2020-01-31 15-57-04 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Ah, we are brothers in disunity then and that's not bad advice to be honest.
2020-03-28 11-17-52 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Keeping the OverloadGuard in utils is optional, doesn't matter too much since utils isn't a part of the API.
2020-03-28 11-18-28 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>You would test on every load?
2020-02-02 14-45-36 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Using a document of many types of objects with lots of group levels and multiple types of transformations. Then attempt to move objects, their children etc. The box should stay around the object as you move it.
2020-03-04 07-22-54 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>That's the tradeoff, although for 1.1 we'd likely fold API changes into deprications.
2020-03-30 12-03-25 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Most extension writers are going to copy and paste and most extension writers aren't going to know what _ means anyway.
2020-04-06 21-23-44 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>:-)
2020-03-31 11-45-53 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Hi
2020-03-02 10-35-40 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>The channel is #bug_migration
2020-03-04 07-24-04 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>You should rebase your MR 170 on master so it can be merged.
2020-03-28 10-56-31 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Is this a good thing to put into `tests/test_inkex.py` or something similar?
2020-03-02 08-52-39 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>As a firefox user I won't be able to test much. The idea is nice though. GitLab's interface isn't the greatest for joined up downloading.
2020-03-28 12-34-50 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Nah the issue is only with `__getitem__` we're in the clear with using only `__setitem__`
2020-03-28 13-16-32 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>What was the error?
2020-03-28 12-41-55 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Yes, works good, python 3.7
2020-03-30 12-12-12 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>People copy and paste extensions code from each other, so if we exhibit clean code in the core (and tutorials) then extension writers will follow without being too adventurous.
2020-03-28 12-34-55 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>https://bugs.python.org/issue31968
2020-03-04 07-20-37 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>We got a first casualty of a developer trying to keep up with our API changes Layer vs. Group. We'll have to be careful going into 1.0 I think.
2020-03-30 12-13-23 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>So Kristian Benoit committed two things directly to master. From email it looks like they're unaware they pushed directly to master. Broke damn near everything.
2020-03-28 13-16-23 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Although not sure, I didn't test it on direct file modules.
2020-03-28 12-47-29 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Oh right!
2020-04-01 12-20-34 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>They should be hidden from the menu
2020-02-07 08-44-42 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>In the meantime
2020-03-28 13-21-47 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>No problem.
2020-01-29 10-51-08 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Thanks for your help. We've done good.
2020-02-21 16-47-46 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Good luck with the thesis! I know they can be stressful
2020-04-01 12-20-27 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Templates and help links makes sense
2020-03-29 15-26-06 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>I wish to be as generous as possible to the work and the review. We have two solutions which have a) some problems and b) writers who both /feel/ but can not evident the reason why it's better. This is a reciepe for impasse.
2020-02-02 14-46-48 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Yes
2020-03-30 12-08-46 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Do you know Kristian Benoit
2020-03-29 16-21-12 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>I've pushed a rename, it removes the underscores and moves `_base.py` to `primitives.py`
2020-04-10 05-43-22 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>It's waiting for after 1.0
2020-03-28 12-52-52 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>`__name__` is covered in the example code
2020-03-28 11-20-38 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Can be done without testing globals, modules have dictionaries, these can be used without messing with the import.
2020-03-28 11-42-31 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>So I would move all the import statements into `def setUp(self):` and use an object variable to stoe the state as you go.
2020-04-01 10-10-44 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Trying to see if we have bug fixes for extensions that would help the release.
2020-04-01 12-32-15 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>I agree to a degree, but I'm also aware of the ideal vs. the reality.
2020-01-29 08-34-34 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Yes, I'm trying to get the constructor stuff done quickly so you can rebase.
2020-01-29 08-39-37 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Ready
2020-03-28 00-35-11 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>No same name conflicts?
2020-01-31 15-57-33 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>We could probably produce our own pussy riot. UK music has been getting a bit soft anyway.
2020-03-28 00-45-06 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>I've pushed a review. It looks good, just a few things to clear up.
2020-03-28 13-17-00 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Oh? I'll test locally, hang on
2020-04-01 12-32-37 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>I will be able to review this properly in a week or so, I'm crushing under a docs upgrade and some paid work.
2020-03-28 11-45-33 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>I think I see what you're trying to prevent, a sync issues between __init__ and the test.
2020-01-31 16-29-26 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Aye. There are just some certain days with more content that I want ;-)
2020-03-28 11-43-15 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>(and convert to a regular test, but I don't know if you know how to write tests, I think yes)
2020-04-01 12-25-47 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>On review, those hidden flags all make sense.
2020-03-28 13-21-57 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Have a good night and hope all is well!
2020-02-02 14-05-57 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Hello
2020-04-01 12-21-04 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>embed selected images is run from the right click menu
2020-03-28 01-52-01 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>You can generate the lists from checking each module's dictionary.
2020-01-31 16-05-42 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Heh, "make a fuss"
2020-02-07 08-47-09 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>None required, thanks.
