2020-01-29 08-52-40 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>Alright, I could make commit it in your name (what's the email you'd want to use? It'll be displayed in git log like `Author: Nathan Lee <2431820-nathanal@users.noreply.gitlab.com>`.
2020-01-30 02-41-44 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>you sure? Wait a moment and I'll send a copy of what it looks like in multicolor now
2020-01-30 01-39-01 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>Seems fine. (And I think they do)
2020-01-30 01-33-50 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>btw this one shows up looking like the others (svg shows they are not). Is this intentional? https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/blob/master/share/icons/Tango/scalable/actions/edit-select-same-stroke-style.svg
2020-01-30 02-49-55 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>Annoyingly the default theme issue revealed. Nothing to be done on our end
2020-01-29 08-49-19 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>anyhow, if its already enabled, then editing the verbs.cpp file there is all you need
2020-01-29 09-01-33 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>Not sure how to focus on certain parts of the diff in GitLab but the end of https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/-/merge_requests/1373/diffs lists the changes
2020-12-03 07-21-54 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>From the general complaints about GTK's direction, I guess they're designing for touch first.
2020-12-03 07-21-01 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>It's not an outright rejection/close, but yeah, they're probably not going to accept all the changes
2020-01-30 03-08-58 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>g2g, I'll be afk for a bit
2020-01-30 02-29-38 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>I forgot to correct a mispelling :sweat_smile:
2020-01-29 08-50-11 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>Do you want me to walk you through a MR/using git?
2020-01-30 02-49-33 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>Clipboard - January 30, 2020 9:49 PM (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/AtgXizaw4HWFtAsKz/Clipboard%20-%20January%2030,%202020%209:49%20PM)
2020-01-30 02-34-12 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>see it. for default I'm not sure (how to check :p) I think its using my Linux Mint one, which is called Mint-Y. Let me check where its located
2020-01-30 02-30-32 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>no my bad. If we left the mispelling in, no problem lol.
2020-12-03 07-03-47 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>yeah, agreed. This would make up for the loss of the scrolling across dialogs (I haven't tested much with it, not sure how much it'd take to adjust to the new system)
2020-05-05 07-32-12 PDTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>duplicate. Duplicate hasn't been closed.
2020-01-30 02-28-32 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>nvm found the problem
2020-12-03 07-09-38 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
2020-01-30 02-12-05 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>that sounds right. Not sure what the default theme is (I gone through the options in Inkscape, none of them do this). I'll add screenshots for the changes to the MR in a bit
2020-01-26 00-39-58 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>From Patrick: Maybe we could actually have a general "canvas" label instead of a "canvas UI" label? Problem with these "combined labels" is that you might end up with a bunch of "$some_component UI" labels that will then potentially be used in parallel to plain "$some_component" labels. Then you need "canvas performance", "canvas UX", etc and before you know it you have dozens of co-existing labels for similar things. So maybe instead of "canvas UI" we could just use "canvas" and "UI" to label UI issues of the canvas itself? This way is also easier to filter, as you can search for issues that have "canvas" and "UI" if you want to find all canvas UI issues, but you also will still find them in both the list of "UI" issues and the list of "canvas" issues.
2020-05-05 07-31-25 PDTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>Why'd you reopen the filter region issue? the duplicate is still open. As an aside, did you create the issue from the conversation above?
2020-01-30 04-03-50 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>alright :+1: I've separately paste-size and paste-size-separately (just removed the dots) and squashed everything together, you can change it later. List of changes in the MR description
2020-01-30 02-47-37 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>It doesn't fit with the other icons though (they have white padlock on black)?
2020-02-03 06-56-16 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>Could you add that as an issue in Gitlab instead? I might try to work on it, but if I do, I'd prefer adding minor refactor, not just throw the icons in (anyhow its a bit late for me)
2020-05-05 07-34-54 PDTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>np, just thought it was odd. urgh, wish I had looked into it earlier, the solution I ended up with (unmerged) is the same as what I posted way back :person_frowning:
2020-12-03 07-14-31 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>:upside_down:
2020-01-30 02-49-32 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>:shrug: I assume you did the original icon too?
