2019-02-05 11-15-09 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>why does Chris have anything to do with you working on it? You started first!
2020-08-11 16-44-00 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>https://inkscape.org/*board/
2019-05-29 19-33-01 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>sure, although it's better you message me like this or direct email, I doubt I'll have free time before next week, the project is being worked on non-stop until it's done so weekends are booked too
2020-07-11 15-39-18 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I'm not either I'm thinking
2018-12-12 19-30-19 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>4:30 am lol
2020-08-11 16-30-29 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I don't call that prototype, prototype is something that simulates real websites
2020-05-17 09-59-27 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I'm with family catching up, can be meet later in several hours? I think they're planning for a late meal :D
2019-02-02 08-03-10 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>your OS?
2020-07-11 15-06-51 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>ah one, that Bryce first started asking friends for patches, but they wanted to donate, so Paypal, but taxes high
2019-01-19 13-07-00 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>too early?
2019-01-22 20-15-16 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>that's why I used Preview
2019-02-01 07-48-12 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>but maybe you can follow the steps from above and see if you get stuck?
2019-01-22 20-10-08 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>not in the preview talk
2019-01-23 18-54-07 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I see the submissions form is still there
2019-01-22 20-50-45 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>thats the poitn, the teasers are the end drawings
2019-01-23 18-50-12 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>ah yes that's good to define too
2018-12-09 08-46-03 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>so whatever change you might have pls suggest, text or style
2019-05-29 19-00-42 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I didn't know I wasn't coming until the very last moment, it's very stressful changing this this way, and with so many changes lately, I now just hope to sleep normally for a week
2018-11-27 18-09-49 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I'll probably be the last one to watch it :disappointed:
2020-06-16 11-58-11 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>not late at all, I'm usually awake during US hours these days
2020-07-11 07-44-01 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>meeting the Board!
2020-08-11 16-28-05 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I want a prototype we can click through
2018-12-12 19-04-40 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I think the link is on one of the issue on vectors GL
2020-07-15 05-57-51 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>do you want to make a break and then continue?
2019-05-29 19-34-13 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I have it in my Vectors list :D
2018-12-07 10-58-58 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I don't want to mess things up
2018-12-07 10-46-31 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>did they mention that in your chat with spreadshirt?
2018-12-09 08-48-59 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>that's where I got them
2019-02-01 07-42-03 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I wouldn't be surprised if I were the only one using the ics :rofl:
2019-01-19 13-10-25 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>you have the original file, make a copy by ADDING to the name, for example OriginalnameEdit01
2020-08-18 20-02-22 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Thank you :) I hope something good comes out of it. I've never done anything similar, I've always ignored it, and I didn't like the results so we'll see what the new approach brings.
2018-12-12 18-48-37 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yes pages, but even more abstract than that
2019-01-22 20-19-15 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>no, we don't see the submissions
2019-01-19 13-07-19 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>when you delete what you see, you immediately paste from your local change
2019-01-22 20-40-38 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>wow I sound amazing :joy_cat:
2020-08-05 17-34-45 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I'm reading the vectors now
2020-07-22 16-09-43 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>InkscapeLogo96dpi.png (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/H2u3xiBbPzRyz4Bu6/InkscapeLogo96dpi.png)
2020-07-12 10-54-44 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>https://digimedia1.r2.enst.fr/b/mar-9wm-vj2
2020-05-16 14-23-56 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>haha me too raspberries
2018-11-27 18-11-34 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I'll also retweet once it's out
2018-12-12 18-47-19 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>depends on what you mean by "design in it"?
2019-05-29 18-59-22 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>and I was wrapping up the loose ends until today evening, and I thought I would be traveling tomorrow morning! But then they called and we talked and it turned out I'm not going anywhere
2019-01-23 18-57-56 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I haven't heard him speak, but yes, there's nothing he can't do if we prepare and practise
2020-08-11 15-58-38 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>UX channel mostly, and this GL https://gitlab.com/inkscape/vectors/general/-/issues/166#note_394472103
2020-07-11 15-34-17 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>how long does it take to email SFC and wait for their reply? I don't think a month is too short
2019-02-01 07-47-28 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>not sure, around that time?
2019-01-22 20-50-21 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>i need to go do sth now, be back in an hour or less, with more about this hopefully, you go get rest! it can wait tomorrow
2020-08-11 16-22-07 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I was hoping we could do it at the end of hackfest but what other day is good for you?
2019-01-19 13-40-11 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>you'll see the code on the right
2020-05-16 14-24-06 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I leave the non-edibles to my mom
2020-07-11 13-42-24 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>young gens :)
2019-01-22 20-51-28 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>sure, I'll come up with examples that use them
2019-05-29 18-56-04 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I would still LOVE to have you go through what I came up with!
2019-05-29 19-01-29 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>thank you
2018-11-27 18-10-12 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>have you seen the new forum on the website?
2019-05-29 19-04-18 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>do you know when version 1.0 will be out? I'm completely out of the loop
2018-12-12 18-55-05 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>ah I'm a logo designer in a parallel universe
2020-05-18 14-37-24 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yup, stay safe!
2018-12-12 18-43-44 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I've never heard of a Drupal module that wasn't free, there are only custom modules that need to be secret because of clients business, but in the community no one is trying to capitalize that way
2019-05-29 19-18-23 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>what kind of freelance work?
2018-12-12 18-34-15 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>with a lot of business consulting incorporated in it
2018-12-07 11-00-55 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>any fun expressions about how to address Canadians!
2019-01-19 13-53-07 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>and you'll probably have to increase the document height, but that can be done at the very end
2018-12-12 19-29-47 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>it's already late and I should go to bed
2019-01-22 20-19-38 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>but this is usually a restriction in conferences about printing, limited space in each "box"
2020-07-23 09-40-49 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>BTW I'll include you in an email with potential testimonial about Inky person
2020-06-16 11-58-38 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I hope to try BBB for Vicky, so if you think we can try it?
2020-08-11 16-49-19 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>and if they aren't doing anything, they aren't breaking the law
2020-05-16 14-22-58 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>to around this time 5pm for you?
2019-01-19 14-11-51 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>until Ryan enables it through rocket
2020-08-11 16-20-41 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>but I'll now start with the mindmap/prototype
2019-01-19 13-54-43 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I listed the steps in my original sketch
2019-01-19 13-40-02 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>click on the original file
2020-07-22 17-31-49 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>cardSorting.svg (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/A2Hyh4RSFCtyuWyua/cardSorting.svg)
2020-07-23 10-01-48 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>you need a stick
2020-09-24 16-15-53 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I don't have a lot of time to reply so I'll try to make a short one: I see a lot of things that are worrying. You completely stopped the project, nothing new was done since the emails with Ryan and me? Why? Did you nudge him a bit after a while? BTW why are you referring to it as Ryan's plan? It's a sensible structure of any web dev project, anyone experienced could take over. Freedom software contributions are attributed, but they are not owned by contributors. The whole project was started under premise that the project needs to advance with our help, and stopping the project is hindering that. I won't be taking on any roles in the project, I might contribute some other ways but what happened and how it happened doesn't provide a safe enough environment for me and I don't see why I should stay when I can find a place I can fit in better. Definitely hold the meeting with Indonesia, if you can in any way. I doubt I'll be there. You all have more than enough skills to handle everything. What's Martin's channel? I'm back to my old routine same old.
2018-12-09 09-02-49 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I didn't have a lot of time to think about those, I just worked as quickly as I culd
2018-12-07 11-04-02 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>not sure if it's necessary to have the shop in the url since it's a shop service lol
2019-01-22 20-49-27 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>the description should be a lot longer than my bio
2019-01-22 20-46-20 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yes sure
2018-12-12 18-37-25 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>about business consulting - many small businesses and NGOs need websites, but the website is constructed and tailored according to your mission, goal etc
2020-06-23 14-17-55 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>we're still on without vicky
2019-01-22 20-27-24 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>these are 1.0 features we might mention
2018-12-07 11-15-22 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>lol
2020-08-18 19-55-33 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>But I don't think that will impact the project, you can go on with Content,
2019-05-29 19-03-26 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>you know when you mentioned I should do a sequel to the book for Inkscape? Bryce also kinda hinted about it, Maren I think too, so I thought I can do that! I thought I'd have half the book by LGM!
2019-05-29 19-01-40 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>what did they talk about searching?
2020-03-28 15-00-05 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I hope it helps, even if it helps one person....
2018-12-12 18-22-30 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>maybe we can find a common ground
2020-07-11 15-21-09 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I asked in the devel channel and I asked before that Martin I think if we can include this in the Board agenda, and talked about it with ryan, but nothing happened
2019-01-22 20-06-46 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>it changes, we discussed above, seems audience won't care much about anything else but ffeatures
2018-12-12 18-58-05 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>oh wow CC!
2020-03-28 14-39-12 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yes, I hope it will stay that way there, although I'm increasingly seeing more news from Canada, I think your measures could be better, stay isolated, don't go among people etc
2020-05-14 15-22-47 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>O hai O Canada! I hope you're still safe! I just wanted to buzz in to congratz on pushing Inky 1.0 out! Yay! I'm still mostly busy but I'd like you to call me when you have something I can help with quickly, where I can just jump into it, it's easier that way than to block some hours in my schedule, I tried to do that with Saturday meetings but that day turns out not so good for me
2018-12-12 19-15-18 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>ah now I understand why PDF had pages
2020-07-11 15-30-35 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yeah now I remember what Mc was saying about meeting more often
2018-12-12 18-54-06 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>just to get it out of their system
2018-12-07 10-47-46 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>do you know why that is? Something in CA law?
2019-01-22 20-06-00 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>because the talk will all be about the app, not about the community
2019-01-09 12-13-31 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>there are no deadlines! when ever you get to it. I'm too swamped with last years tasks...
2019-01-19 08-57-30 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I put those in separate columns but it's definitely not clear enough
2020-05-17 13-44-48 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>thank you, see ya!
2018-12-12 18-28-42 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>lol you mean without meeting them in person?
2019-02-02 08-02-42 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>meeting!
2020-08-11 16-24-27 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>we can maybe do it in parallel during hackfest?
2019-05-29 18-46-36 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>oh wow your art is so creative, I wish I had time to do that
2020-07-25 16-51-48 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Have fun! I missed most of the hackfest, they were very productive in dev talk when I was there
2020-08-11 16-29-04 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>so we ask a question first: I'm a user I'm familiar with Inkscape and want to contribute my designs, where do I click now? Where do I click now? Did I get my info? Did I conribute? Was it easy?
2019-05-29 19-02-17 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I def need to change something, I'm not happy with how things can hijack me, why work so hard and then don't even have control
2019-01-22 20-28-18 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>that's not the same as canvas rotation
2018-12-12 18-50-04 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>ah now I think I get it :D
2018-12-12 19-09-41 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>lol not the nicest export, but I guess we can talk about it
2020-08-12 09-34-40 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>you still there?
2020-07-10 08-52-15 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>thank you for the headsup! I sent Ryan a message so we can clarify the times
2020-06-26 06-43-39 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Yes, I was planning on this, and it would be great to have you help :)
2019-01-19 13-54-30 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>but you have to change the step 4, it's not to repeat steps 1-3 if it's not a bug, but there+s a special procedure for that
2020-08-11 16-35-28 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>ok sent
2020-07-11 15-25-44 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>maybe I'm just tired, it's been a long day
2020-06-15 14-04-29 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>what time would be good for you?
2020-03-28 15-03-58 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I think there may be more than one similar project doing something with those masks, I don't track all now, link me if you see it again!
2020-07-11 07-36-40 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Every user can weight in on branding, info about perceptions, what is and what should be also come from them.
2019-05-29 19-23-32 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>nah, not any more, they only offer learning platform, not teaching platform
2019-02-01 07-47-48 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>i need to clean the hazelnuts, and roast, not sure how long that would take lol
2020-07-11 15-37-36 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Bryce said that being on the Board takes some effort, but Martin and Mc tolds us (do you remember?) that all they do is spend 1h monthly to show up, and if things are not done they just push to the next months agenda
2019-01-19 13-39-51 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>now you can go to the Documents
2019-01-22 13-55-51 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>you baseball fan? lol I thought that was the reference but I looked it up anyway
2020-05-18 14-34-25 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>if only we could do that, print the fabric with his drawing
2018-12-09 09-02-09 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yes these might work
2019-01-22 20-52-04 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>ok see ya!
2019-05-29 19-36-56 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yes go do it! and rest! Night!
2020-08-20 11-27-18 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I need to go now, yes would love to talk just don't know when, I'm so super late with everything
2020-07-15 05-54-43 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I've always had very positiove experiences with that part of the world
2020-07-15 05-55-49 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>and come up with a definition and move on
2019-01-19 09-16-00 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>The fourth step in my sketch is split into IS a bug, or ISNT a bug, then you have a sublist of tasks to do for each case, and each case ends up with points
2020-05-16 14-18-51 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>What time did you want to meet and catch up? Tomorrow?
2020-07-11 15-41-19 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>you too! bai! :wave:
2019-01-22 20-01-18 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I'm trying to think of somehting for the workshop but this is all I have: Quickly learn how to use Inkscape by completing a series of small design tasks structured to lead you through the basics all the way up to latest features that make complex tasks easy.
2020-07-23 09-36-19 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yup it's next
2019-02-05 11-33-09 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>lol
2019-05-29 18-49-37 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>not to me :cry: I once presented at a conference with only 2 hours of sleep the previous night, I don't recommend, but at least I made it happen
2018-12-07 10-58-46 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>was it your understanding that it would be a separate shop?
2020-08-18 19-59-07 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I just saw the reply from Patrick but I'll reply tomorrow or the next day
2019-03-15 17-33-56 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I hope so, Saturday night isn't the best time, weekdays would be better for any meetings, but I'll try, I already watched the videos, they're not very to the point, I think we need a lot more specificity
2019-01-19 09-15-03 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>The symbol is diamond, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conditional_(computer_programming) :diamonds:
2020-07-11 13-43-59 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>lol my face isn't camera ready :laughing:
2020-08-11 16-32-18 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>it's all just "for play" lol
2019-01-19 12-05-59 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yes ! :D
2020-08-11 16-20-51 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I think I'll try to find a way to prototype
2020-05-16 14-20-22 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>are you in edt now?
2020-05-16 14-22-35 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>we can shift it later if you want
2020-05-16 14-18-33 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>ohai!
2020-03-28 14-02-23 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Ohai! I'm helping some volunteers in Croatia translate a page about how to build a mask for hospital workers out of a snorkle mask and 3D printed part. Are you interested in translating it into French once we have the English version? Here's the page, so you can gauge the scope: https://pandemija.info/respiratorhr/ We probably won't need those in Croatia, knock on wood! But they already have a lot of interest from abroad even with only Croatian version of text available, guys in India really want it, they say they don't have much protection at all.
2019-02-05 11-16-59 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I don't know if I have things mixed up, video was for reporting bugs right?
2019-01-19 12-03-07 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>it requires an account etc
2019-01-20 16-21-33 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>:smile_cat:
2018-12-12 18-23-17 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>are you sure the animations wouldn't get on your nerves after a while?
2020-08-19 15-46-48 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I'm so sorry! I slept through the alarm and woke up late in the afternoon! And then had to rush to some errands before they close because I thought I'd go right after the meeting (working hours are reduced because of covid).
2020-03-28 14-58-15 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>definitely, I normally don't watch the news at all, but since this outbreak I spend half a day on it! Better focus myself into something useful
2019-01-19 11-59-04 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>We will always be able to pull out that file from my commit, and see what it looked like, and also compare the changes anyone else made
2018-12-12 18-37-45 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>it takes some business focus to guide you what exactly you need
2020-05-17 13-43-52 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I just got some alone time, and I'm so tired after all the business with food talk and playing with nephew. Do you mind we reschedule until tomorrow? Same time?
2020-08-11 16-42-58 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>no, they don't manage
2020-07-11 15-00-08 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>this started much earlier, and only the Board members were video
2019-01-22 20-22-56 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>i think we need to submit another one-the workshop
2020-07-12 10-45-22 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>5 mins pls still writing
2019-01-13 18-44-17 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>it would be nice to find an open source alternative, it doesn't have to be stand-alone app, it can be a website service like jitsi and rocket
2019-02-05 11-09-59 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>no hurry! I was chatting with Bryce and he mentioned big migration should be focused, so I gave a shoutout. Maybe if you just adjust to the steps to the two cases we have we can be done with it!
2020-05-18 14-30-03 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yes lolol
2020-08-05 17-48-07 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>are we connected?
2019-01-19 14-08-20 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>sure no problem, no rush!
2020-06-16 11-44-29 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Do you mean 7pm or 8 pm/ 1am or 2am Friday for me? Then yes, better 7 PM EDT then
2018-12-08 07-00-21 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>i keep getting the time zone wrong
2020-07-11 15-39-29 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>we might have more power as Vectors
2020-08-11 16-26-19 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>or at least create all the pages, and we can fill them in together
2020-07-11 13-44-11 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>you aren't there's 4 of them
2018-12-07 11-05-35 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>already in use by the general one
2020-05-16 14-26-44 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yes, see ya or hear ya!
2019-05-29 19-20-48 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>there used to be a service online where you can teach language, but I guess they got acquired
2019-02-05 11-35-05 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>what a ride, and good results I think!
2020-07-15 05-58-01 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>or meet later today or some other time?
2020-05-18 14-27-08 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I'm still catching up with things my family made plans for this week so I need to change my own plans to join them. Maren also said she can't, maybe on Thursday after I'm done traveling?
2018-12-11 08-22-43 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>It's just a proposal I made, I also labeled it as a Proposal, you don't have to do anything while it's in that stage, or any stage really! We're all contributing as much as we can and you can always say you won't be able to do it if that's the case. I just wanted to clarify so you don't think if you get mentioned in an issue that it's like a requirement, it isn't at all!
2019-01-23 18-54-22 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I doubt they would deny us if we were late a bit
2019-02-05 11-23-46 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I remember seeing the bug with rope, but not sure about the conversation
2020-07-11 15-20-19 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>maybe they comment on the Issue later
2020-07-15 09-37-50 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>sorry my meeting went longer and I forgot, I need to grab stht o eat, I'll be back later, I need a break for abit
2018-12-07 11-05-25 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>won't let me
2019-05-29 18-43-41 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I wish I could spend any amount of time I want on Inkscape and you guys
2020-07-12 10-20-15 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>tired :dizzy_face:
2018-12-12 18-56-31 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I'm not sure if there's a market for icons only, usually it's the complete web site designs that are requested, but you never know where you can find a niche
2020-07-23 09-39-49 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>we don't want to get a super nice spread of that link only to find out people can't respond because of limits
2020-08-05 17-45-54 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>why?
2020-07-11 15-35-00 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yes, any forward step is enough
2018-12-07 11-30-49 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>see ya! thank you for coming!
2020-03-28 15-06-29 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>https://www.isinnova.it/easy-covid19-eng/ this is the one for use on patients with a respirator or some other device
2018-12-12 18-21-21 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I think brynn said she would ask moderators to check the forum in general
2020-08-18 19-48-12 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I didn't expect such speedy response
2018-11-27 18-08-24 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>so good to have you on board
2019-05-29 19-33-38 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>me too! I've been buried in that project it's very narrow focus
2020-03-28 14-51-54 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>good!
2019-01-19 13-47-29 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>formatting?
2018-12-08 07-23-08 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>it's uo to us then
2020-06-16 11-47-18 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>those are all fine! Should we do 6 pm then? midnight for me
2020-07-15 06-03-46 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>you too! thank you!
2019-01-22 20-47-32 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>my teaching background won+t let me do it any otehr way :D
2019-01-22 20-09-01 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>bryce mentioned mostly art and design students
2018-12-07 10-58-23 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>it needs to be a new shop though, have to see if I can copy the products over
2019-01-19 13-39-42 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>ok I uploaded the original code to my original file
2019-05-26 16-01-51 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>there's a lot of graphical objects and bit so that part is taking the longest, making it pretty and sensible to follow. I wanted to do it in Scribus at first but I think Libre office will have to do just because it's quicker
2019-01-19 11-46-38 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Only if you plan to install Git on your own computer and learn that, otherwise you don't use the SSH key at all
2018-12-12 18-31-54 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>no, I meant similar to working alone in an office
2018-12-12 18-21-04 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>well of course
2019-01-21 15-43-59 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>ah pitty
2018-12-07 10-45-33 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I'm going though the shop settings and I can see the payment and everything is set that it's taxed in the US
2018-12-12 19-21-45 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>you mean just move that column to be the first?
2018-11-27 18-10-25 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>if you see any bugs let me know or add on GitLab
2019-05-29 19-03-29 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>hahahhahaha
2020-05-16 14-15-49 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I've heard from a Client in Montreal that it's not so great there in elderly people homes :( it's the same here in Croatia, we've had breaches in several and the death count up :( but the situation overall is great, we got counties borders open this week and I we finally gathered together for a nice lunch, we missed Easter
2019-05-29 19-10-01 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>you already do art and voice, add some story and you have an audio synced children's book!
2018-12-12 18-31-43 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>how is design connected with traveling?
2019-01-19 12-00-13 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>it's not so much about GitLab as it is about versioning in general
2019-01-20 16-21-48 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>whats your skype
2019-01-22 18-49-54 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I posted in vectors channel
2019-01-22 20-28-07 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I think canvas having origin at top left, we had a lot of requests about that in the past
2019-01-19 13-09-41 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>here is how you can work locally without a local repo:
2020-07-18 10-39-34 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>:tired_face: barely I hope I can catch what they+re saying
2019-05-29 18-56-51 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>You posted over the weeked: if I wanted to. Are you kidding me! Of course I definitely very strongly would very much love that!