2020-02-07 08-41-59 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Hello
2020-03-29 15-50-24 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Merged
2020-03-29 15-44-13 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Then I owe you a big appology
2020-03-28 11-36-55 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>print statements intentional?
2020-03-28 11-40-51 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>You can use `type(attr).__name__` to get a better print out
2020-01-31 15-51-12 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>What used to be called the UK.
2020-03-28 11-41-12 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>`type(attr).__module__, type(attr).__name__`
2020-03-28 12-46-58 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Question is, how can we both be right.
2020-04-06 15-44-49 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>If you feel at all like you're not able to mentor as well as you want to be able to, I can take the review. Either way works for me.
2020-03-31 11-49-48 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>We have only a handful of python people. I had to ask outside of Inkscape to get an assessment of our module namespace checker.
2020-03-31 11-46-04 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>The reversion should be in now for the namespaces.
2020-03-29 15-44-48 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Rename elements.base to anything you want. Even basics works there.
2020-03-28 11-46-03 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>I will look online for existing solutions,
2020-03-28 12-32-40 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Weird the PEP I read said they changed it in python3 to allow for this.
2020-02-02 14-11-23 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>But in this case, since the bug (at least your one, not nathen's) is code logic and not evident in running, it's hard to do much about. I understand why it works, but it might not be obvious. If you can narrow down what your seeing into symptoms. Or predictions. Then other bug testers can test them for you.
2020-03-04 07-31-22 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>It's mostly about sounding out the release, we /need/ to get release out the door before we all die of old age.
2020-04-01 12-22-00 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>I don't know what stock/effect is, is this your new directory structure?
2020-03-29 15-47-29 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>I am become mess, the destroyer of beauty.
2020-03-02 14-13-29 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>For the latest?
2020-01-29 08-39-44 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>In your own time, no rush
2020-03-28 12-59-37 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Now we're cooking with rolling rocks!
2020-04-01 10-10-29 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>@sizmailov I like the idea, it's been on my todo for a while, although we're about to cut 1.0 rc1 so we may wait on merging until after 1.0 if that's ok?
2020-03-29 15-44-07 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Really?
2020-03-28 12-33-29 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>In python2 you couldn't subclass globals, because it asked for the C dictionary type.
2020-03-02 08-56-23 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>I solved one of the issues with the extensions by using a little known GitLab API url so I can always go to the latest artefact from the main project site.
2020-01-28 18-02-08 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Back from my adventures in parenting
2020-03-29 15-44-24 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>My review has been predicated on the renaming of inkex.base
2020-03-30 12-03-43 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>So I think we're 98% safe.
2020-03-29 15-45-02 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Sorry
2020-01-31 15-50-32 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>You'll have to give me some space, my country has just committed a slow suicide and I'm not feeling all that great.
2020-03-28 13-20-47 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>With that fix, local testing on `inkex.paths` works as expected. I added `FOO =1; FOO=2` to paths to confirm it raises as expected.
2020-04-01 12-27-14 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>The last directory seems a little overkill. /effect/color/less_saturation/less_saturation.inx I think it can just be /effect/color/less_saturation.inx
2020-04-01 12-12-13 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>If the code is in the core extensions repository, they shouldn't be hidden (if they are, let me know)
2020-03-29 15-46-33 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Groups has also been renamed?
2020-03-02 08-55-37 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>But if you'll always be available to fix it ;-)
2020-03-28 12-47-47 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Of course, my code doesn't import inkex again, it RUNS inkex/__init__.py as a script.
2020-03-28 12-42-10 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>I added in some pretend collisions, picked them up.
2020-03-30 12-07-11 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>I do have a seperate question for you though
2020-03-28 12-24-09 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>``` from unittest import TestCase as BaseCase import inkex import inkex.elements from inkex.utils import PY3 class MyGlobals(dict): """Python 3.3 and above globals dictionary""" def __setitem__(self, name, value): if name in self and value != self[name]: raise KeyError("While importing {} the API name {} was imported twice".format(self['__name__'], name)) super(MyGlobals, self).__setitem__(name, value) class TestModuleCollisions(BaseCase): """Test imports to make sure the API is clean""" def assertNoCollisions(self, module): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Make sure there are no API collisions in the give module on import""" if not PY3: self.skipTest("API testing python 3.3 and above only.") with open(inkex.__file__, 'r') as fhl: exec(fhl.read(), MyGlobals({'__name__': module.__name__})) # pylint: disable=exec-used def test_inkex(self): """Test inkex API have no collisions""" self.assertNoCollisions(inkex) def test_inkex_elements(self): """Test elements API have no collisions""" self.assertNoCollisions(inkex.elements)```
2020-03-31 11-50-20 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Best place inside inkscape is the extensions chat channel though. More contextual. devel is mostly C++
2020-03-28 11-17-12 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>I would move it into a test. One the API is set, it doesn't have to check every inkex load, that's Kw of energy doing nothing on thousands of computers. But having the warning in the CI builder in a test, ideal IMO.
