2019-12-08 22-00-23 PSTVictor Westmann <victor.westmann@gmail.com>So after I move the bugs from inbox/issues to (for example) inkscape/inkscape I should relabel them? got it. Makes sense! (am I able to create labels in inskcape/inkscape project? :question: So bugs that are confirmed will move to the pertaining project. Got it. (we have the website, forum, application itself, lib2geom, and extensions, do we have this in a menu somewhere listed or should I search for them in gitlab) ?
2019-12-08 23-03-33 PSTVictor Westmann <victor.westmann@gmail.com>Aboslutely. I am here to add. To help. I don't want to disturb you guys. I am really happy to be part of the project now in the backstage, assisting!
2019-12-07 23-17-51 PSTVictor Westmann <victor.westmann@gmail.com>35 years!
2019-12-09 15-41-37 PSTVictor Westmann <victor.westmann@gmail.com>Just want to help the project move forward. That's all
2019-12-08 22-02-08 PSTVictor Westmann <victor.westmann@gmail.com>(Be right back! 20-30mins)
2019-12-08 18-21-02 PSTVictor Westmann <victor.westmann@gmail.com>:smile:
2019-12-09 15-33-31 PSTVictor Westmann <victor.westmann@gmail.com>Interesting.
2019-12-07 23-19-34 PSTVictor Westmann <victor.westmann@gmail.com>Sorry to flood your feed. I hope I have not done anything crazy or wrong. I am doing the best I can with the best possible spirit I can too!
2019-12-09 16-02-16 PSTVictor Westmann <victor.westmann@gmail.com>nathan, sorry to bother you, but when I go to the item panel, at the right, and at the left, in the MOVE ISSUE button
2019-12-09 15-33-29 PSTVictor Westmann <victor.westmann@gmail.com>do we have a milestone for 1.xx series then?
2019-12-07 23-18-09 PSTVictor Westmann <victor.westmann@gmail.com>No. no one instructed me on what it is needed for me to do as a top priority. Would you like to give me some instructions?
2019-12-08 10-23-06 PSTVictor Westmann <victor.westmann@gmail.com>If you guys are ok I can continue asking questions, clarifying tickets asking for more details and steps, and doing my best to label tickets in relevant colors and names so developers (and even other bug triagers) would be able to easily identify if it is a bug or a feature request
2019-12-08 23-26-22 PSTVictor Westmann <victor.westmann@gmail.com>Thank you for the link. Will read it tomorrow. Have a good start of your week @nathanal
2019-12-09 15-49-53 PSTVictor Westmann <victor.westmann@gmail.com>Haven't read the ticket yet.
2019-12-10 08-29-51 PSTVictor Westmann <victor.westmann@gmail.com>Hopefully my work is being useful to all the team
2019-12-08 23-26-02 PSTVictor Westmann <victor.westmann@gmail.com>I have been involved with inskcape since 2007. Mainly as an end user. And then I got interested in the mailing lists. I left because, in the beginning, it was a high volume of emails. After a while I realized I really enjoyed the program so I decided to get involved. Mainly I helped translate the pt_BR language. And Now I am trying to get more involved with the bugs... which I believe I will be able to help a lot more than the translations....
2019-12-07 23-17-48 PSTVictor Westmann <victor.westmann@gmail.com>in 1h it will be my birthday! Do you believe this!? :slight_smile:
2019-12-09 15-33-24 PSTVictor Westmann <victor.westmann@gmail.com>Hey nathan
2019-12-09 15-41-17 PSTVictor Westmann <victor.westmann@gmail.com>No worries. I will not touch this.
2019-12-08 22-01-58 PSTVictor Westmann <victor.westmann@gmail.com>Feature requests normally I just tag them to make sure they are easily identified by developers and team members. It is hard to know how they decide to implement this. Maybe looking at the chat? Not sure.
