2020-05-03 07-10-51 PDTanonym_i_ous <yashpalgoyal1304@gmail.com>i can understand what u are saying, but the description itself is pretty much enough (that is, the comments dont contain much new information for ur purpose i think)
2020-01-25 08-28-39 PSTanonym_i_ous <yashpalgoyal1304@gmail.com>I was just wondering that what does the merging means in practise? (as I dont have much real experience with these things)
2020-05-03 07-11-12 PDTanonym_i_ous <yashpalgoyal1304@gmail.com>not forcing or anything, just wanted to convey that only description is enough
2020-05-02 08-28-32 PDTanonym_i_ous <yashpalgoyal1304@gmail.com>https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inbox/-/issues/1229
2020-01-25 18-52-42 PSTanonym_i_ous <yashpalgoyal1304@gmail.com>okay! Nice 😃
2020-05-02 08-26-52 PDTanonym_i_ous <yashpalgoyal1304@gmail.com>[ ](https://chat.inkscape.org/channel/team_devel?msg=8weaqtPZKiTExx4mW) if u need any tests ()
2020-05-02 08-27-20 PDTanonym_i_ous <yashpalgoyal1304@gmail.com>I and nathan and jhofinger did quite a lot at
2020-01-25 08-30-52 PSTanonym_i_ous <yashpalgoyal1304@gmail.com>or is there any other step involved? :thinking:
2020-01-25 08-29-31 PSTanonym_i_ous <yashpalgoyal1304@gmail.com>like u have merged and deleted the source branch! so, if someone downloads inkscape now, will (s)he see the newer versions?
2020-01-25 08-27-45 PSTanonym_i_ous <yashpalgoyal1304@gmail.com>hi
2020-05-02 12-45-52 PDTPatrick <eduard.braun2@gmx.de>Thanks, I saw that issue, but I have to admit that that issue had quite wordy comments and was very lengthy overall, so I did not have time to go through it.
2020-01-25 09-05-58 PSTPatrick <eduard.braun2@gmx.de>Also there's a HTML version included on the website, which is automatically synced, see https://inkscape.org/learn/tutorials/
2020-01-25 09-04-40 PSTPatrick <eduard.braun2@gmx.de>No, the tutorials are bundled with Inkscape (so they're static).
2020-05-02 12-46-44 PDTPatrick <eduard.braun2@gmx.de>It's a general issue with bug reports: Less is usually more but people don't always realize that.
2020-01-25 09-04-55 PSTPatrick <eduard.braun2@gmx.de>However we'll include the updated tutorials with the next release of Inkscape
2020-05-03 13-17-05 PDTPatrick <eduard.braun2@gmx.de>OK, I'll try to have another look at it if I can find the time.