2019-02-01 07-41-35 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Yes, it's in 2 hours from now, it was 3 hours at the time you asked :)
2018-12-12 19-01-59 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>oh yes do pull in anyone who might expand our views at Inkscape!
2018-12-12 19-32-57 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I think you will :)
2019-01-22 20-27-14 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com> Positive: hidpi, theming, powerpencil (if it is stable by the time it's released), canvas rotation, fillet/chamfer lpe. Negative: old extensions not compatible, possibly: no Mac version.
2020-08-18 20-06-43 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>You too! I'll need to get up earlier just o wake my brain up. Thank you for taking the time to send to Rania! See ya tomorrow
2019-01-22 20-14-55 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I like the feature reveal title, but maybe confirm with Bryce
2019-02-05 11-34-58 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yes!
2018-12-09 09-04-10 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>lol me too
2019-01-22 20-44-42 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>because it can all happen in the same task
2019-02-05 11-20-53 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>we might get other people contribute their own styles
2020-08-11 16-48-09 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>their names are on the charter, it's a legal document (US)
2020-08-11 16-31-05 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>sure, although it's not Ryan who suggested it, it was us three ladies remember?
2020-07-11 15-31-41 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>and they rely on Vectors being pushy to get it for them :D
2020-08-11 16-47-51 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>they only need to decide on what to do with the existing funds
2019-02-05 11-34-09 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>there are open source, but we'd have to install them and manage on our servers
2018-12-07 11-08-41 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I hope we can adjust everything later
2020-06-23 15-17-58 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Whats that mp3?
2020-08-11 16-38-13 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I heard about bad weather in East US, coming for ya
2020-03-30 19-31-49 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yes you definitely will get more cases with those coming back. But I hear you're disciplined in canada, and if you're wondering about this, using harsh high fines for those who break quarantine is great! You always have a small % of population who have the need to go against... They are causing a lot of grief in times of trouble, so don't think it's too much control or policing over free world etc, it's just temporary because it's necessary behaviour to stop the virus spread I hope you put them all in quarantine, when we closed our borders early people wanting to come back home from Germany or other places with larger numbers of infected were put in 14 days quarantine at the border. There was a person who broke his leg, denied he was at risk, went to surgery, then afterwards they found out his cousin was in from Germany, and he was confirmed positive, he infected one other patient, and possibly hospital staff, entire floor had to be desinfected and lots of other trouble, just because of one idiot. They would have still operated on him, just with better precaution No hurry with the translation, they said the English is probably enough for everyone to manage, and they are preparing for possible training needs for medical staff Yes it's nice to hear about those who got well :) We got some as well, although it's taking some time. Not enough time to get everyone to get well before others need help...
2018-12-12 18-57-25 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>what's the license for those icons?
2020-08-12 09-38-21 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>no use before that, so we can go through user paths
2020-03-28 15-07-16 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>the one we're working in Croatia is different in it attaches to a filter that stops the virus coming in, so it's protective gear for staff, not patients
2019-01-13 18-41-13 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Yes they extended the deadline. I would so love to go, but I also thought I would last year and other things happened... Jabier said he wanted vectors to help because his English isn't so good and to help with presentation overall, it would be nice to have more eyes on it :)
2019-01-22 20-20-15 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>https://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2018/
2019-05-29 18-48-07 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I haven't heard from Aude yet, I'd like to wait for her reply, then we can include more info in the tweet, I'm mostly concerned with making it up to everyone, I feel so bad for affecting the conference, and people, and hackfest!
2018-12-12 18-38-48 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>but clients may be hair salons, food producers etc they don't know digital marketing and state of things...
2018-12-12 19-05-50 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>of course, or at least if their contracts don't mind lol
2020-07-15 05-58-06 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I can do whenever
2020-08-11 16-43-42 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Inkscape has a board of developers who look after certain functions for the project. These include policy definition, funding and fund-raising, finances and budgeting, brand management and inter-project collaboration. Technical direction still falls to the entire developer community.
2019-01-22 20-26-05 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>so all ok
2019-01-22 20-10-54 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>not sure about the other presentaion now
2020-05-16 14-25-44 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>but tomatoes might grow nice if I don't ruin them by replanting too soon
2019-02-01 07-49-54 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I think new articles always go straight into documents/
2019-01-19 08-58-50 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Also telling them to install both Inkscape versions is trouble I think, it should be OR
2018-12-09 08-46-27 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I added those colored boxes so they may be used later throughout the website, like an infobox
2020-07-28 09-00-42 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>me too
2020-08-11 16-47-06 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>they don't _do_ anything
2020-08-11 16-50-25 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>thank you, you too! np see ya enjoy :)
2020-06-15 14-04-01 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Hey chickadee! :bird:
2020-08-11 16-42-33 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>what do you mean by administering?
2019-05-29 18-45-03 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>The project I have to still push around this week, maybe even next, was already supposed to have been over, but it's not up to me, it's the team on the other end, I completely depend on their pacing and they keep finding problems...
2018-12-12 18-41-20 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>but it's an amazing tool to build your own CMS! and yes that is a good description, I build the usability in, I know Drupal on one side, and client's needs on the other, and try to make it intuitive for them, with thir own terminology
2020-05-16 14-23-32 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>me too
2019-01-19 13-06-02 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>if I'm seeing this correctly
2020-08-01 10-40-33 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I was so unprepared :laughing:
2019-01-13 18-43-32 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I used Skype for work, but I'm not sure if screensharing can work from ipad
2020-08-15 09-00-11 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Ill be in in 5 mins
2019-01-22 20-49-01 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>sure!
2018-12-12 19-33-07 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>:wave:
2020-07-11 13-43-45 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>:p
2020-06-16 12-00-36 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Mc said no need to download
2019-01-19 13-53-45 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yes but I didn't include the OR, and we should definitely design it to suggest it's not AND
2019-01-22 20-43-16 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>brb
2020-06-22 14-37-14 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I don't know exactly how to collaborate/use GitLab for this. Issues are clear tiny entities to track one thing. I guess gathering into a whole is also one task, so it can be one issue where everything is in one place
2019-01-22 20-15-07 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>it sounds like 1.0 is released
2020-07-11 15-09-56 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I thought we already agreed on making the Multipage our first paid funding campaign, but Bryce is kinda opposed, he said he needs to talk about legal stuff with SFC to clarify, I hope he does that
2018-12-07 10-44-20 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>so sorry I misspelled your name in IRC
2019-01-22 20-51-55 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>but i dont know the exmaples yet, that's the most difficult part ! getting them
2020-05-16 14-26-17 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yes my parents did that, we'll see who does better
2020-05-18 14-31-21 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>my sister started writing a fictional story, I told her she could have chosen an easier artistic release :D we're helping our nephew with his art homework :D
2019-05-29 19-26-28 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>ah right english, maybe locally you'd be able to have a higher price, try to investigate a bit, and what ever amount you had in mind, double it!
2018-12-12 18-21-51 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>maybe you can talk to jabier directly and say you don't want toned down animations
2020-07-12 10-20-20 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>how are you?
2018-12-07 11-26-26 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I'm glad you got it working
2020-08-01 10-43-37 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>you're perfect!
2019-01-23 18-51-29 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yes I did thanks to you and Jabier posting the submissions :)
2018-12-12 19-10-40 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I think there are options you can tweak but don't worry about it, if everything is in there
2019-01-19 13-55-45 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I think those are best designed as 2 columns, so they don't have to skip areas on infograpgics in any case, they just follow the steps top to bottom
2020-08-12 09-36-00 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>NOT what I call a website prototyping tool
2020-07-12 10-22-51 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>let me just finish an email, maybe 15 mins?
2019-05-29 19-13-25 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>ah work stuff, how long does it last?
2018-11-27 18-09-58 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>have so much to do this week
2019-02-01 07-43-53 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I think the procedure is you first open an issue that holds everything about the article except the text
2019-05-29 19-11-43 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>lol better finish Inkscape stuff first or I'm back in the same pickle
2019-02-01 07-48-28 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>oh yes my fav hazelnuts and chocolate :D
2019-01-19 13-46-45 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yes
2020-07-11 15-27-45 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I agree, but how do you attend both? You can't?
2019-01-20 15-04-44 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>sure we can a bit later, I just got in and need to take care of some things, but I still haven't prepared a tutorial or something for GitLab, we can only go through things together and chat along
2018-12-12 19-18-53 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>and by default sort by the date
2020-08-11 16-27-31 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>ok, better not burden you then, we can simply email?
2019-01-23 16-07-08 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yes they seem to be, he closed the issue. Thank you so much! It's nice when you have company when working :)
2020-08-12 09-35-48 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>and then after I filled in all the links I saw I'd have to be relinking each and every page :scream:
2020-08-18 19-57-24 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>you should have all documented in that issue, in the Spreadsheet and you can use Drupal if you want to test navigation. I need to send you all email with access, I don't think that server sends emails yet so I either set it up or just give you passwords because you can't use Reset password
2019-02-01 07-46-53 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>maybe better later for me
2020-08-11 16-30-05 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I only see an image on Ryans link
2020-06-16 12-01-16 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>and share screen!
2018-12-12 18-25-36 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I can make the animation delay so it's not triggered right away
2018-12-12 19-04-26 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>you should add to there
2018-12-12 09-27-45 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>@jabiertxof thinks it's way too much and he suggested a very tiny animations to replace
2020-08-11 16-42-50 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Board doesn't do much of anything, they only decide on how money is spent
2018-12-09 08-48-54 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>openclipart.org is the inkscape one
2019-05-29 19-07-16 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>haha
2019-01-19 08-56-50 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I think I missed to include the link from the migration script repo with the original instructions I drew from
2018-12-09 08-37-03 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Thank you! I'll incorporate the changes! Don't hesitate to make big changes too ;)
2020-06-22 14-24-49 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I think if you can't, then we need to up your permissions
2020-06-23 15-18-23 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I first wanted her to talk in general about open source and her involvement
2020-05-18 14-29-45 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Thurrsday, I won't be in on Wednesday
2020-07-15 05-58-40 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>just wanted to eat sth first, I only drank tea and it ran through me that's why I had to step out for a but
2019-05-29 18-41-49 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I'm so so sorry I couldn't work with you guys together on all presentations
2019-05-29 19-24-09 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>but you can try googling "teach French online", you can probably find some nice one where you have clients ready
2019-05-29 19-08-32 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I did audio syncing for ebooks so I know a bit about that
2020-08-05 17-35-27 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>or even wet weather programming :D
2020-07-15 05-53-58 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>wow that was intense
2020-07-11 15-19-40 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>im back
2020-07-10 10-34-29 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I guess we're doing that through the Issue comments
2019-01-19 11-58-17 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Committing the changes is what keeps my version along with yours
2018-12-07 10-59-48 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I haven't made it public yet
2019-01-22 20-07-36 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I was thinking about submitting another one, a workshop also both Jabier and I
2020-07-15 05-56-11 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>but we definitely have some different voices! See how they're not afraid to say they need it free price?
2019-05-29 18-57-35 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I started to write you an email right away, and got dragged away, and I was so tired after that I just went to sleep
2020-06-22 14-41-44 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I don't think we can edit comments, we can only edit Issue descriptions
2020-08-18 19-54-37 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>BTW I'm glad I'm done with the website part, I'll take a break and focus on other things for a while. I should have done that earlier too
2019-01-22 20-51-08 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>so you get excited about what you'll be able to reate quickly
2018-12-12 18-40-14 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yes, of course, Drupal is a platform
2019-05-29 18-59-49 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>that's when I rushed to tell Jabier and Aude
2018-12-09 08-48-02 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>and I "stole" the clipart, if you can find better I'd love to see them
2020-08-11 16-37-14 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>https://inkscape.org/support-us/funded-development/ I'm also reviewing this, Moini said it's official, and I'm contributions officer and need to understand all this legal talk :tired_face:
2020-08-19 15-47-31 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I didn't fall asleep before 9 am, and the alarm was set at 12 so my brain just thought it wasn't for me...
2020-05-18 14-32-34 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>wow how do you do that?
2018-12-12 18-50-57 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>you already have someone to throw the programming onto
2020-08-01 10-42-35 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>was that time when you wanted to get writers to come in and introduce themselves?
2020-07-15 05-16-48 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>can you lead for a bit, need 2 min break
2020-05-18 14-30-26 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>thank you. I hope you're having fun with your art in the meantime
2020-08-05 17-35-19 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>heh yes if only there was an app for dry weather work
2018-12-12 18-49-25 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I thought you were the artistic one
2019-01-22 20-50-52 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>not features
2020-06-16 12-03-45 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>you too! see ya Thursday :)
2020-06-16 12-00-44 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I see you can record, yay!
2019-01-19 13-51-13 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>it seems to be there!
2020-08-18 19-53-30 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Can you open an issue and add the survey info? I meant to contact him through here, I don't have his email.
2020-05-18 14-35-55 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yes they turned out great, now on my parents fridge
2019-02-01 07-45-59 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>np, lol I also need to do stuff around kitchen
2018-12-12 19-12-09 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>when you overspecialize in sth
2018-11-27 18-11-18 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>awesome!
2018-12-07 11-04-30 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I'd love to change that on the general shop but need to see with Chris first
2020-08-11 16-06-57 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yes, did you check with Martin about other topics? People asking about UX or subprojects?
2018-12-07 11-28-05 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yes it does feel like that lol
2020-05-18 14-33-37 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>how fantastic!
2019-01-19 13-15-35 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>give me 10 mins, I think I can sort it out
2018-12-12 18-31-13 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>to me it sounds very similar to your situation ;)
2019-01-22 20-26-14 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Workshop (1-2 h.)
2019-01-22 20-24-49 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>oh! BTW! I thought would should also those features maren mentioned to the presentation description in the end
2019-05-29 18-42-51 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I only had very limited short bursts each day I stole to work on my workshop concept, I couldn't block not even one hour to meet and talk in peace to focus only on Inkscape
2020-09-23 17-52-08 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I've been focusing on other things. How are things on your end? Are you moving along with the website next? Do you want to look for a new contributions officer?
2019-01-22 20-27-30 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>the positive ones lol
2019-01-19 13-11-08 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>then make another copy and name it .....Edit02
2018-12-07 11-03-38 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>https://shop.spreadshirt.ca/inkscape https://shop.spreadshirt.ca/inkscape-shop
2018-12-12 18-35-07 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>so I configure server, install, build, configure content types, media etc
2019-01-19 13-44-58 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>plain text
2020-07-23 10-01-43 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>lol
2018-12-12 18-55-14 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>and in another one I'm a font designer
2018-12-12 19-24-05 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>not sure maybe ask Maren
2020-07-11 15-37-43 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>very easy going
2018-11-27 18-11-57 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>:grin:
2019-01-22 18-36-38 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>give me a bit just finishing my description
2020-06-22 14-24-25 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Can you edit Issue descriptions there?
2018-12-12 18-24-53 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>the logo rotates, and the subforum icon and user menu icons go up and around a bit
2020-08-05 17-46-16 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I remember there was the suggested size you should fit in
2019-05-29 18-51-23 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>thank you for the kind words, it helps to feel a little bit lighter
2018-12-12 18-39-11 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>so it's almost a necessity to look at it from that side
2019-01-22 20-18-12 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>maybe put me as the submitter for the workshop?
2018-12-07 11-25-26 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>how nice you could come even if it's not the best timing ;)
2020-08-18 19-52-24 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>me too, I didn't want to have to deal with it, especially under time pressure. And I don't think you made the light of it, as you mention in email, it was about the elephant in the room, I don't know if it was about not being aware, or a set circumstances that set it up to be acted out in the way that made me feel bad, I didn't even expect an apology, but I'm glad you did reply :)
2018-12-12 19-22-02 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>to the left that is
2018-12-12 19-31-35 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>this is usual for me, I have a Canadian client and often meet late after his work hours
2019-01-19 14-12-11 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>:cat2:
2018-12-07 10-47-24 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>no hurries!
2020-07-23 09-39-08 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>any limits on that platform?
2019-01-19 14-11-40 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>we can do jitsi tomorrow
2019-05-29 19-16-04 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I hope you breeze through it all! Focus on better outcomes :)
2019-01-19 13-08-02 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>or wait maybe there's an easier way, to just upload the file with the same name, I haven't tried this through the interface, but I hope it just replaces it and then you can commit
2019-01-19 13-12-01 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>and upload that
2018-12-12 18-42-07 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Drupal is written in PHP langugae
2018-12-07 10-47-19 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>thank you that would be great!
2020-08-12 09-36-55 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>that Kiwi lady has articles on Figma, it's not open source I think but she seems to like it, I might test it and see if they have something resembling a navigation tool
2020-03-28 14-59-48 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yes! thank you!
2019-05-29 19-08-14 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>you have a lovely voice, and the diction seems very clear, I'll have to disect it one fine day :D
2019-05-29 19-05-28 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>it's good to hear things are going forward :)
2020-07-23 09-40-15 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>:japanese_ogre:
2018-12-12 19-04-20 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I think we have a spreadsheet with media outlets
2020-07-11 13-42-17 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>sure! datalot asked to see more community faces
2018-12-12 19-08-51 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I guess we'll need that libreoffice online thing
2018-12-12 19-18-38 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>and then you can sort them by that column
2020-05-16 14-21-35 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>ok I'll aim for that, but I'll be available for hours after that, if we get chattin :D
2019-01-19 13-52-02 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>did you embed images?
2018-12-12 19-29-30 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>is there anything I can help with on that sheet?
2020-06-22 14-45-29 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yes there will be overlaps
2019-01-22 20-46-53 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>they are structured didactically, to give you whole feeling of mastering the app
2019-01-22 13-55-24 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I'll probably have something later today, maybe in 6 hours
2018-12-12 19-12-00 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>there's a word from German fachidiot
2018-12-12 19-18-28 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>as each message has that as a characteristic
2019-01-18 09-14-46 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I replied in an email (was only available through email yesterday) but I guess it's not integrated with Rocket like it is with GL.
2020-08-15 08-55-23 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Yes I think it's safe to share with the community. Technically anyone who knows the link can use the conference room at any time, I hope it wont get hijacked at some point
2020-07-21 15-03-23 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Wanna come up with your own answers to those purpose questions? And then we compare notes?
2019-01-22 20-05-46 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>or just "Inkscape 1.0 preview"
2019-01-19 13-45-39 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Notepadd just fine
2020-08-01 10-43-50 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>looking extra good today :)
2019-05-29 18-57-44 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>and the same thing happened on Sunday too
2020-07-11 15-23-58 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I feel like we're getting on their nerves with that topic :)
2019-05-29 19-30-33 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I hope you find that amazing first client soon :)
2020-07-12 10-23-04 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>great!
2020-05-18 14-32-56 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>you order the fabric to be printed?
2020-05-16 14-23-45 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>sure we'll chat out everything then :)
2020-08-15 08-58-45 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I think if that happens he can create a new link and kill the old one
2018-12-12 18-30-44 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I almost chose this career so I can work from home :grin:
2020-06-23 14-18-14 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>https://digimedia1.r2.enst.fr/b/mar-9wm-vj2
2020-03-28 15-00-39 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>they're Croatian open source enthusiasts, I follow them on Twitter and saw their call for volunteers
2020-06-22 14-53-17 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>https://meet.jit.si/InkscapeQuestions
2020-07-11 13-43-20 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>of course lol
2019-02-05 07-58-51 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I see you got it sorted :) what you did you mean by Inkscape Universe changed?
2018-12-12 18-52-27 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>ask me to comment and discuss I love that
2019-01-21 15-38-51 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>did you see the call to submit from Bryce? Did you put yourself on the list?
2018-12-12 18-38-58 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>and often don't even have their business side in order
2020-07-11 13-42-52 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>fcors
2020-07-15 05-58-56 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>awesome! I'll let Ryan know
2018-12-12 18-44-52 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>you mentioned you know a lot of business over there not having websites? Well if you find anyone who needs one you can design it and I can build it so if you want we can team up like that :)
2020-07-25 16-47-55 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Yes we can spread it so long as we have free response slots. Yes emails! I think that the notifying process also needs to be worked out more
2019-02-05 11-20-08 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Chris is working with Terry on the bug migration, not sure if it matters who makes the infographics
2020-05-16 14-24-44 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>nice you already got it started
2020-08-12 09-38-30 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>that's where collaboaration can help
2018-12-09 09-02-22 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>do you think the ones I put are too colorful?
2018-12-07 10-45-04 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>hahaha yes :)
2019-01-19 11-59-59 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I see now I need to find some introduction to file versioning
2021-02-08 15-26-53 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>still exhausted, I haven't slept properly this year - what a statement! I hope I start sleeping and get back to normal living, we still have a lot ahead of us this year, more aftershocks, huge holes in the ground, rebuilding... thank you for asking!
2021-02-08 15-31-43 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I'm super behind on everything, I have a lot of other things to take care of every day so it's late when I get to my work, and then I try to go to sleep early but can't fall asleep.... and so in circles... But I hope to sort out some things soon and then I might relax better
2021-02-08 15-32-59 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>thank you :)
2018-12-12 18-25-53 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>hehe
2018-12-09 08-42-33 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I was thinking we need more at the bottom category, move it up, the buttons on where to go, and different text, and leave the open source explanation at the bottom
2018-12-07 11-01-01 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>for shop description
2020-07-11 14-59-09 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I do have an IP camera somewhere, burried under 100 of cables
2018-12-12 19-18-11 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>maybe put the languages just as another column
2020-08-12 09-38-10 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>better wait till I make the pages
2019-01-22 13-56-34 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I've read somewhere mentioned custom emoji, maybe we can look into it and have chris icons used in GL
2018-12-12 18-34-01 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>main thing is building Drupal web projects
2018-12-12 18-30-12 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I now work from home, everything remotely
2020-03-22 13-56-34 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I'm good, thank you for calling in :) We've been through much worse, and it's almost lucky, if you can call it that, that streets were mostly empty because of the virus quarantine otherwise we'd have a lot more people injured or worse
2019-01-19 13-51-36 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>https://gitlab.com/inkscape/vectors/content/blob/107b1a0a0ab5057b08bc7dc1bc27a03cc7a8c665/documents/inkscapeBugMigrationInfographics.svg?expanded=true&viewer=simple
2020-03-28 14-50-24 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>how's your sense of smell and taste?
