2020-11-18 09-55-55 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>do you have a tracking number ?
2019-12-09 05-30-50 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>so they are like the ones for hackfests and not the same as the previous "standard" stickers
2020-05-24 08-43-31 PDTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>(assign me to it too)
2019-12-08 07-41-09 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>Screenshot from 2019-12-08 16-40-52.png (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/RsTmkbHsWwywtAexg/Screenshot%20from%202019-12-08%2016-40-52.png)
2020-11-10 06-01-23 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>I'm all for trying new things :p
2020-11-10 11-20-29 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>apparently I fixed it on 20.04 and it stopped working on 18.04
2019-11-01 12-30-20 PDTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>this is 29 GB compressed, 90GB uncompressed
2020-11-10 06-12-54 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>mh, I wanted to do some inkscape stuff this morning but I woke up at 14h
2019-11-01 11-45-09 PDTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>https://marc.jeanmougin.fr/share/all2.tgz
2020-11-10 05-59-07 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>(my normal quality/price ratio when I buy for myself is Lindt so I know all their flavors^^)
2019-12-09 05-33-15 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>np, good quality is good :p
2019-12-08 07-59-54 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>we can wait for monday if you want to call them to ask for a discount ^^
2019-12-08 07-35-01 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>1900€ ??
2019-12-08 08-08-09 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>is that 11 in france ?
2019-12-08 07-45-47 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>us-based, so maybe not
2020-11-18 10-10-12 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>:D
2020-05-24 04-43-11 PDTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>(it was imho a very stupid decision to take an URL like this, but I have no idea where he took it from)
2020-05-24 04-43-50 PDTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>anyway namespaces cannot be easily changed, they are meant in xml as the most stable form of identifiers
2020-11-10 05-56-24 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>from 70 to 100
2019-12-09 05-43-41 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>we redirect them to rejon
2020-11-23 05-09-47 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>workarounds are likely :D
2020-11-23 05-02-45 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>what did I fix to deserve this ? :p
2020-11-23 05-29-34 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>:p
2019-12-09 05-36-09 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>I need to order one of each possible sticker to see the difference xD
2019-12-09 05-34-33 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>just wondering what the difference was between "Metallic Labels on Rolls (with lamination)" and "silver vinyl"
2020-10-02 11-00-32 PDTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>yup : https://gitlab.com/greytomorrow
2019-12-08 08-08-27 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>should be good then
2019-11-09 05-19-06 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>I did not look at most of them
2019-12-08 07-55-58 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>(note the "2" in the email address)
2019-12-09 05-40-41 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>inkscape.org
2019-12-09 05-41-09 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>openclipart
2019-12-08 08-06-20 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>tell me which time you plan to call and I may be online live
2019-12-09 02-32-28 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>^^
2020-11-10 06-05-28 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>oh, nice
2019-12-09 05-49-49 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>People basically launched https://freesvg.org/ to replace ocal
2020-11-23 05-12-53 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>that's swag !
2019-12-08 07-43-52 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>the "instant quote" is at 900£
2019-12-09 05-42-23 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>they were all available on CC0
2019-12-08 08-03-50 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>what would be ideal would be that they accept sepa euro bank transfers or american express
2019-12-09 05-32-30 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>ok
2020-11-10 05-56-07 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>cool ! it's hard to find here :D
2019-12-08 07-19-19 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>I have a few minutes
2019-12-09 05-50-55 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>probably not, maintaining a hosting site is a hassle
2020-10-02 11-02-55 PDTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>also doctormo I think but I think he just reported it to gitlab asz inappropriate
2020-11-10 06-12-25 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>:)
2019-12-09 05-44-31 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>I think he's technically responsible for the loss of user attribution data
2020-11-10 06-02-19 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>the best chocolate I've bought so far was at https://www.chocolatdietermeier.com/ in zurich
2020-06-28 07-03-11 PDTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>mmh, iirc last time I looked it was like a month after we discussed it and they had not fixed the euro/pound exchange rate
2019-12-09 05-46-39 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>there is freesvg as a replacement
2019-12-08 08-05-12 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>to call ? nah, I'm not good at bargaining :p
2019-12-09 02-49-52 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>I think we're good, I have to go to lunch, my colleagues are gone
2020-11-10 06-08-10 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>"Communication, fundraising, events, admin" ?
2019-12-09 05-43-59 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>openclipart founder
2019-12-08 07-24-58 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>anyway, I have an account !
2020-05-24 05-57-52 PDTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>I can try to fix it next week
2019-11-01 12-31-34 PDTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>so, easy to script stuff
2020-05-24 02-24-23 PDTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>( jon cruz implemented that in ~2009 , no idea where he got the namespace from )
2019-12-09 05-45-13 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>and he replaced all openclipart pages with a "donate" button
2020-11-10 06-03-12 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>I'm not sure they deliver out of switzerland
2019-12-09 05-53-58 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>the files will at some point end up in internet archive with a cc0 label
2020-05-24 08-43-08 PDTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>yes please
2019-12-09 05-44-46 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>he's not answering anyone, but is apparently alive
2019-12-08 08-11-59 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>16:47 < Mc> does SFC have a EU VAT number ? 17:11 <@karen> Mc: yes! 17:11 <@karen> (but I'm running out now (sadly to a funeral)
2020-05-24 04-44-35 PDTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>which does not mean we can't, as we seem to be the only user of that namespace
2019-12-08 08-02-46 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>Final: £1093.14
2021-03-09 09-27-30 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>hello!
