2020-09-11 05-00-52 PDTAbhay Raj Singh <abhayofficialone@gmail.com>Thanks! I have a meeting today with Tav I guess this is what he wanted to talk to me about?
2020-02-17 07-00-33 PSTAbhay Raj Singh <abhayofficialone@gmail.com>Hey! there are some more changes required in `spin button tool item` If you have already been working on it, can you please add those changes, if you haven't may I go ahead and do both I kind of need them for my MR :sweat_smile:
2020-09-11 05-40-53 PDTAbhay Raj Singh <abhayofficialone@gmail.com>This might also enable us to standardize dialogs, and not creating specific dialog where not necessary
2020-02-17 08-02-23 PSTAbhay Raj Singh <abhayofficialone@gmail.com>There's a place where code adds bunch of value which aren't needed including negative sometimes😂
2020-09-11 05-49-53 PDTAbhay Raj Singh <abhayofficialone@gmail.com>**Second problem : Previews** Previews are executed as Do and undo, so we need to solve that too
2020-09-11 05-38-11 PDTAbhay Raj Singh <abhayofficialone@gmail.com>``` struct ParamDetails { Glib::ustring name; Glib::ustring description; ParamType type; } enum class ParamType { INTEGER, DOUBLE, STRING, COLOR, }; ``` when making dialog name is for lable, description for tooltip, paramtype helps in making customized input fields like color selectors, spinners
2020-09-11 05-38-42 PDTAbhay Raj Singh <abhayofficialone@gmail.com>Though, these are not necessary for core actions
2020-09-11 05-15-05 PDTAbhay Raj Singh <abhayofficialone@gmail.com>I have some solutions to the problems faced earlier
2020-09-11 05-32-34 PDTAbhay Raj Singh <abhayofficialone@gmail.com>Solution for that was
2020-09-11 05-31-59 PDTAbhay Raj Singh <abhayofficialone@gmail.com>But the actual problem was creating string
2020-09-11 05-39-39 PDTAbhay Raj Singh <abhayofficialone@gmail.com>Other things such as value ranges can also be added
2020-09-11 05-04-34 PDTAbhay Raj Singh <abhayofficialone@gmail.com>Thanks for you work by the way, it will enable me to add tracking and multiple parameter more easily and will function better!
2020-02-16 11-13-58 PSTAbhay Raj Singh <abhayofficialone@gmail.com>Yeah I got the same error when I was working on text might be the in *SpinButtonToolItem*. Will fix it soon Thanks for drawing my attention to this will have took my time to even track the bug :grinning:
2020-09-11 05-31-38 PDTAbhay Raj Singh <abhayofficialone@gmail.com>The solution *was* for the problem of multiple parameter for an action which we cannot have with Vanilla actions, A function to make strings for action and when the target function receives the string, it blindly parses as it know what parameters and type of parameters are required.
2020-09-11 05-51-01 PDTAbhay Raj Singh <abhayofficialone@gmail.com>**Third problem: History sensitivity" opening a dialog should not be sensitive to history but most actions should be
2020-03-04 10-46-17 PSTAbhay Raj Singh <abhayofficialone@gmail.com>Thank you very much I would have totally missed that. Also, numerical codes can be added so that one can also follow a german/chinese/hindi tutorial too without access performance costs.
2020-03-04 10-36-52 PSTjhofinger <jonathan.hofinger@gmx.de>Hi, just read your GSOC proposal. From my role (bug triaging), it's super cool to have someone who has a lot of practical experience actually using Inkscape, that's not true for everyone in the dev team. While I can't comment on technical feasability (althouh I think it should be doable, since Inkscape already has a very good "verbs" list), I have two annotations: * Please check that the shortcut for the commant palette is very easy to use with common locales. Strg+` can't be used on a German keyboard, since it requires the ` key to be pressed twice to show the character. * When searching for commands, it should show only localized results, BUT searching for english command names should work as well. When I use a localized Inkscape version, but am trying to follow an English tutorial, I sometimes don't know the localized equivalent of the string, so I'd try to search for the english one. That would be especially cool for filters, because they have very weird names (see also https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inbox/issues/1939). Maybe show the results like the following, when e.g. searching for [str] * Füllung und Kontur (Fill and **Str**oke) * **Str**euung
2020-09-11 05-09-36 PDTjhofinger <jonathan.hofinger@gmx.de>That was the plan. There are still some details to figure out though.
2020-02-16 11-34-47 PSTjhofinger <jonathan.hofinger@gmx.de>Found it, thanks for pointing me there!
2020-02-17 07-38-51 PSTjhofinger <jonathan.hofinger@gmx.de>Oh okay.. Yes I did something, but it's not 100%. Go ahead, I'll review your MR then, if you cc me 😉
2020-02-17 07-46-29 PSTjhofinger <jonathan.hofinger@gmx.de>Also I simply added a function to check if a value is out of bounds or already there. It just didn't compile for some reason ^^ im still confused by c++ sometimes, normally I use c#. Anyway looking forward to your solution!
2020-09-11 05-03-12 PDTjhofinger <jonathan.hofinger@gmx.de>Yes
2020-02-16 11-11-17 PSTjhofinger <jonathan.hofinger@gmx.de>(or if you tell me where the code for this is, I might have a look at it myself)
2020-02-16 11-09-45 PSTjhofinger <jonathan.hofinger@gmx.de>Hi, since you were working on the right click of the text field: could you have a look whats happening here https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/issues/690 and here https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/issues/689?
2020-09-11 05-16-54 PDTjhofinger <jonathan.hofinger@gmx.de>For example?
2020-09-10 11-54-17 PDTjhofinger <jonathan.hofinger@gmx.de>Hi! After some discussion in the shortcuts MR with Patrick and Tav, I've implemented a subclass to SimpleAction that encapsulates all the extra data Inkscape needs to store. I was told that you were working on formalizing the argument structure of action parameters, so you might be interested in this as well. https://gitlab.com/jhofinger/inkscape/-/commit/e82e30019f4cd12089837019bcefe81cb920f1b3
2020-09-10 11-54-42 PDTjhofinger <jonathan.hofinger@gmx.de>Until now, I've only rewritten the snap bar actions