2020-01-30 01-31-58 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>I'm talking about https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/blob/master/share/icons/Tango/scalable/actions/edit-select-same-stroke-color.svg and https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/blob/master/share/icons/Tango/scalable/actions/edit-select-same-stroke.svg
2021-04-11 00-04-19 PDTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>sorry, didn't realize, adding it now :+1:
2021-04-10 23-54-53 PDTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>Oh, just to clarify, did you want https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/-/issues/2346 in the blocker list as an embarassing issue?
2021-04-11 00-17-21 PDTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>ofc, thanks for testing ( and it's added :))
2021-04-11 07-29-57 PDTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>gonna head off (need some sleep :bed:) cya and nice to talk to ya. (warning that the it will be quite labor intensive, like the conversion from gtk2 to gtk3 (but not as bad))
2020-12-03 07-26-02 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>aye :( g2g btw, got limit my night hours, nice talking to you :):)
2020-01-29 15-51-42 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>going through them now, got some questions - edit-paste-style looks like its already added to verbs. - Which verb is edit-clone-link-lpe for? - Is edit-select-same-fill missing? I'm not sure what edit-paste-style and edit-select-same-stroke correspond to - Okay to rename edit-select-same-objects to edit-select-same-object-type (just consistent naming)
2020-01-30 02-09-03 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>Thanks for going through the differences with me. I think I got all the changes. Before pushing, I want to investigate this curious difference > with my Default theme (whatever that is), the old icons show up grey but the new ones are black
2020-01-29 08-46-44 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>actually I think I found it. See share/ui/menus.xml and how its done for DialogPreferences
2020-01-26 00-39-01 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>Hey, sorry for the really long delay, but regarding the canvas ui label. Got the okay to create a canvas label (so you add two labels for canvas ui, canvas and ui). I'm on mobile so I'll just copy over the rationale for splitting it in two
2020-12-03 07-07-43 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>maybe Tav did try initially :angel:
2020-01-29 09-00-52 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>it shouldn't take long. What are the icons you wanted? I added Paste Size, Width, Height, Width Separately, Height Separately
2020-01-30 01-29-14 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>I think we already have edit-select-same-stroke-color and edit-select-same-stroke-style (you added them too). (meld shows stroke-color and stroke are identical)
2020-01-30 02-54-01 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>though*
2020-01-29 08-43-59 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>Not sure how either, can look into it tomorrow but a bit late for me now. I'll tell you how it goes
2020-01-30 02-45-02 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>I changed the green to orange just to see if it worked :p
2020-12-03 05-53-52 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>I'll mark it as a feature request, but I'll leave the decision to the UX team/you. If you think current behavior is unacceptable for 1.1 release, please move the issue to inkscape/inkscape
2020-01-30 01-30-27 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>Also in some of them edit-select-same-stroke-style looks identical to stroke-color (in that the stroke is black)
2020-01-30 02-27-32 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>My screen is a bit small, but could you check edit-paste-width is correct? I think the multicolor symbolic is all black. https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/-/merge_requests/1373#note_279387131
2020-01-26 01-45-31 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>Great. I can't get on gitlab now, but will add it later unless you want to now. Time for more labels!!
2020-12-03 06-17-08 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>well, if you're confident enough that it is a bug, don't mind moving it either (though moving it has higher priority if it *needs* to be fixed for 1.1). I'd trust your decision on how to proceed with UX decisions.