2021-03-09 09-40-46 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>> @Mc Do let me know if you want graphics, logo, etc for your course. Do you think it would be possible to get a quote for a graphical charter, a logo, maybe a few seconds video intro/outro for course videos, and estimates for explainer graphics or animated videos (like the gnome release videos) for my course on FLOSS contribution? All would be ideally with source files in "open" formats released on CC-BY-SA
2021-03-09 09-42-33 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>nope
2021-03-09 09-46-27 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>What's best ?
2021-03-09 09-47-03 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>you and ryan, then, I guess
2021-03-09 09-48-16 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>thanks ! It's not urgent but it will have to go through approvals and since my employer is a public institution, it may take some time (especially if not in euros :p )
2021-03-09 09-49-56 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>thanks!
2021-03-09 09-54-04 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>if you know of other agencies doing stuff entirely with FLOSS and open formats, who would be ready to publish their editable files on CC-BY-SA, and that you would want to promote, feel free :D
2021-03-09 09-54-38 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>haha
2021-03-09 10-00-58 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>sure, when are you available ?
2021-03-09 10-02-26 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>Thursday evening ?
2021-03-09 10-03-07 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>(evening is ~ 18h30 french time (17h30 UK ?))
2021-03-09 10-03-40 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>I'll need to coordinate with other people involved with the MOOC too
2021-03-09 10-04-00 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>the course
2021-03-09 10-04-14 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>MOOC = Massive Online Open Course
2021-03-09 10-11-45 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>ok :p
2021-03-11 08-04-11 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>yep, but it might be more of an exchange of ideas and explanations (my colleague cannot make it today, he's in ukraine (???) and I'll have more info in the coming weeks)
2021-03-11 09-22-53 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>jitsi or BBB are fine
2020-10-02 11-02-17 PDTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>the *image*
2019-12-09 02-31-58 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>I might go to lunch soon, but yeah
2020-11-18 10-04-01 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>do you know who will deliver it in france ? colissimo, la poste, UPS ?
2019-12-08 07-54-44 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>I don't see your design
2020-06-28 07-03-16 PDTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>I'll look again
2020-11-10 05-57-50 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>usually plain dark, or sometimes with any sort of lemon/lime/orange/etc (dunno the generic term in english for these (citrus?))
2020-05-24 09-07-41 PDTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>I'd say "a porn website typosquats the URL equivalent to the namespace URI used by Inkscape for swatches", your description makes it sound like we chose that
2019-11-01 12-30-43 PDTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>*lots* of files in one folder
2020-05-24 04-44-50 PDTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>but better to reimplement completely differently that swatch feature
2020-11-18 10-09-22 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>it will be a surprise then
2020-05-24 09-09-02 PDTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>^^
2019-12-09 04-55-17 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>wasnt the previous batch of sticker on rolls and not on sheets ? not sure why but rolls are like 3x cheaper
2020-10-02 10-58-07 PDTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>if you are in contact with greytomorrow, can you ask him to change his gitlab picture ?
2020-11-23 05-07-03 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>but i don't think i fixed it ? ^^
2020-11-23 05-20-07 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>the thing is, it comes from south america, so interactions between chocolate and roman empire were not really a thing :D
2020-11-10 05-55-20 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>Oh, that's so kind of you :D DARKEST chocolate, no coffee (only tea! (mostly black tea, often with flowers, or also mate)) Marc Jeanmougin 26, rue Jean Rostand 91300 Massy, FRANCE (note: I will move apartments in roughly a month)
2019-12-08 08-08-46 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>ok
2019-12-09 05-50-05 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>so there are plans to replace the ocal import with a freesvg import (1.1 probably)
2019-12-09 02-44-46 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>xD
2020-05-24 09-06-05 PDTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>done
2019-12-08 07-24-45 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>I was hesitating between ireland and netherlan, but nl is, well, in dutch
2019-12-09 05-37-37 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>I don't know the difference, so I blindly trust your judgement on that
2019-12-08 08-07-52 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>which timezone ? :p
2020-05-24 09-06-54 PDTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>also the description is inaccurate
2019-12-09 02-49-59 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>see you later !
2020-11-10 11-32-52 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>thanks a lot !
2020-05-24 01-01-31 PDTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>that might break all swatches in previous files
2019-12-08 07-26-10 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>marc@jeanmougin.fr / SibWcc4FzykqCLjA
2020-11-10 11-21-21 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>ok :)
2020-11-18 09-55-45 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>not yet, no
2020-11-23 04-56-39 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>mate is different from matcha but I never tested matcha so it'll give me a chance to do so :D
2019-12-08 07-54-52 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>you sure you are on the GB site ?