2018-12-12 18-35-20 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>in Inkscape and GMIP
2019-01-19 14-11-36 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>jitsi works thorugh browser
2020-03-28 14-49-00 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Zinc usually comes with vitamic C too, all good. It doesn't cure of the virus, but if your levels are low then it's worse for your battle against it
2020-06-26 06-48-37 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Sure, I'll send you what I come up with, then you can point me to what I missed and need to polish. You too!
2020-08-01 12-22-26 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I don't, but you can include it in your own part
2019-01-19 12-02-21 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>do you maybe have skype?
2020-08-11 16-32-38 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>these changes could even be applied to the current website
2020-06-22 14-42-20 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I think we better have 3 issues each for each category, then 4th issue that gathers it all but that can be created later
2018-12-12 19-11-29 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>even Maren said she'd love some online interface for calendar where you can add events
2019-01-20 19-20-05 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>![New style for the Inforgraphics](/uploads/5b497f796d403dabf9f23f55be2c51aa/g7047BUGMIGRATIONINFOGRAPHICREVISED3.png)
2019-01-19 13-45-08 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Inkscape is graphics editor
2020-08-12 09-37-23 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I think with the time I'm investigating all the tools I could have built the thing in Drupal!
2020-06-22 14-53-09 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>come
2019-01-19 11-56-58 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>1. go to the right folder in repo https://gitlab.com/inkscape/vectors/content/tree/master/documents 2. Click the Web IDE button in top right, this opens the file editor. You see documents structure on the left, and the editing pane on the right 3. Click on a file in the left, it will open on the right, you can delete the code (since it's SVG it's text, and paste your version of SVG) 4. Then you see a Commit button, (when you make a change), or click on the third button on the left-most column navigation, you'll see it's called Commit 5. Once you see Commit options you see your changes are unstaged, you need to stage them so click on the button above the file and it will move to the Staged changes area 6. Enter the commit message, this should include the intention of your change, not just what changes you did because that is easy to see, for example "Added graphics to steps, it's better than text" is better than "added some images and styles" 7. Stage and Commit (we're not using branches in Content repo so always use master, it's the only one)
2020-07-11 15-35-52 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>they said the Board doesn't make much decisions :laughing:
2020-07-11 15-36-09 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I'm not sure they'd want me
2020-07-11 15-01-01 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>They probably still don't understand us
2020-07-15 05-32-35 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>prob not
2019-01-19 12-05-41 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I need to finally update my computer and fix all these little problems...
2019-01-23 18-40-18 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I haven't really tested the audio, I was on desktop, I need to see what happens when I'm on tablet
2020-07-23 09-25-02 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Yup, and I completely forgot Testimonials! And I have a separate document just for that!
2020-08-11 16-32-45 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>without a new backend
2020-07-11 15-25-26 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I have no idea
2018-12-12 19-23-55 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I guess who ever would distributing them to correct channels would also translate them
2018-12-12 18-46-53 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>designing and art aren't very similar, design has to be very practical, it has to be functional first
2020-06-16 12-01-49 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yes I need to read too, I saw some super enticing titles on her blog and presentation list
2018-12-07 11-02-11 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>better descriptions for products
2020-07-11 15-31-04 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>or maybe it was only Bryce out of the loop
2019-05-26 16-00-26 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I'm happy with the concept but I haven't had time to test it on real people so it may be too much for the workshop if people are beginners and examples take too much time for them to do and they need a lot of individual help
2020-08-11 16-49-08 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yes, they need to uphold legal stuff, but the trick is there is not much to uphold, they don't have much responsibilities other than not to break the law
2019-01-22 20-23-10 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Quickly learn how to use Inkscape by completing a series of small design tasks structured to lead you through the basics all the way up to latest features that make complex tasks easy.
2020-05-18 14-34-09 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>what a great idea to get him involved with Inkscape
2019-01-19 13-39-55 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Web IDE
2020-06-22 14-23-10 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I did try all of those, I couldn't get you to show up in the suggestions list in any way
2020-08-11 16-45-34 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>not "if" IIUC, but on what
2020-08-11 16-46-45 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>no, they don't have more skin in the game
2019-05-29 19-35-02 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>email lists?
2019-01-19 12-05-10 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>cam not needed, I'll have to switch to ipad and I don't have a lot of space on it lol so quality can be low
2019-01-23 18-41-28 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Good! we don't depend on GL for comment "voting rules". But I did submit an issue to GL about thumbs up and possibly chanigng them or allowing everyine to choose per project which icons to choose for +1 or -1
2020-08-11 16-48-28 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>https://inkscape.org/*board/charter/
2020-08-11 16-33-08 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yes it is
2020-07-11 15-08-45 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I don't think they realize they have the lack of leadership problem, Martin has said before that Bryce not being able to commit was a problem that stalled things
2018-12-12 18-23-46 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>they may be cool to observe when you're focusing on them and they're new but it may be annoying when reading the forum
2020-07-11 15-28-10 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Be in two rooms at the same time
2019-01-19 08-57-13 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>We actually have two tracks, if it's a bug, and if it isn't
2020-06-15 14-04-21 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>did you want to go over the website nav and front with me this week?
2019-01-22 20-16-48 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>oh wow you pulled me out!
2019-01-19 13-05-54 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>hm I think the file is empty, the one I uploaded
2019-01-23 18-56-13 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>hehe now comes the pain :smirk_cat:
2020-08-11 16-35-36 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>just the spreadhseet though
2019-01-22 20-33-36 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>is "quickly learn" a good expression?
2018-12-12 18-48-05 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>making a web project for a client, custom tailored, is basically designing a new product
2019-01-22 20-26-02 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>no!
2020-05-16 14-23-28 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>:bug: gardening?
2020-08-12 09-35-09 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I did the navigation in one page in Pencil tool, I was so happy I found it, open source and I knew it for a long time but forgotten about it
2018-12-12 18-53-43 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>everyone does, one of the best marketing companies first do all the ideas that come into their heads first, then they can throw it away and start with something more reasonable :D
2019-01-19 14-09-22 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I haven't noticed speed issues
2019-01-19 11-57-35 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Multiplying files defeats the purpose of versioning, it's a mess to keep renaming and littering the repo
2020-06-19 17-37-35 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>French seems a lot more relevant lol, but sure if there's interest I can translate some words :D
2020-03-28 14-59-37 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>no hurry we won't have the English translation yet, maybe tomorrow, these people haven't slept in days to perfect the 3D design of the part
2020-08-19 15-49-43 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I'm glad to hear you were there and that it went well :) Ooops did the meeting end because that was the first person to click on the link? Yes that is a bit random. But if we're all admins why would it depend on the first person, while there's still an admin inside it shouldn't close?
2020-07-15 05-55-39 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I'll have to try and provide answers for the Purpose questions :laughing: and just have everyone disagree if they find anything to disagree with
2020-07-18 10-41-41 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>and dinner, and heat one day and cold rain the other, and increasing the number of infected, my sister going back to work ......
2020-03-29 17-59-36 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>how are things in Canada? I don't see as much news from countries any more, it's like everyone is very tired from thinking about the situation
2018-11-27 18-08-16 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I see you're blazing through everything already :D
2020-08-11 15-55-51 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>we need to tweet about Saturday, do we have anything prepared?
2020-08-11 16-47-39 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>it's not up to them to come up with ideas about the future, subprojects, to write up proposals, to raise funds
2019-01-19 13-56-04 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>there is no space, vector canvas is infinite :)
2020-05-18 14-34-59 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>we had to make like a "stained glass" something from black paper and transparent plastic bags :D
2020-07-11 13-43-33 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>oh just you
2020-05-16 14-23-15 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>ok great :)
2019-05-29 18-48-36 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>you should apply, your ideas are very unique
2019-05-29 19-12-32 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>inspection?
2018-12-07 10-59-56 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>no products lol
2020-07-11 15-32-06 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yup
2019-05-29 18-59-35 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com> ......
2018-12-12 18-24-19 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yes
2018-12-12 18-30-01 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>wow
2020-08-11 16-27-49 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>which issue?
2020-07-11 15-00-48 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I don't we got from the Board what we wanted about the purpose
2018-12-07 11-26-35 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>although this Rocket chat is way better
2018-12-12 18-34-25 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I need to update my marketing to reflect that
2018-12-12 18-28-00 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>https://inkscape.org/forums/
2019-01-19 13-45-34 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>but you can see code in INkscape too under Edit menu, XML, and some other options
2019-01-21 15-45-22 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I'm so glad we got to chat in real time too :) I was a bit tired I think, I'm usually a lot more animated :D
2020-05-18 14-36-49 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yes we can go through that on Thursday! :)
2019-01-22 20-21-22 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I don't care that much lol
2020-07-15 05-33-06 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>thank you
2020-07-22 16-12-54 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>rect392.png (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/ZNhincheTTJvedCt5/rect392.png)
2018-12-12 18-56-49 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>hahahah couple of days, more like a year
2020-03-28 15-03-12 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>these masks were used with some similar adapters for patients, but what these bunch now did is modified it so it can be used by hospital staff for self-protection, so other way around
2020-08-11 15-58-06 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>across many chat channels and one GL issue
2018-12-07 11-08-11 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>in the url?
2018-12-07 11-03-10 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yes you're a natural
2019-01-19 13-40-56 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>not if you copy the code and not the entire file
2018-12-12 19-07-39 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>sure!
2019-01-19 13-47-07 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>then copy Everything from notepad
2019-01-21 15-43-18 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>pasadena
2019-01-19 13-46-55 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>but make sure you first delete everyting
2018-12-12 18-33-43 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>lol I can imagine
2019-01-19 13-14-10 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>ah ok I can, do you have your version saved locally?
2019-01-19 13-40-42 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>delete everything you see, and paste in the code from your own SVG, do you know how to copy that?
2019-05-29 18-39-37 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I sent email to Aude to see if I can somehow make it up to those who wanted to attend the workshop, I'll probably hold the workshop online if anyone will be interested
2018-12-07 11-05-02 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>ok -shop it is
2020-07-11 15-39-34 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>in a group
2018-12-12 18-35-35 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>sometimes I outsource that, depending on the project deadlines
2018-12-12 19-33-02 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>see ya tomorrow
2019-01-22 20-49-11 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I need to think of more
2018-12-12 19-20-21 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I'm not sure what you mean
2020-07-23 09-49-29 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>you need to tell him that :p
2018-12-07 11-03-22 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>what would you like the url to be:
2018-12-12 18-48-20 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>omg I need to be writing this down for my marketing materials :D
2020-08-05 17-48-26 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>https://www.linkedin.com/in/prkosmihaelajurkovic/
2018-12-12 15-57-49 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>maybe they do make some people too dizzy, I should have made it make smaller rounds, I don't think anyone commented specifically other than they like it, but jabier thinks they're too much
2019-01-19 12-04-42 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I can't right now, maybe abit later?
2018-12-12 18-35-12 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>design too yes
2020-08-11 16-26-07 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>ok, or maybe earlier, tomorrow or friday? If I finish the prototype
2020-07-15 05-54-47 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>very warm people
2019-01-19 14-11-20 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>if you don't already have a Skype account you don't have to create it, and all the hassle....
2020-05-16 14-25-16 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I'm trying to grow basel and parsley and it won't sprout :cry:
2020-08-11 16-32-25 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>we're redefining the content
2019-01-19 13-04-21 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>nothing wrong, let me compare the changes
2020-06-19 17-40-22 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Those are meant to be printed right?
2020-07-11 15-10-52 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>that sounds like control to me
2019-05-29 18-52-15 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>lol yes I'm so glad you stepped in when I couldn't, I planned I would practice with him
2018-12-12 18-49-50 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>or she makes physical stuff?
2020-07-23 09-39-01 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>wohooooo
2018-12-12 18-47-40 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I don't mean just visual design when I say design
2020-07-11 13-43-38 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I don't have a camera here
2019-01-22 20-45-51 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>and you learn some technique or more while doing it
2018-12-09 08-51-06 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I'm guessing classy and professional, like there is already high quality activity there and it would be great for them to participate, not just great for Inkscape
2018-12-12 18-27-23 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I don't know exactly the steps to proceed with Spreadshirt, I've been working on it before, that's how I got access, but in the end it was Chris Rogers who was in charge, so I guess we need to consult him?
2018-12-07 10-57-58 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I think I found where I can choose .ca
2019-02-05 11-35-51 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>you too Michèle!
2018-12-12 19-21-55 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yes it makes sense to have dates up there
2020-06-23 15-19-34 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>https://meet.jit.si/inkscapevectors
2019-01-22 20-23-52 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>no, tha's all I have!
2020-03-28 15-02-17 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>nope, they just done perfecting the design of the plastic piece
2018-12-12 19-11-45 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>idiotism lol
2019-01-22 20-17-51 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>not sure, they only have field to enter additioanl speaker name and email
2020-07-12 10-53-40 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>where are you guys
2018-12-12 18-25-21 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>no, but if you go over the logo with your mouse on your way to the browser buttons....
2020-05-16 14-20-15 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>20:00 my time or later, so that's 14:00 EDT
2020-08-11 16-46-58 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>they just meet monthly and vote on things
2019-01-19 08-56-14 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Wow that already looks a lot more inviting!
2020-08-11 16-19-13 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I finished the link mapping, at least first draft, and want to do the map or prototype so you Elisa and who ever is interested can pitch in and fix my blindspots
2020-07-11 15-21-26 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I don't know if we're allowed to edit Board agenda
2020-07-21 11-53-55 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I have the purpose and start of the navigation work on my todo list. I thought I'd first pencil in something and then suggest a meeting if anyone is interested. I might be able to do some of it today later
2019-01-19 14-10-38 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>other than sometimes when I'm opening chat after a while and there are many new messages it takes a long time to load, and Firefox tell me that some script is taking a lot of resource, the script is from my password manager, maybe it's trying to login into every channel or sth
2020-03-28 15-52-00 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>awesome! thank you! I hope we finish the English version tomorrow then I can send it
2018-11-27 18-08-47 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>:cartwheel:
2019-01-19 09-24-28 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>BTW you can upload your version to the issue, PNG at least so everyone can see it, it's a lovely design! We haven't had that GL meeting about changing files in repo, but if you want we can go through the steps over chat
2019-01-21 15-46-57 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>hehe have fun! :fireworks:
2018-12-12 18-52-11 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>please do!
2019-01-19 12-48-07 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>then you'll see the Stage button on top right of the corner
2020-08-11 16-46-29 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Martin has been pushing me to come on Board, I'm reluctant, Maren has declined that position too couple years back
2019-01-13 18-42-51 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yes audio has been favorite for some vectors, we used Jitsi, even for vector monthly meetings, but some people complained and wanted text based meetings, and with rocket chat taking over audio somehow disappeared
2018-12-12 18-42-20 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>and all web projects output HTML and CSS and JS
2019-01-22 20-41-41 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>ty :blush:
2019-01-19 13-11-21 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>lets say Edit02 version is what you want to upload
2019-01-22 20-22-41 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>maybe put me in the wokshop one
2019-01-19 08-57-52 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I think we should include the usual symbol used in algorithms, only prettier
2019-01-19 11-44-06 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>You don't need SSH key to work the repo through the interface, you only need the SSH key to connect your computer with GitLab more tightly
2019-01-19 12-01-28 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>so we need to find some nice short but clear intro
2018-12-07 11-06-51 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>any special Canadian word for shopping?
2020-06-22 14-41-49 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>or edit your own comments
2020-07-11 15-29-06 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I guess it needs a tighter schedule, with scheduled breaks, and one breakout for free talk, but someone needs to take care of that room moderate right?
2019-05-26 15-59-17 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I'm not done yet, but I'm so tired I think I need to go to sleep, I haven't slept much last week
2019-01-19 13-04-08 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>both files seem to have changes
2018-12-12 18-36-29 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>hehe sure send it over
2019-05-29 19-10-59 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I had plans to do that myself too, minus the audio, we can do it together
2019-01-22 20-05-37 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I think the title should be "The long anticipated Inkscape 1.0 preview"
2018-12-09 08-44-29 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>what is needed is what ever will get new people to contribute, and better if they're not newbies
2019-02-05 11-16-38 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>video and infographics aren't the same thing
2019-01-19 13-51-25 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>GL also gives preview of svg so I can see it!
2020-08-11 16-32-03 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>we're not "building" the site yet
2018-12-07 11-04-12 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>and it's already there at the beginning
2019-01-19 13-44-43 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>it won't let me upload the file unfortunately, it says there already is a file with that name in that folder
2020-08-01 14-27-21 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I can't believe it's done
2020-07-15 05-56-54 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>You've already spent a lot more on this ... I don't want to force it on you, but yes of course we can do it together if you like
2019-01-19 13-11-55 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>simply make a copy with the original name, without the Edit02
2019-02-05 11-27-49 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>so are you suggesting we nudge him to do it?
2020-07-11 15-28-21 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I don't want to miss what's happening
2020-08-05 17-31-21 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Just a tiny update: still working on link mapping, thinking I might construct a Drupal site to showcase the new nav and test, maybe we can even use it to construct content. If you know of any app that allows us to prototype the nav and links please share! I've used some in the past, maybe I should review, although they may not be free/open source. I don't think I'll have time to finish the mapping tomorrow, but it may be ready Friday.
2019-01-22 20-18-50 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I love how you've written my description, how you were able to take long text and make it short and sound nice :)
2020-08-11 16-48-14 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>it's clearly stated there
2019-02-05 11-20-34 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I guess it might be nice to share the styles since they're about the same thing, if he has the time
2019-01-22 20-17-18 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>hahaha yes and dusted me off
2019-01-22 20-19-58 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yes there are past years
2020-07-27 13-55-33 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I just got in, need a snack then I'll be abke to join
2018-12-07 10-45-43 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I guess this all has to be for it to work
2019-01-19 12-46-19 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>there are buttons that open the Commit pane, then theres the button that actually commits the changes
2020-03-29 17-58-46 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>here you go if you can find any volunteer for the French version https://pandemija.info/respiratoreng/
2019-05-29 18-41-18 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Oh I already sent so many apologies to Jabier and to Aude, but I need to talk to you and Maren, and all at the hackfest, I feel so sick around how this all happened
2020-06-19 17-40-26 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Not just digital
2020-07-15 05-26-40 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>im back
2020-05-16 14-16-39 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Some paid gigs, lots of unpaid work needs to be done too. I'd LOVE to hang out and catch up, maybe through Jitsi?
2018-12-12 18-34-42 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I do everything about Drupal except programming
2019-01-22 20-19-46 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>in brochures, time table etc
2020-08-18 19-46-16 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>About tomorrow: here are some questions I'll send to Rania so maybe he'll have time to translate before the meeting and people will prepare replies, then Rania and others can translate to English as we speak. What new has happened in Indonesian Gimpscape in the past month? New users and old users: What new thing did you learn in Inkscape? Which content did you publish we could translate into English and publish on the website? Are there students interested about learning Inkscape? Do you need any help with organizing events about Inkscape in your area? What problems do you have that Inkscape could help you solve? Can you share an image of a work you've done in Inkscape and give a small comment about how you did it? Maybe people can send images in email and we can assemble them in presentation PDF so it goes quickly. That should be enough for more than 2 hours so I think we're covered. We also have to keep it open to what unexpected may come up from their side.
2019-01-19 13-41-10 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>wait let me test sth
2020-07-11 07-37-33 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>We've kept the time to include the Australia and others, so it's the one I announced. I don't think Ryan will miss anything, this will not be the end of that discussion.
2020-08-01 12-23-11 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yes that's a good plan :)
2020-08-11 16-24-08 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>who ever wants
2019-01-22 20-48-03 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>it's not about boring learning shapes and choosing colors, that is besides the point
2020-08-05 17-45-15 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yup try to build the real world for a while :)
2018-12-12 19-11-07 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>BTW when I see a thing like that I can't think of a better tool to use than Drupal :D
2019-01-22 20-23-41 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>it would be for newbies mostly, fun examples so you remember them afterwards
2019-02-05 11-31-39 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>np, edit away! I guess we can take some time and see if anyone steps up for the infographics, including Chris
2019-01-19 11-59-38 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>:bulb: :D
2019-01-19 12-05-25 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>i don't have a mic working on desktop, that's always a problem
2020-08-11 16-31-51 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>he took what we came up with and created the visual proposal of the header for the website
2019-01-18 09-15-49 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I'm behind some project work but I can help review the text, especially the bug steps are important
2020-07-23 10-00-15 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>checkout my email sig :dark_sunglasses:
2019-01-20 16-19-05 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yes, of course, I'm mihaela-prkos in Skype, I'll need to switch to tablet before we can speak
2020-08-11 16-18-36 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I meant to work on the mind map today and totally got pulled in into this discussion
2020-08-11 16-21-00 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>that would be the most helpful I think
2019-02-05 11-32-43 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>did you see they're working on icons in ux channel and they settled on using google spreadsheets, maybe you can too for the press messages
2020-07-11 15-06-09 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I'm trying to think of what things were new to me
2019-01-19 12-03-00 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>don't bother if you're not using it already
2020-08-11 16-24-32 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>in another room?
