2021-02-14 13-36-58 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Yes
2021-02-14 13-07-01 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>:laughing:
2021-02-14 12-54-07 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>I can talk here about my work with some other small companies who have made the switch.
2021-02-14 12-54-45 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>I'm a contractor, and I modify Inkscape for businesses that want to use Inkscape in their workplaces. Different industries, different features or fixes needed.
2021-02-14 13-00-50 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>It depends what you need. Developers like myself have patreons for generic help like mine here https://patreon.com/doctormo but if you want someonthing specific, then working with me could help you get tools that work for your business.
2021-02-14 13-04-33 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>I see, do you have the Illustrator keyboard shortcuts?
2021-02-14 13-04-45 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>For the 1.1 release.
2021-02-14 13-06-31 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>You can support my work via paypal if you have that, doctormo@geek-2.com if that's what you want to do.
2021-02-14 13-08-03 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Ah! you are a wise investor in open source. :-)
2021-02-14 13-09-44 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>In English "what comes around, goes around"
2021-02-14 13-10-22 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>That's true, I wish we had a better organised developer pool to be honest.
2021-02-14 13-11-22 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Not supporting your suppliers is not wise. This is called "The tragedy of the commons"
2021-02-14 13-12-49 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>It is also culture.
2021-02-14 13-18-08 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Sure, you can send me a file, please explain how you'd like me to help you.
2021-02-14 13-22-15 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>I believe you can do this with the spacebar in Inkscape.
2021-02-14 13-22-47 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Do you need training for Inkscape to see if it will work for you?
2021-02-14 13-28-20 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>These tutorials are good https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEQXp_fcqwPcqrzNtWJ1w9w
2021-02-14 13-37-08 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>I'm programming Inkscape, sorry for the delay getting back to you.
2021-02-14 13-37-58 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>The welcome screen has the keyboard shortcuts selection, and you can also set modifier keys to be more like Illustrator too. Although this work isn't completed yet, it should make it easier for a transition.
2021-02-14 13-40-09 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>So you want a duplicate instead of a stamper, Ctrl+D will duplicate.
2021-02-14 13-41-17 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Duplicate is a copy, it's just a different workflow.
2021-02-14 13-43-27 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>There's no automatic tool for that yet, you can align the objects after they've been created, but it's less quick.
2021-02-14 13-46-31 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Small screen, if you have 1.1 you can try the compact theme I included called "Minwaita"
2021-02-14 13-49-18 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Edit > Preferences > Interface > Themeing > Change GTK Theme
2021-02-14 13-52-37 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Ah, then it looks like you have an older version without the theme, perhaps the alpha0
2021-02-14 13-54-11 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Yes, you are going to the releases website page right, this is older version
2021-02-14 13-54-22 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>what operating system?
2021-02-14 13-55-12 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Does this one work? https://inkscape.org/release/inkscape-master/mac-os-x/dmg/dl/
2021-02-14 13-56-15 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Overright I think, although macOS isn't my os
2021-02-14 14-07-54 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>OK, so that's an older release, not up to date.
2021-02-14 14-09-16 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Try this one https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/-/jobs/1028304779/artifacts/browse/artifacts/
2021-02-14 14-49-15 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>OK, thanks for letting me know, this feature is very new.
2021-02-16 04-03-21 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Have you joined the macOs developer channel or the testing channels?
2021-02-16 04-03-32 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>I think those are the two best places for test results on macOS
2021-02-14 12-59-02 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>:)
2021-02-14 13-36-25 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>_
2021-02-14 13-48-37 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>btw
2021-02-14 13-30-32 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>ago
2021-02-14 13-56-14 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>let's try
2021-02-16 03-00-33 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>hi
2021-02-14 13-29-46 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>thanks
2021-02-14 13-40-40 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>no no
2021-02-14 13-04-48 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>no
2021-02-14 14-00-43 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>file
2021-02-14 13-54-27 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>bigSur
2021-02-14 13-39-05 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>for example
2021-02-14 13-26-04 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>anything
2021-02-14 12-59-16 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>thanks
2021-02-14 14-11-50 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>installing
2021-02-14 14-08-06 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>never mind
2021-02-14 13-44-19 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>mastering
2021-02-14 13-46-54 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>i have
2021-02-14 13-03-25 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>of course
2021-02-14 13-39-19 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>using space
2021-02-14 13-51-42 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>and win32
2021-02-14 13-42-06 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>but
2021-02-14 13-43-44 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>i see
2021-02-14 13-48-40 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>:)
2021-02-14 13-36-32 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>?