2020-11-10 05-58-20 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>it's good too
2019-12-08 07-42-07 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>they don't like euros :D
2019-12-08 07-41-32 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>I can try to create an account on the .co.uk site
2019-12-08 07-42-42 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>but 1100£ is 1300€ now
2019-12-09 05-48-39 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>you should come to board meetings :p
2020-11-10 06-14-12 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>thanks !
2020-10-02 11-04-31 PDTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>+ a bit of an attitude/politeness problem on https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/-/issues/1904
2020-11-23 04-53-54 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>I got it ! It's perfect, thank you so much <3
2020-05-24 04-41-40 PDTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>it's a *namespace*, probably not something intended to be a URL
2020-05-24 05-56-28 PDTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>maybe
2020-11-23 05-29-39 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>tea*
2019-12-08 07-46-10 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>(we can ask but I doubt it will work)
2019-11-01 12-31-20 PDTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>(158396)
2020-11-23 05-25-53 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>:D
2020-11-10 06-08-54 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>Good luck :) there will probably be lots and lots of candidates
2019-12-09 05-53-31 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>we are allowed to anything
2020-11-23 05-17-49 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>I am not sure it's correct :p (I did 7-8 yrs of latin)
2019-12-08 07-50-07 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr> marc2@jeanmougin.fr / SibWcc4FzykqCLjA
2019-12-09 05-35-11 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>("brushed" or "chrome" ?)
2020-05-24 04-45-06 PDTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>using a namespace for that is completely overkill
2020-11-23 05-27-31 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>it takes me forever to go back to a correct sentence :p
2020-11-10 11-32-40 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>:D
2020-11-10 05-58-13 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>the problem with the second one is that I basically eat it in 2 minutes when I have it
2020-11-10 06-13-53 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>now I have 3h left to eat something and get something done (I will look at the PPA issues) before a friend finishes work and we get back to our Factorio game
2020-11-18 10-03-43 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>dunno
2020-10-02 11-02-30 PDTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>me !
2019-12-09 05-36-48 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>there is a min of 20€ per batch :p
2020-11-23 05-10-26 PSTMc <marcjeanmougin@free.fr>I tried to fix it but I'm probably 3 lines of code away from the resolution, so ~2weeks of work understanding how rectangles are translated into pdf
2019-12-09 05-36-21 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Feel free. :)
2019-12-09 02-32-32 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>So if you gotta go that's fine.
2020-11-10 05-58-39 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Cool. I'll try to get a variety. You can tell me if you hate any of them. lol
2020-11-23 05-28-04 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Well anyway, maybe the bad latin makes it extra funny. :)
2020-10-02 10-58-40 PDTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Sure.
2019-12-09 05-49-29 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>it's okay, I'll go read all of it.
2019-11-09 15-49-50 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Some good stuff though. I'd say it's worth sorting through it all for that 5%
2020-11-10 05-55-49 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Oh, I know where to get some awesome mate
2020-11-23 05-23-40 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>which is: Develop Non igitur opus CACAO
2019-11-01 11-46-07 PDTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Will start by getting rid of any with embedded raster graphics. lol
2019-12-09 05-35-08 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>waterproof.
2019-12-09 02-45-39 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>At least we know now.
2019-12-09 05-31-51 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>which is easier to read than the hackfest crome ones.
2019-12-08 08-06-04 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>And report back. :)
2019-11-01 12-36-15 PDTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>hopefully the files are named something reasonable.
2020-11-10 05-58-55 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>(and I'll eat those ones) haha
2020-10-02 11-00-21 PDTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>COmplaints?
2020-10-02 11-02-09 PDTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>It says this user has a private profile...
2020-11-18 10-01-02 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>11-038 84F A49
2020-11-10 06-09-02 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Probably. :)
2019-12-09 05-44-55 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>That's not good for us. :)
2019-12-08 08-08-23 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I think so.
2020-05-24 04-19-48 PDTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>The domain is clearly not under his control. The result is that all over the internet there are svgs with links to hardcore Chinese torture porn.
2020-10-02 11-09-21 PDTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Yea, one thing at a time. lol
2020-11-23 05-14-20 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>*black
2020-11-10 06-06-58 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Their job posting requires a lot of stuff. And I have a lot of stuff, so I'm probably one of the best folks to hire for a job that has literally no job title. lol
2020-11-23 05-31-15 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Let me know which bars/tastes you like/dislike so I can send refills and options more to taste.
2020-11-10 11-23-25 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Updating now.
2020-11-10 06-05-43 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>This is the resume I was bashing my head against in Inkscape trying to get the links to work.
2020-11-10 06-00-37 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I'll get you Lindt, and a boutique bar of something dark from montezuma you can try as well.
2020-11-10 06-13-54 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Thanks again for all your work.
