2020-02-21 20-36-35 PST Abhay Raj Singh I totally get you So the point is Inkscape is *open source: free as in beer and free as in speech* unlike other *propritery* softwares *we don't charge money/attribution etc.* you can redristibute the software _if you want_ to your friends an even on your website.
There is no licesing restriction/payment model hence you cant register.
People volunteer to make/test/promote the software. _Its by the people, of the people for the people_
All in all use it as you want. For legal License we have GPL 2.0 for software if you are going for it with your company lawyers but you dont need it because we can sue you😅 2020-02-21 21-28-51 PST Abhay Raj Singh Thanks for using Inkscape without user it would have been just a project :relaxed: 2020-02-21 20-46-48 PST Ridwan wow, sir , :v :joy: , thank you, sir, for your participation :grin: 2020-02-21 20-26-41 PST Ridwan Hi sir, sorry in advance, I still don't quite understand, I want to ask about the creator's license, if I have a design work that I made using Inkscape, Do I have to include an Inkscape license in my work? then if so, how do I register the Inkscape license?