2019-01-19 13-46-57 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>all lines
2020-07-01 16-37-43 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Happy Canada day! :flag_ca:
2018-12-07 10-46-18 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>but I need to find that setting maybe a way to add more Marketplace, that's what they're called
2020-07-11 15-32-48 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>so I need to put in my calendar to ask in the next board meeting whther they got legal papers from SFC about the paid dev campaign
2020-07-11 15-20-04 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>They pretty much ignored my ask for website purpose comments
2018-12-11 08-25-57 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I wasn't so active during the time they set up the chat so I didn't know exactly the status, I just assumed it was becoming the focus meeting place because we all seem to be hanging around on it so much lol but it's becoming clear now how to better separate the "Community" from "Contributors" menu in the website navigation, it we'll see what happens in the end. It's definitely changed and my proposal isn't valid as I've written it, we have to take all the info and make sense of it first
2019-02-01 07-45-10 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>sure I can lead you step by step
2020-07-23 10-00-02 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>sent
2020-03-28 14-53-09 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I found a lot more info on twitter than my parents do on our news
2019-01-19 13-45-55 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>open it, then open the file in it, you'll see SVG code
2019-01-22 20-46-12 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>that's how they not only learn by example which is super fast, they also remember
2020-06-19 17-15-53 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Yes it was a great meeting! We had a short period of being corona-free but we had to open up to tourists and now our cases are rising :( I better get the mask out again These drawing seem easy :D and print-friendly too Is this what it's all about? simple drawings and words? We can do a million of those :D
2019-01-19 12-01-05 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>this is content repo for writers
2020-07-11 15-38-12 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>and they definitely would prefer Ryan over me
2020-07-23 09-40-01 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>aaaaaaaaaah limits
2020-07-18 10-42-34 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Thank you :heart:
2020-07-23 09-41-14 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>didn't we reach the limit already?
2019-01-22 20-06-07 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>or history
2019-05-29 19-10-21 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I can code them for you! into epub and kindle formats
2020-05-16 14-19-38 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>my evening, so around this time or earlier, or later
2018-12-08 07-00-08 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>do we have vectors meeting now?
2018-12-09 08-41-56 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I hope @Moini thinks so, this is a big change to the text and translators will have to do a lot of work, it's not just replacing 2 paragraphs about jitsi, so I want this to be the final change
2018-12-12 18-21-29 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>but you can see it now right?
2018-12-09 08-50-14 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>well I guess it's again down to understanding the visitors, what kind of design would make them want to join?
2018-12-09 08-45-45 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>newbies are welcome of course but we're so "short staffed" we don't even have a lot of those who could guide them
2019-05-29 19-27-24 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>lol it's the same struggle for everyone, I need to do that myself too!
2019-01-19 08-59-22 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>there are special instructions for keeping different versions installed at the same time and lots more details, I don't think most will want that
2019-01-22 20-48-25 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>the goal is to actually learn how to create something intersting and you have a drawing in the end
2019-02-01 07-44-50 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>then go to repo, folder document, new file, give meaningful name with extension .md and write, then commit with some message but don't forget to include the issue number in the commit message (that's why you have to create the issue first)
2019-05-29 18-38-50 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Hello! Yes, unfortunately I can't come! I had a ticket for 2 days ago, I changed it for tomorrow, but now it turns out I won't be able to come, this entire week is such bad timing for me :sob:
2019-01-19 11-46-13 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>The idea of working on the same file is that you upload the same file, overriding the existing one, then commit the changes to GitLab versioning, you don't rename it, we'd have a mess with many revisions all of the different names
2020-07-12 10-54-00 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>ryan
2018-12-12 18-38-22 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>companies who only build Drupal website, who only have programmers, need to ask the client to give them directions about what to build and why
2019-01-22 20-45-40 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>it's about small task that you get a result in the end, you do get some drawing
2020-07-11 15-11-59 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>brb
2020-07-11 15-31-14 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>he isn't up to date with that they want
2018-12-12 18-35-55 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>another business niche is converting content into e-books, ePub, mobi etc
2019-02-05 11-33-07 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>you go girl!
2019-01-19 11-48-32 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>To change the file and commit the changes here are some steps:
2020-07-11 15-02-32 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>what were the takeaways for you?
2020-07-23 09-42-12 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>aaah 27 ok
2019-01-19 11-58-02 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>we're working on the same file, it will only be one version of it, so it makes sense to edit the original one and commit the changes
2020-08-12 09-36-11 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>so maybe I'll find something better today
2018-12-09 08-45-14 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>so we need people with skills to get inspired to come do sth
2018-12-12 19-30-55 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I think that which columns/data you need becomes obvious as you go through one message/campaign full process
2018-12-12 19-01-27 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>learning a skill like designing icons is the easy part, it's the business you have to set up that comes next is the hard part
2019-01-19 13-14-23 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>wait maybe I can pull and copy from what's online
2020-07-12 10-22-15 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I saw Maren's
2019-05-29 19-30-55 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I'll sign off, need to make up for a lot of sleep
2019-02-18 08-25-19 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>k then around 5 pm, it's a bit difficult with short notice...
2020-07-11 15-40-41 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I better head for bed
2020-07-11 15-30-53 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I think there are voices on the programmers team that pull into different directions
2020-08-11 16-36-03 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>good! It's getting hot again and I'm behind all the things I want to do so I'm hurrying
2019-05-29 19-06-58 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I got your audio!
2020-04-04 17-56-39 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I've seen on twitter some old ladies walking down the street with those masks on! unreal sight but I'm so glad to see this is picking up very strongly across the world. I made a mask for my self, by hand, so proud! I hope to help with Inkscape next week, I see Rc1 is coming
2020-08-01 12-22-31 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>send to Martin
2019-05-29 18-50-34 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yes you're definitely completely working the marketing here, I'm not sure what they're after, but the combination of arts and marketing is a great combination to have
2019-01-20 16-20-35 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>you fed?
2020-08-11 16-20-27 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>nope, I can send you the map in spreadsheet
2020-08-12 09-40-01 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>thanks :) I never get much sleep these days, I hope you get rest especially since you're on holiday
2020-07-21 18-19-23 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>https://digimedia1.r2.enst.fr/b/mar-9wm-vj2
2019-01-19 13-44-49 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>SVG is a text format
2020-07-11 14-58-46 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>what? not enough!
2020-08-05 17-43-05 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>What Martin said about mentorship is right up my alley about increasing contributions so I'll try to maybe get navigation ready for then, and hopefully paths to contribute
2019-01-22 20-08-05 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>or even just a presentation about vectors just me as a speaker, but now I don't know... maybe it's not the right conference for that
2018-12-12 18-22-23 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>but I usually remove stuff that anyone finds "too much", there will probably be more people in agreement
2019-02-05 11-15-31 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>He did say he would get back to it several times and then didn't, maybe he just won't have time
2020-08-01 10-40-08 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>did my GL part take too long?
2019-01-19 11-58-35 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I commited my changes, which makes them forever part of the system
2019-01-22 20-47-13 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>you won't learn it all, but it's the quickest way from newbie to familiar
2018-12-07 11-01-52 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yes if you can contribute that way that would be amazing
2020-08-11 15-57-54 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>omg! we've been discussing money paid development and all things like that :tired_face:
2018-12-12 18-39-58 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>lol what do you mean not friendly? :imp:
2020-03-28 14-58-36 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>If you can contact some people who might do the translation that would be great!
2018-12-12 18-40-24 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>it's very blank or bland out of the box
2020-08-01 10-40-19 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>did you want to do more after me?
2020-07-11 07-43-54 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Lol I'm excited too but more about how it will be different from the past ones
2019-01-19 12-01-19 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>usually programmers have experience in versioning but writers dont
2018-12-07 11-13-50 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>https://shop.spreadshirt.ca/inkscape-shop-ca
2019-01-22 20-44-31 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I think your original one was better. basics and complex togehter
2020-03-22 13-57-13 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I hope you're staying put, Canada seems to be following the US path, which is not a good path to follow!
2019-02-01 07-43-10 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>of course, but which? Maren wanted a nice calendar interface for ages, on the website, easy for me to do in Drupal....
2019-01-22 20-42-52 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>hehe not sure, jabier thinks workshops are smaller
2019-01-22 20-25-13 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I have no idea, 1h 2h, can't know until I set up the mini lectures
2018-12-12 18-25-41 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>that's how it's usually done
2020-08-18 19-34-40 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I'm sorry I didn't have time before now to address this. I wish we were able to prepare better for this meeting but it wasn't possible for me. I'll have to cut my sleep short to attend tomorrow, but I'm also looking forward to it. About the meeting on Saturday, I don't think you weren't listening, but I do think there were other problems, I sent an email about that.
2020-07-12 10-22-18 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>are there more?
2019-01-19 13-15-12 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>this would be a lot easier on a text file you know! I hope you don't get scared away because SVG you know not very readable through code and you have to use another app to actually see it
2018-12-07 11-02-03 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>we need that help on the general side too
2019-01-19 13-52-38 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>width? just center it, then each conditon goes to the sides of the diamond
2019-01-18 09-15-09 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I just made the sketch and posted it for anyone to run with it :D
2020-07-15 05-54-17 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yes I'm so glad many came!
2019-02-05 11-17-34 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>not sure if he's creating a video for bug migration, he may well be, some people will prefer it, but others will prefer infographics
2018-12-12 18-22-35 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>in the middle
2019-05-29 18-55-33 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I can't believe how it happened to me, the queen of planning, but my schedule completely got away from me, every week it was I'll definitely wrap this up and next week I'm fully on Inkscape, but things kept happening on the client side and it's such a bad timing to completely abandon them
2018-12-12 18-49-17 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>so she draws and you code?
2019-05-29 19-31-39 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>good luck with that contest!
2018-12-12 18-46-02 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>there are "templates" for Drupal too, but it's not very common that someone using Drupal is buying it, and the template usually means the whole website, not just the theme, so it's like hiring a Drupalist
2019-01-22 20-10-45 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yes, i thought workshop for teaching inky
2020-07-11 15-10-46 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>Yeah, I've heard that before, get out of the way, but only for things that don't pertain to him and if he has to step in and doesn't have the time he doesn't delegate
2019-05-29 18-58-14 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>on MOnday I had to rush rush through the rain to change my ticket date
2018-12-12 18-42-00 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>have you heard of WordPress? Drupal is a more advanced platform but similar, it's not a langugae
2020-03-28 14-48-16 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I hear it's good to take Zinc for any type of virus, normal flu
2020-03-28 14-52-00 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>you know why I'm asking right?
2020-07-12 10-22-22 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>yes
2019-01-19 12-02-08 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>we can clean it up later, it will take time to learn, I wish we had audio chat, I asked ryan to enable, it still has to go through jitsi
2019-05-29 19-35-20 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I'm sorry I think I'm groggy lol
2019-01-19 13-44-56 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>what text editor do you have
2019-01-19 12-47-19 PSTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>if you haven't staged any changes it won't let you commit, so you can clik on the button, it will just open the Commit pane
2019-05-24 18-03-20 PDTMihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@gmail.com>I hope to catch up this weekend, I'm still buried in a project, so much happening at the same time, I hope I get some break to breathe soon
2018-12-12 19-03-34 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Also, we might think about a list of tools or sites where we could get a little notice - like nounproject, who might be cool with mentioning that you can use Inkscape to make and open the svg files...
2018-12-12 18-24-37 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>So it's not like it turns all the time.
2018-12-12 19-33-27 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>You can show me the wave tomorrow!!
2019-01-19 13-41-13 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>That's what I did not do! Where do I find the code?
2019-05-29 18-45-44 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I've been there! We all know you're doing your best. Hang in there! It'll figure itself out. That's being an entrepreneur.
2018-12-12 19-21-53 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>the date, yes!
2018-12-12 19-23-17 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>One thing I don't know is whether or not this would create too much work to translate... I am wide open here, but know that we can pull it back. Some campaigns might be well worth translating... the next version and donations, hackfests and such.
2019-01-22 20-49-40 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>That's why I am trying to add more...
2020-07-11 15-04-41 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>About how the board works - the history of the project. The relationship with the Conservancy - that we get more than we pay for. That they're going to involve Karen and find out about the potential of paid work for the project. Mix that with Martin's piece and it clarifies how things work. And I learned more about the different versioning and we're going to work on collaborating more for the next release! Lots.
2019-01-22 20-45-12 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I might be too tired to do much else.
2018-12-12 19-11-56 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>that works.
2018-12-10 19-03-33 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hey Mihaela, I did not follow the whole conversation through on the task; I'll head over tomorrow evening and take another look. In the meantime, perhaps we can clarify what I can do to help. And the spreadshirt stuff too! I was happy to see that you thought I could lend a hand! Have a great day / evening... I am off to bed. 8-)
2020-03-28 15-01-51 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Have they passed any tests with it - medically-speaking?
2018-12-12 18-47-04 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>For sure.
2020-06-22 14-38-21 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Perhaps adding three comments - one for each group in there - to be edited by the lead. Each of the comments would have the headings for the information to be collected:
2019-05-29 19-09-04 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Wow! I'd love to do voice work. Did some radio way back, but I have not explored too much on this end. No time yet.
2018-12-12 18-36-25 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Good to know someone who does that.
2020-06-23 15-18-46 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>did she get that far?
2020-05-16 14-19-53 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>That works. It's currently 5:19 pm here.
2020-06-16 11-59-15 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Absolutely! I am game to test that with you. It's always better to have tested these things beforehand.
2019-01-19 12-15-43 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I am stuck on 5. Click on the button above the file (to stage this)... which button? I have not yet clicked on Commit, right?
2020-07-11 15-04-44 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>You?
2019-01-22 20-16-41 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Not the most exciting title I've ever written. 8-)
2020-08-12 09-37-34 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Perhaps. 8-)
2019-01-19 13-04-28 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Okay@
2019-01-19 10-12-00 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I'd love to learn more steps about the repo. We could start over chat, but let's get the Bug Migration issue tackled first. Then we could... or, and I am eager for this... wait to do audio and screenshare! I am so excited about speaking with you and Maren. 8-)
2019-05-29 19-10-30 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Deal! I'd love to do that.
2020-07-12 10-53-58 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Guys? Where?
2018-12-12 18-50-38 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I think about crazy designs or features and get the look... like do you want to code that? And my answer is always, I'll think of something else to do instead...
2020-07-25 09-27-54 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hi Mihaela, So we're stalled at 39 responses for the survey... I think in part because it's gone out to the teams and on Twitter, but nowhere else. Also because I put it together quickly and folks might not see the relevance without more (his/her)story. I'd be fine with closing out the survey on Monday (my time) and running with whatever we have. I'll need a bit of time to clean the data and put together an analysis. Can we book a time to review a bit of it together to see if I'm on the right track? I'm now on vacation, so early in the am my time is not likely when we'll be mowing the grass or doing all the concrete work... I hope. 8-)
2018-12-12 19-01-52 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yep, I can imagine. sometimes it's fun to do something, learn it and see where it goes.
2020-05-17 10-30-04 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Sure! Just spoke briefly with family member who is calling me back in a half an hour or so.
2018-12-12 19-12-50 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>yeah, overspecialization can lead to major issues communicating with the rest of the world... like profs who only want to teach grad students so they don't have to explain stuff.
2019-05-29 19-34-43 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I am trying to get on the new lists, but without luck so far. I'll keep trying!
2018-11-27 18-10-50 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I've given some feedback to Martin. Yes, I'll go check it out this week and add bug reports on Gitlab.
2019-01-19 12-05-50 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>that's okay. I am thrilled that we'll be able to do this with audio!!
2019-01-19 12-02-36 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I have skype... let me figure out where it's at on this computer.
2020-08-11 16-35-49 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>checking...
2019-02-05 11-35-16 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I am grateful. And now we can move to an online spreadsheet for social media. Work for another day, but I am convinced it will be a game changer... and lead to more recognition and collaboration!
2019-02-01 07-48-09 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Sounds like fun -- tasty!
2020-07-23 09-38-56 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Capture Jot Form survey July 23 2020 12 36 pm ET.JPG (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/xqxua4EW8r5pGYas9/Capture%20Jot%20Form%20survey%20July%2023%202020%2012%2036%20pm%20ET.JPG)
2020-05-16 14-23-46 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>raspeberry bushes, rose bushes... raking... lots to do.
2018-12-12 19-32-23 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I can do that sometimes on the weekend and when I am off for a couple of weeks, as I have no schedule then. One day I'll be in charge of my schedule like that again... in a few years maybe.
2020-08-18 19-47-18 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hi Mihaela, thanks for getting back to me. Thanks for your email, too. I've responded.
2020-07-11 13-44-23 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>K
2020-07-27 13-55-51 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Awesome! Take your time.
2020-05-17 10-30-29 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>We'll take it as it comes. No worries! Enjoy your family!!
2019-02-05 11-35-34 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Have a great rest of the day, Mihaela!
2019-05-29 19-33-40 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Okay! I can also wait till next week when we'll have more time. My email is zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca
2020-08-18 19-59-09 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>You deserve an apology if I hurt you, Mihaela. I tried to leave some space / time and then reached out to see how I could best listen and learn how I had done so.
2018-12-12 18-24-00 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I don't know... guess I have less experience with that. They only twirl when you mouse over them, right?
2020-07-11 15-35-29 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I'd support you.
2020-07-23 10-01-28 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Bashing Gnome...
2019-01-22 20-46-07 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Perhaps we should mention the drawing part?? It sounds more design-y.
2020-08-11 16-27-52 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>We can work together for an hour or so, no problem! On BBB.
2020-07-29 09-55-28 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hi there! Heading over to BBB in a few minutes. Will wait there for you - also in case Ryan gets there then, too.
2020-08-11 16-23-00 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>After that I am preparing to head back to work... I can't do a late night on Sunday and the first couple of days back are going to be big...
2018-12-07 11-08-43 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>shop would be the perfect way to distinguish. Perhaps the help on the site would be of use?
2019-05-29 18-49-29 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Inkscape Vectors is mentioned in my CV and bio!
2020-08-11 16-46-52 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Martin asked me to consider it, too.
2018-12-12 18-21-56 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>yes! I think it's up. And Martin had asked me to look at it, but I am not the best at finding what I don't know...
2020-07-15 05-54-25 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yes, perhaps we should have a game plan, so that we can use the share screen more and stuff for next time.
2018-11-27 18-08-44 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I am trying! When I have some time, I like to get things checked off the list. Watched others do the same.
2020-06-16 11-46-40 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Oh, crap! my time zone changer didn't work.. or I misread it. I could do super early in the morning instead, which would be a better hour for you. Or 6 pm, so it's midnight for you.
2018-12-07 11-05-09 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>8-)0
2020-03-28 15-51-08 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hey Mihaela, I've got a friend who's a translator who is willing to share the English page with her contacts. She's unable to do anything herself - single mom and entrepreneur. Let me know when the English part is up and it will be easier for me to share and get some feedback here.
2020-08-11 16-49-49 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>That's my point about being involved in the overseeing of contracts.
2018-12-12 18-35-49 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Those are my two goto tools, too. And Maren showed me Sozi... I am hooked. Used it for work this week and am convincing others.
2020-08-11 16-19-46 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>No worries! I'm trying to plan around rain and renos before I head back to work next week. Not sure if I'm going to be able to attend Hackfest... depends on weather and stuff.
2018-12-12 19-11-41 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yes, me too! A calendar we can look at.
2020-07-21 16-44-32 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>We could do that. Back from supper and a brief nap.
2020-05-18 14-34-17 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I've got a few out there, but am not advertising it as I have a full time job. https://www.redbubble.com/people/Zigzagmlt/shop?asc=u
2020-05-15 05-15-58 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hey Mihalea! So great to hear from you! WE're hanging in there on our end. Quebec is still dealing with lots of virus. Purchased some masks online and waiting for them to arrive in the coming weeks... I'd be happy to call on your for Inkscape for specific stuff. Glad to know you're busy, hopefully with paid gigs! Let's plan a call sometime to cheer us both up - perhaps with Maren, too?
2019-02-04 17-23-08 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Followed your lead and added one!
2020-06-22 14-38-45 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Trying to find the notes from the meeting where we mentioned them... I think they were your notes...
2020-05-16 14-26-31 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Okay, talk to you tomorrow!
2018-12-12 18-40-25 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>he he for those of us who think of it as a coding language?
2019-01-23 18-51-02 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>did you get some sleep?
2018-12-12 18-37-19 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I have to write it -- or create it. Want to do something about what I've learned from my 365 days #YearOfCreating...
2020-05-16 14-23-30 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Perfect. I'll catch you back here tomorrow at 5 pm EDT
2020-06-26 05-57-35 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hey Maren, would you like some help putting together a brief letter to thank Vicky? Not that you're not capable of doing it yourself. I'd love to help, so that we can continue building the relationship with her! I think she'd appreciate it. Let me know. Have an awesome day! Diving into work for a bit on this end of the world. Play safe!
2019-01-22 20-25-36 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Do you have to choose one of the formats for the application?
2018-12-12 09-31-48 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I disagree! I think it's fun. And I love bigger icons. They're the visuals that add pops of info in a different way, white space, and they're important extras. Perhaps we can see what others think about it too. Has anyone else noticed it yet?
2019-01-22 20-15-24 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Ah, okay... gotcha. yep,
2020-03-28 14-58-51 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I'm reaching out right now... it's supper time here, so it might take me a bit.
2020-03-28 14-59-18 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Terrific project, BTW!
2020-07-11 15-27-32 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>It's probably past time for you to get some rest from screens and such, eh? I am hopeful and am curious to see what a papercuts hunt is like next week...
2019-01-19 13-40-36 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>So my file has to have the same name, right?
2020-08-18 04-09-15 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Clipboard - August 18, 2020 7:09 AM (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/uZDFmmNjfRrQBBsr8/Clipboard%20-%20August%2018,%202020%207:09%20AM)
2018-12-12 18-22-23 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I could do that. Perhaps if there was a task about the forum - feedback? We could gather comments on it?