2020-11-18 10-10-50 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Well, then I can file a claim for it, and possibly send even more chocolate next time. ;P
2019-12-09 05-50-37 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Hmm, I do wonder if there's any point to hosting svgs ourselves then.
2019-12-08 07-25-15 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>cool. Hmm, looks like their help line is closed on the weekend. damn.
2020-11-18 10-09-45 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Well I took pictures of it before I sent.
2019-12-09 05-42-11 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I've been slowly sorting through those, and wondering... without the user data for who posted them, there's essentially no accountability for if they've been pirated or not.
2019-12-08 07-32-53 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I also saved the design as a draft in your account.
2019-12-08 08-04-29 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Or as the account holder, do you want to try?
2019-12-08 07-35-23 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Yea, no, that's not right.
2019-12-08 07-20-33 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>https://www.stickersinternational.co.uk
2019-12-09 05-43-52 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>rejon?
2020-05-24 09-05-41 PDTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I can't seem to assign you to it. I guess I don't have permission.
2020-11-18 10-10-03 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>So if it doesn't arrive, at least I can show you what you missed out on. ;P
2020-11-23 05-05-32 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>That's what reminded me I should be sending you stuff. Hahaha
2019-12-08 08-05-39 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>they either can or can't
2020-11-18 09-15-13 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Hey! Have you gotten the package yet by chance?
2020-11-18 10-05-09 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>No clue. Here's the label I printed for it:
2019-12-08 08-08-15 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I guess? :)
2020-11-23 05-02-18 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Makes my life so much easier.
2020-11-10 05-56-10 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Darkest chocolate as in 100% or can it be 80%?
2020-11-10 06-09-19 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>How many of them can do the art as well as the event planning though?
2020-11-23 05-06-56 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>The PDF program I bought wanted to charge me another £25 for the latest version, so you saved me having to shell out again for proprietary software to get my CVs out there.
2020-11-10 06-14-13 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Sweet! It will be nice not to have to use the appimage.
2019-12-09 05-46-47 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>?
2019-12-09 05-35-15 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>brushed
2019-12-09 05-51-33 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Some are nice, but some are nice + useless to most people anyway.
2020-11-10 11-20-43 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>20201110_182436.jpg (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/nJDZw54W6E2CZDco3/20201110_182436.jpg)
2019-12-08 07-36-22 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Don't pay yet. Let me call them Monday.
2019-12-08 08-05-31 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Well, payment type isn't usually on the table in bargaining. :)
2020-11-10 06-05-50 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>So thanks for your help there.
2020-11-10 06-05-03 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I applied for a job at the SFC. I hope if I get it, I can have them handle Inkscape stuff faster, haha
2019-12-09 02-45-08 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Yea, 'sactly. So tldr: better to order from the uk site.
2019-12-09 05-46-18 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>part of me wonders if we shouldn't just start our own collection posted by users.
2020-11-23 05-00-05 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Ohhhhhhh
2019-12-09 05-51-57 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>unless as part of a huge archive.
2020-05-24 09-06-15 PDTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Cool, thanks. :)
2019-12-08 07-25-34 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Okay, well if you put in a temp password, i'll make the sticker in your account.
2019-12-08 08-10-50 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>*tre... yea. ;P
2019-12-08 08-09-01 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Sorry about the wait.
2020-11-10 04-56-01 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Hey man. Thanks for working on my issues lately. Want so send you a developer care package. Got an address I can post to? Also, what are your favourite chocolates? Are you a dark chocolate guy or a milkchocolate fella?
2019-12-08 07-34-50 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Actually hold up, it's more expensive in euros.
2020-05-24 05-52-44 PDTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Cool. Right now I'm mainly concerned about getting the pornography URL out of future svg files. :) What's the fastest way to do that?
2019-12-08 07-42-43 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Well if you create a new account, and it's still that much maybe I get special treatment.
2020-11-23 05-00-21 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Okay. Well drat lol.
2019-12-08 08-02-59 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Yea, that's what was approved.
2020-11-23 05-12-15 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I really appreciate the work!
2020-11-10 06-14-45 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Laters!
2020-11-23 05-24-45 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Now it tranlslates to There is no need to develop DISEASES
2020-11-23 04-59-51 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Oh good! Hah
2020-11-23 05-28-47 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>If you like some cringe with your ~shit~ / ~disease~ / chocolate
2019-12-09 05-45-24 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>:D
2019-12-08 07-45-35 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>It's possible we could get a refund for the VAT as well since it's for a nonprofit.
2020-11-10 11-21-16 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>keep an eye out for this suspicious package.
2020-11-10 05-56-38 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>There's a japanese sushi place up the street, and they sell the hands down best mate I've had so far.
2019-12-09 02-32-24 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Also, you're probably not actually required. :)
2020-11-10 06-13-37 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Well, I'm going to go and see if the Japanese place has avoiding the lockdown (I think so since they are a grocery store too).