2020-03-04 07-31-40 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Your thoughts would be welcome.
2020-03-28 11-00-05 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>On review, the only item from `elements/base` that people would import directly is `load_svg`
2020-01-31 16-09-15 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>The common disquiet as it's known.
2020-01-31 16-30-59 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Indeed it is
2020-03-04 08-04-35 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Merged
2020-03-02 14-08-07 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>See the coverage label on this page? https://gitlab.com/inkscape/extensions/
2020-03-28 11-02-12 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>A poem!
2020-02-07 08-44-04 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>No, just one pair of hands ;-)
2020-03-28 12-23-42 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>OK I have a solution
2020-03-30 12-40-38 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>The MR policy is lax, I think this is the first mistake.
2020-03-28 13-19-50 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Oh my code has a bug. `with open(inkex.__file__, 'r') as fhl` -> `with open(module.__file__, 'r') as fhl`
2020-03-29 15-28-18 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>In the meantime, we can go ahead with your original MR without the checks to keep it all clean.
2020-04-01 12-20-47 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Because they are accessed via either the New from Template or the help menu
2020-03-30 12-02-49 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Yes, but underscoring modules is super rare outside of python proper. I figured I'd moved you to do something you wouldn't have done otherwise with my mistake.
2020-03-29 15-27-51 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>I'm going to invite a third party who knows python to review both out solutions. I'll make a MR and I can send both links out.
2020-03-02 09-08-14 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>It's possible. I know I don't need a tool like this myself, because I don't interact with artefacts much. But the team that does is going to be the bug/issues team, since they like to bisect and download lots of versions.
2020-03-30 12-07-03 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>I'm not sure how to break that down further.
2020-04-02 07-36-45 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>If you like. Do you have a desired schedule to get it merged?
2020-03-04 07-28-20 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Will you be at the meeting on Friday to discuss the 1.0 release?
2020-01-31 16-09-19 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Interesting to hear.
2020-03-28 01-45-07 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>There is a way
2020-02-07 08-44-36 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Any chance I could get you to look at one of the items on this list: https://gitlab.com/inkscape/vectors/general/issues/136 ?
2020-01-31 15-50-05 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>s/busy/depressed/
2020-01-31 16-29-43 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>by the way, delta is the right thing to use, it's just not scaled to the user units.
2020-03-29 15-30-31 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Yes, so long as `basics.py` is back to `base.py`, I think that was the only other issue.
2020-04-06 15-43-59 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>I'm actually really impressed with your patience. Thank you for investing the time. I have the same feeling that I could have done the code, but at the same time this isn't going to fix anything really, it's a nice to have we can take our sweet time on. I'd only code it myself if Kristian went AWOL.
2020-01-31 16-03-41 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Primal screams are primal screams. No one said it was supposed to /do/ anything.
2020-04-01 12-12-42 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>If you mean extensions like the uniconverter extensions, those are abandoned/obsolete/rejected etc
2020-03-28 13-02-27 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Maybe add a comments about the fact this only works for setitem and not getitem?
2020-02-14 12-25-46 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Thanks for the ping :-D
2020-03-29 15-43-07 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>I thought `_base.py` was for `inkex/elements/base.py` I'm dead set against changing the name of `inkex/base.py` to anything.
2020-01-31 15-49-34 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Hello
2020-03-04 07-29-44 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Friday 6pm UTC in the developer chat
2020-04-01 12-29-57 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Each directory depth will slow inkscape's loading.
2020-03-28 10-57-50 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>If a name change is required, I'd change `inkex/elements/base` rather than `inkex/base` just based on what we've asked extension developers to do when upgrading their extension.
2020-02-02 14-09-16 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>There's always room for perfection. I'm trying hard to make it the enemy of the good.
2020-02-07 08-42-39 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>I owe you those reviews, but I can't deliver right now. :-(
2020-03-28 11-00-29 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>So this is reasonable so long as the import in `__init__` is the landing point for that anyway.
2020-03-04 08-05-35 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Are you able to look at any of the issues on this list? https://gitlab.com/inkscape/vectors/general/issues/136
2020-03-04 08-07-52 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>That's probably true. If boredom strikes ;-)
2020-01-28 18-55-50 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>No problem, good night!
2020-03-28 11-02-39 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>And I agree
2020-03-02 08-53-42 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>I don't think so, I could check the stats on the website if you want.
2020-03-30 12-40-25 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Agreed
2020-03-28 01-52-09 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Convert them into sets and xor them.
2020-03-28 12-45-43 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Put a print in `__setitem__` it is running and it is testing.
2020-03-28 11-33-15 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>It's the same same, since `from inkex import elements; elements.__dict__` is sort of the same as `from inkex.elements import *; globals()` except you don't get python builtins in the first one (except if you want them)
2020-04-10 09-25-54 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Should be May 4th ish. The RC1 is out now, so not too long.
2020-03-02 08-55-11 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Theissue I see is maint burden; one of the reasons to use GitLab (and not host our own) is to reduce the amount of stuff we have to look after ourselves.
