tried everything I could think of. Any suggestions? Would like to use Inkscape but just about ready to give up on it. Thank you. Joe Mezyk