2020-11-23 05-16-36 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Which wasn't easy. Things translated from google english to latin do not translate back as well. lol
2019-11-09 15-49-16 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>(so far)
2020-11-10 06-02-45 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Sweet! I'll check them out.
2019-12-09 05-35-04 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>the vinyl is a plastic sticker essentially.
2020-01-14 11-29-52 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Popular choices are logos, avatars and wallpapers. Here's an example of a recent bounty collected by a friend. I said if he moved his Linux distro to GitLab, I'd push a custom wallpaper to it. :)
2020-11-23 05-17-57 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>which translates back to "thermal"
2020-11-23 05-19-58 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I'm pretty sure it's not correct. :)
2019-12-09 06-08-37 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>And thanks for the help. Sorry if I'm being annoying asking questions which were answered at meetings I should have attended. :)
2020-05-23 17-36-08 PDTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>One of our Facebook users reports: There's apparently references to "http://openswatchbook.org/" in some Inkscape produced SVGs. Unfortunately, the domain is expired and now contains Pornography (possibly illegal pornography too by the look of it). Can we get someone to remove all references to openswatchbook.org?
2019-12-09 05-33-39 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>And handling shipping this time. :)
2020-11-10 11-27-26 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Thanks for fixing that in 20.04
2019-12-09 06-07-56 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Then I can go back to sorting OFL fonts. :)
2019-12-09 02-29-24 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>You around?
2019-12-08 07-42-13 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Apparently not lol
2019-12-09 02-43-26 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>They apparently can't give a discount.
2019-12-08 08-22-03 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>So we'll need a VAT receipt from stickers international
2019-12-09 05-51-16 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I think I'll stop sorting these actually.
2020-11-10 04-57-31 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I think I remember you like coffee too from the hackfests, right? How do you make coffee? Do you have a machine to grind your own beans, or do you buy pre-ground espresso?
2020-11-23 05-08-35 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Anyway, you gave me the work around so I could finish my CV, so that alone was a good stopgap.
2019-12-08 07-38-52 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>This is what I see in my cart:
2020-10-02 11-03-24 PDTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Okay.
2020-11-10 05-58-14 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>how about chili?
2019-12-08 07-37-07 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Also, I expect a discount for this nonsense. lol
2019-12-08 07-32-28 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I've logged out, so you can change the password now.
2020-11-23 05-24-30 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Which at the time, translated to "We develop the need for shit."
2020-11-10 11-27-04 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>appimages are great for testing. They are not great for using Inkscape regularly though.
2020-11-23 05-03-49 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>When both of us should be asleep! Hahaha
2019-12-08 07-25-44 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>and just leave it in your cart.
2020-11-18 10-01-23 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I entered it into royal mail but it says tracking not available.
2019-12-08 08-09-45 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Kinda got pushed back on the todo list. Hopefully I get this job with the GNOME project.
2020-11-10 11-26-38 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>from the file manager!
2020-11-23 05-03-01 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Everything! lol
2019-12-08 07-44-23 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>and shipping
2020-05-23 17-38-29 PDTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I'd remove them, but I feel I'm not qualified to touch that code. 🙂
2019-12-09 06-07-23 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>cool.
2019-12-09 05-30-41 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>They previous ones wear down easily, and if wrinkle if exposed to moisture.
2019-12-08 08-21-24 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Awe. :/
2020-11-10 06-02-30 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>They are usually very good about mixing flavours with it. It's not a Bertie Bots any flavour Beans sort of situation, fortunately.
2019-12-09 02-50-05 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Later. :)
2019-12-09 05-35-46 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>chrome reflectivity makes the black harder to read.
2020-11-10 06-11-59 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>ANd their website needs a serious makeover.
2020-11-10 06-13-01 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Haha.
2019-12-09 05-37-15 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>well, we can go with the chrome ones if you'd rather.
2019-12-09 05-49-16 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Yea, I've been at the last few (except this week)
2020-11-10 06-10-01 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Thanks, even if I don't get it, I have a lot of stuff in the works.
2019-12-09 05-41-04 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>nono, the ones you gave me in a giant tarball
2019-11-09 15-49-12 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>it's 95% stuff no one will ever use.
2020-11-18 10-11-04 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Tracked, clearly.
2020-11-23 05-24-56 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>And it just gets worse. lol
2019-12-08 08-03-24 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>They might throw a 10% discount at us for the issues.
2020-01-14 11-16-13 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>So you get artings. You want artings?
2019-12-09 05-43-10 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>But I mean, if someone comes and says "hey, that's my graphic!", we are essentially responsible for posting it on our site ourselves.
2020-05-24 09-07-23 PDTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>That doesn't surprise me. lol
2020-11-23 05-15-55 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I had a bit of a go at a googled latin translation for the motto. :)
2019-12-09 06-07-44 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Have you contacted them about it? If not, I will and see if they'd like to.
2019-12-09 05-33-20 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>cool.
