2020-07-23 00-47-39 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>You want to mirror media.inkscape.org or alpha.inkscape.org?
2020-07-23 02-11-11 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>You can CC doctormo@geek-2.com if you think the email isn't getting to me.
2020-07-01 08-19-57 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Oh wow, I love physical events. I do "learn to teach, teach to learn" here in Boston, USA. For teenagers. It's a lot of fun.
2020-07-23 02-27-22 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>If the sun explode.. this is technically an end ;-)
2020-07-01 08-14-51 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Rizky Djati Munggaran?
2020-07-01 08-25-45 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>This is good to know. Probably already have all the channels needed to chat about things. But we can also make rocket chat live channel too.
2020-07-23 02-17-43 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>How are things going in Indonesia?
2020-07-23 00-47-11 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Hi
2020-07-23 02-24-06 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Boston is better than most places in the USA right now. University is planning on online only for most people. Can eat at restaurants again, but outside. They have added tables and chairs to lots of streets. Which is good thing even if no virus.
2020-07-23 02-10-52 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Sure webmaster@inkscape.org :-)
2020-07-01 08-12-00 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Also, how did your event go, was the Inkscape content good?
2020-07-01 08-15-28 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>I wish we had more of his works https://inkscape.org/~ridjam/
2020-07-23 01-41-03 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Yes
2020-07-23 02-28-02 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>I think the USA is focused on not an end, but a middle. Because everything is turning bad right now.
2020-07-23 02-37-00 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Our of control virus, secret police, possible breaking democracy. 2021 will either be much better, or much worse. But not the same.
2020-07-01 08-20-49 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Should we make Indonesian forum on https://inkscape.org/forums/ ? (we currently have German and English).
2020-07-01 08-05-12 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>The check will take three weeks :-( but I will let you know when we get a response.
2020-07-01 09-13-02 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Agree! Only for more bridges between our country's communities. πŸ˜…
2020-07-01 08-04-53 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>hi raniaamina, I got the request from michele. Thanks so much!
2020-07-01 08-15-56 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>He's very good. I use his cartoons for anonymous forum avatar.
2020-07-01 08-04-02 PDTRania Amina <me@raniaamina.id>Hi, i'm so sorry for disturbing you. I just wanna inform, that Gimpscape recenty send donation (from Artweek event) with amount $115, hope it sent correctly. Would you check it, please :") Thank you.
2020-07-01 09-16-12 PDTRania Amina <me@raniaamina.id>That's true!
2020-07-23 02-22-38 PDTRania Amina <me@raniaamina.id>Most of event held as online event, very difficult to get permission from government to make offline event
2020-07-01 08-14-00 PDTRania Amina <me@raniaamina.id>Very good, soon one of them (Ridjam, i think he one of famous inkscape artist) give very good workshop, and most of them can follow his class very well
2020-07-01 08-06-07 PDTRania Amina <me@raniaamina.id>No problem, thanks :")
2020-07-22 20-09-40 PDTRania Amina <me@raniaamina.id>some%20people%20get%20very%20slow%20connection%20when%20download%20from%20Inkscape%20Website (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/hWajtta2HD47v8cmH/some%2520people%2520get%2520very%2520slow%2520connection%2520when%2520download%2520from%2520Inkscape%2520Website)
2020-07-23 00-56-43 PDTRania Amina <me@raniaamina.id>All installer file if possible (include stable version)
2020-07-01 08-57-34 PDTRania Amina <me@raniaamina.id>Yeah, i think every country has own platform that suitable with their habbit, to campaign about foss efficiently we need to go to their environment, imhoπŸ˜…
2020-07-23 02-36-11 PDTRania Amina <me@raniaamina.id>Turning bad?πŸ€”
2020-07-23 02-10-28 PDTRania Amina <me@raniaamina.id>May i get you email address?πŸ™ˆ
2020-07-22 20-07-59 PDTRania Amina <me@raniaamina.id>Hi, one of gimpscape member wanna mirroring inkscape installer to Indonesia server. Is it any guide to do that?
2020-07-01 08-15-20 PDTRania Amina <me@raniaamina.id>Yeps
2020-07-23 00-59-15 PDTRania Amina <me@raniaamina.id>May he contact you via email?
2020-07-01 08-17-19 PDTRania Amina <me@raniaamina.id>I hope too :") But, i think he's very busy right now, as i know, he make a class of inkscape in his hometown
2020-07-23 02-21-04 PDTRania Amina <me@raniaamina.id>The case still increase, especially in up town area that far from city. Universities and school still inactive, but economical sector try to wake up and regrowing
2020-07-01 08-04-43 PDTRania Amina <me@raniaamina.id>Filename (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/BayBaoQWGGdbtPHEK/Filename)
2020-07-23 02-11-06 PDTRania Amina <me@raniaamina.id>Okay, thanks
2020-07-01 08-24-07 PDTRania Amina <me@raniaamina.id>I still have no idea, it will work or not, but most of indonesian prefer use live chat like telegram or facebook to ask, learn, and discussion. But i'll try to ask them
2020-07-23 02-26-33 PDTRania Amina <me@raniaamina.id>Let's hope it will end soonπŸ˜†
2020-07-02 01-16-35 PDTRania Amina <me@raniaamina.id>https://youtu.be/Rtpy-25smv4 One of lightning talk about inkscape