2019-01-22 20-22-35 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>So is that all you need for the submission for tomorrow?
2020-07-23 09-39-46 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>for free
2020-03-28 14-53-47 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Taking breaks from the news helps, too.
2020-07-11 15-23-07 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Would the hackfest be a place where we could invite participants to take a few minutes - while there's a video break - to go and add their comments - answer a question on an issue in git - or do a poll question in the hackfest and then add that information into the issue?
2020-07-11 15-11-22 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Oh, I saw it from another angle. We have pinpointed the ideal project for the first run. We knew that we had to talk to the Conservancy to get that part figured out. I recall the conversation after the meeting.
2020-05-18 14-27-59 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Sure, let's aim for Thursday then... would that be Wednesday at 5 pm my time or Thursday 5 pm my time? 8-
2019-02-01 07-51-12 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>That's where we left the discussion - and we wanted to have Maren's opinion too. I think we need more structure in docs or I will go crazy! I think it's just a short discussion to see if we're on the same page, pardon the pun!
2019-05-29 19-07-24 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Of course!! We're a team!
2019-02-18 08-28-29 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Either way, we'll get it done! 8-)) I am used to working on a deadline and this one is about sharing what we do! Have a terrific day! Catch you later. I have to run out in the snow... 8-)
2018-12-12 18-31-58 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I would be able to do it from anywhere. Or at home.
2019-01-22 20-42-22 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>What about something like this for the description? I am not totally satisfied... we want bums in the seats for this opportunity!
2019-02-05 11-33-10 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I noticed. I am learning to use my voice and just use a spreadsheet...
2018-12-12 18-38-28 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>This is true! In Quebec - and Canada- there are many small businesses without web sites, and so they're invisible. Where I work, I have colleagues who are business advisors. I do other stuff.
2018-12-12 19-13-18 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Capture part of social media spreadsheet.PNG (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/Z5EM4CPadQgKTX9mX/Capture%20part%20of%20social%20media%20spreadsheet.PNG)
2020-07-11 07-44-17 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yes!
2019-05-29 19-16-50 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yes! I get to work with some fun colleagues, here and there! It's going to be great. Just the house thing that's more stressful. Aiming to add a couple of freelance contracts to my workload to be able to renovate faster.
2019-01-19 11-59-22 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Gotcha, so now I have to practice commitment - Gitlab style!
2019-01-23 18-55-25 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Agreed! I just wanted to see it happen! And now I am looking forward to the next steps of supporting you guys in preparing the stuff should you need my help!
2020-07-28 16-18-49 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Still around if you are. If not, we'll see you tomorrow. And Ryan is likely going to be able to join us!
2019-01-19 13-45-11 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Notepad ++
2018-12-07 10-46-59 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yeah, that might have been it. I can check the email and get back to you later this evening, my time, when I am at home. Currently at work.
2018-12-07 11-15-07 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>.... if YOU'RE a proud Canadian -- terrific!
2019-01-21 15-44-34 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Thanks again for our conversation and your tutorial last evening! And I confirmed with Ryan that I'd like to aim for the conference here next year. I feel better now.
2019-01-19 10-06-37 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Issue not task!
2020-07-11 13-43-40 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>not you, too?
2019-01-22 20-50-45 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Okay, we'll pick it up tomorrow! Have a good morning - day!
2018-12-09 08-53-16 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>for team / teamwork: https://openclipart.org/detail/282576/ahttps://openclipart.org/detail/23589/teambout-icon
2018-12-11 20-13-08 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Fun and spiffy spinning icon logo, Mihaela! I love it!!
2020-07-11 15-26-15 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yes, but a fabulous day! The parts I was on were terrific. Though we could use those breakout rooms and have more voices present.
2019-02-01 07-45-32 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Okay, can you give me a few minutes to finish making more coffee? I need fuel!
2019-05-29 19-22-30 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Perhaps. I was aiming to spread the word locally here, but it's hard to put myself out there sometimes. Not sure why... I do have one friend who approached me this week. I am thinking of starting there and seeing if one or max two other people want to join in. I am also able to do it online. I'll figure it out... aiming to have something nailed down by the end of the week - a first client to get back in the game.
2019-02-05 11-29-25 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yeah, I guess. Or nudge him to see if it's needed -- or if his document is going to be the solution we'Re seeking. Then he can share what he's doing and we can clarify this in the issue. He'll also see that we're all rooting for him, but ready to assist should he need us! Encouragement for him to share and seek input before finalizing something that could benefit from our input, too.
2019-01-19 11-01-42 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>A question for you... I have no SSH key... yet! Is this what would enable me to upload stuff to the new repo? I am eager to have support in doing the key part. One day!
2020-08-12 09-39-06 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Perfect. That works! I'm still refining my text for this afternoon. Ended up watching a movie and sleeping in a bit late this am. It is vacation, after all, and hot as heck once again.
2020-07-25 16-49-40 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>You mean when we ask people to share stuff? Yep; not sure how to do anything better at this time as we're all volunteers. Did you want to / or me to share it with the dev list? Might have more clout coming from you. Heading off to watch a movie... the hackfest was good again today!
2019-01-19 13-51-44 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I did see it, though it doesn't render it well on my end.
2020-06-23 15-17-36 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Audio record.mp3 (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/AczM3qXaGRmDDSR2D/Audio%20record.mp3)
2020-08-18 19-48-37 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I love these questions! You're right that if we could get Rania to translate - or even if he had them ahead of time, this would be helpful. Did you want me to set up an issue and invite him? We could also add the survey results to the issue and that way share what we're doing. Perhaps someone else would like to do the same with another community.
2018-12-12 18-59-01 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Skillshare has a couple of courses on it -- including one that was free by the founder. He shows you how to design an icon collection. That would be cool to do as a group project.
2020-05-16 14-18-59 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Sure, tomorrow works!
2020-07-11 15-39-50 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Agreed! We're where we're supposed to be.
2019-01-22 20-23-41 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Or was that the text?
2018-12-07 11-31-00 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Pleasure!
2018-12-12 18-54-37 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I've had a chance to work with some designers - to develop a logo and stuff - and it was very cool.
2019-01-22 20-23-29 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>So a second submission with a workshop... did you send me more text above for that one?
2019-05-29 18-43-26 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I get it. I've had that happen and had to not participate in stuff at the last minute. Life goes one. Jabier is going to do fine!
2019-02-18 14-09-42 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hi Mihaela, off to the washroom and then I am all yours to work on stuff. Speak soon!
2018-12-12 18-56-52 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yeah, but I'd do it and add them to thenounproject I love that site!
2018-12-12 18-51-55 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>My web site will need to be revamped from home, perhaps I'll ask your opinion! I need to figure out some serious calls to action first, not just "here I am and I like to make patterns", but it was my first site. Have to start somewhere.
2020-08-11 16-45-02 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yes, and this is deciding if money will be spent. That's something that falls under their management... they don't want to manage projects, but there's no way around it if there's money involved, imho. Technical direction - add a person to the committee. This way the project has a leg to stand on if something goes wrong and the fundraising coordinator doesn't go down with blame - as a volunteer. Board members have more skin in the game and that comes with more responsibility, usually.
2018-12-08 06-56-57 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Let me know when and how you want to collaborate on spreadshirt Canada and / or other. 8-)
2020-03-28 14-50-51 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>A bit of a stuffed nose, but I can still smell when the stove burners are on! And I can taste my food.
2020-08-11 16-27-00 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I could aim for tomorrow at noon for an hour or so before my mentoring group call - I'm presenting, so I have to take a few minutes to get ready.
2020-06-18 19-52-40 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Colouring Pages JPGs.zip (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/gmFsegrF5JZB6Aytf/Colouring%20Pages%20JPGs.zip)
2020-07-15 05-57-03 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>This is a valid way to find users and then to woo them into becoming contributors.
2020-08-05 17-48-19 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Not sure! I'll go look...
2019-05-29 18-42-19 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I sent a recording to Jabier... here - you'll get a kick out of me mispronouncing his name 8-))
2018-12-12 18-41-40 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>We work with Visual basic (the royal we, 'cause it ain't me). And then add bootstrap to make it mobile-first.
2020-08-20 06-28-01 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I'm glad you slept in! Bravo! We'll get together with Rania to prepare for next time. Oh, and on the half hour at that time is better as many folks are praying on the hour at 6 pm their time. Great to know! Yep, many of them are on their phones, so we need to make it easy and control the room so that it's super easy for them to join. And I am not that comfortable with recording everything - I allowed it, not to make a fuss - but that's less interesting when we're not prepared. Planning and being on the same page as Rania will be good. He brought some big entrepreneurs to the table, which made it a fun presentation and discussion. Back to work now. Have a great day!
2020-07-11 15-41-05 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Okay. Have a great weekend, Mihaela! Great job. And thanks for all that you do. Take care.
2019-01-19 14-09-46 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Just got "Don't bother if you're not using it"
2018-12-12 18-22-40 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Build consensus! I like it.
2019-05-29 19-04-19 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>The things we think... but those are the dreams we can continue to plan to achieve, my friend! YES! You need to write the book. And so does Maren - continue to write hers. And I can write the articles and tweets about them!!
2018-12-09 07-16-27 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hey Mihaela, I love your pages! I've added some suggested revisions - not too much at all - for your consideration. A png from Inkscape for you. 8-)
2020-07-11 15-00-23 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yes. I was there for the beginning, for the board meeting.
2020-07-11 15-33-50 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>If you're tired of typing, we could do Jitsi!
2018-12-07 10-48-25 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Not sure. Might be related to platforms being from here and pricing in Canadian, though it doesn't happen with all platforms. I might have to ask Google or something...
2020-07-23 09-41-25 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Nope
2019-05-29 19-31-43 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Thanks for the chat. I've missed our chats!
2020-07-11 13-43-11 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>?
2019-01-19 13-14-39 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Okay. If not I have it on my computer - your orignal.
2019-01-09 04-39-38 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hi Mihaela, Let me get back to you on your questions! I am a bit overwhelmed at work since starting back on Monday... 8-)) I'll try to work on an example for you. Off to get ready for another big day. Have a great afternoon!
2019-02-05 11-33-39 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>It could be a temporary solution... maybe an open-source one is just around the corner!!
2020-07-11 13-44-10 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Mine either... and I have a nice glass of white wine...
2019-01-22 20-08-37 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I don't know the audience.
2020-06-23 14-18-05 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I'm really sorry to have let you down. Oh, should I join?
2020-03-28 15-01-37 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I spotted the story on Twitter a couple of days ago and have since seen it in a couple of places.
2018-12-09 08-47-20 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yes, the use of colour is really smart - to help us visuals to navigate the site.
2018-12-12 19-20-58 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Add a new column before "Post" (now English posts), so we can put the date of the campaign there and sort that way?
2020-03-28 14-59-51 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Wow, amazing!
2020-09-24 23-09-22 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Rania has made another poster for the new meeting and we're going to do it with the Gimpscape BBB channel. It's easier, since the one we were using was Marc's channel. The audience is mainly designers and entrepreneurs who share how they use Inkscape. It's really interesting. Rania and his friends who developed Inkporter helped me to install it the other day and show me how it worked during a session. It was fun! When they ask questions, I've been sending them to the dev channel. Let's hope they get involved there!
2020-07-28 16-19-05 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Two questions have visuals... I'm going to keep on going for a bit.
2018-12-07 11-04-30 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I think Inkscape shop is better, as there are many inkscape references on items in the store. Maybe so.
2018-12-12 18-36-17 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Business consulting -- for web sites? Oh, you know how to convert content into e-books? Cool! One day I'll have a book to do that with...
2020-07-23 09-41-21 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>More work to tabulate results. Going to have to ask your help to come up with categories to code responses to all those open-ended questions... ! Okay for the Inky person
2019-01-19 12-03-22 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I am, just a glitch as Skype takes over one's machine. 8-) BRB
2019-01-21 15-47-06 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>8-))
2020-07-11 14-59-23 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Oh, I felt like I said lots.
2018-12-07 10-59-10 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Not sure how it's going to looik. At the moment there's nothing -- no shop -- at .ca
2020-05-18 14-37-10 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Awesome! Looking forward to it. Must be great to be able to travel and see folks. Enjoy!!
2019-01-22 20-48-54 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I wish I could be there. You'll have to come to Canada - or give all the Vectors Team a workshop virtually on Jitsi.
2020-07-11 14-57-41 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Very cool!
2020-08-11 16-29-58 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Okay, that works. We could work from Ryan's suggested navigations and therefore help to identify any challenges or positive points to each of the three examples he's offered.
2020-03-28 14-49-30 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I have some Zinc pills for my cold... taking one a day. Was eating oranges. Am drinking orange juice.
2018-12-12 19-08-16 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>rocketchat won't accept the spreadsheet... let me pdf it.
2018-12-12 18-28-04 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Thanks!
2020-05-18 14-31-33 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Waiting for some masks made with my designs... and I've just signed up for a mentoring group with other fabric designers once a month. Looking forward to that.
2019-01-20 07-39-31 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hi Mihaela! Good afternoon to you! Let me know if Skyping might work later today! If not, we'll figure out when it might work.
2020-08-18 19-54-54 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I'd be happy to open an issue and let him know. I'll add Ryan on there, too, since he's supposed to be coming if he can. I think I have his email - or I can DM him here and send him the link. I'll add the questions, too, so he can prepare. No problem!
2020-08-11 16-21-49 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Let me know if you need help (specifically mine!) with mindmapping.
2020-07-11 14-57-55 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Get a camera, lady! I hope I did not talk too much.
2020-06-20 13-40-49 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Did you try zigzagmlt or Michele - I had no problem adding a green checkmark... let me know!
2019-05-29 19-11-10 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Okay! That would be awesome!
2018-12-12 18-52-51 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Awesome! Thank you, Mihaela. I will! I need that kind of feedback to get out of my head.
2019-01-22 20-26-23 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Okay, perfect.
2019-02-01 07-47-16 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Okay. Before or after the board meeting?
2019-01-23 18-49-33 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Awesome! for Ryan it was when he asks us to vote on issues during Vectors Team meetings.
2019-01-22 20-45-19 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Like you must be too!
2020-06-16 12-02-45 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Well, we've got our work cut out for us (like a pattern on fabric)! I'd better get back to work now... got some more data to wrangle this afternoon before the end of my work day. Take care!
2019-05-29 17-29-44 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hey Mihaela, Is everything okay? Did I understand from Jabier that you didn't make it to the event? Take good care!
2020-07-11 15-31-44 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I think he's less in the loop. He didn't know about how the hackfest was working as he's too busy. That's okay. It does allow others to set a direction to follow.
2019-01-19 13-14-20 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>On my computer, yep!
2019-05-24 17-33-24 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hey Mihaela, how are you doing with your presentation?
2020-07-15 05-57-12 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>No forcing. I want to help. !
2018-12-09 08-37-29 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Cool! That's all I thought were needed, Mihaela! Great job!
2020-07-25 23-24-32 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>By the way, I'm on vacation during the next couple of weeks, so I might be able to find some time to get some Inkscape stuff done.
2018-11-27 18-10-23 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>When you have time, you'll enjoy it. Watch it when you've got the time... and you need to smile and laugh.
2018-12-12 18-30-35 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I don't work from home - as not everyone is able to do so. The odd day I do, but not normally.
2019-01-19 13-52-05 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>There's not much width in there to add the diamond stuff.
2018-12-12 18-44-50 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Right. WordPRess has templates you can purchase. Guess I am newer to some of the open source stuff other than a few traditional ones. I am on and off Linux-based computers as needed, but am fine with a Windows envrionment too.
2020-08-01 12-22-54 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I can share it after I share the other stuff if we have time.
2018-12-12 18-48-55 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>See! Our conversations are good for you! You can collect it and start your marketing!
2020-07-16 10-21-46 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>You still alive over there? I'm still at work over here, but am just checking for a sign of life. 8-)
2020-08-11 16-46-45 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Agreed on what (what does IIUC mean?) and it's money and the spending of it. They'll be the ones to make the decision on whether or not a cheque is cut / payment is made for work completed, so they're ultimately involved.
2019-05-29 19-35-59 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>New ones to sign up to. Or so I understood. Mailman. For Vectors and the other groups. they're new as we're changing email servers. Check the activity action, I think.
2020-07-22 15-02-51 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hopping onto BBB - working on the survey! See you there.
2020-05-18 14-36-20 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I'm sure. Anyway, let me know if you want to learn how you could put his drawings on stuff.
2020-08-15 08-58-10 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Or an issue for Marc!
2020-08-11 16-27-36 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>What do you mean create all the pages... how does this work with what Ryan has added to the issue - the navigation choices?
2020-07-15 09-10-38 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I'm in the BBB meeting. Are you still available?
2019-01-19 13-53-13 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Okay, I can try that. As for both versions of Inkscape is that not waht was there?
2020-07-15 05-59-17 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Okay, and we can recap and put stuff together while it's fresh in our heads.
2018-12-12 18-35-22 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Cool!
2020-06-22 14-28-04 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>A question for you... would it be helpful to have a template / or use an issue as the template for the categories of information are needed for Ryan? The idea was to gather the same categories of information across all three groups so that he can more easily combine it.
2020-07-31 05-49-10 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hi Mihaela, Hope you're well! I'm focused on the content for the first presentation on Content... any chance at connecting to review to make sure I've not missed something?
2018-12-07 11-26-01 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Maren helped get me set up on IRC.
2020-07-12 10-20-03 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hey Mihaela, how are you doing today?
2019-02-01 07-44-50 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I meant literally dealing with the article folder on the repo... I still don't think we've completed the set up over there.
2020-09-20 08-47-35 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hope you're okay and just busy. Take good care of yourself, Mihaela!
2020-07-11 15-31-54 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>If we can help, let's do it!
2020-08-15 08-58-02 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>That's what I was thinking... I don't want to cause an issue with Marc. If it does, we can adjust.
2019-01-22 20-52-25 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>8-)) Think design students... not sure what they'd need, but that would be a good start. Bye!
2020-08-19 03-44-18 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Morning! I'm going to hop on in a few minutes.
2019-01-22 20-38-02 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Not sure it's the final edit, but it's up.
2020-05-16 14-26-01 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Sometimes I cheat and buy them started...
2020-07-11 15-09-34 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>They seemed to be engaged in helping people to lead things and to get out of the way. That was nice to hear. That's leadership. We have to stand up and be counted and bring ideas forward.
2020-07-15 09-19-09 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Okay, I'm off to find something to eat. Catch you when you're back. Have a great evening!
2020-07-15 05-56-42 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yes, the free price gets them in the door and then they see the power - empowerment of freedom.
2018-12-07 11-01-49 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Similar to US... it's winter, so anything warm is a hit right now!
2020-07-11 15-20-20 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>You think? I missed that.
2020-07-15 05-56-16 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>We can look at the definition together, you know. Not everything is on your shoulders. 8-))
2019-05-29 19-14-39 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>The work stuff? I have some for Inkscape - articles and stuff - and then I've got a new assignment at the job - fun and going to be a steep learning curve. Working more with stats and stuff. I am excited, but the deadlines are going to be crazy... sort of like yours.
2019-01-19 12-03-59 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I am back - have it open online. Michele Thibeau is my handle!
2019-05-29 19-12-45 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>For the City. Every few years. It is time.
2018-12-07 10-58-15 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>yay!!
2019-05-29 19-12-16 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yep, me too! Got a pile of assignments to get through. On this end I am trying to go through the house and prepare for an inspection. Craziness!
2019-01-19 13-50-13 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I use notepad to remove formatting usually, but to find code also works. I'm not sure what I did worked. It seemed to work, but I cannot find it in docs...
2020-07-12 10-22-17 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Let me know if you want to do audio today. I want to make sure I understand and that you're not taking anything too personal.
2020-06-23 15-18-18 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>TRying once more to see if the audio funtion works. It does not. Jitsi?
2020-07-18 10-42-16 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I get it. Lots of real world things to tackle. No worries. Was sending positive vibes! Will continue.
2019-01-19 13-08-47 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>We could do that, but I never replace my files on my computer... so I'd have to go and add my latest to your original file...
2019-01-22 20-44-45 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Okay. The sentences are a little long for the reader.
2018-12-07 11-02-49 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I have to practice that for my own shops -
2019-01-19 13-46-26 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>That's a lot of code!!
2019-01-19 07-10-00 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hi Mihaela, Here are the steps in the procedure... I am trying to compile them in one list... can you help clarify them please? 1. Search for bugs (exclude Wishlist?) and insert screenshots from Launchpad with correctly-ticked search boxes 2. Read related ?? and check for Dupes 3. Test the heck out of the situation 4. If it's still a bug, then proceed with making it no longer a bug. 5. Open a new one?? on Gitlab using the following ??: [LP:XXXX] (...) 6. Summarize all the information 7. Copy over the relevant attachments and close the bug on Launchpad with [moved to GL] 8. Close the migrated bug with GL/username
2020-08-11 16-50-11 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I'll check back later. Sorry to run... ! Night!
2019-01-18 13-11-14 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Thanks, Mihaela! Sorry to bug you with the hunt! I'll send along my draft that needs some clarification on the procedure. Also I've reached out to Chris for an ordinary bug or two...
2019-02-05 11-30-41 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Thanks, Mihaela! I think I went around the bush... I have my head in an article on this end and am editing like mad!! I just felt the urgent need to give you a heads up so we would not have a repeat of the video issue - lack of issue and frustration. Way to woo 'em in together.
2020-08-15 09-00-30 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Okay, I might get there earlier a bit if I can.
2018-12-12 18-58-26 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yeah, it's pretty cool. And their newsletter is always inspiring!