2020-12-03 07-01-16 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>alright, moved and prioritised as what you said. Should this be brought up in the next Dev meeting? (Have you been to them? I've been to one or two early on, but meetings are a bit late for me and I'm avoiding staying up that late now :night_with_stars: )
2020-01-30 02-44-45 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>Table updated. Its already got a colored appearance in multicolor symbolic
2020-12-03 07-11-03 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>I was honestly surprised how little we collab with them when I first came to Inkscape. (always thought of them as sister projects)
2020-05-05 07-32-56 PDTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/-/issues/478 here we go (in the related issues list)
2020-12-03 07-12-07 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>[ ](https://chat.inkscape.org/direct/adam.belis?msg=xveM9fFBL7q2KweFC) :shrug: Probably chalk it up to the move away from desktop? :frowning: ()
2020-01-30 02-53-56 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>sure, they look pretty awesome to me :grin: interested discussion in inkscape/UX thoug
2020-01-30 03-01-38 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>oh, going through now, I've used the same icon for paste size and paste size separately (I guess paste size is wrong, just need to remove the colored squares?)
2020-01-29 08-48-34 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>sure that as well, just look ;)
2020-05-05 07-34-01 PDTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com> sorry
2020-01-30 01-33-04 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>oh .... yes this should be one
2020-01-30 02-56-20 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>someppl prefer old ugly icons so yeha "D
2020-01-30 02-32-10 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>edit-clone-link-symbolic.svg
2020-01-30 03-07-05 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>snaped on grid
2020-01-30 02-51-42 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>i thought this will be issue anyway
2020-01-30 00-42-18 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com> sorry for my sloppines
2020-01-29 08-48-21 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>ede told me its here https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/blob/master/src/verbs.cpp#L2556-2567
2020-12-03 07-14-18 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com> :D
2020-12-03 04-53-29 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inbox/-/issues/4132
2020-01-30 02-10-16 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>default theme is hicolor right ?
2020-01-29 08-14-10 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/blob/master/src/verbs.cpp#L2556-2567
2020-01-30 00-39-44 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>edit-select-same-fill-symbolic.svg (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/FgwsA4rjQeKvarjxs/edit-select-same-fill-symbolic.svg)
2020-01-30 01-31-48 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>Clipboard - January 30, 2020 10:31 AM (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/jWNkEktnKXbyntuaz/Clipboard%20-%20January%2030,%202020%2010:31%20AM)
2020-01-29 11-24-28 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>objects manager
2020-02-03 05-25-44 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>Hello, could i annoye you lit bit and ask you to add new selec icons to context menus ?
2020-01-29 11-28-25 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>totaly new icons.zip (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/4ymtJBXKEbbgq4KSR/totaly%20new%20icons.zip)
2020-01-30 03-14-50 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>dont worry about it :D
2020-01-29 08-53-44 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>but i dont have file verbs.cpp ready anyway
2020-01-30 01-37-19 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>Clipboard - January 30, 2020 10:37 AM (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/fwRwXSKJZpiBRCPCM/Clipboard%20-%20January%2030,%202020%2010:37%20AM)
2020-01-26 01-37-35 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>hello i think that works
2020-01-30 00-34-39 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>edit-clone-link-lpe (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/tRopzaMrcR3pMKQqE/edit-clone-link-lpe)
2020-01-30 02-32-37 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>Clipboard - January 30, 2020 11:32 AM (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/B7kvTYj2jiz6kzTqY/Clipboard%20-%20January%2030,%202020%2011:32%20AM)
2020-01-30 02-21-06 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com> hmmm cannot finde where is this deffined
2020-01-30 01-32-13 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>Clipboard - January 30, 2020 10:32 AM (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/vvv4YMvKCysc3E6fp/Clipboard%20-%20January%2030,%202020%2010:32%20AM)
2020-01-30 02-55-44 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>i am prettz happy with them but as alwazse thez can be improved
2020-02-03 06-57-24 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>ok no problem i ll creat issue if you fill like it you can add it if no thats ok :D
2020-01-30 02-32-52 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>also what icon set do you use ?
2020-05-05 07-31-58 PDTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com> or was that dup ?