2020-02-21 13-15-14 PSTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Thanks. I'm still working on the canvas bug. Almost a week of research and poking. How's your programming?
2020-04-10 12-53-54 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>No problem, though this kind of thing should be discussed in the public channels.
2020-03-28 12-42-50 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Sorry what's the initalize once problem? (I may have missed that one, sorry)
2020-03-28 12-47-54 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>That's why it works.
2020-03-28 13-16-07 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>paths isn't a module directory though, so it might have collisions.
2020-03-29 15-47-48 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>Right we'll get this in as is.
2020-03-28 12-24-04 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>This might seem mad, but it's a small codebase and covers quite a lot of ground without repetition:
2020-03-27 19-34-45 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>If you're willing to help there. That would be great.
2020-03-30 12-14-15 PDTMartin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com>I'll personally shout at anyone who uses it. I'll find them on github and it will be all over for them!
2020-03-28 13-16-42 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>The was no error, but it should be
2020-01-31 16-09-05 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Hopefully society would evolve and we will be in better future
2020-03-29 12-30-04 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Don't we use pytest?
2020-03-28 12-30-37 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>> If only globals is provided, it must be a dictionary (and not a subclass of dictionary),
2020-04-06 09-40-50 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>(it's not an urgent question, take your time)
2020-04-01 12-22-05 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>yes
2020-02-07 08-42-25 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>https://gitlab.com/inkscape/extensions/-/merge_requests/172
2020-04-06 09-38-02 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Please tell how it looks from a side.
2020-04-06 09-32-35 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Hi, seems like we have communication problem in https://gitlab.com/inkscape/extensions/-/merge_requests/184
2020-03-30 12-16-26 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>(if we mark submodules as implementation detail, of course)
2020-03-28 12-34-02 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>We can use regular dict and do check manually
2020-01-29 08-56-17 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>added a couple of comments
2020-01-31 15-50-27 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>don't be :)
2020-03-28 11-01-53 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>All elements submodules are pretty new, so number of people who already depend on `elements/base` should be very few.
2020-04-10 11-10-29 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>A (better) alternative would be to optimize inkscape for low-requirement set of options, but it seems to be a bit harder since it's bound to GIO and would require some architectural changes...
2020-03-28 13-01-21 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I'll adapt your snippet and update MR
2020-01-31 15-52-34 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>But I'm almost out reach for public news
2020-03-30 12-11-47 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>It's not about what they do. In python there is no way to keep user from doing any nasty things. All we can do is to draw line of our responsibility and guarantees we provide.
2020-03-28 10-56-32 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>WRT elements submodules. I find it useful to make it underscored. It's a usage restriction so we can move stuff around without breaking well-behaved user's code
2020-03-02 14-09-27 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>it's an answer, not a question
2020-03-28 11-19-25 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>(it's non-trivial and ~~sometimes~~ most of time impossible to unload python module)
2020-02-21 13-00-03 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Hi, here is another ping ;)
2020-04-01 02-21-47 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>What do you think?
2020-03-02 10-36-27 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>thx
2020-01-31 16-05-20 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Just random freaks who decided to be against and made some hype.
2020-03-29 15-48-30 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Sometimes it happens to all of us (humans)
2020-02-02 14-07-06 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I think I can help you fix it
2020-03-29 15-43-29 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I didn't touch `inkex/base.py` at all
2020-04-01 02-20-10 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I'm going to sort out all stock extensions based on their type `effect/input/output` and sub-menu name. For example `render_barcode.{inx,py}` are going to `stock/effect/barcode/classic/`
2020-01-31 15-49-24 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Hi!
2020-02-02 14-12-17 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>What do you look at
2020-03-28 11-34-54 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I've pushed commit with this change
2020-03-29 15-46-50 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>All of `inkex/elements/*`
2020-01-30 03-12-00 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Added commits/comments, please take a look
2020-03-28 12-44-39 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>This means `exec` doesn't do much
2020-03-02 08-55-07 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Can you think about inconveniences you (and others) meet on daily basis that can be solved with extension/extra web page?
2020-03-28 11-37-31 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>no, of course
2020-03-30 12-05-33 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>[ ](https://chat.inkscape.org/direct/doctormo?msg=3XZtMgFo4NxJeCf2P) What do you mean? ()
2020-03-04 08-07-03 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I did take a look, but unresolved issues seems to be time-consuming and I don't really have too much spare time these days
2020-03-28 11-42-09 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>`tests/test_inkex.py` is a bit off-standard: it doesn't define test functions/methods, it causes top-level error on failure. But I think it's fine.
2020-03-29 15-28-42 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I can withdraw "veryfy no name clash" from MR so we can address this separately
2020-03-30 12-01-18 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I think it's bad decision. Looks like you ignored/didn't address my arguments. The only use for public-available submodules of `inkex/elements/*` is `from inkex.elements.primitives import *` which is should be discouraged. For regular imports `from inkex.elements import Group` is always preferable to `from inkex.elements.groups import Group`. Anyhow by the of the day it's up to you.