2019-12-08 07-39-37 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Screenshot from 2019-12-08 15-36-45.png (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/c55xBFFzNA7NcA9Zp/Screenshot%20from%202019-12-08%2015-36-45.png)
2020-11-10 11-25-50 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Sweet!
2019-12-08 07-43-01 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Yea, it's nowhere near 1800 euros
2020-11-23 05-03-14 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Like every time I have a complaint you're there to help.
2019-12-09 02-44-22 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>They passed me through to the french team, and they said they'd been using an old conversion rate for pounds to euros, and hadn't changed it. I told them there was a LOT of difference.
2019-11-09 15-50-34 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>So annoying.
2019-12-08 08-23-13 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I wish I could work for the Inkscape project full time. If I could do that, so much awesome would get done. lol
2020-05-24 04-20-18 PDTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I doubt they are serving up swatches anymore.
2019-12-08 07-33-04 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>just in case the cart is IP based.
2020-11-10 05-58-07 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Yea, like orangepeel is common here.
2020-05-24 07-11-29 PDTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Cool, thanks. :)
2020-11-18 10-02-46 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>guess I have to pay extra for tracking or something?
2020-11-10 06-13-46 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I'll leave you be.
2019-12-09 05-31-07 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>They are exactly the same as the hackfest stickers.
2019-12-09 05-33-28 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Thanks for footing the bill temporarily.
2019-12-08 08-01-54 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I've added it to your basket.
2019-12-08 07-35-00 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>That's odd...
2020-11-18 10-05-55 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>royal-mail-label-WP-6903-2899-801.pdf (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/Edn5H6Ev4RYg2sHcr/royal-mail-label-WP-6903-2899-801.pdf)
2019-12-08 08-22-26 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>That's good though, save the project a bit of money for bug stickers. ;P
2020-11-23 05-05-07 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>The full-page link issue was the last thing I think you fixed because I said something.
2020-11-23 05-03-39 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>even at 3am. ;P
2019-12-09 02-45-46 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Do you want me to do anything else?
2020-05-24 08-43-39 PDTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Doing now.
2019-12-09 05-31-32 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Same company and everything. The only difference is these are brushed aluminium.
2020-06-28 07-03-26 PDTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Ah, thought you ordered them.
2021-03-09 09-41-45 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Sure. If you're paying me for it you can even list them as cc0 if you like that better.
2021-03-09 09-42-18 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Is there a budget yet?
2021-03-09 09-46-04 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Do you want to go through me, or through me and Ryan?
2021-03-09 09-46-45 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Best is me and Ryan. It's less expensive to go through one of us, though.
2021-03-09 09-47-23 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Okay. I'll have him draw up an estimate then.
2021-03-09 09-49-07 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I'll talk to Ryan about it. we'll see if he thinks it's better to go through freehive, or just me (I'm fine with euros).
2021-03-09 09-49-17 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>He may be too busy anyway.
2021-03-09 09-49-24 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Me on the other hand. lol
2021-03-09 09-49-45 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Anyway, I'll talk it over, see what he wants to do.
2021-03-09 09-50-11 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Surething. :) Thanks for considering us for the goods. :)
2021-03-09 09-54-25 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>No, mine!
2021-03-09 09-54-28 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I mean.
2021-03-09 09-54-35 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Sure, I'll let you know. :)
2021-03-09 09-59-45 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Ryan is down with it.
2021-03-09 10-00-16 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Want to schedule a brief meeting to discuss it in more detail?
2021-03-09 10-01-14 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Checking with Ryan. My schedule is flexible.
2021-03-09 10-01-33 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>What's your availability this week starting tomorrow?
2021-03-09 10-02-46 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Cool.
2021-03-09 10-03-33 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I'll check with Ryan. I have a feeling that will be fine.
2021-03-09 10-03-54 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>MOOC?
2021-03-09 10-04-04 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Ah, okay.
2021-03-09 10-08-20 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>So tentatively 17:30 GMT, 18:30 FT, 10:30am MT (US) Thursday
2021-03-09 10-10-11 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>If that changes, just let us know in advance so we can reschedule.
2021-03-09 10-10-41 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>You can introduce us as "FreeHive"
2021-03-09 10-11-24 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>https://freehive.com/
2021-03-09 10-12-58 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Well, or however you want. :)
2021-03-09 10-13-33 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Depends on if they want to deal with a real company or not.
2021-03-09 10-14-33 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>That's part of the advantage of going with both of us.
2021-03-09 11-40-55 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>[ ](https://chat.inkscape.org/direct/RXo9JJ63kMGwTKBrKYfd7rZZzGibkEyTGj?msg=Nbt7mCt5c5t5cSh7L) What? lol penny for your thoughts? ()
2021-03-11 07-53-46 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Hey man. We still on for today?
2021-03-11 08-04-35 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Cool.
2021-03-11 09-17-27 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>You both good with jitsi?
2021-03-11 09-30-25 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>https://meet.jit.si/livechatwithcrogers
2020-11-23 05-12-30 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>That's the point of the chocolate.