2018-12-12 19-06-03 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>It doesn't hurt to ask!
2020-06-26 06-47-42 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Awesome! If you have ideas to start it, I'd be happy to edit. Or we can chat later or tomorrow about it. Take care!
2019-02-01 07-43-10 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I have a question for you... about moving the articles folder on the repo... I'd like to write in there vs. in a task today.
2020-08-12 09-39-25 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Looking forward to seeing the pages! Good luck with that!
2019-01-22 20-51-13 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Oh, so they don't learn the latest features?
2019-01-19 11-44-23 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Ah, so do I need this key as a Maintainer?
2020-08-15 08-58-55 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Agreed!
2020-07-15 05-58-49 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>No worries.
2019-02-02 08-02-58 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I am on... just trying to get updated at the same time!
2020-06-23 14-17-50 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I'm sure you guys had an amazing time. Eager to watch the recording or read the notes.
2019-01-22 20-44-09 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Workshops will be longer than a 20-minute talk!
2019-01-13 12-08-03 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hey Mihaela, are you and Jabier working on an application for a conference - LGM? I had let him know if he/you both needed another pair of eyes to let me know. It's due soon, is it not? Or was there an extension. I am excited about getting together with you and Maren over audio to make GL more user-friendly for writers! More organized for working and finding stuff.
2019-01-22 20-09-39 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Well, if we want to share with them how things work - they are design students - then talking about how they can get involved and shape the design might be appealing...
2018-12-12 18-48-38 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I have dabbled ever so little. That's what my partner does. She makes me stuff - and when I ask for something crazy she invites me to code it. And so I ask for something else.
2020-06-19 17-40-57 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yes, you print them out on 8.5 x 11 and you can colour them. Hadn't thought of digital colouring, really... rather silly of me, perhaps!
2020-07-15 06-04-01 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>My pleasure!
2019-01-22 05-12-19 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Adding this here so I won't forget to add it elsewhere... three new symbols for a scale of emotions for voting during meetings to replace awkward "thumbs up" symbol: green heart, red stop sign or 'no mouth' smiley face. I'll send this to Ryan, too, as a suggestion for the team meetings. Cheers! Off to work. Good luck with your writing! I know you'll hit it out of the park!
2018-12-12 18-57-55 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>There are all manners -- CC and some public -- and you can give credit and use many / most of them for free. I use them at work.
2020-05-18 14-33-33 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I'll receive the masks ready to wash and wear!
2019-01-19 13-53-39 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I'd rather choose the size of the thing and then fill the container, so we don't get crazy. So perhaps I can just do that.
2019-01-19 13-07-28 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>i followd the instructions and clicked on your document... er yes?
2018-12-12 18-25-13 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Let me find it and check it out again more closely...
2019-01-19 11-59-50 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Thanks, Mihaela!
2018-12-07 11-02-09 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>No worries! I'd be happy to help with that part.
2019-01-19 14-11-55 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Perhaps! for the script. For Skype I have a channel and I use it online. Jitsi tomorrow works too.
2020-07-27 12-46-41 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I'm back. Can be ready when you are. Munching on my lunch.
2020-08-11 16-34-40 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Okay, so send me that spreadsheet when you're ready and I'll take a look. We can do some playing and see if we can confirm or poke holes in the proposed nav! This will get us thinking and prototyping and advance the cause. Yay!
2020-05-17 13-44-35 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Sure! Let's do that! Enjoy your downtime. Talk to you tomorrow!
2020-03-28 14-53-38 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Some of it is good to read and some of it is a bit much sometimes.
2020-05-16 14-23-04 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Let's start there and see... we never stick to a schedule on this end.
2020-07-12 10-22-24 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>No, MAren's
2020-08-05 17-36-08 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Or wet weather renovations... we do not like the outside as much, so if it's wet, too hot or whatever, it's not motivating - and most of the time not possible.
2020-08-11 16-50-28 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>8-))
2018-12-12 19-05-15 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Okay. I see that they have Adobe and Squarespace as sponsors... but that should not mean they cannot let their users and creators know about us, too.
2019-01-19 12-00-40 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>In general it depends so much on who and where -- and how much you've previously lost in using versioning. 8-)
2018-12-12 19-13-34 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Perhaps easier to read the page. That's what some of the other ones look like too.
2018-12-12 19-30-40 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>8-)0
2019-01-22 20-20-26 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>It's likely how they would suggest you do it. If you were to ask.
2020-07-28 09-02-34 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hopping on now!
2019-01-19 13-12-18 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yeah, that would work with my system.
2018-12-12 19-01-06 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>There are folks on skillshare teaching about Inkscape who might be interested in helping us promote -- or at least we could consider doing a feature and promoting an updated list of courses on Inkscape. Perhaps she'd even have some bugs / suggestions for us?
2019-03-16 07-22-21 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Also, let me know how I can help with presentations - workshop and such. Thinking about an article and social media now...
2018-12-07 11-01-28 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Good question! Perhaps we can tweak it over the weekend?
2019-01-22 20-50-02 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Can you tell me what they 'll be learning - two or three basics and two or three features?
2019-01-19 10-06-20 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Cool! Thanks, Mihaela! I'll try and wrangle a few more changes and then upload it onto GL with yours or in the task and do a link. I'll also clean up the SVG file. I was going for the "instruction" words, First, next, then, finally. But your idea of the conditional circuit from programming is more appropriate. Ah, do I love collaborating! I think we have to keep the infographic super clear, clean and easy... and then send people somewhere for more instructions elsewhere.
2019-02-01 07-42-27 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>no matter, just maybe we can add other options?
2019-01-22 20-19-11 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>8-) thanks! It's one of my skills. I've had lots of practice editing news.
2020-08-18 19-59-32 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Take your time in responding to Patrick. I think that Ryan also has to respond, as project lead on this one.
2019-05-29 19-00-03 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Oh, that's so hard to take when we're juggling like that. Only solace is that you've got work! I remember Bryce and Chris talking about searching.
2019-01-22 20-18-40 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>You're going to submit the application?
2020-08-01 14-27-29 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>We did it!!
2020-08-11 16-31-16 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I only see one, too. He had proposed more than one... and I believe that he wanted to tackle nav before adding buttons that went anywhere.
2020-08-01 12-21-57 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I have Victor's work - the PDF open, should we need to refer to it. Not on the agenda, but if you need it let me know.
2020-03-28 14-49-59 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I'm staying here and will be working from home at least until April 13, so I hopefully have time to get over this cold.
2019-05-29 18-40-16 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Busy week of work? Can't pass that up!
2018-12-12 19-02-30 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I am going to reach out to her on Facebook and Skillshare, as she might be interested.
2018-12-11 17-54-49 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>That works! I'll wait till it's clear to move forward and then I'd be happy to do what I can to assist. 8-)
2018-12-07 11-02-17 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I like writing challenges...
2018-11-27 18-09-17 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Writing is something I love to do, so it's fun to be able to whip things together. Loved that video - podcast!
2020-08-01 10-43-18 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Potentially, but they'll reach out to us in the chat. Or on social media. We can send out a call to action there, too. No worries! I hope I did okay.
2020-08-11 16-28-26 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape-web/-/issues/503#note_389118502
2020-07-15 05-57-24 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I need more coffee so I can use punctuation...
2018-12-12 19-30-33 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>OMG!! It's only 10:30 pm here, but I had a big day.
2020-07-11 13-43-30 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Okay, here I go!
2018-12-07 10-45-39 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I can still purchase through US site, though it directed me to the Canadian one. Might as well have both up or more, depending on availability!
2019-01-22 15-06-05 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I'll be around for a bit - or in a bit. I'll check back to see if you need another pair of eyes to review the submission. 8-0
2020-06-18 19-52-19 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hey Mihaela! That was a great discussion this evening. I'm back from moving a piece of furniture, eating supper and napping in front of the news... paused to edit and then head back. Here are those colouring pages... I'll dig into reviewing the questions for Vicky B. so you'll have that for your today - Friday. Cheers!
2020-09-05 09-26-31 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hello from the other side of the world! Hope you're getting stuff done. Perhaps we'll see you Monday for the launch? Be safe and breathe! 8-)
2018-12-12 18-46-32 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Oh, that's interesting. But you have to know how to program it to go further and design in it?
2020-05-18 13-55-54 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hey Mihaela, I'm off to make tea and be ready in case you're still available this evening. If not, we'll find a better time!
2020-03-31 04-27-41 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Oh, is this something that they'd like to share with the media? Have they had any media?
2020-08-18 19-58-19 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I'd love to be able to test the nav in Drupal. That would be handy!
2019-02-05 11-17-02 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I hear you; however, he did add something in the Vectors chat with the cute ladybug being lasooed... perhaps we ask him about an ETA for his version? It's more text than infographic, but he's been inspired by our work for his text.
2018-12-07 10-44-30 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hi Mahaela! No worries about the name!
2020-07-12 10-45-05 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Ready when you are!
2019-01-19 11-58-50 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Ah! Lightbulb moment! Committing the changes is what keeps my version along with yours I commited my changes, which makes them forever part of the system
2019-05-29 18-40-07 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I am interested! This way we can take the time to perfect it!! We should be getting together to learn from each other!
2018-11-27 18-07-50 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hi Mihaela! Thanks for the help with the tweets! I am happy to have found a concrete way to participate in the Inkscape project. 8-))
2018-12-07 11-30-04 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Later!
2020-06-16 11-57-38 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Sure, Mihaela, that works! Thanks for staying up late to do this. 8-) Will we use Jitsi or practice with BBB and share screen to go wandering the web site together? Feel free to invite others who expressed interest. I'm fine with that. We'll have different perspectives that way, if you wish. I'm excited about digging in on Thursday... not long now!
2020-07-15 05-54-04 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Thanks, Mihaela! I think that went really well!
2019-01-23 07-28-58 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>@prkos Hi Mihaela!! Wanted to double check with you that both presentations were submitted. I left a message for Javier in a private chat, as I am at work. That's all I can do from this end... Have an awesome day! Hope you got some sleep before reading this. 8-)
2020-06-16 12-00-28 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Or not... not sure you can just get a version - only a demo. Does Inkscape have access to a license?
2020-08-05 17-35-33 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yep!
2019-01-21 15-43-02 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Nope - you mean the Bug Wranglers?
2020-08-11 16-25-10 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Okay, I'll aim to head into the end of hackfest, though we never know when it ends. Not sure about in parallel as the discussions on hackfest are also important to the project. Might be worth doing after as you suggested.
2020-05-15 05-16-03 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>An awesome day to you!
2020-07-11 15-29-47 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yup. I'm all for helping where I can for a certain time. I don't want to miss anything, however, at the same time, Martin is doing a lot and not sure how to ask for help, I think.
2019-05-29 19-10-21 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Ahh, never thought of that!
2020-03-28 15-07-55 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Ah. Not sure - I think I've seen both on Twitter. I've seen so much. I'll send it to you if I spot it again.
2019-01-22 20-10-28 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Ah, but in a separate workshop or presentation, right?
2020-06-19 17-32-04 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yup! I just spoke with my colleague who ended up phoning me this afternoon. It had been a few weeks since we'd spoken. I just uploaded a few of them to my page on teacherspayteachers.com as free resources. I'm happy to give them away and generate some traffic... and see what folks are interested in next. My friend said, animals, but basically anything bilingual. We can look at adding Croatian if you want to send me the words!
2019-01-19 12-01-37 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Agreed!
2019-01-20 20-03-26 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/offiink-vector-graphics-editor-with-inkscape/id1225910135?mt=8
2019-01-20 16-21-17 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yup! We ordered in pizza... snowstorm and Diablo III food. Now someone's taking a nap, so I am available. Whenever you are.
2019-01-22 20-43-48 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Benefit from this hands-on session where you'll learn how to use Inkscape through completing a series of small design tasks. Mihaela will lead you through the basics. Then you'll wrangle the latest features that make complex tasks easy.
2019-02-01 07-46-36 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>8-) Just heard from Maren... would this be a good time to use the audio chat and do it all together?
2019-05-24 18-04-43 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I hope so for you!
2019-03-16 07-18-16 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hi Mihaela, thanks! I get it that Saturday night is not awesome. Perhaps we can aim for a weekday evening at one point. It's just hard to get everything going over time zones, but it would be important to try two sessions or ones at different times. I have some time off in the coming weeks... perhaps there would be a way to do another one and test it on a weekday? If you have any good topics or even better, some great videos, please let me know or add them to the issue or .md file. This one is a start... we can only go up from here. Take care!
2020-08-11 16-31-29 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yes, we did. Would he not have had the same idea?
2018-12-12 19-09-23 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Someone must have already known that... which is why they wanted such a platform. I am so used to emailing HUGE files to colleagues.
2019-05-29 18-53-15 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>When I did not see anything, my gut said, record and send and figure out the rest as you go. That's when I reached out to you too. Looking forward to the next time - to when you do it online. A learning party vs. a Watch party.
2018-12-07 11-06-05 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Argh. Well, we'll have to figure out how to make it stand out. I can search for it and figure out the site a little better. Might have some ideas later tonight or on the weekend.
2020-03-30 17-58-55 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>www.canada.ca/coronavirus will give you the latest numbers. This is my favourite one that speaks to the world. My favourite calculation is the number of people who have survived. They've begun to tell that tale here too. It's brings hope. https://ncov2019.live/
2020-07-11 15-24-29 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>So does that mean we need to propose something and then it will be easier for the discussion to take place?
2019-05-29 19-19-13 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I am hoping to find some translation - French to English or a couple of students who want to improve their English conversation - or revision. Stuff I can do, that I love to do, that I can do around my work schedule.
2019-02-05 11-19-07 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Does that make sense?
2020-03-22 15-07-12 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hey Mihaela, I'm very glad to know you're okay. We're staying put - went out to the corner store this aft - first outing in a week. Having things delivered for the most part. Working from home. Still have a job, so I'm grateful. Here in Quebec we're doing okay. What's happening elsewhere, especially south of the border is really scary. Italy and elsewhere too. Stay safe!
2019-01-21 15-46-28 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I found you just fine -- and funny! We'll get to do it again soon. I am home, fed, and hearing the call of someone who wants to jump into Diablo III... competition for my time these days. Catch you in a while or tomorrow!
2019-01-20 19-19-32 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>[g7047BUGMIGRATIONINFOGRAPHICREVISED3](/uploads/5b497f796d403dabf9f23f55be2c51aa/g7047BUGMIGRATIONINFOGRAPHICREVISED3.png)
2018-12-07 11-03-21 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I've had lots of practice writing...
2019-05-29 19-36-20 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Okay, me too. Have to go hang up my laundry and ship this contest and get some sleep. You too. Night!
2018-12-12 19-33-06 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>8-)0
2020-03-28 14-41-04 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>We've been here for a bit - worked from home for the past two weeks. Went to the corner store twice... I do have a little bit of a cold, though, so I've been trying to get some rest during the day and working on sleeping better at night.
2019-05-29 18-48-27 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Sure! I am certain that this has happened in the past.
2020-07-23 09-50-30 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I intend to do so once again. Respecting difference is something we need to work on, too. Windows 10 is a choice, yes, but I've tried Linux, too. I like the choice of both. 8-)
2020-07-11 15-34-44 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I think that's reasonable.
2018-12-12 19-31-11 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yep. Great feedback. That helps.
2020-06-16 05-13-05 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hey there robin! (Guessing at another bird this morning). I'd love to do that with you this week. How about Thursday evening? Would 7 pm or 8 pm ET / 1 pm or 2 pm your time work for you?
2019-01-22 20-48-29 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Benefit from this hands-on session where you'll learn how to use Inkscape through completing a series of small design tasks. The workshop is structured to lead you through the basics - all the way up to latest features that make complex tasks easy. Come draw in Inkscape and learn some techniques from an Inkscape insider.
2019-02-01 07-10-49 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hi Mihaela, Hope you're well! I am on vacation today, so am around a bit. Wondering if I am the only one that does not download ics calendar stuff -- and therefore would need an actual potential time reference on the wiki for the board meeting... 8-) That said, I believe it's in two hours, right? So, at 9 am California time? Thanks!
2019-02-18 08-27-26 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I hear you. Are others available too?
2020-08-11 16-32-44 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Okay, that's perhaps where I was / am getting confused. Playing is good! Yep. Redefining the content. I can help with that!
2018-12-07 10-46-07 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>We have to ship on amazon.ca, for example, but even if the $$ are in Us that's fine.
2020-07-11 15-35-23 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Check! I think they should open a new seat on the board and that you should run!
2019-01-19 07-10-25 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Thanks!! And I'm incorporating some of the bugs that Chris made - to give it some visuals!!
2020-07-10 04-26-58 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hey Mihaela, you're doing a fantastic job! I'm trying to catch up with all the messages. A question for you. You've got a message out about the next meeting on July 15 as being at a better time for a larger number of people outside North America; however, the banner message on the chat remains at 16:00 utc. And I've only seen that time referenced by Ryan in other messages - I think in different issues. Have you confirmed the time works for him or not? I'm afraid of confusion and disappointment. We might consider being clear on the time and why - if it revolves around Ryan's availability, too. An awesome Friday to you!
2020-07-23 09-40-30 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>We'll repost when it's full and say thanks! I also have a PDF version that's writeable, should we wish to send that out.
2020-07-11 07-12-17 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>So I should change the time in my agenda for the meeting on July 15? And also on the banner in the project chat room . 8-) 7 am ET. Glad that you and Ryan have come to a great agreement. See you in a bit at Hackfest!
2020-06-23 15-17-22 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hey, Mihaela, I'm curious to know what Vicky said...
2019-01-19 12-04-15 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>We can do audio - no cam online at this time.
2019-01-19 13-15-59 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Okay!
2020-05-18 14-35-26 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Cool! Stained glass - the effect for way less than real glass.
2020-05-18 14-32-13 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Awesome! Yep, fiction writing is a great challenge, sometimes one you start and take time getting back to... I hope he's learning Inkscape!
2018-12-12 19-24-43 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yep, I figure between Maren and Ryan they should be able to let me know. I figure I'll aim high and let them put a cap on it.
2020-08-05 17-44-25 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Sounds great! I need to prioritize some stuff here, but am hoping to take my breaks and hop onto Hackfest. That said, I might do the same if there were a meeting, but I can't promise to be there... I've been very present and now I have to get other stuff done for a bit. 8-) I hope you make it!
2020-03-31 04-27-21 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Such great news! Back up this am and feeling better. Cold is still around. Grateful to have the health I do. Stay safe!!
2018-12-12 18-32-44 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Ah, yeah, but my partner works from home. Though it's fun, after a few days I like getting outta here and meeting up with other people. Also, it's hard to make enough when two artists hang out. 8-)
2020-05-18 14-34-31 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Of course! Add his artwork to the gallery!
2019-05-29 18-49-09 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Thanks, Mihaela! It's for Hermès... crazy! But I have to start getting my artist resume and stuff ready, and this contest has enabled me to do that.
2020-06-22 14-46-21 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Agreed, though I was trying to suggest a way that the info could be grouped similarly to make Ryan's job easier. Not sure how to at this point. Perhaps not necessary.
2018-12-12 18-57-07 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yeah, so you see why I haven't done it yet. 8-))
2018-12-09 08-48-45 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>For work
2019-05-29 19-06-18 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>It's already almost time for the next Vectors meeting. Time flies!
2019-05-29 19-28-15 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yep. We have to aim for what we're worth - what we need to do the job and make a buck.
2020-07-23 09-35-46 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Agreed! Tackling two computers at once... have to go find something to eat before trying to listen in on Chris's workshop - it's next, right? Or is it in the other channel now?
2020-03-28 15-00-00 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>How did you get involved in this project?
2019-05-29 18-46-59 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Did I send you art instead of the audio file? Opps!
2018-12-07 11-25-52 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>It's a little quiet here this afternoon, and so I thought I'd try it out.
2018-12-12 18-54-17 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yep! Though sometimes in design it works that way or the opposite. I start with one thing and it goes crazy.
2020-07-11 15-28-36 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Oh, no, not sure what rooms will be open. Is that one of the rooms next time?
2020-06-19 17-39-50 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Then you can use them or share them with people you know with children learning English...
2020-08-12 09-41-26 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Me too. I did a bit last night and this morning, so it's working. We'll do more of the renos this fall when it's cooler. Well, off to find more coffee and prepare for my peer portfolio review! I have no idea what to put into one of these - a short version - so I'm flying by the seat of my pants, so to speak. Lots of learning!
2018-12-12 18-47-59 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>You mean the pages and the overall architecture?
2020-08-11 16-48-34 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I know they are not active. Agreed. A board does not do the work, but they administer, direct, manage. I think I'm still heavily influenced by other kinds of boards, not-for-profit-wise.
2020-07-29 13-52-28 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hi there! Elisa and I are in BBB, if you're available. If not, we'll find another time. 8-)
2020-07-11 15-19-45 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>8-)
2020-07-11 15-33-40 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yes, however, I'd give it a couple of meetings. The next meeting is going to be during the hackfest... so perhaps an update? Maybe they'll have scheduled or held a meeting? It's also summer, so things slow down.
2018-12-08 07-03-11 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>No sign of a task / agenda for it. hmm
2018-12-12 18-31-10 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>That's part of why I am working on my next career in design, as that's the one I'll be able to travel with.
2020-06-22 14-23-53 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>oh, okay. Since I was able to add a comment there, does that mean it works? Or do we need to ask Martin for help?
2020-07-12 10-23-00 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Perfect! I'll grab another coffee.
2020-07-23 09-38-44 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>8-) Oh, we're here with the survey now... I have 1,000 free views and 100 free responses... that will be enough for us to get a good idea.