2020-02-07 08-44-04 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Take you time. I'll keep pinging once a week :)
2020-03-28 12-45-30 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I tried next snippet which is roughly what you have, right? ``` gl, loc = {}, {} exec("import inkex", gl, loc) print(dir(loc["inkex"])) gl2, loc2 = {}, {} exec("import inkex", gl2, loc2) print(dir(loc2["inkex"])) ```
2020-02-07 08-45-31 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I'll take a look
2020-01-31 15-53-27 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>By the way, here in Russia, I don't feel like we are going in bright future either :)
2020-03-30 12-09-27 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>:)
2020-03-28 01-42-46 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>[ ](https://chat.inkscape.org/direct/doctormo?msg=gnkKZk8bB2tGYrSXZ) Is there automated tool to verify? I think there should be no conflict as the only thing was changed is content of `inkex.elements` now resides in `inkex` too, so it's very limited list to check. ()
2020-02-02 14-12-49 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>?
2020-03-29 13-08-22 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I've pushed updateв "dummy scheme" check. It's far from being perfect, but it's never false-negative. I think it's good enough for file that doesn't change often.
2020-03-28 12-52-34 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>```python import inkex gl, loc = {}, {} with open(inkex.__file__, 'r') as fhl: exec (fhl.read(), gl, loc) ``` gives me ``` /usr/bin/python3.7 /home/sergei/CLionProjects/inkscape/share/extensions/TEMP2.py :15: ImportWarning: can't resolve package from __spec__ or __package__, falling back on __name__ and __path__ /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/apport/report.py:13: DeprecationWarning: the imp module is deprecated in favour of importlib; see the module's documentation for alternative uses import fnmatch, glob, traceback, errno, sys, atexit, locale, imp Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/sergei/CLionProjects/inkscape/share/extensions/TEMP2.py", line 4, in exec (fhl.read(), gl, loc) File "", line 15, in KeyError: "'__name__' not in globals" ```
2020-04-01 12-28-59 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I think it's better to keep "extension-directory" structure even if it contains only two files (`.inx` and `.py` )
2020-01-29 08-16-40 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Will you be here to give a quick feedback?
2020-04-01 02-18-05 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Hi!
2020-01-28 13-57-05 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Hi!
2020-03-02 14-16-15 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>It doesn't require job id
2020-04-06 20-41-26 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Thanks, I'm really on my limit. May be I'll step aside from discussion. I think already said all I wanted to say (and at least you did understand me). I can give a (final) code review tough.
2020-03-30 12-21-13 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Again, it's minor thing, but I think it's worth to do it right. Let's ask someone else if we cannot converge on it.
2020-03-28 11-18-09 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>It can go to tests as well, right
2020-03-30 12-24-16 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>(or push-without-MR policy)
2020-03-27 19-53-44 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I have two options: rely on python convention and make all non-underscore variables exported, or explicitly list everything in `__all__`
2020-01-31 16-03-16 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>The cite from post-soviet KINO band
2020-03-29 15-30-05 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>probably we can merge it right away, right?
2020-03-02 14-15-54 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I've missed https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/jobs.html#download-a-single-artifact-file-from-specific-tag-or-branch
2020-03-29 15-50-34 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>cool, thanks!
2020-03-02 14-18-23 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Don't spend time on it. I'm still not sure what it's for. If it's for web site only we can do arbitrary complex queries.
2020-02-28 07-31-28 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Hi, here is one more ping
2020-03-02 09-02-07 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Please let me know if you think this extension is worth it and how and what we would improve with it.
2020-02-02 14-08-48 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I see your point. It's apparently works, performance greatly improved, so it might be not as important as many other things.
2020-03-27 19-56-14 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Strictly speaking prefixing non-exported stuff with underscore would be a breaking change
2020-03-27 23-00-04 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>https://gitlab.com/inkscape/extensions/-/merge_requests/181
2020-01-31 16-30-35 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Yeah, good news about delta. :)
2020-03-29 15-30-48 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Didn't we agree on `_base.py` ?
2020-02-21 17-57-31 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Yeah, thanks! The process is no fan, so it's easy to get close to apathy-like state, which slows process even further. Hopefully I will be able to finish it in two weeks from now.
2020-03-28 13-21-54 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>(I'm staying home, but still, i'm going :)
2020-01-31 15-49-49 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I know you are busy with many problems
2020-03-02 08-54-12 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>It's not a problem to make two extensions for most popular browsers
2020-01-28 13-57-14 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Added some comments to MR
2020-04-06 09-34-45 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I could have make my own MR in half of time I've already spent on the discussion, but I thought it would be worth to guide a new potential member of community.
2020-03-28 12-34-35 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>It means a bit of rewriting of `assertNoCollisions`
2020-03-28 12-43-49 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>It should be printed only once
2020-03-02 09-09-04 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Is there special channel?