2019-12-09 05-42-33 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Yes, they were labled that.
2019-12-08 07-35-53 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Same item, same quantity.
2019-12-08 08-02-10 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>But if they give us a discount code, I'll pass it on when you order.
2020-01-14 11-32-16 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Cleaned up his logo (which was hand-drawn) made svg for it and added some cool fontage.
2019-11-01 11-45-21 PDTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Cool, thanks.
2019-12-08 07-45-57 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Ah true.
2020-11-10 06-05-33 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>crogers_cv_2020_sfc.pdf (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/gpomsj9nDwJ6ThRCx/crogers_cv_2020_sfc.pdf)
2020-11-10 11-28-17 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I included 4 kinds of dark chocolate and one kind of tea.
2019-12-09 05-39-11 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>brushed is already diffuse enough that scratches shouldn't affect the metalic effect.
2019-12-08 08-05-58 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>So I'll ask about it, and about a discount.
2019-12-08 07-44-41 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>What a ripoff lol.
2019-12-08 08-07-40 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>probably around 10:00
2019-12-08 07-55-43 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Maybe if I clear my browsing history
2019-11-09 15-50-23 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I'm not keeping icon sets. Some people uploaded the same sets over and over lol
2020-11-23 05-12-45 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>and tea, and pseudoswag. :)
2020-11-23 05-14-07 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Hehe. Glad you like it. My blank ink hose is clogged in my printer, so that's the reason I printed in dark blue instead. ;P
2019-12-08 07-21-08 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>And tell them where to ship it, etc.
2019-12-09 02-29-11 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Good almost noon. :)
2019-12-08 07-41-57 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>yea, do that. But I still want to know what's going on.
2020-11-10 11-33-17 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Sure! Seems the least I can do for all the hard work. Enjoy. :)
2019-12-09 05-35-57 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>if there isn't a lot of white around to reflect
2019-12-08 07-19-49 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Cool. Hope you have a grand and some change laying around too. ;P
2019-12-08 08-07-56 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>UK
2019-12-08 08-10-25 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>That would help temendously. lol
2019-12-09 02-43-11 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Okay, so the price is what it is on the UK site.
2020-11-23 05-26-30 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Though, now that I know you can help, you can maybe make latin jokes later. :)
2019-12-08 07-35-39 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>It's more expensive for you to order them... what kind of ripoff is that?
2019-12-09 05-37-46 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I just think for these visibility will be better, which is half the point of having an Inkscape advert sticker. :)
2020-05-24 07-11-52 PDTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Do you want me to open an issue for it?
2020-11-23 05-22-08 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>so yea. :)
2019-12-08 07-37-22 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>So maybe we will pay even less as a result.
2019-12-09 05-44-22 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>okay. I guess he's okay taking responsibility for it?
2020-10-02 11-09-50 PDTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Don't want to lose the progress I've made by asking for too much all at once.
2020-11-23 05-17-42 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Chocolate translates to "scelerisque"
2020-11-23 05-20-51 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Heh, true.
2019-12-08 07-57-01 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>ahhhh
2019-12-09 05-45-28 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>fancy
2019-12-09 05-43-24 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>whereas, openclipart, users were accountable.
2020-11-10 11-24-15 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I guess it doesn't have access to my printer.
2020-06-28 07-31-19 PDTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>let me know. I can probably foot the bill if the refund comes in a month.
2020-11-23 05-30-24 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Though I felt the chocolate was more the point of having a stashable developer fuel kit.
2019-12-09 05-30-04 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Yea, these are the higher quality ones. They are on vinyl, so they don't come on rolls.
2020-11-23 05-07-44 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Hmm, maybe I remeber something else then. I should really make a list.
2019-12-09 05-52-52 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Are we allowed to offload the tarball to freesvg.org? maybe they would like to sort them and assume responsibility.
2020-11-18 10-02-50 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>No clue.
2020-11-10 06-08-32 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Yep.
2019-12-09 05-40-34 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Hey, what was the name of the website which we got all the svgs from?
2019-12-08 07-32-14 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Okay, it's in there.
2019-12-08 08-04-10 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I can ask.
2019-12-09 02-32-13 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Shouldn't take long.
2020-06-28 06-35-11 PDTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>If so, were they good? Doc wants to order some I think.
2020-05-24 05-54-16 PDTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Can we have Inkscape detect use of that namespace and correct the files when it opens them?
2020-11-23 05-22-00 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>which translates back to: We need to develop the thermal
2020-01-14 11-31-10 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>sapphire_linux_4k_blue2.png (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/ZvhqvnmqbsA6ewZex/sapphire_linux_4k_blue2.png)
2020-11-10 11-20-43 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Heh. Suckage
2020-11-10 11-26-05 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Yay I have spellcheck again!
2020-06-28 07-30-37 PDTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>If the price is still fucked up, I'll just order them.
2020-11-10 11-24-02 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>For whatever reason I can't print out of the appimage.
2019-11-01 11-46-41 PDTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Something to do on the rail back and forth to London.