2020-01-04 10-36-52 PSTVictor Westmann <victor.westmann@gmail.com>HI my friend. How are you doing today? Happy new year! (While it is still new!!) I will for sure come back to help you with bug triage but will be able to only dedicate 1h per weekend after JAN 20 2020. I am moving houses right now and I have to return my apartment, super clean, tomorrow! So things are rushed in here! hehe We really need to make a strategy to be able to attract and onboard more volunteers for our project. I am not going away but I am just pausing my contributions for now. Patrick pointed a couple of things he noticed in my last Merge Requests so I need to also fix them to make sure they get merged before the 1.x release is out! Thank you for all your guidance. Really appreciate it.
2019-12-08 22-00-59 PSTVictor Westmann <victor.westmann@gmail.com>For crashes I don't know how to replicate the issues. Normally I wait for another user to confirm before labelling the issues as bugs.
2019-12-09 15-41-26 PSTVictor Westmann <victor.westmann@gmail.com>I don't people to get angry at me.
2019-12-08 10-17-53 PSTVictor Westmann <victor.westmann@gmail.com>HI @nathanal I just woke up 30 mins ago. Sure. let's discuss things so I can understand how I can better help you and the team
2019-12-10 08-29-41 PSTVictor Westmann <victor.westmann@gmail.com>Not a problem. I will stay in my current function then. I don't want to disturb anyone.
2019-12-07 23-17-23 PSTVictor Westmann <victor.westmann@gmail.com>Hi @nathanal. How are you doing today?
2019-12-07 23-23-00 PSTVictor Westmann <victor.westmann@gmail.com>Go on your event. We will talk more later. It was a pleasure serving you and the team! :smile:
2019-12-09 16-02-39 PSTVictor Westmann <victor.westmann@gmail.com>I don't see the option inkscape/inkscape. :confused:
2019-12-08 18-20-55 PSTVictor Westmann <victor.westmann@gmail.com>Thanks @nathanal . Appreciate your best wishes for me! And no worries. It was a pleasure assisting with the bug triage. I will do my best to take a look at the inbox/issues during the week but I believe I will be able to be more active on the weekends for sure.
2019-12-10 08-29-23 PSTVictor Westmann <victor.westmann@gmail.com>Hi nathan. Thank you for your help I appreciate all your instructions and guidance.
2019-12-07 23-22-29 PSTVictor Westmann <victor.westmann@gmail.com>I loved helping you and the team. I would like to continue next weekend. During weekdays is complicated but on the weekends I will have more time.
2019-12-08 21-11-36 PSTVictor Westmann <victor.westmann@gmail.com>Hi @nathanal How should I move bugs from inbox to inkscape/inkscape or to inkscape/extensions ? Is there anything special I should do?
2019-12-07 23-18-39 PSTVictor Westmann <victor.westmann@gmail.com>I thought I was only going to help by answering tickets, testing the issues described in them, and tagging them with relevant information.
2019-12-10 08-29-55 PSTVictor Westmann <victor.westmann@gmail.com>have a great day!
2019-12-09 15-49-47 PSTVictor Westmann <victor.westmann@gmail.com>Sure thing! Should I move it to inkscape/inkscape ?
2019-12-08 22-24-33 PSTVictor Westmann <victor.westmann@gmail.com>I see. So most likely I will assist in **categorizing** and **labelling** items (`bugs` or `feature requests`) and when bugs are confirmed move them to the corresponding projects (website, inkscape, filters, extensions, lib2geom)
2019-12-10 07-58-40 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>Geez, I was hoping you could help with this (since as I mentioned in team_vectors, I don't recall many issues being moved by non-developers). Anyway, this means you're already doing everything you can do to help out. From here, its just becoming familiar with Inkscape and the recent changes to it. Honestly, I've been rushing to get help with moving issues in preparation for the 1.0 launch. I personally spent much longer "triaging" in gitlab before gaining access. I can't remember how long, because it was ages ago, but it was probably closer to a month than a week! Which reminds me, I've basically ignored your reply from yesterday :cold_sweat: Thanks you for telling me about your experience with inkscape! That's a long time before returning to Inkscape! Hope to see you stay around this time :)
2019-12-09 15-34-03 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>Please don't add any extra milestones. I assume the developers will add them as necessary.