2020-03-28 10-55-22 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I've turned your idea with module inspection into robust procedure. We can be sure there is no name conflict and we are protected from future pitfalls.
2020-02-07 08-43-41 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Ok. I was afraid that something unspoken keeps you from review.
2020-04-01 12-31-42 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>We should sacrifice architecture last
2020-03-29 15-45-28 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>No problem, I should have accent your attention on it (I had impression you get me wrong)
2020-02-02 14-09-14 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>But it still bothers me as we leave known bug without even note
2020-03-29 12-38-45 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I appreciate that "dummy scheme" is not elegant, but it's robust and straightforward to maintain (although it's extra manual work).
2020-03-02 08-57-51 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I'm asking because there should be set of problems to solve. Otherwise it's just a play
2020-01-29 08-35-58 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I didn't start yet
2020-04-01 12-17-15 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>There are some ``` $ find stock -iname '*.inx' -exec grep --color " hidden=" {} + stock/effect/inkscape_manual/inkscape_help_manual.inx:
2020-04-01 12-30-38 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Then directory walker should be optimized.
2020-01-31 16-28-39 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I know "there are people who suffer much more" never helps. You are doing good valuable stuff and apparently you _enjoy it_. I think this should you keep you above depression level all the time you work :)
2020-03-28 11-37-26 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>damn
2020-03-28 11-43-12 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I want to keep it as close to `inkex/__init__.py` as possible. Don't you think it's worth it?
2020-04-02 07-28-34 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Hi, should I assign stock extension sort to you ?
2020-04-01 12-29-53 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Otherwise it starts resemble existing pile of files
2020-02-14 10-37-29 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Hi, here is weekly review-my-MRs ping :)
2020-01-28 18-43-17 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I hoped we could nail it down quickly, but now it's my turn to leave :)
2020-03-02 08-59-02 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Probably most of experienced people overcome it with their own tools/hacks. We can gather it, rework and provide a better tool
2020-04-10 10-54-44 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>(of course it would require changes in `.inx` file, but it's still less work than porting extension to python3, e.g. abandoned ones with no maintainer)
2020-03-02 14-19-10 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I was wondering if you know some well-hidden / undocumented feature
2020-03-30 12-07-37 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>go ahead
2020-03-28 13-16-05 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>As it should be equivalent to star import
2020-02-07 08-42-27 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>https://gitlab.com/inkscape/extensions/-/merge_requests/170
2020-02-02 14-05-27 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Hi!
2020-02-21 16-18-31 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Almost nohow wrt inkscape. I'm rushing my thesis, I have almost no spare time these days.
2020-03-27 17-19-08 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I can create a MR to address `__all__` issue + importability of any component from head `inkex`. Those two seems to be coupled enough to go in single MR.
2020-04-10 11-11-11 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>While I was writing this I realized that latter is the right way to go. Sorry for bothering you :(
2020-03-30 12-16-06 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>If they do and then things break it's THEIR fault, not ours
2020-03-30 12-18-41 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I want to provide reach API with minimum possible guarantees. Submoudles structure doesn't contribute to API/convenience, so should be hidden.
2020-03-28 11-34-54 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>https://gitlab.com/inkscape/extensions/-/merge_requests/181/diffs?commit_id=db306ede63909476c21b41181caf2a883b24ec70
2020-03-02 09-00-41 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>It could be there is no common denominator in community and workflow pattern is hairy and differ from one person to another.
2020-03-02 14-10-42 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I was thinking about more reliable way to do `https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/-/jobs/artifacts/master/download?job=appimage%3Alinux`
2020-03-28 10-58-31 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I'm for `inkex/elements/base` -> `inkex/elements/_base`
2020-03-28 12-30-43 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#exec
2020-03-28 10-59-30 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>So we use "base" name secretly within `elements` for private needs
2020-03-31 11-44-36 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Hi, I'm not sure I can (should) push to your MR branch, so I've added a couple of comments with minor changes.
2020-01-29 08-36-04 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I'll do in hour or two
2020-03-28 11-28-32 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>True, but I would prefer to keep it in `import *` style to ease sync
2020-01-31 15-49-59 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>?
2020-03-04 07-24-42 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Ok, I'll do.
2020-03-30 12-23-17 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>[ ](https://chat.inkscape.org/direct/doctormo?msg=XwAigzgntR2zTbs5J) Seems to be a problem. ()
2020-01-31 15-54-20 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>My current "plan" is simple. Just outlive idiots in the government
2020-03-29 12-36-35 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I don't understand your approach. You are executing statements from module line by line. But module contains relative paths to other modules. It doesn't work like that. Hot-patching source is not a reliable procedure. I feel more comfortable with dummy scheme I use right now (copy-paste imports & add checking commands)
2020-04-01 11-23-38 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>This restructuring is not free, it needs extensive testing as many extensions rely one on another and particular file structure which is disturbed now. I think it's not a bad idea to hold it until 1.y (it's potentially buggy infrastructural change with near-zero value to end users).
2020-01-31 16-02-21 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Pussy riot didn't change a thing. In their confrontation there was no good side.