2019-12-08 08-08-42 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>But anyway. I'll poke you first, then if you're around, I'll call.
2019-11-01 11-46-21 PDTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>(or removing the raster bits if the rest of it is good.
2020-05-24 09-05-24 PDTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inbox/-/issues/2904
2020-11-10 06-10-09 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>So it's not that big of a deal.
2019-12-09 05-31-54 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>chrome
2019-12-08 07-33-40 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>huh...
2020-11-10 05-57-05 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Do you like flavours in your dark, or just plain dark?
2019-12-09 05-44-46 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Hmm.
2020-11-10 06-12-46 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>So I may approach them with Ryan to redo their branding a bit.
2019-12-08 07-39-54 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>can you take a screenshot and send it to me of what you see in the cart?
2019-12-09 05-46-28 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>then we actually have attribution data.
2019-12-09 02-44-42 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>They said they would pass that along. lol
2019-12-08 07-46-28 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Worth an ask. But yea.
2020-10-02 11-09-34 PDTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I've got him cooperating. That's progress.
2019-12-08 08-21-32 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>(about the funeral_
2019-12-09 05-49-43 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Was that talked about at the last one?
2020-11-10 11-19-46 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I hope you can accept parcels. :)
2019-12-08 08-10-33 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>*temendously
2020-11-10 11-25-56 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I can confirm works on 20.04
2020-11-10 11-28-55 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>And something extra. lol
2020-01-14 11-32-59 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Just to give you some ideas. :) Thanks again for adding that feature. I'm confident the companies I'm talking to will be impressed.
2020-11-23 05-25-45 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I can only assume someone at google translate is laughing their asses off right now.
2020-11-23 05-23-24 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>So I tried: We develop, therefore we need cacao
2020-11-18 10-10-20 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I know, right? lol
2020-11-18 10-09-33 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Yea. Heh.
2020-11-10 06-01-58 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Yea, why not. :) I've never had a bar of high quality dark I didn't like.
2020-10-02 11-02-27 PDTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Yes, but who is complaining?
2019-12-08 07-20-56 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>After you do that, I can share with you the design and you can add it to your basket.
2019-12-09 05-36-55 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Yep. lol
2019-12-09 05-38-45 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>also, with reflective chrome, scratches on the sticker show up more.
2019-12-09 05-50-55 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>apart from those our community makes for us.
2020-11-23 05-29-53 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Yea, maybe tea would have translated better. haha
2020-11-10 05-59-47 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Oh yea me too. Though there are chocolate boutiques here in Kingston Montezuma is one of the best in town.
2019-12-08 07-44-17 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Yea, tht sounds right. that's before VAT
2020-06-28 06-34-50 PDTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Hey Mc. Did you ever get shipment on the inkscape stickers?
2019-12-09 05-32-59 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>We all discussed it and figured the higher quality ones were better. I can try and dig up the conversation if you like.
2020-11-23 05-01-12 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Hope you like it! It's excellent for cooking as well of you don't like to drink it. The stuff I sent is very high quality, so also feel free to pass it on to a friend if you don't wind up liking it.
2020-11-23 05-21-21 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I started with English "We develop, therefore we need chocolate"
2020-05-23 17-37-44 PDTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>There are references to that url in both these files in inkscape source: inkscape/src/xml/repr-util.cpp inkscape/share/pixmaps/symbolic_icons.svg
2019-12-08 08-11-08 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I miss my old Thinkpad keyboard. lol
2019-12-08 07-36-10 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I wonder if it's applying some sort of discount since I've ordered from them before.
2019-12-08 07-44-50 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>(in Euros)
2019-11-01 12-35-52 PDTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>hahaha
2019-12-08 07-20-15 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>so probably the easiest way to do this is to make an account on the stickers international website.
2019-11-01 16-02-41 PDTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Oh dear, I dare say there's plenty here no one will care about downloading. lol
2019-12-08 08-01-41 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Heh, yea, let's do that May as well try to get something for this kerfufle.
2020-11-23 05-20-16 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>But I wanted something that could be reverse translated to something that makes sense in English.
2020-11-10 11-26-26 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>And I can print stuff and open svgs directly in inkscape!
2020-05-24 09-08-58 PDTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Fixed
2019-12-08 07-54-03 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>still seeing euros
2020-11-10 11-29-12 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Maybe to keep you from eating them all at once. :)
2020-11-23 05-21-46 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>which translates to: nos postulo ut develop ergo scelerisque
2019-12-08 07-55-25 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I was, looks like it switches me automatically when I log in.
2020-10-02 11-03-37 PDTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I'll say "we've recieved some complaints"
2019-12-08 08-07-52 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>but I can also wait until you're online if you want.
2020-11-22 16-58-27 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Any joy with the package?
2020-10-02 11-02-35 PDTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Ah. lol
2020-11-10 05-56-47 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Yea me too (about the chocolate)
2020-11-23 05-02-02 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>And you're welcome! Thanks for all your work lately.