2019-02-05 11-20-25 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I think it matters to Chris. 8-)
2020-05-18 14-28-02 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>8-)
2018-12-12 18-47-31 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>So I'd say I am more of the artist part, but I have helped design - mine and I assist with user-ability and design elements at home.
2020-06-22 14-24-40 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>LEt me try and see...
2019-01-22 20-20-07 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>So we can do that too!
2020-03-28 14-30-36 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hi Mihaela, Thanks for reaching out! I could try, but I think it would be safer for me to look at finding someone here on this end that might be able to help me or to do it. Let me try reaching out to a couple of friends who are English-to-French translators. Glad to do what I can for the cause.
2019-01-19 13-47-21 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yep. To remove all formatting!
2018-12-07 10-45-00 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>The Inkscape shop does not exist on .ca and they told me that it was up to the shops to add it or something to that effect.
2020-05-16 14-24-27 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>except the extra rose bushes.
2020-07-23 10-38-21 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Working, reading, and thinking... always good and bad. Thinking about Inkscape and the fact that we could ask Jamm for a quote and a case study, but we could also host a video chat with them with key folks on the line from the project and have a conversation - start an informal series - or keep it internal to the community. Find out what they love, how they navigate the platform, are part of the community or not... also share with them more about the project behind the software they love. Foster relationships between people! Gain insight into what they use Inkscape for and what they would use it for. And figure out how they could get involved in the project - if that's something we want. I'm going to think about work stuff now for a bit. 10-4!
2018-12-09 09-02-51 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Some of them might be... it's hard to say for everyone's style.
2020-08-11 15-58-21 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I saw a bit of that in Vectors, yes!
2019-01-19 08-20-02 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>g5295TESTBUGMIGRATIONINFOGRAPHIC.png (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/wfMQqxQaDSgaSeHdY/g5295TESTBUGMIGRATIONINFOGRAPHIC.png)
2020-03-22 10-32-48 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hey, Hoping all is okay with you. Spotted news of an earthquake. Keep safe! Hope to hear from you soon. M
2018-12-12 18-55-33 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I like the idea of advancing to making icons one day. My stuff is not that precise always yet. I'll make my way there.
2020-07-11 14-59-59 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>At the same time, I'd be really happy to facilitate part of the hackfest, so that Martin can take a break. I can "run" a session, not answer technical questions.
2020-08-18 20-03-06 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Thank you for standing up and letting us know. Not easy. Not easy work. I want to learn and grow through this project. Check for both of those things so far.
2020-08-01 10-44-12 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>thanks, Mihaela! I tried my best... for y'all and for YouTube. 8-)
2019-01-21 15-43-49 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Ah, no I didn't see it, but I cannot afford to get to California any time soon. 8-((
2021-02-08 15-23-48 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hi Mihaela! So good to spot you back on here. I didn't want to bug you too much on Twitter, but kept checking to see if you'd retweeted recently or not. 8-) How are you?
2021-02-08 15-29-04 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I'm glad to know you're still in the game... of life! I can not even imagine the aftershocks still coming now. Our planet is very much alive, too. Wishing you energy to keep going! I hope you've got some contracts and are able to keep your business going a bit?
2021-02-08 15-32-36 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I'm championing you on from here! If ever I can help or just lend an ear to listen and find the brighter side of life, let me know. I'd be happy to chat with you. 8-)
2020-08-01 10-41-20 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>It's all good, Mihaela! We did our best and that's what counts. You really know how to wrangle Git, so I'm glad you did that. Thanks so much! You saw all the slides. Not sure there was going to be too much of a discussion, so it's all good.
2020-07-23 09-49-05 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Bashing others doesn't make you look better.
2020-07-11 07-42-50 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Absolutely! I'll adapt my agenda. Everyone needs to be in the discussion. I was referring to his availability for the meeting. Excited about attending my first hackfest!
2020-03-28 14-59-10 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>When you've got the English version ready, let me know. I'd be happy to review / revise.
2020-09-24 23-06-40 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hey Mihaela, Elisa and I were a bit lost and trying to see what time would do and figure out how to put the pieces back together. It was quite stressful all around, to be honest. I completely understand that you don't wish to take on a role in the project. We'll hopefully figure it out. It is an important project and I want to continue it, but I don't have the skills to oversee such a project. I've not lost hope that it will come together again.
2018-12-12 19-30-11 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>No worries for tonight!
2019-01-19 11-59-42 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>8-))
2018-12-08 07-00-44 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Let me check - now or soon. Me too. 8-)
2018-12-12 19-10-02 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Crap.... spreadsheets and pdfs don't mix well. Sorry!
2019-02-05 10-48-30 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I did, though it was moved twice. Part of the learning. At least it's out there! The Universe has changed as we're advancing towards bigger collabs - new forum, more articles, GL, and an award!! A podcast, videos... it's terrific! Oh, and I just noticed your call to have a designer work on the infographic - I am at work, which is why I am writing you here - I wrote to Chris to offer assistance and get his take on the infogrpahic - he basically said he had the situation under control and had been inspired by our work, but was working on his document... not sure if that's helpful or not. Sorry to not have shared that earlier... 8-) I'll try and check back and catch up on messages tonight, though I am working to another deadline. Cheers!
2020-09-24 23-12-30 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>How I miss our conversations, Miheala! I look forward to one again at some point. Keep safe over there. Hope your projects are going well. M
2019-01-22 20-25-04 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>We can do that!
2020-07-10 10-44-32 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Okay, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything. I'll try and go look this weekend and add to conversations where I can. Not an expert in some of this stuff, so I'm not weighing in.
2019-01-19 13-55-01 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Okay, I misinterpreted it. Trying to keep within the space.
2020-05-16 14-24-21 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>All of our stuff came with the house...
2018-12-12 19-19-29 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>The date, perhaps to the left of the post, right?
2020-05-17 13-44-53 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>See ya!
2019-01-19 13-52-27 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>No, I copy and pasted them from an SVG from Chris.
2019-01-19 14-12-04 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Okay, TTYT!
2020-08-05 17-45-44 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Check! Currently trying to improve my LinkedIn header... tough assigment!
2019-05-29 18-51-35 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Good! That's my goal. Don't blame yourself!!
2019-05-29 19-30-59 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Thanks! You, too!
2020-03-28 14-58-26 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Agreed.
2020-07-15 05-19-55 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Ye, I can! I've got a few more minutes. Just let them know and I'll begin to facilitate!
2019-01-22 20-13-58 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Done. Your thoughts?
2019-01-19 14-12-18 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>8-)
2018-12-12 18-33-38 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Remind me what you do for work? I forget. Though if you mentioned it in your Inkscape bio I should recall, as I was inspired bit to add to mine last evening!
2020-07-02 04-07-53 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Thanks, Mihaela! I was on a bit and then we did a barbecue and I crashed on the couch for a movie. A productive day all around... except for weeding. 8-)
2020-06-16 12-01-16 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Awesome! That's going to be really cool. I'll have to read up on her, so I can follow and get the most from her answers to our questions.
2019-05-29 19-02-49 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I hear you. Sometimes it's a client or a situation. How to prevent it from happening too often is key.
2020-08-12 09-08-23 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Coming! Which BBB link, if you're still up to meeting today!
2020-03-28 15-05-57 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Okay! I'M checking the information on FB from their site.
2018-12-09 08-55-37 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>meeting https://openclipart.org/detail/204429/meeting https://openclipart.org/detail/121585/tableau-de-conference-flipchart https://openclipart.org/detail/281638/abstract-conference-table IDEA https://openclipart.org/detail/307424/idea
2018-12-07 11-08-22 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Oh, no, in the text.
2019-02-05 11-32-47 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Well, I am off to continue this work before sending it to my colleague. After that it's onto a bunch of stats and storytelling...
2019-01-19 13-56-25 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>That makes sense. Yep! I'll revamp it to have two columns on the bottom.
2018-12-12 18-40-46 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Ah, platform, right. I was thinking code - perhaps thinking of php, don't ask me why.
2020-05-16 14-22-19 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Awesome! I'll try and get outside to do work before then so I can be available too... we still have to do some (read start) yard work... Have a great night!
2020-07-15 05-58-46 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>8-)
2020-08-05 17-34-20 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>You're hanging in there?
2020-07-11 15-25-27 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Don't give up hope! You're doing a great job!!
2020-07-28 09-00-32 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I'll be a couple of minutes late... see you very soon!
2020-03-30 17-57-23 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Thanks for the link to the English version. Let me review it between tonight and tomorrow night and I'll share it with my friend to see if she has any contacts who can help with the French.
2020-05-18 14-33-22 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Through the platforms I'm on. Some of them have begun selling masks, and so I've added them in my online boutique. Thinking that some folks might want a custom design for a mask at one point.
2019-01-22 20-07-02 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Then can we get to something about the reveal??
2018-12-09 08-44-07 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>The idea of buttons for where to go makes sense! It can be confusing for a newbie!
2020-08-18 04-09-38 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hi Mihaela, Rania made a poster for tomorrow's Indonesian group meeting and he says that about 170 people have expressed an interest... Did we want to think about a bit of an agenda and share it with Rania, so that he can better help translate a few things ahead of time? Looking forward to this!
2019-05-29 18-47-01 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Thanks!
2019-02-05 11-26-26 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I cannot find it. Just checked in with him on Sunday am as I was working on things. I can add what I've done to the mix in the repo - store it there in case it's needed... but I think Chris felt like his work was being taken on by someone else... and I didn't want to take anything away. He's a great designer. If we can get him into the convo around the infographic then we'd know what he's up to and what he needs help with... and whether or not we can be helpful in finalizing an infographic. I am still willing to try and tackle that, though it would be on the weekend or next week on my end. 8-)
2020-07-11 13-36-58 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hey, I'd be willing to put my video camera on if you will! It would be really interesting to have more people on the screen. And I really hate video!!
2020-08-11 15-57-17 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Is there something else unusual going on this time?
2018-12-12 19-08-54 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>INKSCAPE VECTORS SOCIAL MEDIA TEMPLATE draft.pdf (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/xbCFtAvxXMDyAaQmx/INKSCAPE%20VECTORS%20SOCIAL%20MEDIA%20TEMPLATE%20draft.pdf)
2020-08-05 17-47-44 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yep, the size is the least of my worries. It's what image - what design... 1) mine's outdated - the whole thing needs to be revised, but I need a better cover image, 2) I want to apply for a volunteer position - an email to answer per month - from my old university. Not looking for another job or anything.
2019-01-19 13-09-11 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>That's where it's going to get tricky with writers and artists.
2020-08-05 17-34-13 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hey Mihaela, thanks for the update. I sent Ryan a quick note to see if we were meeting at all this week. No news, so after a week of intense Inkscaping, I'm working on other stuff and hoping for dry days to get work done on the house. Not sure of an app for that, as they say. 8-) Depending on the weather, let's see. We won't be doing any concrete or lawn mowing work after 6-7 pm, so there's likely time for us to connect after that my time.
2020-08-11 16-42-40 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Managing.
2020-08-20 08-26-40 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hey, I just read Ryan's email. I'm sad about how this went down. Are you okay? Can we talk later?
2018-12-12 18-30-04 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>We speak on the phone, have Skype, and a monthly call - with video if we choose - and sometimes people come to town or I get to go to a meeting somewhere.
2019-01-22 20-51-47 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I'll let you add later and I can read it in the am. We'll get something together!
2019-01-22 20-25-16 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Can you send them to me here in one batch text?
2020-07-11 15-34-37 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Maybe not. To confirm the process has begun and they have a meeting set or it has happened.
2020-08-18 20-04-34 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Have a good night! I'm working on the issue and will have a snack and head to bed. That meeting is going to come very early for me, too. My first week back to work is always tough - change in schedule - and waiting for clarification on assignments. Glad to have our friendship and collaboration to help me keep a perspective. Happy to know we'll be talking soon.
2020-06-23 14-17-33 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Oh boy! I was unable to finish my assignment for work - still not done - and so I missed the meeting!! I still have to work tomorrow even if it's a holiday... 8-(
2019-05-29 19-04-40 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I think by summer... though it seems that things are still not confirmed.
2018-12-09 08-48-38 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hmn, I can check and see. Perhaps we've got someone in the community who has something? Or VectorStock? I use www.thenounproject.com
2019-01-22 18-50-07 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Okay! I'll go look!
2019-05-29 18-39-21 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Oh no! I am sad for you!!
2018-12-12 19-11-33 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>What do they call that a professional deformation or something?
2019-02-01 07-27-46 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Found my answer! It's in 2.5 hours... it's the Vectors meeting page that has the ics calendar bit. 8-)
2019-02-05 11-21-34 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yes! But he mentioned not having time and that it was complicated to figure out the same thing for an infographic... so he was inspired and he's working on a doc... did you see it go by on Saturday, I think, in the chat? It's got the ladybug with a rope - being migrated!!
2019-01-19 13-47-05 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Let me try that then... following your instructions. I'll delete everything first.
2019-02-05 11-12-45 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I had been working on it on Sunday and then left it when Chris was not interested... it's kind of his baby. Would it be possible to get his opinion? He's working on a different solution that will explain it. I realized that we perhaps did not know he was working on it as he did not share. Trusting in the process of issues... could we reach out to him via the infographic one to see if his solution is ready or nearing completion?
2018-11-27 18-08-48 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Thanks!
2019-05-29 18-41-57 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>We will in the future.
2018-12-12 18-29-31 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>yeah, or at least on the phone. I work alone in my office - though am in a coworking space - and my colleagues are spread out in other offices across the province of Quebec -- many of them have colleagues in the same office.
2019-01-22 20-11-06 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Oh. Okay.
2018-12-08 07-00-56 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Normally someone gives us a 5 min heads up...
2019-01-22 20-06-16 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I am trying to make it exciting!! Oh, so Jabier's description was off.
2020-07-15 09-38-38 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>No worries! I'm going to do social media for the hackfest... I think Elisa thought there was a meeting at noon... 8-( Chat you later! Go have a break!
2020-06-16 11-59-40 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I can download it too, if you wish. That way we'll have two separate experiences to share.
2018-12-09 08-46-07 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Well, I will be able to direct them to folks!
2019-01-22 20-08-32 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Inkscape Version 1.0 - Features Unveiled okay, so we're talking about two separate ones... can we finish this one first? Then we can tackle the one about the Vectors Team, which is a great idea!
2020-07-11 15-21-45 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Not sure, but that would be a good question to ask.
2019-01-19 13-54-13 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Ah, okay, I'll change that -- one OR the other versions.
2018-12-12 18-39-46 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yeah, small businesses are often afraid of jumping into the promotion and web side -- they feel so uninformed.
2020-05-17 13-39-51 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Just off the phone with my Aunt who lost her husband, my Uncle, a week or so ago. Had a wonderful conversation. I can catch up with you later than 5 pm EDT (in 20 min. or so). Off to make some tea.
2019-01-19 13-15-44 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Nah, I am not scared of that... unless I could blow something up accidentally! 8-)
2019-02-05 11-19-31 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Or are you saying that the infographic is really to go with the video? I thought it was more about the bug migration...
2019-02-05 11-34-37 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yep, that's where we got stuck AND, more importantly, where the repo was born!!
2019-01-22 18-36-08 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hi Mihaela, I see that there are some blanks filled in on the issue form... are you adding more to this? Can I make some suggestions? Perhaps you could help me figure out what Jabier is trying to convey in a couple of places?
2019-01-21 21-19-46 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Ping me when you've got something to copy edit for LGM! I'm off to bed, but I'll check in the morning. Cheers!
2019-01-22 20-19-50 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>We're within the word count.
2020-07-15 05-54-49 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>so many! We take understanding everything that is said for granted.
2018-12-12 19-19-09 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yes, that's what I was going for, but I added the word post. So use Post and then the others just have the language as title?
2019-01-19 14-07-47 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hi Mihaela, I am working on some edits, and will have to move onto something else this evening. I imagine it's getting late on your end. Perhaps we could Skype tomorrow? If it's working on your machine. It would be great to tackle the repo stuff that way.
2020-08-11 16-49-55 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Anyway, I'm being called to participate in making supper... likely doing this in between storm bits. Hope you have a great night and that it gets a little cooler!
2019-05-29 18-43-51 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I'll be getting up earlier tomorrow morning to try and touch base with him. Me, too, I am swamped at work. Springtime!!
2019-05-29 18-43-03 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>https://framadrop.org/r/zmeM_aj0K7#pZG71k47bFVrk0yRTPNa7roSijs8NOL9nBdWsw4TcvA=
2019-01-19 13-06-29 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I might have ruined the code... I followed the instructions, but perhaps removed the code too early?
2020-07-23 10-02-10 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>sipping my tea, pursing my lips.
2018-12-12 18-42-51 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Right. all do. you can tell that I make the images and revise the content, right? 8-)
2020-07-11 13-42-38 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I'm super proud of his initiative. Shall we?
2018-12-09 08-46-35 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I'll take another look as it's developing. And don't be shy to ask me! I'll be happy to give my feedback.
2018-11-27 18-11-47 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Awesome! I am good at retweeting. 8-)
2019-01-22 20-10-36 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>What is it we're building over in the issue?
2020-07-21 12-34-07 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Awesome! Together we can get energized to move forward! Let me know when you want to meet or pre-meet to get the ball rolling. Let me know how I can help. 8-)
2020-07-15 09-00-19 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>be there in 5!
2020-06-23 15-18-35 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yes.
2020-09-23 18-55-55 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Are you going to come to the meeting with the Indonesian community on September 30? Note, Ryan is hoping to be there - he was waiting for word from you, but in the end Rania liked Sept. 30 and so I thought you'd want us to continue the tradition! I was on with Rania and a couple of his friends the other day and they helped me install and try out Inkporter. Now I can export PDFs from Inkscape. Watch out world!!
2020-08-01 10-41-39 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>We demonstrated that we, too, know how to wrangle Git. 8-)
2019-01-23 18-56-24 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>It's going to be okay!
2019-05-29 18-41-52 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Don'T worry! It happens. No one is going to think any less of you!
2019-05-29 19-31-21 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I think I am going to try and finalize this contest entry and ship it tonight before heading to bed.
2018-12-12 19-30-37 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Get to bed girl!
2020-07-23 09-42-49 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>BRB... have my headphones on so I should hear when Chris starts. I need to eat something!
2020-03-28 15-53-05 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Awesome! Have a good night... Talk to you later.
2018-12-12 18-31-30 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Are you working on another career?
2020-08-11 16-05-35 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>The name of this issue is confusing me right off the top. Not the only answer and Ryan makes a great point that it dilutes the project if it's the only answer or seen to be. Also, Martin was clear that in many instances you need to convince a dev to be on your side to get a feature or something done - they have to want to, as they are volunteers. This seems not to be the case stated in the issue. Not sure how I feel about this, so I'll keep reading and reflecting.
2020-03-28 14-53-25 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yep, me too.
2020-07-15 05-32-23 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I'm going to have to go soon. Are you staying on for a while longer?
2018-12-12 18-45-51 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I am still trying to figure out how to put my skills to good use. Patterns, headers, footers, book covers... fabric... not sure which way to go or which ways yet.
2019-02-18 08-23-31 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hi Mihaela, just got called down the road for an emergency brainstorming session for an activity on the weekend. I'd be more than happy to hang out this evening with you and the group - let me know what time. I can be available as of 5 pm EST - either from the office for a bit or a little later from home... Thanks!
2019-02-05 11-32-14 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Great! Thanks. Want to be inclusive and not get ahead of myself trampling on someone's toes.
2018-12-07 11-27-17 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Agreed! For some reason I thought IRC was more complicated, but it's just more stripped down. I kinda feel like one of the early folks online at the same time as in the current / future world. Fun!
2018-12-12 17-41-25 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Can we check first? Does it make anyone dizzy? We need a survey 8-)) Don't be hard on yourself. I am not sure it would bother that many people.
2019-01-22 20-19-35 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>In past years... a program or on the web site?
2019-01-22 20-40-53 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>That's cuz you are!!
2020-08-11 16-08-00 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Not yet. I work with what's on the wiki and I'll confirm with him about that. Thanks for sharing with me what else has been going on! I've been working on other stuff and waiting to find out what's happening with a future meeting for the website project.
2020-08-11 16-20-04 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Okay, is it up somewhere? I could take a look later this evening, perhaps.
2019-01-09 17-17-53 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Me too! Thanks for your support, Mihaela. I am kind of a go-getter at times and am eager to advance the cause. Sometimes I am the one ready to push ahead vs. thinking about process. Other times it is the other way around. All good.
2019-01-19 13-03-17 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I think I did it, but perhaps it did it to the wrong version?
2020-05-16 14-25-31 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Oh no! I want to try growing some herbs again too.
2020-05-16 14-18-48 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yes, through Jitsi would be terrific! We're doing okay here in Quebec City. I'm working from home and not interested in heading back to the office any time soon. Feeling grateful to be working! We're still staying at home, though companies with external entrances (not malls) are now open. Not sure how many people are heading out. I've barely been outside other than to head to the pharmacy or the corner store... our groceries are delivered. More expensive, but safer. And less tough on my arms to drag home by bus!
2018-12-12 18-59-53 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>https://www.skillshare.com/user/nounproject
2019-01-19 13-45-23 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Open office
2019-05-29 18-47-24 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I am applying for a crazy contest tonight. My goal is to enter. That's achievement enough!
2019-05-29 19-04-50 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>They've been making great progress this week on stuff.
2019-02-02 08-03-23 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>No, on issues for the meeting. 8-))
2018-12-07 11-07-18 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>shopping is pretty standard... cannot think of anything else at the moment.
2019-05-29 18-46-23 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Would it help or not to tweet out that your workshop will not be happening due to circumstances out of our control?
2018-12-12 18-25-38 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>It made me smile 8-))
2020-08-15 08-59-57 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca> See you in a bit. Going to hop on and see the first few minutes of hackfest while I am eating & multitasking. Then snap a screentogif and put it out on Twitter before our meeting!