2020-03-02 14-11-03 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Sometimes it's a 404 for no obvious reason
2020-04-01 04-59-31 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Here is preliminary layout https://gitlab.com/sizmailov/extensions/-/tree/sort-stock-extensions/stock
2020-03-02 08-53-24 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Is firefox primary browser in inskcape community?
2020-02-02 14-14-25 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>The testing part is no obvious to me
2020-03-02 08-50-32 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Hi, I'm not really familiar with reporters workflow, but I guess they have to download bundles quite often. I've build a chrome extension to augment every comment-link with direct link to appimage artefact. It's not a whole lot of time saving, but still, it's 1 click instead of 5. I think I can make it work for Mac and WIndows as well. https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/F3rsGK8BJtAoz5NjY/AppImage%20links Moini mentioned another problem: publish most recent master/1.0 branch artifact link on web site, etc. What do you think. Can we simplify reporter/tester workflow a bit?
2020-03-02 14-12-03 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>What you suggest requires predictable file name, but it's not for inkscape bundles
2020-04-01 11-28-57 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Are they abandoned/obsolete/not (yet) working?
2020-02-07 08-45-53 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>(without promise to do anything so far)
2020-03-28 13-21-30 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Sorry, need to go. I'll get back to it tomorrow
2020-03-02 14-13-58 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Yes
2020-04-01 12-21-39 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Templates probably should go to `stock/template` instead of `stock/effect`
2020-03-28 11-45-49 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Right
2020-03-04 07-28-52 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>meeting happens in chat?
2020-03-28 11-38-52 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>(fixed)
2020-03-04 08-04-51 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Cool
2020-04-10 10-52-51 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Hi! What do you think about setting a couple of env variables in inkscape? They can be used to enable python2-only extensions within inkscape-1.0 environment. **Variables set by inkscape:** ```bash INKSCAPE_SYSTEM_DIR=... INKSCAPE_USER_DIR=... ``` Then we can turn python2 extension into a bash extension via simple wrapper script: ```bash export PYTHONPATH="$INKSCAPE_SYSTEM_DIR/extensions/deprecated-simple:$INKSCAPE_USER_DIR/extensions" my/path/to/python2 $@ ```
2020-03-27 22-59-54 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>It turned out that core change is really small as you already had almost everything in place
2020-03-28 13-16-22 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>This is silly
2020-04-01 11-28-07 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>By the way what is the status of "hidden" extensions?
2020-02-02 14-07-33 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>(if you plan to work on it next days)
2020-03-04 08-08-27 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I do something here and there to have a brake with my thesis
2020-04-01 12-30-11 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>By how much?
2020-03-02 08-51-29 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Extension is most powerful tool available, but it's not as flexible as curated self-hosted web-page.
2020-03-28 13-15-52 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>this should give an error, right?
2020-02-02 14-47-06 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>ok, thanks
2020-03-02 14-14-50 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>`https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/-/jobs/456464633/artifacts/raw/Inkscape-2a7dc7f-x86_64.AppImage` does the trick, but it requires job id and commit sha
2020-03-02 14-09-19 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>oh,
2020-03-31 11-46-45 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I was talking about https://gitlab.com/inkscape/extensions/-/merge_requests/182
2020-03-28 12-42-00 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I mean the "initialize once" problem is still there
2020-01-29 08-16-17 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Hi, I'm going to submit a couple of improvements to inkex today
2020-03-31 11-47-39 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I've seen your revert, thanks for reassessing. Probably I've turned too early to others
2020-03-29 15-45-06 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I've pushed rebased version without name clash checks, please see
2020-04-02 07-37-39 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Not really. But it's always better earlier than later.
2020-03-27 19-54-40 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>It can be mixed solution, i.e. we can rely on convention in one module and redefine `__all__` in another one
2020-03-27 17-14-37 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Hi! Do you plan to do followup to https://gitlab.com/inkscape/extensions/-/merge_requests/178 ?
2020-01-29 08-36-17 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Let me look at MR
2020-03-02 13-13-04 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>[ ](https://chat.inkscape.org/direct/doctormo?msg=uf8ja8aukNfDiz8ZD) What is it? ()
2020-03-04 07-17-58 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Hi, can you have another look at https://gitlab.com/inkscape/extensions/-/merge_requests/170 ?
2020-01-31 15-49-59 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Would you find a minute to review MRs
2020-04-01 12-32-51 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>We *may* sacrifice it, but as a last resort.
2020-03-04 07-30-27 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Not sure how helpful would I be, but ok, I'll try to attend
2020-04-01 02-21-28 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Deep subdirectories seems to be already supported in master, (didn't test 1.0)
2020-03-30 12-13-44 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>1) I did a clean up. And no extension currently use elements submodule explicitly 2) It's about guarantees we make, not about what people do
2020-03-04 07-29-16 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>In principle I think I can be there
2020-02-02 14-06-22 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>GUI testing is not fast and easy
2020-03-29 15-47-15 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I think it's better to keep this split an "implementation detail"
2020-01-31 15-50-56 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>May I ask you where are you from?