2019-12-07 22-51-28 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>Could you start moving relevant bugs to inkscape/inkscape or inkscape/extensions, particularly if they are recent regressions. Issues tend to get lost in the inbox (and inkscape/inkscape too I guess) otherwise. Not required of course, but if you're interested, this would be another top priority for triaging. Has anyone PMed you with details regarding this?
2019-12-07 23-20-16 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>Alright, flooding my feed: no that's totally good, absolutely nothing bad :sweat_smile:
2019-12-08 05-34-05 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>I'll prepare some information for you tomorrow, though you've already been doing a great job triaging. No rush for you to read it.
2019-12-08 05-32-56 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>O
2019-12-10 01-01-13 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>Sorry for wasting your time by pushing moving issues so much :frowning2:
2019-12-08 22-07-08 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>moveissues.png (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/EwXQPM54y7xhdeT9Z/moveissues.png)
2019-12-08 05-32-55 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>Apologies for the rush job. As per the meeting yesterday in team_vectors, its my job to welcome you to the bug reporter role (oh dear!).
2019-12-10 01-00-13 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>Hey, I've talked to the a developer/maintainer and they think its better if to wait till you're more familiar with the gitlab/inkscape triaging workflow before you get access (I think it may give you more permissions than ideal).
2019-12-08 22-12-51 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>For replicating crashes, if it crashes when you follow instructions, its replicated. There's a short set of instructions for collecting backtraces, but I don't want to stuff you with too much info. I just wanted to let you know to look for a backtrace before moving crash reports.
2020-01-04 06-04-00 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>Thanks for the kind words in the issue re: MR https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inbox/issues/1462 I noticed that you mostly stopped triaging after our last conversation. I just want to affirm that you've helped out heaps and were doing great (and the decision was based on waiting till you were comfortable with the new roles). I've been a bit cautious about commenting because if you've got competing interests, or just aren't that interested in triaging, that is perfectly fine (certainly, your recent translations are appreciated). Also I had loads on my plate myself so I certainly understand :sweat: Oh, and hope you had a great New Years!
2019-12-08 22-02-41 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>Labels are lost on moving, hence the need to relabel. I'd prefer if you're conservative with the labels, and stick to the ones available. Perhaps ask on bug_migration if you'd like to add a new one, and someone will complain if they don't like it :stuck_out_tongue:
2019-12-08 05-36-52 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>Since not many people move issues (mainly its the developers and me), many issues that belong in inkscape/inkscape are getting lost in inbox.
2019-12-07 23-19-54 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>Happy birthday! I was hoping you were offline honestly :laugh: I've got to head off now, I've been on and off inkscape today. I'll give you some quick info first but really in a rush!
2019-12-07 23-26-20 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>One additional job you should be able to do now is moving confirmed bugs from https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inbox to a more suitable sub-project tracker (e.g https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape). The idea is that only confirmed bugs with reliable steps to reproduce end up in the sub-project trackers. Also you can assign labels now - we've not decided on final labeling yet (any help in that regard is welcome, too!), but you're welcome to use what's already there.
2019-12-08 14-04-38 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>Thanks again for helping out (when we need it most too). And happy birthday :)
2019-12-07 23-02-47 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>Aside from that, it probably doesn't need saying, but thanks for going through so many issues. I've been reading over them (they show up in https://gitlab.com/groups/inkscape/-/activity) and they've flooded my feed :sweat_smile: :laughing: The inbox might actually be tamed before 1.0 release!
2019-12-08 21-55-37 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>Just relabel them after you move them. Its important to give them a priority label (if in inkscape/inkscape). The main thing is to move them when they are a) replicable, b) confirmed, and c) have all relevant info (i.e. OS/inkscape version) For crashes, this means a full backtrace should be obtained*. For feature requests, this means the team has decided to implement it, and the feature is mainly agreed upon. Most feature requests will stay in inbox. Also, be aware that inkscape/lib2geom, and other projects exist (i.e. inkscape/website). I haven't had to move any issues there yet. That's it :) *you can leave crash issues in inbox if you want, but backtraces are quite easy to generate.