2020-02-03 05-25-46 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>Clipboard - February 3, 2020 2:25 PM (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/ALAPHtwq628NHL8XG/Clipboard%20-%20February%203,%202020%202:25%20PM)
2020-01-29 11-24-30 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com> svg editor
2020-01-30 02-45-40 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>good good
2020-01-30 01-37-15 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com> or do you think this would be better ?
2020-01-30 02-32-17 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com> new one
2020-12-03 07-15-54 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com> they are not wrong if they desig n their buttons just for touch interfaces
2020-01-30 02-30-00 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com> :D SORRYYY :D
2020-01-30 02-48-02 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>it should not fit tnem its totaly difrent tnih
2020-12-03 07-23-04 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>that would not be a problem if it was not balanced with desktop
2020-01-29 08-13-15 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com> i dont know how to do MR but i would liek to add this new icons to menus
2020-01-30 03-06-49 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>hmm dont know how that happend
2020-01-30 02-11-04 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>btw thanks for adding it in :D
2020-01-29 11-28-28 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>ties :D
2020-01-30 01-35-59 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com> problem is this weare design mainly for multicolor
2020-01-30 02-34-41 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>i lke youre tiled clones dialog better will copy that :D
2020-01-30 02-32-05 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>oh we have one more icon
2020-12-03 07-10-26 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com> i would LOOOOVE to make new spinbuttons this could be good projeckt that would benefit ink and gimp
2020-01-30 02-52-26 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>i can see that i will tweek my set for a while till i am 100% done
2020-01-30 01-40-01 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>ok one sec but thsi is just for hicolor and for tango keep multicolor how itr is
2020-01-30 01-36-14 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com> ok for now lets say its ok
2020-12-03 07-06-32 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com> bad documentation, lots of bugs ,
2020-01-30 02-45-56 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>Clipboard - January 30, 2020 11:45 AM (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/xowKJADJXgspmGEoF/Clipboard%20-%20January%2030,%202020%2011:45%20AM)
2020-01-30 02-49-57 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com> i started with hi color and change just icons i didnt liked / color them
2020-01-29 08-13-41 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>theoreticlz i know how to add it in file but thats farthes i can get could zou do that ?
2020-01-30 00-38-44 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>- edit-paste-style looks like its already added to verbs. (oh yes sorry my mistake this is not new ) - Which verb is edit-clone-link-lpe for? (screenshot) - Is edit-select-same-fill missing? (yes sorry I am send it here) - I'm not sure what edit-paste-style and edit-select-same-stroke correspond to (screenshots) - Okay to rename edit-select-same-objects to edit-select-same-object-type (just consistent naming) (yes you can do that)
2020-01-29 08-14-09 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>i know that i simply need to add this new new names here
2020-01-30 03-07-11 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com> wher sques ends
2020-12-03 07-02-44 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>i can see peaple geeeting anyed at us if it does not perform as good as old system
2020-12-03 07-10-54 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>i tried proposing that on gtk level but they did not liked my redesign
2020-01-30 02-56-00 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com> :D and as usal som of this is subjective opinions
2020-12-03 07-09-54 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>but yhea we should colaborat with gimp more often
2020-01-30 02-13-25 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>Clipboard - January 30, 2020 11:13 AM (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/DFNHrKdKZkRGakR9j/Clipboard%20-%20January%2030,%202020%2011:13%20AM)
2020-01-30 01-37-51 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>ia mot sure if iconic suport transparency ;/
2020-12-03 07-14-13 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com> yop besicaly they said our spinboxes are ok if you dont like it you should make your own
2020-12-03 04-53-28 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>dont want to sir up more drama could you look in tot his issue and say if its a gug or feature request so we can tag it to move it in to issues ?
