2019-06-04 03-49-38 PDTGeoffrey Fabry <fabrygeoffrey@yahoo.com>can you advise me here?
2019-06-04 04-01-09 PDTGeoffrey Fabry <fabrygeoffrey@yahoo.com>i will have a look at the link you've send me, thanks for that!
2019-06-04 04-00-21 PDTGeoffrey Fabry <fabrygeoffrey@yahoo.com>I just want the best solution and if Axidraw is the one, then that's the one :p
2019-06-04 03-59-56 PDTGeoffrey Fabry <fabrygeoffrey@yahoo.com>no problem
2019-06-04 03-49-33 PDTGeoffrey Fabry <fabrygeoffrey@yahoo.com>Hi Windell, sorry to bother you :-)
2019-06-04 03-59-46 PDTWindell Oskay <windell@evilmadscientist.com>There is a special software package for AxiDraw owners, called AxiDraw Merge, that does what you're asking. You can read the user guide for it here, and see if that would meet your needs: https://evilmadscience.s3.amazonaws.com/wiki/axidraw/software/axi-merge_v25_E.pdf
2019-06-04 04-00-49 PDTWindell Oskay <windell@evilmadscientist.com>Well, please evaluate available data and make the right decision. No one wins if you're not happy with one of our machines.
2019-06-04 03-58-55 PDTWindell Oskay <windell@evilmadscientist.com>I can, but I am the author of the AxiDraw software, so you should understand that I'm not a neutral party.