2020-03-02 14-09-31 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>;)
2020-01-28 18-44-51 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I think I'll be back in 15 hours or so. See you
2020-03-02 14-08-32 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>yep
2020-04-01 12-22-22 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>See the link above
2020-03-28 11-18-55 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Python modules are loaded once no matter what
2020-03-29 12-39-38 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>We can add extra check that all import statements from `inkex/__init__.py` present in `tests/test_inkex.py`
2020-02-07 08-42-05 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Can you give a review for extension MRs ?
2020-03-28 10-57-53 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I don't think it's really feasible, let me try
2020-02-02 14-12-09 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Can you describe how you test it
2020-04-01 05-01-53 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>There is plenty of clean-up and checks to be done, but alreay you can see the picture in broad lines
2020-03-30 12-15-47 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Seems like you didn't get it. Its up to user to rely on submodule structure or not.
2020-03-30 12-23-52 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Probably it's a sign to revise list of high-privilege members of all repos
2020-04-06 09-33-18 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Are my comments illiterate rubbish and no one can read it?
2020-01-31 16-02-51 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Some may support them because "Those who are against those who are against us Can't cope with them without us"
2020-03-04 07-52-33 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Force-push of rebased commits wiped out your approval.
2020-03-28 11-18-35 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>The main issue - testing "the right thing".
2020-02-02 14-06-13 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I want to help with bbox MR, but I'm really limited in time
2020-04-10 05-52-55 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>ok, no problem. What is 1.0 release date by the way?
2020-03-28 12-43-33 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Add `print(__name__, "init complete")` to the end of `inkex/__init__.py`
2020-03-28 01-44-51 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I'll check it one more time manually today and let you know.
2020-03-29 12-30-38 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I mean your example seems to be based on unittest
2020-03-30 12-09-02 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>No, should I?
2020-03-28 13-15-31 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>``` def test_inkex_paths(self): """Test path API have no collisions""" self.assertNoCollisions(inkex.paths) ```
2020-04-10 04-53-11 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Hi, just wanted to remind you about extension sort MR (it awaits your review)
2020-03-04 07-22-45 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Although changes must be well-reviewed
2020-03-29 15-43-50 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>All discussion was about `inkex/elements/*`
2020-03-28 12-55-15 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Ok, seems to be hacky, but working solution
2020-03-04 07-25-50 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I know it's not fun to keep updating your extension which did work yesterday, but it's cost of keeping up with latest chagnes
2020-03-27 17-16-01 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I think can help there (along the lines of my comment to !178).
2020-03-04 07-22-11 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>That's why it's better to do sooner than later.
2020-04-10 10-58-09 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>It's almost equivalent to calling `inkscape --system-data-director`, but it takes more than 0.1 second on my machine which is a lot for such a simple operation.
2020-02-02 14-46-17 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>By box you mean dashed selection line, right?
2020-03-27 20-01-20 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Probably prefixing with underscore is more about making parts of API "private", probably should be addressed in separate MR
2020-01-28 13-57-24 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>We can discuss if you are still there.
2020-03-30 12-14-59 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Being nice to everyone is not possible. Sometimes you have to tell people they are wrong. That's how they mature and grow as programmers
2020-03-28 11-20-15 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I'm going to move all this fortification to tests, so we don't have overhead in inkex
2020-03-30 12-10-20 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>What would people copy and paste?
2020-03-02 09-04-33 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Sorry for bothering you in person, but the comment in dev chat got no reaction. May be it's worth waiting with this discussion until May
2020-02-07 08-41-48 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Hi!
2020-01-31 16-07-38 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>I'm a bit out of trend, but currently I don't see some who actively do riot performances. It feels like almost everyone does a bit.
2020-03-28 10-53-56 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Hi!
2020-03-04 07-27-39 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>As long it's beta it's permissible, once 1.0 released we have some obligations.
2020-01-31 16-08-29 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Even one who used to be completely apolitical starting making some claims
2020-03-04 07-26-40 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>inkscape itself changes CLI and probably other public interfaces
2020-04-01 12-33-20 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Sure, this project is not nearly ready to review
2020-01-29 10-24-54 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Sorry, already getting sleepy. Probably I'll be unable to submit today, probably in next couple of days
2020-01-31 15-52-06 PSTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>One of the last countries I would think as "suicidal"
2020-03-28 11-13-44 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>[ ](https://chat.inkscape.org/direct/doctormo?msg=WRgATvvaE4ZyyfSYt) Ok, it's possible but we have to repeat everything from `inkex/__init__.py` in test function, it's not bad on it's own, but the question how to keep it in sync? At least we can place a comment to `inkex/__init__.py` to reflect changes in corresponding test file ()
2020-03-28 12-41-40 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Did you test it?
2020-04-02 07-39-42 PDTSergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>Maybe someone (including me) will fix some bugs in core extensions. It's better to avoid extra rebases/merge conflicts