2021-04-11 00-03-19 PDTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>Yes
2021-04-11 00-05-25 PDTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>Thank you
2021-04-11 02-03-07 PDTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>no problem i am tring my best :D
2021-04-11 07-30-28 PDTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>good night mate :D
2020-12-03 07-28-46 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>it was nice to talking with you ....and oh yes take care
2020-12-03 07-05-46 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>here are some lost functionality but we knew that will hapen during developemnt
2020-01-30 02-32-41 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>should be there
2020-01-30 02-45-54 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>or maybe this ?
2020-01-30 03-07-00 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com> but should be without squest and bigger
2020-12-03 07-15-39 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk/-/issues/2963#note_880485
2020-01-30 03-05-59 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>one sec
2020-01-30 02-48-09 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>its dialog
2020-01-30 00-41-32 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>edit-same-stroke (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/kQaCZPZkxgCHFhyX6/edit-same-stroke)
2020-01-30 02-48-51 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com> hmmm not sure
2020-12-03 07-01-47 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>i atemp them semi regulary
2020-01-30 03-11-29 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>fuck i notices small mistake with all of part icons ... ok i will fix it later
2020-12-03 06-34-04 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com> personaly i think it is a bug with low priority BUT it does need to be fixed to 1.1
2020-01-30 02-50-42 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>i touched every singel one but started with icons form original hicolor
2020-01-30 02-09-48 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com> this is porbably goign to be setted in som css in the theme
2020-12-03 07-09-27 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>welll its too late for that anyway :D
2020-01-30 04-10-33 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>Thanks I will fix it with new lpe icons ( have to do that don't know how yet)
2020-01-30 02-28-49 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>whats a problem ?
2020-01-30 02-49-25 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com> dont know
2020-01-30 02-40-44 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>could you add this to multicolor them PLEEEEES
2020-01-30 01-40-27 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>share_icons_Tango_scalable_actions_edit-select-same-stroke-style.svg (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/4JW7djro2f2yXZZzd/share_icons_Tango_scalable_actions_edit-select-same-stroke-style.svg)
2020-01-30 02-49-00 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com> baybe you are right and keep it as it is :D
2020-01-30 02-52-36 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com> i stil dont like how LPE icons look
2020-01-26 01-45-58 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com> :D its not so urgent it can wait
2020-05-05 07-34-55 PDTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com> got it back how it was
2020-01-29 08-53-11 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>adam.belis@gmail.com
2020-12-03 05-56-33 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>i think its ux bug but think (could be wrong need user testing) that we can live with this in 1.1 (there are bigger issues ) and is edge case
2020-12-03 07-01-53 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com> thank you for moving it
2020-01-29 11-25-40 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>select same
2020-01-30 02-40-34 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>dialog-tile-clones-symbolic.svg (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/tN3vyqKCYiJyYCPT6/dialog-tile-clones-symbolic.svg)
2020-01-29 08-12-48 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>Hi could i aske you for a favour ?
2020-05-05 07-33-56 PDTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>hmmmm ... ok i got cofused i thought this was diffrent issue
2020-12-03 07-06-12 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com> gtk is nightmare to work with :D
2020-05-05 07-35-18 PDTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com> i think this is big shame that this didnt got in
2020-12-03 07-02-24 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>yes new docing system has to be priority for 1.1
2020-01-30 01-35-46 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>hmmmm hmmmm ... kind off
2020-01-30 02-09-54 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com> or the icon set
2020-05-05 07-31-50 PDTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com> becouse its still borken
2020-12-03 07-04-41 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>i have been using it fol loner its qait good but just few bugs here an there
2020-01-30 02-52-48 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>but its good enough for now
2020-12-03 07-11-38 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>yeah basicly thare is almost no colaboration
2020-01-30 01-30-00 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com> they are diffrent
2020-12-03 07-05-01 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>but now i am wondering why we just did not steal gimp code
2020-01-29 08-50-49 PSTAdam Belis <adam.belis@gmail.com>i would prefer if you do it :D buut i could also leran it but not today