2019-12-07 23-23-11 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>For bugs that are comfirmed, and replicable, the next step is to move them to a suitable bug-tracker https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape or https://gitlab.com/inkscape/extensions . This is ideally a narrow trove for developers to find issues to work on, without going through incomplete issues.
2019-12-08 05-35-08 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>It mainly concerns extra powers/roles you have with the Reporter status (i.e. moving issues I mentioned earlier)
2019-12-08 01-52-57 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>:wave: I'm back. If you're still here, and available to discuss triaging, I have time to talk. Your timezone info on rocketchat says its 2AM for you though.
2019-12-09 16-07-03 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>Odd, I'll investigate. Don't worry about it now.
2019-12-08 22-04-14 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>https://gitlab.com/inkscape lists the projects you should move them to. inkscape, extensions and lib2geom are really the only ones you need.
2019-12-09 15-48-08 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>No one will be angry at you :) Everyone makes mistakes, especially when no one told them about it before. For the most part, we can undo issues like this (e.g. we can delete extra labels). By the way, would you like to try moving an issue? https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inbox/issues/914 looks ready to move (perhaps mention a font that replicates the issue - not sans-serif or serif since these aren't actual fonts)
2019-12-07 23-24-56 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>Right now, only the core developers (and me) have actually been moving issues (and I'm not moving them too fast), so issues have begun rotting a bit. Anyway, if you could move issues across too that would be great. I'm not sure about the timezones, but hope to see you again next week. If you're interested in moving the issues, I'd be glad to help you with any questions
2019-12-09 15-52-53 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>Yes, that's the right place. Also I think you have read it :wink: I recall being very uncertain about when to move an issue when I started, so I thought I'd give you nudge.
2019-12-07 23-25-31 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>ciao and enjoy your birthday :fireworks:
2020-01-05 06-25-02 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>Great, how about you? Thanks for sharing, I was afraid I had scared you off from triaging and been too much of a put-down. Just wanted to re-affirm that your work is appreciated. Please take your time and don't feel obligated to triage. Re: strategy. Yes, we should :sweat: I hope the move is a positive one, quite the way to start the year!
2019-12-07 23-21-07 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>Answering tickets: you've done a lot with this, and if you'd like to continue doing that, its totally fine (and a major help/top priority for triaging).
2019-12-08 22-27-35 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>I think so. What you've been doing previously (collecting info from the users, testing, etc.) is great. If you feel comfortable doing so, categorizing and labelling would help tremendously too!
2019-12-08 14-03-17 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>Yes, of course. As I hopefully mentioned earlier, unfortunately this will mean that some issues may get lost till someone gets to moving them (I'll try to catch the issues I can).
2019-12-08 22-14-18 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>(its likely that a developer will move the issue themselves)
2019-12-08 23-12-15 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>If you don't mind answering, haven't you been involved with inkscape before? I've got to go for an hour or so, but I noticed you asking about onboarding in bug_migration. I haven't written the material yet, but I thought you might be interested in the (early) draft. It doesn't contain much help to you, but it basically lists all the tasks that count as triaging (mostly copy-paste from the meeting in team_devel). https://gitlab.com/snippets/1920728 I don't expect you to do all these things (especially without any help) but I thought you might be interested in it.
2019-12-08 22-07-00 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>If you're moving issues using the right hand pane, it should list the ones you are involved in:
2019-12-09 15-33-43 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>Yes, 1.0, 1.1, and 0.92.x
2019-12-08 22-13-52 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>For feature requests in the next month, unlikely to move any of them. I think maybe 1 or 2 feature requests have actually been moved to inbox ever., so nothing to worry about.
2019-12-07 23-26-19 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>oh and here's what Patrick told me when he added me as a Reporter. I don't think I really answered your question otherwise :stuck_out_tongue:
2019-12-08 05-38-57 PSTNathan Lee <utasstudent-ubuntuone9287@yahoo.com>Thus why I consider it high priority. However, if this isn't something you want to do, there's certainly no pressure.