2021-02-14 12-59-36 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>so what you have in mind
2021-02-14 12-59-48 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>see i tried to draw something
2021-02-14 13-00-08 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>in latest develepment version of ink
2021-02-14 13-00-16 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>and it is damned good
2021-02-14 13-01-03 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>the fact that i cannot use it is problem of my brain wired to different 15 years practice
2021-02-14 13-02-39 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>i actually do have a illustrator
2021-02-14 13-02-47 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>but i want to change it
2021-02-14 13-02-55 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>i shall support your work
2021-02-14 13-03-13 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>i cannot wire my CC to monthly support
2021-02-14 13-03-22 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>but you'll get some support
2021-02-14 13-04-54 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>just a question
2021-02-14 13-05-01 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>on your web site
2021-02-14 13-05-13 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>you have support fee
2021-02-14 13-05-24 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>i'd like to help now with 50$
2021-02-14 13-05-29 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>but just once
2021-02-14 13-06-05 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>i do not buy on credit :)
2021-02-14 13-06-46 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>(this will be silliest spent money in my life)
2021-02-14 13-26-59 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>but macBook Pro's superb touchpad and sophisticated
2021-02-14 13-07-42 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>but i supported firefox in 2008 and Ubuntu in 2011
2021-02-14 13-08-03 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>and i did not regret
2021-02-14 13-08-43 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>no i just admired them in their understand of the life
2021-02-14 13-09-28 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>do good and uncertain future will reward gooness
2021-02-14 13-09-50 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>you might be fraud .. but who cares
2021-02-14 13-10-18 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>i know more than 50 owners of the software companies
2021-02-14 13-10-29 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>bigger than me
2021-02-14 13-10-49 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>but no of them ever suported any community
2021-02-14 13-11-37 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>but usage is important
2021-02-14 13-11-57 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>my brother is superb programmer in dassault
2021-02-14 13-12-31 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>and he needed 3 yeas to be convinced to use thunderbird instead of outlook
2021-02-14 13-13-15 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>no - he wants to pay
2021-02-14 13-13-46 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>and it is good, but as soon as i explained the essence of office 365
2021-02-14 13-14-00 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>he had switched
2021-02-14 13-14-07 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>this is what i want to try
2021-02-14 13-14-11 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>the problem is
2021-02-14 13-14-22 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>my money is cheap
2021-02-14 13-14-31 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>but my time is expensive
2021-02-14 13-15-02 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>can i send here a file
2021-02-14 13-15-23 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>to explain what should be done in 60 minutes
2021-02-14 13-16-25 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>not this 60 minutes
2021-02-14 13-16-37 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>but from start to end
2021-02-14 13-20-16 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>this is for example scenario that had to be completed in an hour
2021-02-14 13-19-38 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>https://daikin-hce.com/cms_upload/uploads/dsapp_scenario.pdf
2021-02-14 13-20-35 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>(of course far right illustration is 3d model)
2021-02-14 13-21-46 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>very important is option(alt) + drag duplicate
2021-02-14 13-22-05 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>and control of the radius
2021-02-14 13-22-49 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>so i did this real-time on the meeting
2021-02-14 13-23-09 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>in 50 minutes with all details
2021-02-14 13-23-22 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>so my question
2021-02-14 13-24-01 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>is how to practice line control, object control
2021-02-14 13-24-16 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>do you have some refenence guides
2021-02-14 13-26-00 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>i need a book, a reference guide, a tutorial
2021-02-14 13-26-17 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>i do not use a mouse
2021-02-14 13-27-19 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>touch controls
2021-02-14 13-28-00 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>for example corel's magnificent right click while drag to copy cannot work
2021-02-14 13-28-22 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>but illustrators option+drag works perfectly
2021-02-14 13-30-08 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>i shall do my best to learn this
2021-02-14 13-30-29 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>i'm 45 so it is not so fast as it was 25 years age
2021-02-14 13-30-58 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>but my next work will be i inkscape
2021-02-14 13-34-10 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>how can i load illustrators shortcuts (i have an option on startup)
2021-02-14 13-36-24 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>аре зоу хере
2021-02-14 13-36-38 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>are you here
2021-02-14 13-38-58 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>i can provide you feedback
2021-02-14 13-39-15 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>i tried right now to copy object
2021-02-14 13-39-44 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>but it is not clear how to keep original in place
2021-02-14 13-40-50 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>i want to copy object
2021-02-14 13-42-00 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>i understand
2021-02-14 13-42-42 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>if i need quickly 5 equidistant copies inline
2021-02-14 13-43-57 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>this reuires matering of the distribute command
2021-02-14 13-44-15 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>this requires ...
2021-02-14 13-44-45 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>i have swithced to another computer with different keyboard
2021-02-14 13-45-28 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>and ... how to get interface as on the tutorial?
2021-02-14 13-46-02 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>i have some default very hard to fit in screen
2021-02-14 13-47-18 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>1.1-dev (9017afb, 2021-01-01)
2021-02-14 13-48-07 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>where to find Minwaita
2021-02-14 13-48-18 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>of course i shall use it
2021-02-14 13-48-33 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>i started to like the ink
2021-02-14 13-49-50 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>i dont have it
2021-02-14 13-50-08 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>i have an option but not yours
2021-02-14 13-51-19 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>There is default Adwalta
2021-02-14 13-51-28 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>HighContrast
2021-02-14 13-51-37 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>HighContrast something
2021-02-14 13-52-58 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>i'll install newer
2021-02-14 13-53-04 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>this ws available today
2021-02-14 13-53-14 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>see version upthere
2021-02-14 13-54-34 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>from yesterday :)
2021-02-14 13-54-58 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>11.2 (20D64)
2021-02-14 13-55-45 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>do i need to uninstal
2021-02-14 13-55-55 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>or just overwrite
2021-02-14 13-56-47 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>i am installing
2021-02-14 13-56-53 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>but it appears as the same file
2021-02-14 14-00-38 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>here it is ..
2021-02-14 14-00-41 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>it is the same
2021-02-14 14-01-23 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>1.1-dev (9017afb, 2021-01-01)
2021-02-14 14-08-18 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>so at he end of the day
2021-02-14 14-08-33 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>1. i shall try to use ink
2021-02-14 14-08-48 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>2. i shall contribute sybolical 50$
2021-02-14 14-09-15 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>3. i'll try not to use illustrator 1 month
2021-02-14 14-12-06 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>why the files replication is so slow
2021-02-14 14-13-37 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>btw ... you are cool guy
2021-02-14 14-18-05 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>the same themes inside
2021-02-16 03-01-16 PSTaleksandar <info@plum.rs>does somebody of developers need feedback from macOS 10.15.7