2020-08-12 09-34-56 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yup!
2020-07-11 15-01-26 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Maybe, but we got some clarity and I understand more about the project. That's good. A beginning.
2020-07-11 13-43-52 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Ah, I don't want to be the only one!
2020-08-01 12-23-18 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>8-)
2018-12-09 08-45-23 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yep!
2019-01-22 20-15-15 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I'll ping him to review it.
2020-07-11 15-27-56 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I can't?
2020-07-15 05-54-54 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yes!
2019-01-20 16-20-23 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Perfect. I'll head over and find you!
2019-05-26 17-20-45 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Go with quicker... and Libre Office will work with the conference, won't it? If you want me to take a look at a draft, I'd be happy to do that too. Your call. If not, hope you're sleeping well. Talk to you tomorrow!
2020-05-16 14-23-07 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>We could do that!
2019-01-22 20-17-22 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>We need both of you to be profiled!! Yep!
2020-08-11 16-37-46 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Got it! Yep, it's hot as heck here, too. Though it just rained - we're expecting thunder and lightning - and it went down from feeling like 40 C to 30 C... awaiting even cooler weather. 8-)
2020-03-28 14-31-25 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Glad to know you hopefully won't need them in Croatia! Here in Quebec we've got things sort of under control. Feeling grateful for the health care, governments and essential workers we have here.
2018-12-12 18-51-06 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>8-))
2020-03-28 14-52-33 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yes; I'm kind of a news junkie. Watching Canadian news and Quebec news. A lot. On Twitter too.
2019-05-29 18-56-17 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Absolutely! I'd be happy to do so!
2019-05-29 19-01-52 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Searching for work.
2019-02-05 11-19-01 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yup, video was for reporting bugs. He,s working on a document with visuals - inspired by the infographic - for the bug migration game. It is Chris's baby. Understanding how he works, I want to tread gently and then on a future project issue we can look at collaborating in a way that is helpful to and for him.
2019-01-22 20-27-39 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Right, the positive ones only!
2019-01-23 18-52-10 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>He did the work! I just tried to make sure he sent both of them. I was perhaps a bit of a pain, but wanted to see it happen! After all that collaboration. all is goos.
2018-12-09 08-51-18 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yes!
2020-08-11 16-28-45 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I thought that was what this program does, but that we weren't there yet. I'm a bit confused.
2019-01-22 18-36-54 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Perfect. Let me know when you're ready!
2020-08-11 16-23-51 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I can see about after hackfest. It might be too late to get some stuff done on this end. Are you thinking just the two of us after hackfest? Or others, too?
2018-12-08 06-56-31 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hi Mihaela! Sorry about misspelling your name! Saw my email after the fact.
2018-12-07 11-08-52 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yep, later we'll be able to wrangle it!
2018-12-12 18-56-07 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I want to make my own font - of my writing. Just not ready to put in the hours just yet. One day I'll just stay up for a couple of days and do it!
2019-05-29 19-31-32 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Have a good night / morning! Talk again soon?
2018-12-12 18-57-29 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>www.thenounproject.com is the coolest site!
2019-01-19 11-48-06 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Cool for the key. For now I'll leave that as is. For the file, I changed it, and so I thought it best to leave your work there! We can label something Final at the end? I am okay with different versions, but it might get crazier in practice.
2018-12-12 19-13-43 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>FB, Twitter, Mastadon, deviantArt...
2018-12-12 19-22-31 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I've done it to one sheet. I am sure that Ryan is going to have lots to add too.
2020-04-05 15-01-34 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yes! A friend of mine - who's been selling my scarves in her online boutique - is making some. Eager to buy a couple of them.
2019-02-01 07-49-15 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Okay, but it's at the level of the names and organization that we still have work to do. I guess I could add and then we could move it. Eager to have the structure in place. 8-) Mmn... I think I have some chocolate to go with my coffee too. LAter!
2020-08-18 19-58-07 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>You've done so much with the website project! Taking a break is okay! All the work you did has helped us arrive here - and will ensure that we can trace back to content on the web to aim to integrate all the importnat parts and links. So I'll figure out the pages part and get started on the content... I can already see people's reactions and their perspective that we're coming in as PR people to change everything. The pitch / battle has begun. 8-)
2019-01-19 13-12-57 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Could we both reload our docs? If you upload your original - or I can from here. Then I'll add my new one with your same name.
2019-01-19 12-01-10 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I am up to the challenge of committing to keep versions and forging ahead as you're suggesting. I remember when "versioning" was only on paper...
2020-06-22 14-44-06 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Not sure how all of those fit together...
2020-08-12 09-36-56 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>That emoji says, "The Scream" to me. Very fitting.
2019-01-17 04-28-35 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hey Mihaela, terrific sketch for the infographic! Did you want me to look at tweaks this evening? Or is Chris going to do so?
2020-07-12 10-54-24 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>link?
2018-12-12 19-30-52 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Sorry for keeping you up. Thanks for hanging out.
2019-05-29 19-05-54 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yep! Things are hopping! Seems like new people are around too.
2020-03-30 17-56-42 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hey Mihaela, things here are advancing. We had an early March Break and we've also got what they call Snowbirds who winter in Florida... our numbers here will be going up for another week or two. They are confident that we're under the modelling predictions. We have enough supplies for the short-term and have ordered for the longer term. The governments have put together aid for workers, non-workers, entrepreneurs and businesses. I feel lucky to be here.
2019-01-19 08-20-03 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>So, here's my effort for the moment... it might be a bit over the top, but I am trying to keep the colours to a minimum and show movement... the Rewards section needs some love! The bugs make me smile!!
2018-12-12 19-30-05 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yeah, here too. What time is it where you are?
2019-05-29 19-34-05 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Keep going! You'll get to the end of it and be satisfied by all you've accomplished!
2018-12-09 08-56-13 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I think a black and white basic thematic would work best. Easy to work with and ultimately perhaps some user artists would be proud to lend a hand to create what we need.
2020-07-23 09-06-29 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Thinking that on the user side we need to also welcome them to the community! Some will click and find out more, some will wait until later. Listening to Ryan and getting ideas...
2019-01-19 12-04-54 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Absolutely! Name a time and I'll be back for then.
2018-12-12 18-27-07 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Then if that's the case, it's okay. I'd wait till people give more feedback. Did you have a link to the forum? I think the one I've used is far back in the chat somewhere...
2020-07-11 15-38-39 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>True you might be frustrated at the pace of action. That said, they need more diversity on that board. Period! Not sure Ryan's interested.
2020-07-27 11-56-27 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hi Mihaela, Just off the call with Ryan a short bit ago. Off to do some errands quickly and grab as bite to eat. Then I'll be back to join you! Looking forward to working on stuff together.
2020-07-15 05-32-56 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Okay, so I'll stay on and close and thank with you!
2020-05-18 14-37-30 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Will do!
2020-08-12 09-36-16 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>!! That's called insane!!
2020-05-18 14-35-11 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>You could make fabric or a mask with his drawing. When we do Jitsi, I could share my screen and show you how.
2019-01-20 16-21-54 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Michele Thibeau
2020-05-18 14-30-03 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Okay. Happy travels!
2019-01-22 20-24-42 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>What length are you going for -- 1 hr?
2020-07-23 09-39-40 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yep, 1,000 views and 100 responses per survey. This is my first one, so we'll be able to do four more...
2020-07-25 09-28-51 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I'm thinking of sending the tweet out again today about the survey - in a couple of hours - and seeing where we get. Any input is better than none. Forgot we might want to send it out via the email list... !
2020-08-18 19-48-51 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>[ ](https://chat.inkscape.org/direct/prkos?msg=fTeL4yJtzyffJuAX7) It has been weighing on my heart. ()
2020-07-11 15-36-43 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Talk to Martin about the fit. Maybe you're right where you're supposed to be - getting things done on the ground. They'd be lucky to have you!
2018-12-12 19-32-32 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Good night! Talk again soon.
2018-12-09 08-49-30 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>So perhaps just digging in to find other ones. Let me know what you're looking for, key words or concepts and perhaps it would be easier to search.
2020-03-28 15-02-29 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>There's a doctor on the team, though... I think.
2018-12-12 18-34-59 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Ah, so you work on the overall design and look and feel - and icons?
2020-08-17 18-13-42 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>H Mihaela, How are you doing?
2018-12-12 19-06-58 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hey, while you're here and I'm here, I started a spreadsheet for social media... would it interest you to give your feedback first? I've not shared it yet with Ryan as I think it needs some more love, but I don't know what else to add.
2018-12-12 19-29-52 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Good question. Do you think it has the elements it needs?
2019-01-20 19-19-01 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>(/uploads/5b497f796d403dabf9f23f55be2c51aa/g7047BUGMIGRATIONINFOGRAPHICREVISED3.png)
2018-12-12 18-42-07 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Cool! People need to be able to update their own sites and have a sense of controling their sites.
2019-01-22 20-06-34 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Okay. Catching up with what will really be on the agenda!
2020-09-23 18-54-22 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>A new Contributions Officer, in terms of what you were doing?
2020-07-23 10-01-24 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Very sharp!
2019-01-19 11-45-22 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I see that I do not. But would it be a good idea? For security reasons?
2018-12-09 08-43-41 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I honestly focused on the text. Perhaps Moini will be able to offer more insight. I can look at it again and help finalize. Still figuring out what's needed. That said, some change will make it more inviting and up to date. This is always good.
2018-12-07 11-00-07 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Okay, no worries! Let me know when you do. 8-)
2019-02-01 07-41-52 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yep! Found my codes to log on...
2020-09-23 18-57-35 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>How are your projects going? I hope you've been busy with fun ones at least. I miss our conversations on the channel that is Marc's... we have to make a new one through Martin's channel. Let me know when you're free to connect and catch up!
2019-01-19 12-02-23 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>We still have versions of articles, to be sure, but there are different ways to work. Finding a happy medium that works for writers and is understood will be key.
2018-12-12 19-07-06 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>LEt me know if this is not your thing / jam!
2018-12-12 18-28-02 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Sure! We can all collaborate. No worries. I was more worried about making you wait on me. It's fun, but bizarre to only chat with everyone!
2020-06-22 14-43-55 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yes, you're right. So could we add this into the top of each of the issues, so that Ryan will be able to scoop them up and add them into the fourth issue. Wishlist items: 1) "Need to have/Required", 2) "Suggestion", "Content", "Feature", "Makers", "Artists", "Educators", and other relevant labels.
2019-01-22 20-34-16 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yes, but it sounds a bit funny here. Almost done my editing... adding to your bio - about the book, as it lends more credibility to your teaching skills!
2020-07-10 10-27-50 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Awesome! Did we need to conduct any further scoping sessions prior to the meeting next week? If so, let me know. I don't want to get mixed up!
2018-12-12 18-30-16 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>It's truly a cool career. I am blessed.
2020-07-11 15-00-36 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Learned lots. I thought it went really well.
2020-08-15 07-15-45 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hi Mihaela, a question for you. Rania would like to have the BBB room link for Wednesday's meeting. Did we want to change the settings or can we schedule the room for that meeting? Or are we fine to send the link out - the same one we'll be using today. Thanks! See you in a bit.
2018-12-12 19-31-45 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>You and Maren.
2020-08-11 16-21-27 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>We also need to have Ryan guide us with respect to what pages he thinks we're really going to tackle. I like the idea of a standing meeting once a week to touch base and keep things moving along. Would help me!
2020-05-16 14-21-01 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Sure, 14:00 EDT works for me tomorrow!
2019-01-19 11-03-55 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Never mind! I logged in and found the button! Upload successful!
2020-05-16 14-20-29 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yup!
2020-08-19 05-53-45 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hi Mihaela, I hope you slept in and are feeling better. The meeting went well and I think Rania hit the record button a few times, so we might have some recordings. That and someone left the meeting by ending the meeting. 8-) We'll have to look at not giving everyone all privileges in such a big group - as we had been thinking about. We got a couple of questions covered and some conversations and presentations by some businesses that use Inkscape in the making of their products. Eager to touch base with you soon to discuss and to get together with Rania to plan next month's meeting! Take care.
2020-08-12 09-37-48 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>So did you want to review anything today or wait?
2020-07-21 09-43-08 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hey Mihaela, Hope you're well. I'll admit to being lost in process here. Not sure on next steps and next meeting... thought I'd reach out to you prior to Ryan. Anything specific I can help with this evening (my time)?
2019-05-24 18-05-02 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I'll try and keep an eye out this weekend for you, if you should need someone to review stuff.
2019-05-29 19-24-59 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Perhaps! I could do beginner level French. I am more comfortable teaching English as a second language. Trained for that and it's my first language.
2019-01-23 18-58-05 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>8-))
2019-01-20 15-17-58 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Okay. well We're going to be eating in a short bit here -- and then I can check back round 8 pm my time? In close to 2 hours?
2020-09-24 23-10-43 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Martin has a channel for his Patreon account and he's getting some traffic with his tweets. I'm trying to catch up with watching them all. They're good! That part is new for me with respect to Inkscape and what I understand of open source, so I'm watching and learning.
2020-07-12 10-20-54 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Same a bit. And a bit confused by more comments on the VM issue. Have you taken the time to read them?
2020-08-11 16-38-49 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yep! Our snow sometimes travels from Boston with the air currents. Not good for renos, but good for cooler temps. I'll take that.
2020-07-11 15-41-25 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>bai!
2018-12-09 07-16-33 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>vectorsTeamPage2018-12-09revised.png (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/PpRvD9jQSvZN5jbrG/vectorsTeamPage2018-12-09revised.png)
2020-07-12 10-45-36 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Take your time!
2019-01-22 15-05-40 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Was a baseball fan when I was young. It's a great expression - very visual! Yep - that was the reference! It would be terrific to have Chris's icons used in GL.
2019-01-23 18-57-09 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I like building stuff, too, or helping to shape it. I have faith that you've got a fun program. And we'll get Jabier's text ready - spelled phonetically if need be, so he can speak it with confidence.
2018-12-12 18-50-04 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>No, I draw and she codes. She's a gamer and programmer - data bases, which are good for web sites.
2020-08-20 11-28-17 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Okay, thanks for letting me know. No rush. When you see time, think of when we can touch base. Take care and tackle one item at a time on that list of yours. Be kind to yourself. Talk again soon.
2018-12-09 09-03-19 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>You did well! A first draft is always that! I tend to use lots of colour too, then people help me pull it back. 8-)
2018-12-12 18-42-32 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yes, WordPress and I have issues sometimes... I think it's because I used the free ones and there were not enough options.
2020-06-22 14-25-18 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>My test worked in the comment!
2020-05-18 14-34-33 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>You can!
2018-12-12 18-45-17 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Cool! You never know. That would be great!
2019-01-23 16-32-41 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>My pleasure! I see that you and Ryan tested the video conference, too, so we're making progress! Oh, and he got back to me that he's fine with the symbols and said, "Let's implement them."
2019-03-15 14-31-55 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hey Mihaela, are you going to be able to join in tomorrow for the Watch Party? Hope to see you there!
2019-01-19 13-46-39 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Is that what I copy and past in instead of what's there?
2020-07-11 15-01-01 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Lots.
2018-12-07 11-07-53 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Could add something about purchases helping to support Inkscape project?
2019-01-22 20-18-49 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Can we see if others have done a similar double bio?
2019-01-22 20-46-25 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yes, absolutely! That's how I learn best.
2018-12-12 18-22-59 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hey, how can we collaborate on the spreadshirt thing? I feel like I've left you waiting.
2018-12-09 08-51-10 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>something clean, with a certain style - if it's possible to use the same style throughout... black and white? pops of colour or colorable per section? We might think of planning a bit to keep it easy, clean, smart!
2018-12-07 10-58-46 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Okay. Let me know when you've got a product and I can go and search for the shop on my end.
2018-12-08 07-23-55 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Perhaps! Ryan usually slides in round the time, so I have hope he'll show in a bit.
2019-02-05 11-12-55 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I think he needs to be part of the discussion!
2020-07-23 09-41-57 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>124 views and 27 responses so far (28 with my deleted response) More lookers than takers.
2020-09-23 18-54-03 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hi Mihaela, It's terrific to hear from you! Actually, I was waiting to see how with time things would pan out. Things have been on hold as Elisa and I weren't sure how to proceed with Ryan's plan without him - it was his process.
2018-12-12 19-15-27 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>sideways, I am sure!
2020-08-11 16-47-36 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Their names are on the project. Any board member is making a different commitment than other contributors - to uphold the legal and financial obligations and contracts.
2019-02-05 11-20-32 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I am fine with not overstepping.
2020-05-18 14-29-57 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I just checked... it would be Thursday all around. Getting mixed up with all sorts of GMT and other time zone sliding today.
2020-08-11 16-35-05 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Other than all these discussions, how are you doing?
2020-08-11 15-57-09 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hey Mihaela, I usually put that together on Wednesdays, so that Martin has time to refine whatever's going to take place. Is that confirmed yet? Then we send out a social post on Wed. / Thurs. and another one on Fri./Sat.
2018-12-08 07-03-43 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>It should be at 11 am my time, so in an hour, I think.
2020-08-18 08-04-01 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Mihaela, I want to apologize if I did not listen during the meeting on Saturday. I thought I heard you; however, if you feel that you were not heard then that's what needs to be addressed. I'm sending this out and hoping we might be able to touch base prior to the call with the Indonesian group and open a space for me to listen and hear you. I'd be available at the end of my work day today, so 5:30 pm ET at the earliest, if that would work for you. Thanks for reading. Talk soon.
2020-07-15 05-59-56 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Gotta go! I'll check back and hop on BBB round noon my time. Enjoy your afternoon!
2019-05-29 18-45-56 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I just wanted to make sure you were okay! 8-)
2019-01-19 14-08-59 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hey, I receive desktop alerts when we chat... but they are really slow. Like really slow. Does that happen to you too?
2020-06-23 15-18-51 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>D
2020-07-21 17-26-53 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Working on the questions from the issue... a serious number of questions! I love receiving the Story of Telling emails.
2019-05-29 19-26-46 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I think you're starting to know me too well, Mihaela! 8-)
2020-07-18 10-40-46 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>If not, there will be a recording. It's really interesting! Glad to hear from you. I was starting to get worried you'd been literally buried by work... virtual paper and web sites and stuff weighing heavily upon you. 8-)
2019-01-22 20-21-43 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>So you might even want to see how they added the two names to the program. Perhaps you don't care, but we want to have both of you highlighted for the project!!
2019-02-04 17-11-16 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hey Mihaela, I am lost as to where to write up my issue with the GL wiki... 8-)
2020-07-11 15-07-35 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Shows how much you're involved in the project, which is great! You, too, should facilitate conversations... perhaps the Vectors day?
2020-05-18 14-37-17 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Be safe!
2019-01-19 13-14-42 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>original
2020-09-09 15-59-23 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Mihaela, are you still out there?
2019-05-29 19-01-16 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I hope so too, for your sake. Don't worry about the lgm. That will work out fine. Folks will chat and or hack. 8-)
2019-02-05 11-35-56 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>8-)0
2020-06-16 12-01-20 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yep!
2019-01-22 20-24-12 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Perfect. Let me get it started and we can add some stuff from there.
2019-01-22 20-35-58 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>TRying to rework the description... break it up and add a bit more info.
2020-08-11 16-42-00 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Why would the Board not be administering the fundraising projects? That's really strange. Is it because they don't want the responsibility? It doesn't fit into their mandate? If not, I'd suggest that might be something to look at within the board's charter or regulations. Or at least have a board member, the fundraising coordinator and a couple of other people form a committee to be able to discuss and decide together. Yikes!
2020-07-15 05-58-31 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>We could meet later today. I have to work right now, but I can take time on my lunch break, so 16:00 UTC?
2018-12-07 11-24-48 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Thanks for setting that up! Looking forward to tackling it later. Gotta get some more work done on this end! Fun to see how the meeting works, too.
2019-05-29 18-50-17 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I hear you. That's what I've been learning is that there are times when we just cannot accomplish everything. Life steps in to remind us we're human. 8-(
2020-08-11 16-06-09 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Saturday is about bug fixing / migration, though, right?
2020-05-16 14-23-49 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Cool!
2019-01-22 20-46-29 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>how about this...
2019-05-29 18-51-02 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Here's that audio file. This will help Jabier to pronounce stuff, not his own name, however!! https://framadrop.org/r/ld6p5Io7AR#ABUqoauPfUI0espKCVK83GHGdew51LVKlWC3Ibl8Jlw=
2020-08-11 16-33-00 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>The current web site is a beast. 8-\
2019-01-22 20-17-04 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Of the closet??
2020-07-11 15-12-09 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>There seems to be a consensus on the board... we shall see. Things move slowly, but they're advancing. Okay.
2019-01-13 19-28-32 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I remember jitisi and rocket chat my first time at a meeting - I was too shy to speak and so I texted. I understand why Maren wanted text - due to the double conversations. If we could use jitsi I'd be fine! I'd love to help with the presentation. I think if you and he had something that was good in English it would help your confidence. I really hope you'll be able to attend this year!
2019-01-22 20-18-22 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>So the only place to add a description would be in the speaker bio. It fits in the word count.
2020-08-11 16-28-47 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>8-)
2020-05-16 14-19-12 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>What time is good for you? I can be flexible.
2018-12-12 18-39-05 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Drupal is not as user-friendly.... do you add user-friendly back-end options for your clients to be able to take on and update themselves?
2018-12-07 11-04-49 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>I found it hard to find the real inkscape shop.... vs. other random items....
2018-12-07 10-47-29 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>My pleasure! Happy to help out!
2019-02-05 11-35-20 PSTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Yes! Great results!